Level: 80
Verschollene Ladung
Grants a stack of Boost, up to a maximum of 16.Boost Bonus: Increases potency of next weaponskill by 15% per stackDuration: 30sEffect ends upon using another lost action.Shares a recast timer with all other weaponskills and spells.

Lost Font of Power
Lost Font of Power
Level: 80
Verschollene Machtfontäne
Increases damage dealt by 30% and critical hit rate by 40%.Duration: 30sSpirit of the Irregular Effect: Damage bonus effect is increased to 40%Spirit of the Platebearer Effect: Grants Solid Shield to selfSolid Shield Effect: Reduces physical damage taken by 50%Duration: 15sCan only be executed while in combat.
Level: 80
Verschollener Schlitzer
Delivers an attack with a potency of 800 to all enemies in a cone before you. When critical damage is dealt, potency is tripled.This action does not share a recast timer with any other actions. Furthermore, the recast timer cannot be affected by other actions.
Level: 80
Verschollener Tod
KOs target. The less the target's HP, the greater the chance of success.Spirit of the Ordained Effect: Chance of success is increasedThis action does not share a recast timer with any other actions. Furthermore, the recast timer cannot be affected by other actions.

Banner of Noble Ends
Banner of Noble Ends
Level: 80
Gemüt der Verdrossenheit
Storm the field under the Banner of Noble Ends, increasing damage dealt by 50% while reducing own HP recovery via most healing actions by 100%.Duration: 15sCan only be executed while in combat.Effect cannot be stacked with other Banner actions.

Banner of Honored Sacrifice
Banner of Honored Sacrifice
Level: 80
Gemüt der Ungehaltenheit
Storm the field under the Banner of Honored Sacrifice, increasing damage dealt by 55% while draining your HP.Duration: 15sCan only be executed while in combat.Effect cannot be stacked with other Banner actions.

Banner of Honed Acuity
Banner of Honed Acuity
Level: 80
Gemüt der Empfindsamkeit
Storm the field under the Banner of Honed Acuity, gaining additional stacks each time an attack is evaded, up to a maximum of 3.Banner of Honed Acuity Effect: Increases damage taken by 10% per stackDuration: 120sAt maximum stacks, take up the Banner of Transcendent Finesse.Banner of Transcendent Finesse Effect: Increases critical hit rate by 30% and reduces weaponskill cast time and recast time, spell cast time and recast time, and auto-attack delay by 20%Duration: 180sCan only be executed while in combat.Effect cannot be stacked with other Banner actions.

Lost Fair Trade
Lost Fair Trade
Level: 80
Verschollener Handel
Through sheer force of will, restore a random technique of the lost to physical form and throw it at a single target, dealing damage with a potency of 50.Potency increases up to 1,000 based on the weight of the lost action.The lost action thrown will be lost upon execution.This action does not share a recast timer with any other actions. Furthermore, the recast timer cannot be affected by other actions.

Lost Assassination
Lost Assassination
Level: 80
Verschollener Meuchelmord
Delivers a close-quarter attack with a potency of 350. Chance of instant KO when attacking from the rear, which increases the lower the target's HP.Spirit of the Beast Effect: Grants the effect of Lost Font of Power to selfLost Font of Power Effect: Increases damage dealt by 30% and critical hit rate by 40%Duration: 18sThis action does not share a recast timer with any other actions. Furthermore, the recast timer cannot be affected by other actions.

Banner of Solemn Clarity
Banner of Solemn Clarity
Level: 80
Gemüt der Besinnlichkeit
Storm the field under the Banner of Solemn Clarity, periodically gaining additional stacks, up to a maximum of 4.Duration: 30sEffect ends upon using another action or moving (including facing a different direction).Cancels auto-attack upon execution.At maximum stacks, take up the Banner of Limitless Grace.Banner of Limitless Grace Effect: Increases healing potency by 50% while reducing MP costDuration: 120sCan only be executed while in combat.Effect cannot be stacked with other Banner actions.
Level: 80
Verschollene Vita
Restores target's HP.Cure Potency: 15,000

Lost Cure II
Lost Cure II
Level: 80
Verschollene Vitra
Restores target's HP.Cure Potency: 21,700Spirit of the Savior Effect: RegenCure Potency: 6,000Duration: 21s

Lost Cure III
Lost Cure III
Level: 80
Verschollene Vitaga
Restores own or target party member's HP and all party members nearby target.Cure Potency: 15,000

Lost Cure IV
Lost Cure IV
Level: 80
Verschollene Vitaka
Restores own or target party member's HP and all party members nearby target.Cure Potency: 21,700Spirit of the Savior Effect: RegenCure Potency: 6,000Duration: 21s
Level: 80
Verschollener Erzengel
Restores all of a KO'd target's HP.If the target was weakened at the time of Raise, the weakness effect will be removed.

Lost Sacrifice
Lost Sacrifice
Level: 80
Verschollene Aufopferung
Restores all of a KO'd target's HP.Cannot be executed if currently afflicted with Sacrifice.Additional Effect: Inflicts Sacrifice on selfSacrifice Effect: When effect expires, you will be KO'dDuration: 10s

Lost Reraise
Lost Reraise
Level: 80
Verschollene Rückkehr aus dem Jenseits
Grants the effect of Reraise to self or target player.Reraise Effect: Grants an 80% chance of automatic revival upon KODuration: 180m

Lost Paralyze III
Lost Paralyze III
Level: 80
Verschollenes Paralyga
Afflicts target and all nearby enemies with Paralysis.Duration: 60s
Level: 80
Verschollenes Entzaubern
Removes one beneficial status from target.Cancels auto-attack upon execution.

Lost Rampage
Lost Rampage
Level: 80
Verschollener Amok
Delivers an attack with a potency of 300 to all nearby enemies.Additional Effect: Interrupts all nearby enemiesAdditional Effect: Increases damage taken by enemies with Physical Aversion by 10%Duration: 60s

Lost Stealth
Lost Stealth
Level: 80
Verschollene Coeurl-Pfoten
Blend in with your surroundings, making it impossible for most enemies to detect you, but reducing movement speed by 25%. Has no effect on certain enemies with special sight.Cannot be executed while in combat.Effect ends upon use of any action other than Sprint, or upon reuse.
Level: 80
Verschollene Eile
Greatly increases movement speed.Effect cannot be stacked with other movement speed enhancing abilities.Duration: 10sSpirit of the Breathtaker Effect: Increases evasion by 30%Duration: 60sSpirit of the Watcher Effect: Grants Rapid Recast to selfRapid Recast Effect: Shortens recast time for next ability used by 60%Effect only applies to certain abilities.Duration: 30s

Lost Font of Skill
Lost Font of Skill
Level: 80
Verschollene Technikfontäne
Resets the recast timer for most actions and role actions.
Level: 80
Study the lost techniques used by a targeted ally and make them your own.Cannot be executed while in combat.

Lost Perception
Lost Perception
Level: 80
Verschollene Tigeraugen
Detect traps within a radius of 15 yalms.If there are no traps within 15 yalms, alerts you to the presence of traps with a radius of 36 yalms.※This action can only be used in Delubrum Reginae.

Lost Impetus
Lost Impetus
Level: 80
Verschollener Impuls
Quickly dash 10 yalms forward.Additional Effect: Applies Lost Swift to self and nearby party membersLost Swift Effect: Greatly increases movement speedEffect cannot be stacked with other movement speed enhancing abilities.Duration: 10sSpirit of the Breathtaker Effect: Increases evasion of self and nearby party members by 15%Duration: 60sSpirit of the Watcher Effect: Grants Rapid Recast to self and nearby party membersRapid Recast Effect: Shortens recast time for next ability used by 25%Effect only applies to certain abilities.Duration: 15sCannot be executed while bound.

Lost Spellforge
Lost Spellforge
Level: 80
Verschollene Zauberschmiede
Grants the effect of Lost Spellforge to self or target ally.Lost Spellforge Effect: All attacks deal magic damage. However, all bonuses to damage dealt are determined by the attack's base damage type.Duration: 300sEffect cannot be stacked with Lost Steelsting.

Lost Steelsting
Lost Steelsting
Level: 80
Verschollener Stahlstachel
Grants the effect of Lost Steelsting to self or target ally.Lost Steelsting Effect: All attacks deal physical damage. However, all bonuses to damage dealt are determined by the attack's base damage type.Duration: 300sEffect cannot be stacked with Lost Spellforge.

Lost Protect
Lost Protect
Level: 80
Verschollenes Protes
Applies a barrier to self or target player reducing physical damage taken by 10%.Duration: 30m
Level: 80
Verschollenes Vallum
Applies a barrier to self or target player reducing magic damage taken by 10%.Duration: 30m

Lost Reflect
Lost Reflect
Level: 80
Verschollene Reflexion
Creates a barrier around self or party member that reflects most magic attacks.Duration: 10sSpirit of the Guardian Effect: Duration is increased to 30s

Lost Stoneskin
Lost Stoneskin
Level: 80
Verschollene Steinhaut
Applies a barrier to self or target player that absorbs damage totaling 15% of target's maximum HP.Duration: 60s

Lost Bravery
Lost Bravery
Level: 80
Verschollene Courage
Increases damage dealt by an ally or self by 5%.Duration: 600s

Lost Aethershield
Lost Aethershield
Level: 80
Verschollener Ätherschild
Reduces damage taken by self and nearby party members by 30%.Duration: 15s

Lost Stoneskin II
Lost Stoneskin II
Level: 80
Verschollene Steinrahaut
Creates a barrier around self and all party members near you that absorbs damage totaling 10% of maximum HP.Duration: 30s

Lost Protect II
Lost Protect II
Level: 80
Verschollenes Protes II
Applies a barrier to self or target player reducing physical damage taken by 15%.Duration: 30m

Lost Shell II
Lost Shell II
Level: 80
Verschollenes Vallum II
Applies a barrier to self or target player reducing magic damage taken by 15%.Duration: 30m
Level: 80
Verschollene Blase
Increases maximum HP of self or target player by 30%.Duration: 600s

Lost Manawall
Lost Manawall
Level: 80
Verschollene Mana-Wand
Temporarily applies Heavy to self, while reducing damage taken by 90% and nullifying most knockback and draw-in effects.Duration: 6s

Banner of Tireless Conviction
Banner of Tireless Conviction
Level: 80
Gemüt der Beharrlichkeit
Storm the field under the Banner of Tireless Conviction, gaining additional stacks each time damage is taken, up to a maximum of 5.Banner of Tireless Conviction Effect: Increases damage taken by 15% per stackDuration: 30sAt maximum stacks, take up the Banner of Unyielding Defense.Banner of Unyielding Defense Effect: Reduces damage taken by 30%Duration: 180sEffect cannot be stacked with other Banner actions.

Lost Blood Rage
Lost Blood Rage
Level: 80
Verschollener Blutzorn
Increases damage dealt by 15% and reduces damage taken by 5% per stack. Stacks increase with each use of a dash attack while effect is active, to a maximum of 4.Duration: 18sMaximum stacks grant the effect of Blood Rush.Blood Rush Effect: Increases damage dealt by 60%, shortens recast times of abilities by 75%, and gradually restores HP and MP. Recast time reduction does not apply to charged actions.Duration: 30sCan only be executed while in combat.

Dynamis Dice
Dynamis Dice
Level: 80
Würfel des Schicksals

Resistance Phoenix
Resistance Phoenix
Level: 80
Phönixfeder des Widerstands
Resurrects target to a weakened state.

Resistance Reraiser
Resistance Reraiser
Level: 80
Lebensfeder des Widerstands
Grants a 70% chance of automatic revival upon KO.Duration: 180m

Resistance Potion Kit
Resistance Potion Kit
Level: 80
Tränkesammlung des Widerstands
Grants Auto-potion to self.Auto-potion Effect: Restores HP automatically when HP falls below 50%Duration: 600sWhen triggered, there is a 50% chance the effect will end.Spirit of the Breathtaker Effect: Chance for Auto-potion effect to end is reduced to 10%Shares a recast timer with Resistance Ether Kit and Resistance Medikit.

Resistance Ether Kit
Resistance Ether Kit
Level: 80
Äthersammlung des Widerstands
Grants Auto-ether to self.Auto-ether Effect: Restores MP automatically when MP falls below 20%Duration: 600sWhen triggered, there is a 50% chance the effect will end.Spirit of the Breathtaker Effect: Chance for Auto-ether effect to end is reduced to 10%Shares a recast timer with Resistance Potion Kit and Resistance Medikit.

Resistance Medikit
Resistance Medikit
Level: 80
Kräutersammlung des Widerstands
Removes a single detrimental effect from self. When not suffering from detrimental effects, creates a barrier that protects against most status ailments. The barrier is removed after curing the next status ailment suffered.Effect cannot be stacked with similar barrier actions.Duration: 30mShares a recast timer with Resistance Potion Kit and Resistance Ether Kit.

Resistance Potion
Resistance Potion
Level: 80
Heiltrank des Widerstands
Gradually restores HP.Cure Potency: 1,600Duration: 40sShares a recast timer with Dynamis Dice and Resistance Elixir.

Essence of the Martialist
Essence of the Martialist
Level: 80
Zaubertrank des Kämpfers
Increases damage dealt by 60%.Effect ends upon reuse.Cannot be used with other Essence or Deep Essence actions.

Essence of the Savior
Essence of the Savior
Level: 80
Zaubertrank des Heilers
Increases healing potency by 60%.Effect ends upon reuse.Cannot be used with other Essence or Deep Essence actions.

Essence of the Guardian
Essence of the Guardian
Level: 80
Zaubertrank des Beschützers
Increases defense by 30% and maximum HP by 10%.Effect ends upon reuse.Cannot be used with other Essence or Deep Essence actions.

Essence of the Irregular
Essence of the Irregular
Level: 80
Zaubertrank des Berserkers
Increases damage dealt by 90% and damage taken by 200% while reducing maximum HP by 30%.Effect ends upon reuse.Cannot be used with other Essence or Deep Essence actions.

Essence of the Breathtaker
Essence of the Breathtaker
Level: 80
Zaubertrank des Diebes
Increases poison resistance and movement speed, including mount speed, and increases evasion by 10%.Effect ends upon reuse.Cannot be used with other Essence or Deep Essence actions.

Essence of the Bloodsucker
Essence of the Bloodsucker
Level: 80
Zaubertrank des Blutsaugers
Increases damage dealt by 40%.Additional Effect: Absorb a portion of damage dealt as HPEffect ends upon reuse.Cannot be used with other Essence or Deep Essence actions.

Deep Essence of the Martialist
Deep Essence of the Martialist
Level: 80
Wundertrank des Kämpfers
Increases damage dealt by 72%.Effect ends upon reuse.Cannot be used with other Essence or Deep Essence actions.

Deep Essence of the Savior
Deep Essence of the Savior
Level: 80
Wundertrank des Heilers
Increases healing potency by 72%.Effect ends upon reuse.Cannot be used with other Essence or Deep Essence actions.

Deep Essence of the Guardian
Deep Essence of the Guardian
Level: 80
Wundertrank des Beschützers
Increases defense by 36% and maximum HP by 12%.Effect ends upon reuse.Cannot be used with other Essence or Deep Essence actions.

Deep Essence of the Irregular
Deep Essence of the Irregular
Level: 80
Wundertrank des Berserkers
Increases damage dealt by 108% and damage taken by 200% while reducing maximum HP by 30%.Effect ends upon reuse.Cannot be used with other Essence or Deep Essence actions.

Deep Essence of the Breathtaker
Deep Essence of the Breathtaker
Level: 80
Wundertrank des Diebes
Increases poison resistance and movement speed, including mount speed, and increases evasion by 20%.Effect ends upon reuse.Cannot be used with other Essence or Deep Essence actions.

Deep Essence of the Bloodsucker
Deep Essence of the Bloodsucker
Level: 80
Wundertrank des Blutsaugers
Increases damage dealt by 48%.Additional Effect: Absorb a portion of damage dealt as HPEffect ends upon reuse.Cannot be used with other Essence or Deep Essence actions.

Pure Essence of the Indomitable
Pure Essence of the Indomitable
Level: 80
Maxtrank des Helden
Increases defense by 40%, damage dealt by 72%, and maximum HP by 50%.Effect ends upon reuse.Cannot be used with other Essence, Deep Essence, or Pure Essence actions.It is said that Pure Essences may grant unexpected effects...※This action can only be used in Delubrum Reginae.
Level: 80
Stein der Rückführung
Instantly return to the starting point of the area.Cannot be executed while in combat.Shares a recast timer with all other weaponskills and spells.

Light Curtain
Light Curtain
Level: 80
Grants the effect of Lost Reflect to self.Lost Reflect Effect: Reflects most magic attacksDuration: 10sShares a recast timer with all other weaponskills and spells.

Resistance Elixir
Resistance Elixir
Level: 80
Elixier des Widerstands
Restores own HP and MP to maximum.Shares a recast timer with Resistance Potion and Dynamis Dice.