Blue MageBlaumagierMage Bleu青魔道士青魔法师청마도사

Blue Mage

Blue Mage Blue Mage



1. Water Cannon
1. Water Cannon
ID: 11385
Level: 1 Range: 25y EffectRange: 0y Cast: 2.0s Recast: 2.5s Kategorie:  Zauber Schaden
Deals water damage with a potency of 200.


This spell, easily mastered via defeat of a kraken, fires a concentrated burst of water at one's opponent. As the liquid itself is conjured by manipulating aether to condense moisture in the air, the technique remains effective regardless of whether or not its caster has access to a body of water.


Ul'dah - Thal-Kreuzgang (X:12.5 Y:12.9) Wayward Gaheel Ja (Totem der Blaumagie: Wasserkanone) Blaumagier freischalten
2. Flame Thrower
2. Flame Thrower
ID: 11402
Level: 1 Range: 0y EffectRange: 8y Cast: 2.0s Recast: 2.5s Kategorie:  Zauber Schaden
Deals fire damage to all enemies in a cone before you with a potency of 220 for the first enemy, and 50% less for all remaining enemies.


As with thaumaturgical fire spells, the jet of flame produced by this technique manifests from a burst of fire-aspected aether. Certain weapons produce similar effects; however, this is not through aetherial manipulation, but rather the copious use of highly flammable liquid.


Alphametrie 3.0 Omega
Alphametrie 3.0 (episch) Omega
Brüllvolx' Langrast (schwer) (InGame Hinweis)
Brüllvolx' Langrast (schwer) Gobmaschine VI
Hüter des Sees Einhänder
Hüter des Sees Magitek-Kanonenschiff
Omega (fatal) Omega
3. Aqua Breath
3. Aqua Breath
ID: 11390
Level: 1 Range: 0y EffectRange: 8y Cast: 2.0s Recast: 2.5s Kategorie:  Zauber Schaden
Deals water damage to all enemies in a cone before you with a potency of 140 for the first enemy, and 50% less for all remaining enemies.
Additional Effect: Inflicts Dropsy, dealing water damage over time
Potency: 20
Duration: 12s


The most quintessential of water-aspected blue magicks. A competent mage will not only use its bubbles to smother nearby enemies, but also incorporate poisons, sealing the fates of any survivors.


Das Drachenhals-Kolosseum (InGame Hinweis)
Das Drachenhals-Kolosseum Ultros
Das Karussell von Lyhe Ghiah Daen Ose
Götterdämmerung - Leviathan Leviathan
Traumprüfung - Leviathan Leviathan
Zenit der Götter - Leviathan Leviathan
4. Flying Frenzy
4. Flying Frenzy
ID: 11389
Level: 1 Range: 20y EffectRange: 6y Cast: 1.0s Recast: 2.5s Kategorie:  Zauber Schaden
Delivers a jumping physical attack to target and all enemies nearby it with a potency of 150 for the first enemy, and 50% less for all remaining enemies.
Cannot be executed while bound.


Replicating this technique requires magically altering one's own state of mind to mimic that of a zu. The flying strike that results surpasses normal physical limitations, but requires dispensing with caution in favor of an all-consuming rage─the sensible mage will shield herself with aether first.


Eureka Anemos Sharlayanischer Zu
Eureka Hydatos Brütender Montisaurus
Palast der Toten (Ebenen 171 - 180) Katakomben-Anzu
Palast der Toten (Ebenen 71 - 80) Palast-Anzu
Pharos Sirius (InGame Hinweis)
Pharos Sirius Montisaurus
Worqor Zormor Worqor-Montisaurus
Äußeres La Noscea Cornu
5. Drill Cannons
5. Drill Cannons
ID: 11398
Level: 1 Range: 20y EffectRange: 20y Cast: 2.0s Recast: 2.5s Kategorie:  Zauber Schaden
Deals physical damage to all enemies in a straight line before you with a potency of 200 for the first enemy, and 50% less for all remaining enemies.
Additional Effect: Potency is increased to 600 when target is afflicted with Petrification. The Petrification effect is also removed.


This technique mimics the Drill Cannons of machina by winding aetherial currents until they resemble rapidly spinning projectiles. Like the physical drills upon which they are patterned, these projectiles excel at penetrating stone.


Brüllvolx' Langrast (schwer) Magitek-Gobbrecher III
Burg Doma Doma-Frontbrecher
Castrum Meridianum Magitek-Frontbrecher
Castrum Meridianum Magitek-Frontbrecher F-I
Castrum Meridianum Magitek-Frontbrecher H-1
Eureka Pyros Magitek-Gobbrecher III-E
Hüter des Sees Frontbrecher Der VI. Kohorte
In fremder Haut Magitek-Frontbrecher
Nördliches Thanalan (InGame Hinweis)
Nördliches Thanalan Frontbrecher H-2
Nördliches Thanalan Herrenloser Frontbrecher
Zadnor-Hochebene Frontbrecher 2 Der IV. Legion
[OLD] Castrum Meridianum - Außenbereich Magitek-Frontbrecher
[OLD] Castrum Meridianum - Außenbereich Magitek-Frontbrecher F-I
[OLD] Castrum Meridianum - Außenbereich Magitek-Frontbrecher H-1
[OLD] Castrum Meridianum - Praetorium Magitek-Frontbrecher H-1
6. High Voltage
6. High Voltage
ID: 11387
Level: 1 Range: 0y EffectRange: 12y Cast: 2.0s Recast: 2.5s Kategorie:  Zauber Schaden
Deals lightning damage to all nearby enemies with a potency of 180 for the first enemy, and 50% less for all remaining enemies.
Additional Effect: Paralysis
Duration: 15s
Additional Effect: Potency increased to 220 when target is afflicted with Dropsy
Additional Effect: Duration of Paralysis is increased to 30 seconds when target is afflicted with Dropsy


An industrial form of machina-based aetherial manipulation developed and adapted by the Allagan Empire. Through the compression of ambient lightning-aspected aether, the caster (or casting machina) floods the vicinity with highly charged arcs of electricity.


Die Bestie steckt im System Bestialisches System
Verschlungene Schatten 1 (InGame Hinweis)
Verschlungene Schatten 1 Abwehrsystem
Verschlungene Schatten 2 Abwehrsystem
Verschlungene Schatten 2 Entsorgungs-Sphäre
Verschlungene Schatten 2 Versorgungs-Sphäre
Verschlungene Schatten 2 Verteidigungs-Sphäre
Verschlungene Schatten 2 Überwachungs-Sphäre
7. Loom
7. Loom
ID: 11401
Level: 1 Range: 15y EffectRange: 1y Cast: 1.0s Recast: 2.5s Kategorie:  Zauber
Move quickly to the specified location.
Cannot be executed while bound.


To utilize this simple teleportation spell, casters must create an aetherial current upon which to travel between their location and the desired position. Though this is only effective over short distances, it is nevertheless an invaluable tool in the event that one needs to beat a hasty retreat.


Eureka Orthos (Ebenen 81-90) Orthos-Persona
Historisches Amdapor Baalzephon
Nördliches Thanalan (InGame Hinweis)
Nördliches Thanalan Dalvag
Totenacker Tam-Tara (schwer) Phantom-Ritterin
8. Final Sting
8. Final Sting
ID: 11407
Level: 1 Range: 3y EffectRange: 0y Cast: 2.0s Recast: 2.5s Kategorie:  Zauber Schaden
Deals physical damage with a potency of 2,000 while incapacitating self.
Additional Effect: Inflicts Brush with Death on self
Duration: 600s
Effect will not be removed upon revival or further incapacitation.
Cannot be executed while under the effect of Brush with Death.


A desperate mage's last resort, this technique converts all of the user's life force to an aetherial poison that is then injected into a single adversary. Suffice it to say that, as with the physical sting of the wespe, it should not be relied upon in but the most dire of circumstances.


Nimmerreich Göttliche Vespa
Palast der Toten (Ebenen 1-10) Palast-Hornisse
Palast der Toten (Ebenen 101 - 110) Katakomben-Hornisse
Sankt Mocianne-Arboretum Orn-Hornisse
Schiffbrecher-Insel Cieldaläen-Hornisse
Versunkener Tempel von Qarn Dungwespe
Versunkener Tempel von Qarn Tempelbiene
Zentrales La Noscea (InGame Hinweis)
Zentrales La Noscea Killer-Vespula
9. Song of Torment
9. Song of Torment
ID: 11386
Level: 1 Range: 25y EffectRange: 0y Cast: 2.0s Recast: 2.5s Kategorie:  Zauber Schaden
Deals unaspected damage with a potency of 50.
Additional Effect: Unaspected damage over time
Potency: 50
Duration: 30s


Favored by sirens, the Song of Torment carries in its melody a malicious enchantment. It ensnares the listener's spirit, inducing phantom pain that soon becomes physical as the body struggles to process the mind's trauma.


Il Mheg Aglaope
Pharos Sirius (InGame Hinweis)
Pharos Sirius Sirene
10. Glower
10. Glower
ID: 11404
Level: 1 Range: 15y EffectRange: 15y Cast: 2.0s Recast: 2.5s Kategorie:  Zauber Schaden
Deals lightning damage to all enemies in a straight line before you with a potency of 220 for the first enemy, and 50% less for all remaining enemies.
Additional Effect: Paralysis
Duration: 6s


Perhaps best known as the unsettling hallmark of the cyclops, Glower involves funneling aether through the eyes as if they were arcane circles─much like its sister spell, The Look. Its highly concentrated aether strikes foes like a levinbolt, leaving their skin singed and muscles seizing.


Bozja-Südfront Gebändigter Zyklop
Castrum Lacus Litore Gebändigter Zyklop
Eureka Anemos Einauge
Eureka Anemos Polyphemus
Eureka Pyros Val-Minotaurus
Ewiges Erbe Einauge
Ewiges Erbe Hinterhältiges Einauge
Ewiges Erbe Rachebringer
Goldklamm (InGame Hinweis)
Goldklamm Münzzähler
Himmelssäule (Ebenen 81-90) Himmelssäulen-Hitotsume
Origenik Origenik-Einauge
Palast der Toten (Ebenen 171 - 180) Katakomben-Schneezyklop
Tiefer Wald Einäugiger Biklop
Westliches Thanalan Einäugiger Biklop
11. Plaincracker
11. Plaincracker
ID: 11391
Level: 1 Range: 0y EffectRange: 6y Cast: 2.0s Recast: 2.5s Kategorie:  Zauber Schaden
Deals earth damage to all nearby enemies with a potency of 220 for the first enemy, and 50% less for all remaining enemies.


Just like that all-too-well-known fixture in the arsenals of many earthy soulkin, this technique creates a localized quake around the caster. According to legend, the earth itself will appear to shatter under a true master of the spell.


Azulmagia - Der Blaumagier des Bösen Azulmagia
Die Ruinen von Amdapor Beeseelter Megalith
Euphoratron Regenbogen-Golem
Himmelssäule (Ebenen 41-50) Himmelssäulen-Sekizo
Kupferglocken-Mine (schwer) (InGame Hinweis)
Kupferglocken-Mine (schwer) Gogmagolem
Nordwald Lehmgolem
Nordwald Steingolem
Nördliches Thanalan Alpha-Spriggolem
Versunkener Tempel von Qarn (schwer) Qarn-Wächter
Wallende Nebel Kalkstein-Golem
Äußeres La Noscea Basaltgolem
12. Bristle
12. Bristle
ID: 11393
Level: 1 Range: 0y EffectRange: 0y Cast: 1.0s Recast: 2.5s Kategorie:  Zauber
Increases the potency of the next spell cast by 50%.
Duration: 30s
Effect cannot be stacked with Harmonized.


Instinctive to beastkin, Bristle channels sheer animalistic rage into heightened spiritual and physical power. The blue mage will find that she can adapt this technique to increase her spells' potency.


Eureka Pyros Dingo
Ostwald (InGame Hinweis)
Ostwald Wilder Keiler
Ostwald Wildschwein
Südwald Hungriges Schwein
13. White Wind
13. White Wind
ID: 11406
Level: 1 Range: 0y EffectRange: 15y Cast: 2.0s Recast: 2.5s Kategorie:  Zauber
Restores own HP and the HP of all nearby party members by an amount equal to your current HP.


White Wind imbues a localized current of air with purified aether, distributing its curative effects throughout the vicinity. Though powerful for such a simple spell, the purification of sufficient aether requires significant magical exertion on the part of the caster, and thus should be used sparingly.


Ul'dah - Thal-Kreuzgang (X:12.5 Y:12.9) Wayward Gaheel Ja (Totem der Blaumagie: Weißer Wind) 10 Zauber gelernt
14. Level 5 Petrify
14. Level 5 Petrify
ID: 11414
Level: 1 Range: 0y EffectRange: 6y Cast: 2.0s Recast: 2.5s Kategorie:  Zauber
Petrifies all enemies in a cone before you.
Duration: 20s
Chance of successful attack is low.
Enemy level must be a multiple of 5. Has no effect on enemies whose level is higher than your own.


This curse, commonly used by ahrimans and similar voidsent, takes advantage of the hubris that living creatures tend to fall prey to upon reaching certain malmstones in development, targeting mental weaknesses to give foes a paralyzing reminder of their own fallibility.


Haukke-Herrenhaus (InGame Hinweis)
Haukke-Herrenhaus Wachposten
Haukke-Herrenhaus (schwer) Wachposten
Kristallturm - Das Labyrinth der Alten Fluchauge
Kristallturm - Das Labyrinth der Alten Fäulnisauge
Palast der Toten (Ebenen 131 - 140) Katakomben-Ahriman
[OLD] Haukke-Herrenhaus Wachposten
15. Sharpened Knife
15. Sharpened Knife
ID: 11400
Level: 1 Range: 3y EffectRange: 0y Cast: 1.0s Recast: 2.5s Kategorie:  Zauber Schaden
Deals physical damage with a potency of 220.
Additional Effect: Potency is increased to 450 when target is stunned


At this point, tonberries' predilection for sharpened knives is well known. By manipulating aether to harness feelings of resentment, one hones a keener blade for driving into the heart of the enemy. Naturally, being beset by this attack while unable to move is a uniquely harrowing experience.


Palast des Wanderers (InGame Hinweis)
Palast des Wanderers Tomberry-König
16. Ice Spikes
16. Ice Spikes
ID: 11418
Level: 1 Range: 0y EffectRange: 0y Cast: 2.0s Recast: 2.5s Kategorie:  Zauber Schaden
Counters enemies with ice damage every time you suffer physical damage.
Counter Potency: 40
Duration: 15s
Effect cannot be stacked with Veil of the Whorl or Schiltron.
Additional Effect: 50% chance that when you are struck, the striker will be afflicted with Slow +20%
Duration: 15s


Favored by certain types of voidsent, this spell─technically a curse, cast upon oneself─converts the malice of attackers into aetherial spikes of ice, impaling them each time they strike. The more furious their flurries, the more pain they cause themselves─poetic justice, one might say.


Aquapolis Aquapolis-Imp
Azulmagia - Der Blaumagier des Bösen Azulmagia
Delubrum Reginae (episch) Bozja-Phantom
Haukke-Herrenhaus Hofnarr
Mor Dhona Verwahrloster Eufel
Nördliches Thanalan Hagerer Sklave
Nördliches Thanalan Scharlatan-Imp
Ostwald Gauner-Imp
Ostwald Scharlatan-Imp
Palast der Toten (Ebenen 151 - 160) Katakomben-Eufel
Palast der Toten (Ebenen 51 - 60) Palast-Imp
Südliches Thanalan Scharlatan-Imp
Südwald Jämmerlicher Eufel
Tiefer Wald (InGame Hinweis)
Tiefer Wald Alux
Tiefer Wald Gauner-Imp
Tiefer Wald Unheilstifter-Imp
Westliches La Noscea Unruhestifter-Imp
Westliches Thanalan Bestialischer Imp
Westliches Thanalan Mormos Missionar
Zentrales Hochland von Coerthas Staub-Imp
Zentrales Hochland von Coerthas Verwahrloster Eufel
[OLD] Haukke-Herrenhaus Hofnarr
Östliches La Noscea Säufer-Imp
Östliches Thanalan Randale-Imp
Östliches Thanalan Räuberischer Schütze
Östliches Thanalan Unruhestifter-Imp
Östliches Thanalan Wegelagerer-Imp
17. Blood Drain
17. Blood Drain
ID: 11395
Level: 1 Range: 25y EffectRange: 0y Cast: 2.0s Recast: 2.5s Kategorie:  Zauber Schaden
Deals unaspected damage with a potency of 50.
Additional Effect: Restores MP


Through the draining of blood, this spell saps a foe's aether, a portion of which is then absorbed by the caster. In nature, such habits first appeared in creatures such as bats and chigoes, who naturalists theorize developed the ability to absorb nutrients via blood over the course of centuries.


Aquapolis Aquapolis-Stechmücke
Das Diadem - Halones Prüfung Juwelfliege
Der Große Wald Rak'tika Waldfledermaus
Dravanisches Hinterland Orn-Fliege
Eureka Anemos Abendstern-Fledermaus
Goldklamm Klammfledermaus
Halatali (schwer) Halatali-Fledermaus
Haukke-Herrenhaus Mansardenfledermaus
Kreios - Der Mann aus Stahl Arena-Fledermaus
Mor Dhona Stechmücke
Nordwald Kalong
Nordwald Kleiner Kalong
Ostwald Blutfledermaus
Ostwald Flügelratte
Ostwald Hopsende Haarmücke
Ostwald Schwarze Fledermaus
Ostwald Schwell-Haarmücke
Ostwald Sirrende Haarmücke
Palast der Toten (Ebenen 1-10) Palast-Fledermaus
Seenland Vampirfledermaus
Sägerschrei Sandfledermaus
Südwald Größere Stechmücke
Südwald Kalong
Südwald Kleiner Kalong
Südwald Natternhemd-Fledermaus
Südwald Riesenhafte Stechmücke
Südwald Stechmücke
Tiefer Wald Aasmücke
Tiefer Wald Stechmücke
Unteres La Noscea (InGame Hinweis)
Unteres La Noscea Höhlenfledermaus
Versunkener Tempel von Qarn Tempelfledermaus
Versunkener Tempel von Qarn (schwer) Tempelfuchs
Westliches La Noscea Blutsauger-Fledermaus
Westliches La Noscea Dämmerfledermaus
Westliches Thanalan Hinterhältige Fledermaus
Zentrales Thanalan Sonnenfledermaus
[OLD] Haukke-Herrenhaus Mansardenfledermaus
18. Acorn Bomb
18. Acorn Bomb
ID: 11392
Level: 1 Range: 25y EffectRange: 6y Cast: 2.0s Recast: 2.5s Kategorie:  Zauber
Puts target and all enemies nearby it to sleep.
Duration: 30s
Cancels auto-attack upon execution.


This technique pelts foes with seedlike aetherial orbs, which then explode to release the soporific within. Scholars believe that similar defense mechanisms were originally developed by treants and other species vulnerable to vilekin in order to prevent their boring of holes and leeching of sap.


Der Große Wald Rak'tika Chantico
Der Große Wald Rak'tika Hinterhältige Vampirranke
Der Große Wald Rak'tika Vampirranke
Der Rokkon Shishu-Jumokko
Die Ruinen von Amdapor (schwer) Verknoteter Baumschrat
Die kuriose Unterstadt von Sil'dih Aquädukt-Dryade
Die kuriose Unterstadt von Sil'dih (episch) Aquädukt-Dryade
Eureka Pyros Pyros-Baumschrat
Eureka Pyros Trauerweide
Nimmerreich Baumschrat-Großvater
Nordwald (InGame Hinweis)
Nordwald Baumschrat-Ableger
Ostwald Wulgaru
Tiefer Wald Baumschrat-Ableger
19. Bomb Toss
19. Bomb Toss
ID: 11396
Level: 1 Range: 25y EffectRange: 6y Cast: 2.0s Recast: 2.5s Kategorie:  Zauber Schaden
Deals fire damage at a designated location with a potency of 200 for the first enemy, and 50% less for all remaining enemies.
Additional Effect: Stun
Duration: 3s


This spell creates an aetherial replica of the sort of bomb preferred by goblins. Of course, goblin bombs acquire their combustive force through the use of magically enhanced gunpowder, so mimicking this effect with aether alone requires no small amount of effort, but the results are...explosive.


Alexander - Atem des Schöpfers Wüterix Der Söldner
Alexander - Atem des Schöpfers Wüterix [T] Söldner
Alexander - Atem des Schöpfers (episch) Wüterix Der Söldner
Alexander - Atem des Schöpfers (episch) Wüterix [T] Söldner
Alexander - Faust des Sohnes (episch) Gobglotzer
Bombige Goblins Goblin-Bandit
Brüllvolx' Langrast (schwer) Indigohand-Gleiter
Brüllvolx' Langrast (schwer) Indigohand-Kommandant
Dravanisches Hinterland Frohehalde-Goblin
Dravanisches Hinterland Gesetzloser Goblin-Gleiter
Dravanisches Hinterland Gesetzloser Goblin-Schleuderer
Dravanisches Hinterland Goblin-Gleiter
Dravanisches Hinterland Goblin-Schleuderer
Dravanisches Hinterland Hubbelknix
Dravanisches Hinterland Indigohand-Gleiter
Dravanisches Hinterland Indigopranke
Dravanisches Hinterland Rutschfix Stahlscharnier
Dravanisches Hinterland Schlautrix
Eureka Pyros Wüterix Der Söldner
Im Hafen des Friedens Brüllvolx
Jeuno: Die erste Etappe Frontbrecher-Fährtenfinder
Ostwald Goblin-Jäger
Ostwald Goblin-Seilmacher
Palast der Toten (Ebenen 1-10) Verirrter Goblin
Südwald Gesuchter Goblin
Südwald Goblin-Gauner
Südwald Goblin-Seilmacher
Südwald Goblin-Strolch
Südwald Goblin-Wegelagerer
Verborgene Schlucht Falkensöldner
Verborgene Schlucht Rabensöldner
Westliches La Noscea Goblin-Händler
Westliches La Noscea Goblin-Jäger
Westliches La Noscea Tryptix Raffnix
Westliches Thanalan Goblin-Räuber
Zentrales La Noscea (InGame Hinweis)
Zentrales La Noscea Goblin-Fischer
Zentrales La Noscea Goblin-Glücksspieler
Zentrales La Noscea Goblin-Räuber
Östliches La Noscea Goblin-Bandit
20. Off-guard
20. Off-guard
ID: 11411
Level: 1 Range: 25y EffectRange: 0y Cast: 1.0s Recast: 60.0s Kategorie:  Zauber
Increases target's damage taken by 5%.
Duration: 15s
Recast timer cannot be affected by other spells. However, this action shares a recast timer with Peculiar Light.


A primitive type of curse cast by giants in the New World, this spell sunders opponents' defenses by breaking their spirits. Pairing it with strong offensive magic allows the blue mage to weaken and strike down foe after foe without cease.


Ul'dah - Thal-Kreuzgang (X:12.5 Y:12.9) Wayward Gaheel Ja (Totem der Blaumagie: Einschüchtern) 5 Zauber gelernt
21. Self-destruct
21. Self-destruct
ID: 11408
Level: 1 Range: 0y EffectRange: 20y Cast: 2.0s Recast: 2.5s Kategorie:  Zauber Schaden
Deals fire damage with a potency of 1,500 to all nearby enemies while incapacitating self.
Additional Effect: Potency is increased to 1,800 when you are under the effect of Toad Oil
Additional Effect: Inflicts Brush with Death on self
Duration: 600s
Effect will not be removed upon revival or further incapacitation.
Cannot be executed while under the effect of Brush with Death.


Credited as the source of the “bomb” voidsent family's name, Self-destruct, when used by blue mages, converts the entirety of its caster's energy into fire-aspected aether to cause an explosion. The application of oil has been observed to make it more effective─though likely also more painful.


Amaurot Terminus-Detonator
Arkadion - Halbschwergewicht R3 Zündschnurbombe
Arkadion - Halbschwergewicht R3 (episch) Zündschnurbombe
Bombenring Zündschnurbombe
Brüllvolx' Langrast Kb-Marionette
Brüllvolx' Langrast Kr-Marionette
Brüllvolx' Langrast Ks-Marionette
Chateau Cosmea Cosmea-Echo
Crystalline Conflict: Das Herz des Vulkans (Schaukampf) Bomberseele
Das Herz des Vulkans Bomberseele
Der Rokkon Weißer Shishu-Pavian
Eureka Anemos Blindgänger
Explosiv - Vorhut in Blau und Rot Arena-Bomber
Explosiv - Vorhut in Blau und Rot Arena-Knallomat
Gute Winde für Vylbrand Granate
Halatali Gasbomber
Heilkunst gegen Hexerei Kb-Marionette
Heilkunst gegen Hexerei Kr-Marionette
Heilkunst gegen Hexerei Ks-Marionette
Irrungen der Qitari Echo Der Qitari
Kristallturm - Das Labyrinth der Alten Puroboros
Kupferglocken-Mine (schwer) Explosiver Bomber
Kupferglocken-Mine (schwer) Flambeau
Kupferglocken-Mine (schwer) Fulminator
Kupferglocken-Mine (schwer) Splitter-Bomber
Luftangriff auf Werlyt Magitek-Geschütz
Malikahs Brunnen Brunnen-Huldu
Miss Bombastic Bomber-Baronet
Miss Bombastic Bomber-Kohle
Miss Bombastic Bomber-Lakai
Nervas Reich Läuter Der Totenglocke
Nervas Reich Terminus-Detonator
Oberes La Noscea Fuchsfeuer
Palast der Toten (Ebenen 81 - 90) Lavabombe
Palast der Toten (Ebenen 81 - 90) Palast-Bomber
Pharos Sirius (schwer) Regenerationsbombe
Pharos Sirius (schwer) Zeitbomber
Pharos Sirius (schwer) Zeitgranate
Rote Himmel, roter Schnee Terminus-Detonator
Stigma-Holometrie Hybrid-Drache
Stigma-Holometrie Omega-Chassis
Sägerschrei Schrapnell
Westliches Thanalan (InGame Hinweis)
Westliches Thanalan Rutschbomber
[OLD] Kupferglocken-Mine Explosive Granate
[OLD] Kupferglocken-Mine Explosiver Bomber
22. Transfusion
22. Transfusion
ID: 11409
Level: 1 Range: 25y EffectRange: 0y Cast: 2.0s Recast: 2.5s Kategorie:  Zauber
Restores all HP and MP of a single party member while incapacitating self.
Additional Effect: Inflicts Brush with Death on self
Duration: 600s
Effect will not be removed upon revival or further incapacitation.
Cannot be executed while under the effect of Brush with Death.


At times used by self-sacrificing spirits of the dead roaming the New World, this technique consumes the entirety of one's being to fully restore both the body and mind of another. Though the sacrifice required is great, the use of this spell is a deed not soon forgotten.


Ul'dah - Thal-Kreuzgang (X:12.5 Y:12.9) Wayward Gaheel Ja (Totem der Blaumagie: Assimilation) 20 Zauber gelernt
23. Faze
23. Faze
ID: 11403
Level: 1 Range: 0y EffectRange: 4y Cast: 2.0s Recast: 2.5s Kategorie:  Zauber
Stuns all enemies in a cone before you.
Duration: 6s


Originally developed as a means of defense from flesh-eating beasts, this favorite of the Qiqirn tribes produces a shockwave as its user strikes together palms filled with concentrated aether, leaving foes witless.


Die Zinnen Qiqirn-Fleischfresser
Nordwald Qiqirn-Unhold
Südwald Qiqirn-Schläger
Tiefer Wald Qiqirn-Störenfried
Unteres La Noscea Qiqirn-Eierdieb
Unteres La Noscea Qiqirn-Strandguträuber
Unteres La Noscea Qiqirn-Trüffelschnüffler
Zentrales La Noscea Qiqirn-Hühnerhirte
Zentrales Thanalan Babaroon Halbschale
Zentrales Thanalan Qiqirn-Panzerbrecher
Zentrales Thanalan Saufnase Guguroon
Östliches La Noscea (InGame Hinweis)
Östliches La Noscea Kokoroon Drecksgriffel
Östliches La Noscea Qiqirn-Möwenbrater
Östliches Thanalan Qiqirn-Läufer
Östliches Thanalan Qiqirn-Streuner
Östliches Thanalan Zuzuroon
24. Flying Sardine
24. Flying Sardine
ID: 11423
Level: 1 Range: 25y EffectRange: 0y Cast: 0.0s Recast: 2.5s Kategorie:  Zauber Schaden
Deals physical damage with a potency of 10.
Additional Effect: Interrupts target


The apkallu, in the wild, violently regurgitates its latest pescatarian meal at predators as a defense mechanism. In blue magic trials, Flying Sardine has proven to be an equally effective deterrent even when the sardine in question is not entirely physical, reliably shocking adversaries into silence.


Östliches La Noscea (InGame Hinweis)
Östliches La Noscea Apkallu
Östliches La Noscea Apkallu-Kreischer
25. Snort
25. Snort
ID: 11383
Level: 1 Range: 0y EffectRange: 6y Cast: 2.0s Recast: 2.5s Kategorie:  Zauber
Deals a 20-yalm knockback to all enemies in a cone before you.


Typhon's signature technique produces gale-force winds by propelling concentrated air through the nostrils─though mages recreate the gust externally, for the sake of nasal integrity. In addition to buffeting foes backward, it appears to have a detrimental effect on its target's mental state.


Das Drachenhals-Kolosseum (InGame Hinweis)
Das Drachenhals-Kolosseum Typhon
Explosives Schnaufen Typhon
Ultros & Typhon - Zwei wie Rotz und Wasser Typhon
26. 4-tonze Weight
26. 4-tonze Weight
ID: 11384
Level: 1 Range: 25y EffectRange: 4y Cast: 2.0s Recast: 2.5s Kategorie:  Zauber Schaden
Drops a 4-tonze weight dealing physical damage at a designated location with a potency of 200 for the first enemy, and 50% less for all remaining enemies.
Additional Effect: Heavy +40%
Duration: 30s


Employed to great effect by Ultros, this technique crushes adversaries beneath a phantom weight. Due to reticence in the scholastic community regarding certain forms of testing, whether the weight applied feels like that of four full tonzes is a question that remains unanswered.


Das Drachenhals-Kolosseum (InGame Hinweis)
Das Drachenhals-Kolosseum Ultros
27. the Look
27. the Look
ID: 11399
Level: 1 Range: 0y EffectRange: 6y Cast: 2.0s Recast: 2.5s Kategorie:  Zauber Schaden
Deals unaspected damage to all enemies in a cone before you with a potency of 220 for the first enemy, and 50% less for all remaining enemies.
Additional Effect: Increased enmity


Common amongst dahaks, this technique requires using the position of one's own eyes to anchor arcane geometries in which to concentrate aether. The user then expels the aether, propelled by ill will, in the direction of his gaze─though this tends to earn him a fair bit of ire in return.


Die Ruinen von Amdapor (InGame Hinweis)
Die Ruinen von Amdapor Anantaboga
Eureka Orthos (Ebenen 1-10) Orthos-Dahak
Eureka Pagos Aschedrache
Große Gubal-Bibliothek (schwer) Bibliomane
Kristallturm - Das Labyrinth der Alten Valefor
Monduntergrund Finstermond-Dahak
Mor Dhona Dunkel-Lamantinaut
28. Bad Breath
28. Bad Breath
ID: 11388
Level: 1 Range: 0y EffectRange: 8y Cast: 2.0s Recast: 2.5s Kategorie:  Zauber
Blow noxious breath on all enemies in a cone before you, inflicting Slow +20%, Heavy +40%, Blind, and Paralysis.
Additional Effect: Poison
Potency: 20
Additional Effect: Damage dealt reduced 10%
Duration: 15s
Additional Effect: Interrupts target


This spell manipulates wind- and earth-aspected aether to call forth the umbral, imbuing exhaled air with miasma. Attempts to replicate the morbol's Bad Breath sans its inherent horrific stench have been unsuccessful, thus it retains its title as the foulest of blue magicks.


Aloalo Aloalo-Asvattha
Alzadaals Vermächtnis Alzadaal-Asvattha
Azim-Steppe Narantsetseg
Azim-Steppe Purbol
Die Nichts-Arche Archenmorbol
Die Ruinen von Amdapor (schwer) Dämonische Rose
Die Unterstadt von Sil'dih Aquädukt-Ameretat
Eureka Anemos Vallbol
Eureka Orthos (Ebenen 11-20) Orthos-Großmorbol
Eureka Pagos Ameretat
Goldklamm Goldranke
Goldklamm Knausers Mätresse
Kompass der Schwalbe Jinmenju
Monduntergrund Rasender Morbol
Mor Dhona Modernder Morbol
Mor Dhona Morbol
Mor Dhona Unersättliche Vivian
Ostwald Alpha-Morbol
Ostwald Bösartige Todesweide
Ostwald Hinterhältiger Morbol
Ostwald Kapriziöse Cassie
Ostwald Morbol
Palast der Toten (Ebenen 11-20) Palast-Morbol
Palast der Toten (Ebenen 111 - 120) Katakomben-Morbol
Rebekkha - Verführerische Gerüche Rebekkah Rotzeranke
Südwald Blattblut-Morbol
Südwald Todesweide
Südwald Üppiger Morbol
Tiefer Wald (InGame Hinweis)
Tiefer Wald Halit-Todesweide
Tiefer Wald Satte Susi
Tiefer Wald Todesweide
Tödliches Rankenspiel Toxin-Tamlyn
Urqopacha Schmutz-Morbol
29. Diamondback
29. Diamondback
ID: 11424
Level: 1 Range: 0y EffectRange: 0y Cast: 2.0s Recast: 2.5s Kategorie:  Zauber P-Mitigation ({'magic': '90%', 'physical': '90%'})
Reduces damage taken by 90% and nullifies most knockback and draw-in effects.
Unable to move or take action for the duration of this effect.
Duration: 10s
If used when Waxing Nocturne is active, its effect will transition immediately to Waning Nocturne.
The effect of this action cannot be ended manually.


Diamondback weaves earth-aspected aether into a hard mineral shield, mimicking what many describe as the “maddening” effect of shelled dragons' carapaces. Alas, though its defensive properties are superlative, its weight makes it impossible for the caster to move while under its aegis.


Der Schicksalsweg Horden-Panzerdrache
Eureka Orthos (Ebenen 21-30) Orthos-Panzerdrache
Steinerne Wacht (schwer) (InGame Hinweis)
Steinerne Wacht (schwer) Cuca Fera
30. Mighty Guard
30. Mighty Guard
ID: 11417
Level: 1 Range: 0y EffectRange: 0y Cast: 2.0s Recast: 2.5s Kategorie:  Zauber P-Mitigation ({'magic': '40%', 'physical': '40%'})
Reduces damage taken by 40% while reducing damage dealt by 40%, increasing enmity generation, and preventing casting interruptions via damage taken.
Effect ends upon reuse.


Protected by only a dainty layer of scales, some Indigo Deep-dwellers' survival has come to depend on aetherial manipulation─this technique included. By reducing the amount of aether used for offense, more becomes available for the creation of a strong─if flashy─barrier.


Ul'dah - Thal-Kreuzgang (X:12.5 Y:12.9) Wayward Gaheel Ja (Totem der Blaumagie: Totalabwehr) 10 Zauber gelernt
31. Sticky Tongue
31. Sticky Tongue
ID: 11412
Level: 1 Range: 25y EffectRange: 0y Cast: 2.0s Recast: 2.5s Kategorie:  Zauber
Draws target towards caster.
Additional Effect: Stun
Duration: 4s
Additional Effect: Increased enmity


In nature, Sticky Tongue is employed by gigantoads, who extend said lengthy and unusually adhesive appendages to capture distant prey. The blue magic rendition utilizes a far more sanitary aetherial “tongue,” but the principle is the same.


Die Feste Dzemael Knochen-Nöck
Die Unterstadt von Sil'dih Aquädukt-Karpfenkröte
Eureka Hydatos Hydatos-Nöck
Eureka Orthos (Ebenen 61-70) Orthos-Palleon
Goldklamm Höllen-Nöck
Hüter des Sees Rumpf-Nixe
Kholusia Hochland-Leguan
Kupferglocken-Mine (schwer) Kupferglocken-Nöck
Mor Dhona Nöck
Mor Dhona See-Nöck
Mor Dhona Winter-Nöck
Ostwald Traumkröte
Palast der Toten (Ebenen 11-20) Palast-Kröte
Palast der Toten (Ebenen 111 - 120) Katakomben-Karpfenkröte
Palast des Wanderers (schwer) Wivre-Futter
Sturmkommando Kliffspringer
Südwald Dämmerkröte
Tiefer Wald Holzkröte
Unteres La Noscea Aga-Kröte
Westliches Thanalan (InGame Hinweis)
Westliches Thanalan Kicherkröte
Westliches Thanalan Lachkröte
Westliches Thanalan Verderbnis-Karpfenkröte
Zentrales Hochland von Coerthas Winter-Nöck
Zentrales Thanalan Giftkröte
Östliches La Noscea Ballon-Nöck
Östliches La Noscea Karpfenkröte
32. Toad Oil
32. Toad Oil
ID: 11410
Level: 1 Range: 0y EffectRange: 0y Cast: 2.0s Recast: 2.5s Kategorie:  Zauber
Increases evasion by 20%.
Duration: 180s


This technique covers the blue mage's body in oil, much like a gigantoad's slime would its own, allowing the caster to slip and slide away from foes' attacks. Though most consider it uncouth at best, make no mistake─its devotees are few, but ardent.


Kupferglocken-Mine (schwer) Kupferglocken-Nöck
Westliches Thanalan (InGame Hinweis)
Westliches Thanalan Kicherkröte
33. the Ram's Voice
33. the Ram's Voice
ID: 11419
Level: 1 Range: 0y EffectRange: 6y Cast: 2.0s Recast: 2.5s Kategorie:  Zauber Schaden
Deals ice damage to all nearby enemies with a potency of 220 for the first enemy, and 50% less for all remaining enemies.
Additional Effect: Deep Freeze
Duration: 12s


Scholars theorize that this particular spell was born of the variety of aetherial manipulation often performed by northern rams to survive the harsh climes of high elevations─but when ram became chimerical head, it began to favor offense over defense.


Azulmagia - Der Blaumagier des Bösen Azulmagia
Bozja-Südfront Gebändigter Garm
Castrum Lacus Litore Gebändigter Garm
Die Fraktal-Kontinuum Tadellose Chimära
Die Fraktal-Kontinuum (schwer) Proto-Chimära
Die Welt der Dunkelheit Garm
Dun Scaith Schattenhof-Hund
Eureka Orthos (Ebenen 31-40) Orthochimära
Eureka Orthos (Ebenen 41-50) Servomechanische Chimäre 14X
Glücksaltäre von Uznair Altar-Chimära
Himmelssäule (Ebenen 81-90) Himmelssäulen-Mukai-Inu
Kampf gegen die Dhorme-Chimära Dhorme-Chimära
Palast der Toten (Ebenen 181 - 190) Katakomben-Garm
Rabanastre Archaeolöwe
Seenland Tyger
Sägerschrei (InGame Hinweis)
Sägerschrei Chimära
34. the Dragon's Voice
34. the Dragon's Voice
ID: 11420
Level: 1 Range: 0y EffectRange: 20y Cast: 2.0s Recast: 2.5s Kategorie:  Zauber Schaden
Deals lightning damage to all nearby enemies with a potency of 200 for the first enemy, and 50% less for all remaining enemies.
Enemies within an 8-yalm radius will be unaffected.
Additional Effect: Paralysis
Duration: 9s
Additional Effect: Potency is increased to 400 against most enemies afflicted with Deep Freeze. The Deep Freeze effect is also removed.


The blue mage's ability to precisely direct volatile levin to form the smooth ring produced by this spell is owed to the chimera from which the technique was learned─and whose control of lightning aether was, in turn, owed to its draconic head.


Apademak - Die cholerische Chimära Apademak
Azulmagia - Der Blaumagier des Bösen Azulmagia
Castrum Lacus Litore Gebändigter Garm
Die Fraktal-Kontinuum Tadellose Chimära
Die Fraktal-Kontinuum (schwer) Servomechanische Chimära
Die Welt der Dunkelheit Garm
Dun Scaith Schattenhof-Hund
Eureka Anemos Nichts-Garm
Eureka Orthos (Ebenen 31-40) Orthochimära
Eureka Orthos (Ebenen 41-50) Servomechanische Chimäre 14X
Glücksaltäre von Uznair Altar-Chimära
Himmelssäule (Ebenen 81-90) Himmelssäulen-Mukai-Inu
Kampf gegen die Dhorme-Chimära Dhorme-Chimära
Palast der Toten (Ebenen 181 - 190) Katakomben-Garm
Rabanastre Archaeolöwe
Seenland Tyger
Sägerschrei (InGame Hinweis)
Sägerschrei Chimära
Ätherochemisches Forschungslabor Zucht-Chimära
35. Missile
35. Missile
ID: 11405
Level: 1 Range: 25y EffectRange: 0y Cast: 2.0s Recast: 2.5s Kategorie:  Zauber
Deals damage equal to 50% of target's current HP.
Chance of successful attack is low. Has no effect on enemies whose level is higher than your own.


A magical imitation of warmachina technology, this technique allows the user to fire a barrage of aetherial missiles. When efficacious─which, bear in mind, is not guaranteed─it sends a shock through the foe that appears to resonate more the greater their vitality.


Revanche in den Ruinen (InGame Hinweis)
Revanche in den Ruinen Enkidu
Sigmametrie 3.0 Wächter
Sigmametrie 3.0 (episch) Wächter
36. 1000 Needles
36. 1000 Needles
ID: 11397
Level: 1 Range: 0y EffectRange: 4y Cast: 6.0s Recast: 2.5s Kategorie:  Zauber
Deals a fixed 1,000 points of physical damage which is shared by all enemies around you.


Highly famed─and feared─due to its frequent use by cactuars, 1000 Needles showers one's surroundings with a hail of slim projectiles. Despite their magical nature, the velocity at which the blue mage's pseudo-spines are propelled ensures that they are quite as painful as the real thing.


Aquapolis Aquapolis-Kaktor
Sägerschrei Sabotender-Deserteur
Südliches Thanalan (InGame Hinweis)
Südliches Thanalan Blühender Sabotender
Südliches Thanalan Sabotender-Tänzer
Östliches Thanalan Sonnenküsten-Sabotender
37. Ink Jet
37. Ink Jet
ID: 11422
Level: 1 Range: 0y EffectRange: 6y Cast: 2.0s Recast: 2.5s Kategorie:  Zauber Schaden
Deals unaspected damage to all enemies in a cone before you with a potency of 200 for the first enemy, and 50% less for all remaining enemies.
Additional Effect: Blind
Duration: 30s


Ink Jet can be considered a more advanced form of Water Cannon─fitting, as both come courtesy of the kraken. The spell infuses aetherially concentrated water with whatever impure substances are most readily available to create and expel a synthetic “ink,” blinding opponents.


Sastasha (schwer) (InGame Hinweis)
Sastasha (schwer) Aquadon
38. Fire Angon
38. Fire Angon
ID: 11425
Level: 1 Range: 25y EffectRange: 4y Cast: 1.0s Recast: 2.5s Kategorie:  Zauber Schaden
Deals physical fire damage to target and all enemies nearby it with a potency of 200 for the first enemy, and 50% less for all remaining enemies.


In imitation of a martial technique passed down for generations by Mamool Ja tribes in the New World, this spell imbues a long-headed spear called an “angon”─or rather, an aetherial replica of the same─with fire-aspected aether and propels it across the field at enemy combatants.


Palast des Wanderers (schwer) (InGame Hinweis)
Palast des Wanderers (schwer) Koheel Ja
Yak T'el Magmaal Ja [T] Feuertänzer
39. Moon Flute
39. Moon Flute
ID: 11415
Level: 1 Range: 0y EffectRange: 0y Cast: 2.0s Recast: 2.5s Kategorie:  Zauber
Grants the effect of Waxing Nocturne, increasing damage dealt by 50% and movement speed by 30%.
Duration: 15s
When effect ends, the player is afflicted with Waning Nocturne, preventing the use of auto-attack, weaponskills, spells, or abilities.
Duration: 15s


This technique imitates a peculiar flute wrested from the grasp of a vanquished voidsent. Said creature was initially welcomed as a god by those New World peoples who worship the moon, but it soon became clear to them that the flute was the true source of its power and cruel authority.


Ul'dah - Thal-Kreuzgang (X:12.5 Y:12.9) Wayward Gaheel Ja (Totem der Blaumagie: Mondflöte) 10 Mission der Himmlichen Arena abgeschlossen
40. Tail Screw
40. Tail Screw
ID: 11413
Level: 1 Range: 25y EffectRange: 0y Cast: 2.0s Recast: 2.5s Kategorie:  Zauber
Reduces target's HP to a single digit.
Chance of successful attack is low. Has no effect on enemies whose level is higher than your own.


Karlabos performs Tail Screw by collecting turbulent aether in the tip of its tail, then unleashing it at once as a violent whorl that rips foes' lives from their bodies. This is notoriously difficult to imitate, due to the challenges inherent in attempting to control such a volatile aetherial vortex.


Abanisches Grenzland Hinterhältige Felsenklaue
Alexander - Arm des Vaters Lehmskorpion
Aloalo Aloalo-Kiwakin
Die Zinnen Brutaler Barbier
Die Zinnen Felsenklaue
Die Zinnen Hinterhältige Felsenklaue
Die Zinnen Streunende Felsenklaue
Eureka Anemos Khor-Klaue
Eureka Orthos (Ebenen 51-60) Orthos-Yabby
Kurioses Aloalo Aloalo-Kiwakin
Kurioses Aloalo (episch) Aloalo-Kiwakin
Palast der Toten (Ebenen 181 - 190) Katakomben-Lehmskorpion
Sastasha (schwer) (InGame Hinweis)
Sastasha (schwer) Karlabos
Shaaloani Hinterhältige Kiesklaue
Shaaloani Kiesklaue
Shaaloani Umherstreifende Kiesklaue
Sirenen-See Karlabos' Abbild
41. Mind Blast
41. Mind Blast
ID: 11394
Level: 1 Range: 0y EffectRange: 6y Cast: 1.0s Recast: 2.5s Kategorie:  Zauber Schaden
Deals unaspected damage to all nearby enemies with a potency of 200 for the first enemy, and 50% less for all remaining enemies.
Additional Effect: Paralysis
Duration: 30s


Primarily used by soulflayers, though reportedly also found in Blaster's arsenal, Mind Blast assaults nearby foes' perceptions, tormenting them with the sensation of manifold cuts. Senses overwhelmed, victims' bodies react as if perception were reality, leaving them wounded and paralyzed.


Alexander - Elle des Sohnes Blaster
Alexander - Elle des Sohnes (episch) Blaster
Alexander - Elle des Sohnes (episch) Blaster-Replikant
Alexander - Last des Sohnes Blaster
Alexander - Last des Sohnes (episch) Blaster
Palast der Toten (Ebenen 151 - 160) Katakomben-Seelenschinder
Palast der Toten (Ebenen 51 - 60) Palast-Seelenschinder
Südwald Seelenbrenner
Tempest Archaeotania
Totenacker Tam-Tara (InGame Hinweis)
Totenacker Tam-Tara Großkönig Galvanth
[OLD] Totenacker Tam-Tara Großkönig Galvanth
42. Doom
42. Doom
ID: 11416
Level: 1 Range: 25y EffectRange: 0y Cast: 2.0s Recast: 2.5s Kategorie:  Zauber
Inflicts Doom on target.
Duration: 15s
When effect expires, the target will be KO'd.
Chance of successful attack is low. Has no effect on enemies whose level is higher than your own.


Oft cast by voidsent in the New World, this mortal curse merely hints that one's time may be nigh. For particularly suggestible opponents, however, this is enough─the looming specter of death will send them leaping to their graves.


Ul'dah - Thal-Kreuzgang (X:12.5 Y:12.9) Wayward Gaheel Ja (Totem der Blaumagie: Verhängnis) 20 Mission der Himmlichen Arena abgeschlossen
43. Peculiar Light
43. Peculiar Light
ID: 11421
Level: 1 Range: 0y EffectRange: 6y Cast: 1.0s Recast: 60.0s Kategorie:  Zauber
Increases magic damage taken by all nearby enemies by 5%.
Duration: 15s
Recast timer cannot be affected by other spells. However, this action shares a recast timer with Off-guard.


A variant on a salamander specialty, Peculiar Light disperses radiance naturally emitted during spellcasting into a half-globe, clouding victims' vision. Thus unbeknownst to them, malignant aether lurking within the rapidly reflecting beams renders them more susceptible to further aetherial assaults.


Brüllvolx' Langrast Giftmolch
Brüllvolx' Langrast Höllenkrümmer
Das Fenn Seldsee-Nanka
Eureka Orthos (Ebenen 61-70) Orthos-Diplocaulus
Mor Dhona (InGame Hinweis)
Mor Dhona Aufrechter Olm
Mor Dhona Kurrea
[OLD] Brüllvolx' Langrast Giftmolch
[OLD] Brüllvolx' Langrast Höllenkrümmer
44. Feather Rain
44. Feather Rain
ID: 11426
Level: 1 Range: 30y EffectRange: 5y Cast: 0.0s Recast: 30.0s Kategorie:  Talent Schaden
Deals wind damage with a potency of 220 to all enemies at a designated location.
Additional Effect: Wind damage over time
Potency: 40
Duration: 6s
Shares a recast timer with Eruption.


Feather Rain, as swift and brutal as most of Garuda's skills, puts the force of a gale behind a storm of sharp plumes, afflicting foes with innumerable cuts and lashes that cause lingering agony.


Gymnasion Agonon Gymnasiou-Sphinx
Heldenlied von Ultima (fatal) Chirada
Heldenlied von Ultima (fatal) Garuda
Heldenlied von Ultima (fatal) Ifrit
Heldenlied von Ultima (fatal) Titan
Heldenlied von Ultima (fatal) Ultima-Waffe
Zenit der Götter - Garuda (InGame Hinweis)
Zenit der Götter - Garuda Chirada
Zenit der Götter - Garuda Garuda
Zenit der Götter - Garuda Suparna
45. Eruption
45. Eruption
ID: 11427
Level: 1 Range: 25y EffectRange: 5y Cast: 0.0s Recast: 30.0s Kategorie:  Talent Schaden
Deals fire damage with a potency of 300 to all enemies at a designated location.
Shares a recast timer with Feather Rain.


Necessitating the skill to manipulate currents beneath the earth as Ifrit does, Eruption drives the fire within the land above ground in a burst of explosive flame, creating an effect similar to that of a volcano.


Das Grab der Lohe Ifrit
Der Pfad der Flammen Infernaler Ifrit
Edens Resonanz - Raserei Ifrit
Edens Resonanz - Raserei Raktapaksa
Edens Resonanz - Raserei (episch) Ifrit
Edens Resonanz - Raserei (episch) Raktapaksa
Gymnasion Agonon Phaethon
Götterdämmerung - Ifrit Ifrit
Heldenlied von Ultima Ultima-Waffe
Heldenlied von Ultima (fatal) Garuda
Heldenlied von Ultima (fatal) Ifrit
Heldenlied von Ultima (fatal) Titan
Heldenlied von Ultima (fatal) Ultima-Waffe
Kloster von Orbonne Demi-Belias
Richtfeuer von Ridorana Dämonid Belias
Traumprüfung - Ultima Ultima-Waffe
Zadnor-Hochebene Belias Der IV. Legion
Zel Tajaal - Valigarmanda Valigarmanda
Zenit der Götter - Ifrit (InGame Hinweis)
Zenit der Götter - Ifrit Ifrit
[OLD] Castrum Meridianum - Praetorium Ultima-Waffe
46. Mountain Buster
46. Mountain Buster
ID: 11428
Level: 1 Range: 0y EffectRange: 6y Cast: 0.0s Recast: 60.0s Kategorie:  Talent Schaden
Deals physical earth damage to all enemies in a cone before you with a potency of 400 for the first enemy, and 50% less for all remaining enemies.
Shares a recast timer with Shock Strike.


In a devastating recreation of one of Titan's most fearsome techniques, Mountain Buster strikes opponents with an upheaval of earth-aspected aether, as if the land itself were ripping free of its confines to pulverize its defilers─or any unfortunate bystanders, as it were.


Der Nabel Titan
Götterdämmerung - Titan Titan
Heldenlied von Ultima (fatal) Titan
Traumprüfung - Titan Titan
Zenit der Götter - Titan (InGame Hinweis)
Zenit der Götter - Titan Titan
47. Shock Strike
47. Shock Strike
ID: 11429
Level: 1 Range: 25y EffectRange: 3y Cast: 0.0s Recast: 60.0s Kategorie:  Talent Schaden
Deals lightning damage to target and all enemies nearby it with a potency of 400 for the first enemy, and 50% less for all remaining enemies.
Shares a recast timer with Mountain Buster.


Shock Strike, never so imposing as when cast by Ramuh, calls down a bolt from the heavens. Though measurements are difficult to come by, its power is thought to far exceed that of levinbolts found in nature─indeed, it more closely resembles a warhammer crashing to the earth.


Edens Resonanz - Entladung Ramuh
Edens Resonanz - Entladung (episch) Ramuh
Edens Resonanz - Entladung (episch) Ramuh-Spiegelung
Götterdämmerung - Ramuh Ramuh
Zenit der Götter - Ramuh (InGame Hinweis)
Zenit der Götter - Ramuh Ramuh
48. Glass Dance
48. Glass Dance
ID: 11430
Level: 1 Range: 0y EffectRange: 12y Cast: 0.0s Recast: 90.0s Kategorie:  Talent Schaden
Deals ice damage to all enemies in a wide arc to your fore and flanks with a potency of 350 for the first enemy, and 50% less for all remaining enemies.
Shares a recast timer with Veil of the Whorl.


To fully replicate this technique, beloved of Shiva, the blue mage calls forth a bow of aether from which she fires a hail of razor-sharp icicles. Those who knew the lady Ysayle believe that Glass Dance may have taken form from her memories of observing hunters in Tailfeather.


Zenit der Götter - Shiva (InGame Hinweis)
Zenit der Götter - Shiva Shiva
49. Veil of the Whorl
49. Veil of the Whorl
ID: 11431
Level: 1 Range: 0y EffectRange: 0y Cast: 0.0s Recast: 90.0s Kategorie:  Talent Schaden
Counters enemies with water damage every time you suffer damage.
Counter Potency: 50
Duration: 30s
Effect cannot be stacked with Ice Spikes or Schiltron.
Shares a recast timer with Glass Dance.


This fearsome magic, inspired by Leviathan, creates an aqueous film of water collected from the atmosphere. Though a veil in the sense of offering protection from outside forces, it also functions as a mirror, reflecting foes' aether back upon them.


Götterdämmerung - Leviathan Leviathan
Traumprüfung - Leviathan Leviathan
Zenit der Götter - Leviathan (InGame Hinweis)
Zenit der Götter - Leviathan Leviathan
50. Alpine Draft
50. Alpine Draft
ID: 18295
Level: 1 Range: 20y EffectRange: 20y Cast: 2.0s Recast: 2.5s Kategorie:  Zauber Schaden
Deals wind damage to all enemies in a straight line before you with a potency of 220 for the first enemy, and 50% less for all remaining enemies.


So fierce as to match the gales that pierce Abalathia's Spine, the gusting wind produced by this spell is commonly put to use by wild griffins in driving trespassers from their jealously guarded territory.


Abalathisches Wolkenmeer Akhekhu
Abalathisches Wolkenmeer Greif
Abanisches Grenzland Alpha-Greif
Abanisches Grenzland Berda
Abendrot-Wacht (InGame Hinweis)
Abendrot-Wacht Opinicus
Aquapolis Aquapolis-Kargas
Die Nichts-Arche Wolkenlauerer
Die Zinnen Unedler Greif
Die Zinnen Urgreif
Die Zinnen Vochstein
Dravanisches Vorland Simurgh
Elpis Gryps
Eureka Pagos Val-Greif
Gymnasion Agonon Gymnasiou-Gryps
Ktisis Hyperboreia Ktiseos-Gryps
Urqopacha Pelufresser
Zadnor-Hochebene Berda Junior
Zadnor-Hochebene Obda Junior
51. Protean Wave
51. Protean Wave
ID: 18296
Level: 1 Range: 0y EffectRange: 15y Cast: 2.0s Recast: 2.5s Kategorie:  Zauber Schaden
Deals water damage to all enemies in a cone before you with a potency of 220 for the first enemy, and 50% less for all remaining enemies.
Additional Effect: 15-yalm knockback


This technique originates with the living liquid, which coalesces about a hydrate core that allows it to dispense its own fluid in a violent flood. The magically reproduced version, correctly applied, is equally effective in sweeping away even the bulkiest of foes.


Alexander (fatal) Belebtes Wasser
Alexander (fatal) Levitierte Rage
Alexander (fatal) Prim-Alexander
Alexander - Arm des Vaters (InGame Hinweis)
Alexander - Arm des Vaters Belebtes Wasser
Alexander - Arm des Vaters (episch) Belebtes Wasser
Alexander - Arm des Vaters (episch) Levitierte Rage
Die Melodie von Feuer und Wasser Shikigami Des Wassers
Zadnor-Hochebene Dunkler Wirbel
52. Northerlies
52. Northerlies
ID: 18297
Level: 1 Range: 0y EffectRange: 6y Cast: 2.0s Recast: 2.5s Kategorie:  Zauber Schaden
Deals ice damage to all enemies in a cone before you with a potency of 220 for the first enemy, and 50% less for all remaining enemies.
Additional Effect: Enemies affected by Dropsy are frozen. The Dropsy effect is also removed.
Duration: 20s


Owing to the unique refrigerant in its saliva, the yeti is able to chill its own breath to such great extent that said gust of air rapidly freezes ambient water-aspected aether. By magically generating a similar blizzard, the mage becomes particularly effective against foes afflicted with dropsy.


Das Schneekleid Yeti
Himmelssäule (Ebenen 71-80) Himmelssäulen-Yuki-Otoko
In fremder Haut Alma
Kanäle von Uznair Kanal-Yeti
Vergessene Kanäle von Uznair Kanal-Yeti
Westliches Hochland von Coerthas (InGame Hinweis)
Westliches Hochland von Coerthas Dzu-Teh
Westliches Hochland von Coerthas Einsamer Yeti
Westliches Hochland von Coerthas Hinterhältiger Yeti
Westliches Hochland von Coerthas Klagender Yeti
Westliches Hochland von Coerthas Mirka
Westliches Hochland von Coerthas Schiefer-Yeti
53. Electrogenesis
53. Electrogenesis
ID: 18298
Level: 1 Range: 25y EffectRange: 6y Cast: 2.0s Recast: 2.5s Kategorie:  Zauber Schaden
Deals lightning damage to target and all enemies nearby it with a potency of 220 for the first enemy, and 50% less for all remaining enemies.


This efficacious technique is, in nature, employed by the voracious sea serpent, which will spit a bubble of water that takes on the electric charge of the serpent's own scales─giving the creature's prey a rather nasty shock upon impact.


Abalathisches Wolkenmeer (InGame Hinweis)
Abalathisches Wolkenmeer Conodont
Höllenspund Kaja
Höllenspund Kaja Der Sieben Flammen
Palast der Toten (Ebenen 161 - 170) Yulunggu
Palast der Toten (Ebenen 61 - 70) Yaquaru
Shisui Hikagiri
54. Kaltstrahl
54. Kaltstrahl
ID: 18299
Level: 1 Range: 0y EffectRange: 6y Cast: 2.0s Recast: 2.5s Kategorie:  Zauber Schaden
Deals physical damage to all enemies in a cone before you with a potency of 220 for the first enemy, and 50% less for all remaining enemies.


To employ this technique, it is first necessary to replicate the panzer doll's fearsome spear, which is then swung in an arc to cut foes down quicker than they can blink.


Alexander - Augen des Schöpfers Endfaust
Alexander - Augen des Schöpfers Vollmetall-Faust
Alexander - Augen des Schöpfers (episch) Endfaust
Alexander - Augen des Schöpfers (episch) Vollmetall-Faust
Alexander - Elle des Vaters Jagdpuppe
Alexander - Elle des Vaters (episch) Jagdpuppe
Alexander - Faust des Sohnes Faust
Alexander - Faust des Sohnes Hummelfaust
Alexander - Faust des Sohnes (episch) Faust
Alexander - Faust des Sohnes (episch) Hummelfaust
Alexander - Faust des Vaters (InGame Hinweis)
Alexander - Faust des Vaters Faust
Alexander - Faust des Vaters Sturmpuppe
Alexander - Faust des Vaters (episch) Faust
Alexander - Faust des Vaters (episch) Sturmpuppe
Alexander - Last des Vaters (episch) Strafpuppe
55. Abyssal Transfixion
55. Abyssal Transfixion
ID: 18300
Level: 1 Range: 25y EffectRange: 0y Cast: 2.0s Recast: 2.5s Kategorie:  Zauber Schaden
Deals physical damage with a potency of 220.
Additional Effect: Paralysis
Duration: 30s


An arch demon specialty, Abyssal Transfixion weaves aether into a globe of blades that are then plunged inward to pierce a target in unison. This harrowing experience generally has the effect of paralyzing said target with a visceral terror, making it an invaluable addition to one's arsenal.


Dravanisches Hinterland Gehörnter Dämon
Eureka Pagos Blutdämon
Große Gubal-Bibliothek (InGame Hinweis)
Haukke-Herrenhaus (schwer) Ashur
Palast der Toten (Ebenen 151 - 160) Katakomben-Erzdämon
Palast der Toten (Ebenen 51 - 60) Palast-Erzdämon
56. Chirp
56. Chirp
ID: 18301
Level: 1 Range: 0y EffectRange: 3y Cast: 2.0s Recast: 2.5s Kategorie:  Zauber
Puts all nearby enemies to sleep.
Duration: 40s
Cancels auto-attack upon execution.


This spell mimics the queer cry of the paissa, which is known to impart those who hear it with the answer to life, the universe, and everything─an experience to which the mind reacts by shutting down entirely, plunging its host into a deep slumber.


Abalathisches Wolkenmeer (InGame Hinweis)
Abalathisches Wolkenmeer Apotamkin
Abalathisches Wolkenmeer Paissa
Abalathisches Wolkenmeer Panischer Paissa
Abalathisches Wolkenmeer Schmollender Paissa
Abalathisches Wolkenmeer Squonk
Aquapolis Aquapolis-Skatene
Dravanisches Hinterland Stolas
Eureka Anemos Val-Skatene
Eureka Baldesions Arsenal Arsenal-Skatene
Eureka Orthos (Ebenen 71-80) Orthos-Skatene
Eureka Pyros Val-Skatene
Glücksaltäre von Uznair Altar-Skatene
Il Mheg Hinterhältiger Phookah
Il Mheg Phookah
Il Mheg Schmollender Phookah
Lebende Erinnerung Hammerkauz
Palast der Toten (Ebenen 121 - 130) Katakomben-Skatene
Palast der Toten (Ebenen 21-30) Palast-Skatene
Verliese von Lyhe Ghiah Verlies-Phookah
57. Eerie Soundwave
57. Eerie Soundwave
ID: 18302
Level: 1 Range: 0y EffectRange: 6y Cast: 2.0s Recast: 2.5s Kategorie:  Zauber
Removes one beneficial effect from all nearby enemies.


The empuse generates its Eerie Soundwave by rapidly vibrating parts of its body, emitting an unsettling tone that can only be described as “gods-awful.” Said tone can, however, be harnessed by the mage to disrupt certain harmonious aetherial frequencies and nullify their beneficial effects.


Azys Lla (InGame Hinweis)
Azys Lla Empusa
Eureka Anemos Zahl
Historisches Amdapor Arioch
Revanche in den Ruinen Enkidu
58. Pom Cure
58. Pom Cure
ID: 18303
Level: 1 Range: 30y EffectRange: 0y Cast: 1.5s Recast: 2.5s Kategorie:  Zauber Heilung
Restores target's HP.
Cure Potency: 100
Cure potency is increased to 500 when you are under the effect of Aetheric Mimicry: Healer.


This spell seems fundamentally no different from those used by the conjurers of Stillglade Fane, though upon inquiry as to its detailed workings, an anonymous moogle provided the following words of advice: “Stuff your pom with magic─you know, the sparkly kind─then go 'bwaaa'!”


Königliche Konfrontation (extrem) Flinkefuß Kupli Kipp
Königliche Konfrontation (schwer) (InGame Hinweis)
Königliche Konfrontation (schwer) Flinkefuß Kupli Kipp
59. Gobskin
59. Gobskin
ID: 18304
Level: 1 Range: 0y EffectRange: 20y Cast: 2.0s Recast: 2.5s Kategorie:  Zauber Schild
Creates a barrier around self and all nearby party members that absorbs damage equivalent to a heal of 100 potency.
Duration: 30s
Barrier strength is increased to absorb damage equivalent to a heal of 250 potency when you are under the effect of Aetheric Mimicry: Healer.
Effect cannot be stacked with those of scholar's Galvanize or sage's Eukrasian Diagnosis and Eukrasian Prognosis.


Only select goblins are privy to this technique, developed through unscrupulous scientific experimentation conducted by the Illuminati. It allows one to weave a thin, skintight veil of aether across their entire body, handily augmenting the usual defenses.


Alexander - Atem des Schöpfers Alexander-Schleuderer
Alexander - Atem des Schöpfers Midas-Wegelagerer
Dravanisches Hinterland (InGame Hinweis)
Dravanisches Hinterland Rutschfix Stahlscharnier
60. Magic Hammer
60. Magic Hammer
ID: 18305
Level: 1 Range: 25y EffectRange: 8y Cast: 1.0s Recast: 90.0s Kategorie:  Zauber Schaden
Deals unaspected damage to target and all enemies nearby it with a potency of 250 for the first enemy, and 50% less for all remaining enemies.
Additional Effect: Lowers intelligence and mind attributes by 10%
Duration: 10s
Additional Effect: Restores 10% of maximum MP
Shares a recast timer with Candy Cane.


Memorably employed by Byblos, this technique, simply put, drops a massive metal─or, in many cases, aetherial─hammer directly upon a foe's pate with resounding impact. Such foes understandably find their mental acuity somewhat reduced thereafter.


Deltametrie 3.0 (episch) Apanda
Epilogi - Das Ende kommt immer zuletzt Epilogi
Eureka Baldesions Arsenal Arsenal-Byblos
Eureka Pyros Pyros-Apanda
Große Gubal-Bibliothek (schwer) (InGame Hinweis)
Große Gubal-Bibliothek (schwer) Apanda
61. Avail
61. Avail
ID: 18306
Level: 1 Range: 10y EffectRange: 0y Cast: 1.0s Recast: 120.0s Kategorie:  Zauber
Direct damage intended for you to another party member.
Duration: 12s
Can only be executed when member is within 10 yalms. Does not activate with certain attacks.
This action does not share a recast timer with any other actions.


In nature, the queen hawk secretes a particular pheromone when threatened that encourages her adoring swarm to put itself in harm's way in her name. The astute caster may create a similar effect by magical means─acquiring herself a “meat shield,” as it were.


Sankt Mocianne-Arboretum (InGame Hinweis)
Sankt Mocianne-Arboretum Falkenkönigin
62. Frog Legs
62. Frog Legs
ID: 18307
Level: 1 Range: 0y EffectRange: 4y Cast: 1.0s Recast: 2.5s Kategorie:  Zauber
Provoke nearby enemies, placing yourself at the top of their enmity list.


This incantation-like song is evidently considered a toe-tapper by poroggos─and poroggos exclusively, for to all other creatures it sounds much like a frog being run over by a carriage. Brazenly chanting it without remorse, therefore, is an effective means of drawing ire when necessary.


Dravanisches Hinterland (InGame Hinweis)
Dravanisches Hinterland Heimatloser Poroggo
Dravanisches Hinterland Poroggo
Dravanisches Hinterland Poroggo-Maulfalle
63. Sonic Boom
63. Sonic Boom
ID: 18308
Level: 1 Range: 25y EffectRange: 0y Cast: 1.0s Recast: 2.5s Kategorie:  Zauber Schaden
Deals wind damage with a potency of 210.


A favored technique of the zu, who are able to perform it with a particularly vigorous flap of the wing, Sonic Boom produces a gust of wind-aspected aether so finely compressed that its lethality is oft likened unto that of a finely crafted blade.


Abalathisches Wolkenmeer Anzu
Abalathisches Wolkenmeer Anzu-Mutter
Abalathisches Wolkenmeer Xexeu
Aquapolis Aquapolis-Anzu
Bardams Probe Steppenadler
Die Nichts-Arche Archen-Anzu
Elpis Brütendes Daidalion
Palast der Toten (Ebenen 171 - 180) Katakomben-Anzu
Palast der Toten (Ebenen 71 - 80) Palast-Anzu
Pharos Sirius (InGame Hinweis)
Pharos Sirius Montisaurus
Urqopacha Wander-Montisaurus
Wallende Nebel Durstiger Anzu
Worqor Zormor Worqor-Montisaurus
Äußeres La Noscea Cornu
64. Whistle
64. Whistle
ID: 18309
Level: 1 Range: 0y EffectRange: 0y Cast: 1.0s Recast: 2.5s Kategorie:  Zauber
Increases the potency of the next physical damage spell cast by 80%.
Duration: 30s
Effect cannot be stacked with Boost.


This technique is in fact one of psychological suggestion, albeit suggestion performed on the self. When the proper pitch is attained, the body will respond by producing adrenaline, which can be used to advantage in combat─or, if one happens to be a dhalmel, in attracting a mate.


Abalathisches Wolkenmeer (InGame Hinweis)
Abalathisches Wolkenmeer Dhalmel
Abalathisches Wolkenmeer Dhalmel-Bulle
Abalathisches Wolkenmeer Primitives Dhalmel
Abalathisches Wolkenmeer Wildes Dhalmel
Die Zinnen Jhammel
Die Zinnen Nenaunir
Eureka Anemos Albtraum-Dhalmel
Kanäle von Uznair Kanal-Dhalmel
Nimmerreich Göttliches Dhalmel
Palast der Toten (Ebenen 171 - 180) Katakomben-Dhalmel
Palast der Toten (Ebenen 71 - 80) Palast-Dhalmel
Vergessene Kanäle von Uznair Kanal-Dhalmel
65. White Knight's Tour
65. White Knight's Tour
ID: 18310
Level: 1 Range: 20y EffectRange: 20y Cast: 2.0s Recast: 2.5s Kategorie:  Zauber Schaden
Deals unaspected damage to all enemies in a straight line before you with a potency of 200 for the first enemy, and 50% less for all remaining enemies.
Additional Effect: Potency is increased to 400 when enemies are bound. The Bind effect is also removed.
Additional Effect: Slow +20%
Duration: 20s


Developed as an efficient means for subduing heretics, this spell unleashes a concentrated wave of aether that sears and warps the flesh, leaving its target pained and stumbling─particularly if said target has already succumbed to mental torments.


Erzbasilika (InGame Hinweis)
Erzbasilika Dämmerross
Erzbasilika Weißes Ross
66. Black Knight's Tour
66. Black Knight's Tour
ID: 18311
Level: 1 Range: 20y EffectRange: 20y Cast: 2.0s Recast: 2.5s Kategorie:  Zauber Schaden
Deals unaspected damage to all enemies in a straight line before you with a potency of 200 for the first enemy, and 50% less for all remaining enemies.
Additional Effect: Potency is increased to 400 when enemies are under the effect of Slow. The Slow effect is also removed.
Additional Effect: Bind
Duration: 20s


Never particularly concerned with mercy, the Holy See intended this spell to crush heretics' spirits with a mentally destabilizing beam of aether. If the target is already suffering from physical distress, all the better.


Erzbasilika (InGame Hinweis)
Erzbasilika Morgenross
Erzbasilika Schwarzes Ross
67. Level 5 Death
67. Level 5 Death
ID: 18312
Level: 1 Range: 0y EffectRange: 6y Cast: 2.0s Recast: 180.0s Kategorie:  Zauber
KOs all nearby enemies.
Chance of successful attack is low.
Enemy level must be a multiple of 5. Has no effect on enemies whose level is higher than your own.
Shares a recast timer with Ultravibration.


One of several voidsent curses that rely upon the hubris that living creatures fall prey to upon reaching certain growth malmstones, this spell twists its way into a victim's mind, causing such acute distress that the body's organs are forced to shut down.


Große Gubal-Bibliothek (InGame Hinweis)
Große Gubal-Bibliothek Seite 64
Palast der Toten (Ebenen 191 - 200) Katakomben-Fachan
68. Launcher
68. Launcher
ID: 18313
Level: 1 Range: 0y EffectRange: 15y Cast: 2.0s Recast: 2.5s Kategorie:  Zauber
Delivers an attack to all nearby enemies randomly dealing 50%, 30%, 20%, or 10% of their HP.
Has no effect on enemies whose level is higher than your own.


This spell─particularly effective on the gullible─conjures a volley of illusory missiles, fooling foes into feeling as if they have met the singularly unpleasant fate of being fired upon by Garlean magitek and causing their bodies to react accordingly.


Baelsar-Wall (InGame Hinweis)
Baelsar-Wall Panzerwaffe
Burg Doma Doma-Kriecher
Die Zinnen Tödliche Waffe
Yanxia Gamma
69. Perpetual Ray
69. Perpetual Ray
ID: 18314
Level: 1 Range: 25y EffectRange: 0y Cast: 3.0s Recast: 2.5s Kategorie:  Zauber Schaden
Deals unaspected damage with a potency of 220.
Additional Effect: Stun
Duration: 1s
Ignores target's Stun resistance.


Employed to great effect by a certain godlike machine, the concentrated heat that comprises Perpetual Ray has the capacity to deaden nerve endings and sever links between mind and muscle. By directing the beam with particular finesse, the savvy mage can render a foe entirely immobile.


Alexander - Last des Sohnes Schlachter
Alexander - Last des Sohnes (episch) Schlachter
Alexander - Last des Vaters (InGame Hinweis)
Alexander - Last des Vaters Manipulator
Alexander - Last des Vaters (episch) Manipulator
70. Cactguard
70. Cactguard
ID: 18315
Level: 1 Range: 25y EffectRange: 0y Cast: 1.0s Recast: 2.5s Kategorie:  Zauber P-Mitigation ({'magic': '5%', 'physical': '5%'})
Reduces target party member's damage taken by 5%.
Duration: 6s
Increases damage reduction to 15% when you are under the effect of Aetheric Mimicry: Tank.


Wild sabotenders are believed to have developed this ability to channel their aether toward others as a means of protecting particularly fruitful members of their species─as survival in arid climes ever comes at a cost.


Versunkener Tempel von Qarn (schwer) (InGame Hinweis)
Versunkener Tempel von Qarn (schwer) Sabotender-Wächter
71. Revenge Blast
71. Revenge Blast
ID: 18316
Level: 1 Range: 3y EffectRange: 0y Cast: 2.0s Recast: 2.5s Kategorie:  Zauber Schaden
Deals physical damage with a potency of 50.
Potency is increased to 500 when your HP is below 20%.


The Whalaqee are generally willing to pass on this close-quarter technique, which allows the mage to harness his own feelings of desperation at being driven closer to death and launch a last-ditch offensive. The name of the creature who originally possessed it, however, remains a closely guarded secret.


Ul'dah - Thal-Kreuzgang (X:12.5 Y:12.9) Wayward Gaheel Ja (Totem der Blaumagie: Rachestoß) 50 Zauber gelernt
72. Angel Whisper
72. Angel Whisper
ID: 18317
Level: 1 Range: 25y EffectRange: 0y Cast: 10.0s Recast: 300.0s Kategorie:  Zauber
Resurrects target to a weakened state.
This action does not share a recast timer with any other actions.


The origin of this revitalizing spell is steeped in mystery, as it requires healing aether be amplified through a familiar that appears for all the world to be a messenger from the heavens─a concept soundly at odds with Whalaqee religious beliefs.


Ul'dah - Thal-Kreuzgang (X:12.5 Y:12.9) Wayward Gaheel Ja (Totem der Blaumagie: Engelsflüstern) 30 Mission der Himmlichen Arena abgeschlossen
73. Exuviation
73. Exuviation
ID: 18318
Level: 1 Range: 0y EffectRange: 6y Cast: 2.0s Recast: 2.5s Kategorie:  Zauber Heilung
Restores own HP and the HP of all nearby party members.
Cure Potency: 50
Additional Effect: Removes one detrimental effect from all nearby party members
Cure potency is increased to 300 when you are under the effect of Aetheric Mimicry: Healer.


This spell enhances the body's natural detoxification processes, stimulating organs and the growth of new tissue. Perhaps due to it having originated with wamourae, it feels much like shedding an old layer of scales.


Abalathisches Wolkenmeer (InGame Hinweis)
Abalathisches Wolkenmeer Abalathische Wamoura
Historisches Amdapor Wamoura
Palast der Toten (Ebenen 181 - 190) Katakomben-Wamoura
74. Reflux
74. Reflux
ID: 18319
Level: 1 Range: 25y EffectRange: 0y Cast: 2.0s Recast: 2.5s Kategorie:  Zauber Schaden
Deals lightning damage with a potency of 220.
Additional Effect: Heavy +40%
Duration: 10s
Ignores target's Heavy resistance.


This technique strikes a foe with a ball of concentrated electricity─accumulated by wild elder wyverns during their passage through the clouds, but eminently reproducible through magical means─the power of which causes its body to seize as if being crushed by monumental weight.


Nest des Drachen (InGame Hinweis)
Nest des Drachen Leak
Wallende Nebel Wolken-Wyvern
75. Devour
75. Devour
ID: 18320
Level: 1 Range: 3y EffectRange: 0y Cast: 1.0s Recast: 60.0s Kategorie:  Zauber Schaden
Deals unaspected damage with a potency of 250.
Additional Effect: Increases maximum HP by 20%
Duration: 15s
Increases duration to 70s when you are under the effect of Aetheric Mimicry: Tank.
Additional Effect: Restores an amount of own HP equal to damage dealt
This action does not share a recast timer with any other actions.


No longer merely the domain of savage beasts, this technique, when reproduced by the blue mage, involves not the devouring of rent flesh, but rather heals and invigorates its caster through the absorption of aether.


Abyssos - Fünfter Kreis Proto-Karfunkel
Abyssos - Fünfter Kreis (episch) Proto-Karfunkel
Das Fenn Mahisha
Die Nichts-Arche Cuchulainn
Die Roten Sande Rotsand-Ameisenlöwe
Die Welt der Dunkelheit Cerberus
Himmelssäule (Ebenen 61-70) Kenko
Himmelssäule (Ebenen 81-90) Himmelssäulen-Gozu
Historisches Amdapor Verrottender Gourmet
Ihuykatumu Apollyon
Kozama'uka Ttokrrone
Sankt Mocianne-Arboretum (schwer) Nullchu
Shaaloani Ttokrrone
Thavnair Yilan
Verschlungene Schatten 1 (InGame Hinweis)
Verschlungene Schatten 2 - 1 Rafflesia
Verschlungene Schatten 3 - 4 Schmerz Von Meracydia
76. Condensed Libra
76. Condensed Libra
ID: 18321
Level: 1 Range: 25y EffectRange: 0y Cast: 2.0s Recast: 2.5s Kategorie:  Zauber
Afflicts target with Physical Attenuation, Astral Attenuation, or Umbral Attenuation.
Duration: 30s
Physical Attenuation Effect: Increases damage taken from physical attacks by 5%
Astral Attenuation Effect: Increases damage taken from fire-, wind-, and lightning-aspected attacks by 5%
Umbral Attenuation Effect: Increases damage taken from water-, earth-, and ice-aspected attacks by 5%
Only one of these statuses can be applied to a target at a time.


Invented by complete accident whilst a master mechanic attempted to manufacture an automaton that might monitor his lover's suspected illicit activities, and now a staple mechanism of mechanoscribes, Condensed Libra allows for the rapid analysis and amplification of a foe's weaknesses.


Epilogi - Das Ende kommt immer zuletzt Arena-Scholar
Eureka Baldesions Arsenal Arsenal-Scholar
Große Gubal-Bibliothek (schwer) (InGame Hinweis)
Große Gubal-Bibliothek (schwer) Mechanoscholar
77. Aetheric Mimicry
77. Aetheric Mimicry
ID: 18322
Level: 1 Range: 25y EffectRange: 0y Cast: 1.0s Recast: 2.5s Kategorie:  Zauber
Mirror the aetheric properties of your target, granting yourself a beneficial effect corresponding with the target's role.
If target is a tank, grants Aetheric Mimicry: Tank, increasing your defense and augmenting certain blue magic spells.
If target is a DPS, grants Aetheric Mimicry: DPS, increasing critical hit rate and direct hit rate by 20%, as well as augmenting certain blue magic spells.
If target is a healer, grants Aetheric Mimicry: Healer, increasing healing potency by 20% and augmenting certain blue magic spells.
Cannot be cast on self. Effect ends upon reuse.


A useful little ability originating with the ghrah, Aetheric Mimicry allows the mage to match his aetherial wavelength to that of another person, granting the same benefits as their hard-won combat training.


Pharos Sirius (schwer) (InGame Hinweis)
Pharos Sirius (schwer) Denaturat
77. Aetheric Mimicry
77. Aetheric Mimicry
ID: 19238
Level: 1 Range: 0y EffectRange: 0y Cast: 0.0s Recast: 2.5s Kategorie:  Zauber
Mirror the aetheric properties of your target, granting yourself a beneficial effect corresponding with the target's role.
If target is a tank, grants Aetheric Mimicry: Tank, increasing your defense and augmenting certain blue magic spells.
If target is a DPS, grants Aetheric Mimicry: DPS, increasing critical hit rate and direct hit rate by 20%, as well as augmenting certain blue magic spells.
If target is a healer, grants Aetheric Mimicry: Healer, increasing healing magic potency by 20% and augmenting certain blue magic spells.
Cannot be cast on self. Effect ends upon reuse.


A useful little ability originating with the ghrah, Aetheric Mimicry allows the mage to match his aetherial wavelength to that of another person, granting the same benefits as their hard-won combat training.


Pharos Sirius (schwer) (InGame Hinweis)
Pharos Sirius (schwer) Denaturat
77. Aetheric Mimicry
77. Aetheric Mimicry
ID: 19239
Level: 1 Range: 0y EffectRange: 0y Cast: 0.0s Recast: 2.5s Kategorie:  Zauber
Mirror the aetheric properties of your target, granting yourself a beneficial effect corresponding with the target's role.
If target is a tank, grants Aetheric Mimicry: Tank, increasing your defense and augmenting certain blue magic spells.
If target is a DPS, grants Aetheric Mimicry: DPS, increasing critical hit rate and direct hit rate by 20%, as well as augmenting certain blue magic spells.
If target is a healer, grants Aetheric Mimicry: Healer, increasing healing magic potency by 20% and augmenting certain blue magic spells.
Cannot be cast on self. Effect ends upon reuse.


A useful little ability originating with the ghrah, Aetheric Mimicry allows the mage to match his aetherial wavelength to that of another person, granting the same benefits as their hard-won combat training.


Pharos Sirius (schwer) (InGame Hinweis)
Pharos Sirius (schwer) Denaturat
77. Aetheric Mimicry
77. Aetheric Mimicry
ID: 19240
Level: 1 Range: 0y EffectRange: 0y Cast: 0.0s Recast: 2.5s Kategorie:  Zauber
Mirror the aetheric properties of your target, granting yourself a beneficial effect corresponding with the target's role.
If target is a tank, grants Aetheric Mimicry: Tank, increasing your defense and augmenting certain blue magic spells.
If target is a DPS, grants Aetheric Mimicry: DPS, increasing critical hit rate and direct hit rate by 20%, as well as augmenting certain blue magic spells.
If target is a healer, grants Aetheric Mimicry: Healer, increasing healing magic potency by 20% and augmenting certain blue magic spells.
Cannot be cast on self. Effect ends upon reuse.


A useful little ability originating with the ghrah, Aetheric Mimicry allows the mage to match his aetherial wavelength to that of another person, granting the same benefits as their hard-won combat training.


Pharos Sirius (schwer) (InGame Hinweis)
Pharos Sirius (schwer) Denaturat
78. Surpanakha
78. Surpanakha
ID: 18323
Level: 1 Range: 0y EffectRange: 16y Cast: 0.0s Recast: 30.0s Kategorie:  Talent Schaden
Deals earth damage to all enemies in a cone before you with a potency of 200 for the first enemy, and 50% less for all remaining enemies.
Additional Effect: Grants Surpanakha's Fury, increasing potency of Surpanakha by 50%
Duration: 3s
Can be stacked up to 3 times.
Maximum Charges: 4
Effect is canceled upon execution of any action other than Surpanakha.


Favored by Ravana, this spell subtly manipulates earth-aspected aether to draw metallic particles from nearby mineral deposits, then propels them forward in an expansive wave to pierce foes' flesh like shrapnel.


Götterdämmerung - Ravana (InGame Hinweis)
Götterdämmerung - Ravana Ravana
Zenit der Götter - Ravana Ravana
79. Quasar
79. Quasar
ID: 18324
Level: 1 Range: 0y EffectRange: 15y Cast: 0.0s Recast: 60.0s Kategorie:  Talent Schaden
Deals unaspected damage to all nearby enemies with a potency of 300 for the first enemy, and 50% less for all remaining enemies.
Shares a recast timer with J Kick.


Calling upon a rain of aetherial stars like that delivered unto those who upset Sophia's precious harmony, this spell leaves foes shaking from both the impact of a sky fallen and the thought of what fell fate it may portend.


Götterdämmerung - Sophia (InGame Hinweis)
Götterdämmerung - Sophia Sophia
Traumprüfung - Sophia Sophia
Zenit der Götter - Sophia Sophia
80. J Kick
80. J Kick
ID: 18325
Level: 1 Range: 25y EffectRange: 6y Cast: 0.0s Recast: 60.0s Kategorie:  Talent Schaden
Delivers a jumping physical attack to target and all enemies nearby it with a potency of 300 for the first enemy, and 50% less for all remaining enemies.
Cannot be executed while bound.
Shares a recast timer with Quasar.


The signature move of Brute Justice, this technique involves unleashing the full force of justice, delirium unsuspected, static tuned in to reason─before falling back right in with the system, falling back to the end.


Alexander (fatal) Brutalus
Alexander - Last des Sohnes (InGame Hinweis)
Alexander - Last des Sohnes Brutalus
Alexander - Last des Sohnes (episch) Brutalus
81. Triple Trident
81. Triple Trident
ID: 23264
Level: 1 Range: 3y EffectRange: 0y Cast: 2.0s Recast: 90.0s Kategorie:  Zauber Schaden
Delivers a threefold attack, each hit with a potency of 150.
This action does not share a recast timer with any other actions.


Originally developed by the Namazu as a spearfishing technique, this blindingly fast triple strike has proven just as effective against creatures more intent on devouring the fisher.


Glücksaltäre von Uznair Majestät Goldbartel
Himmelssäule (Ebenen 11-20) Himmelssäulen-Namazuo
Yanxia (InGame Hinweis)
Yanxia Ebisu Namazuo
Yanxia Gyorai Schnellschlag
Yanxia Nass-Namazuo
Yanxia Nervöser Namazuo
82. Tingle
82. Tingle
ID: 23265
Level: 1 Range: 20y EffectRange: 6y Cast: 2.0s Recast: 2.5s Kategorie:  Zauber Schaden
Deals lightning damage to target and all enemies nearby it with a potency of 100 for the first enemy, and 50% less for all remaining enemies.
Additional Effect: Increases the potency of the next physical damage spell cast by 100
Duration: 15s


The Namazu likely named this ability more for the pleasantly tingling current that energizes the caster, rather than the shocking bolt of devastation that smites the distant target. Devised by idle hunters who prefer to stay in one comfortable spot on the river, and strike at whatever swims into range.


Glücksaltäre von Uznair Majestät Goldbartel
Himmelssäule (Ebenen 11-20) Himmelssäulen-Namazuo
Yanxia (InGame Hinweis)
Yanxia Ebisu Namazuo
Yanxia Nervöser Namazuo
83. Tatami-gaeshi
83. Tatami-gaeshi
ID: 23266
Level: 1 Range: 20y EffectRange: 20y Cast: 2.0s Recast: 2.5s Kategorie:  Zauber Schaden
Deals unaspected damage to all enemies in a straight line before you with a potency of 220 for the first enemy, and 50% less for all remaining enemies.
Additional Effect: Stun
Duration: 3s


The dojun-maru employ this ability to weave a row of phantom tatami mats, which they then flip onto an enemy with stunning force. A true master of the technique can even imbue the creation with the faint scent of tatami straw.


Der Rokkon Yozakura Die Vergängliche
Schloss Kugane (InGame Hinweis)
Schloss Kugane Joi Onmitsu
84. Cold Fog
84. Cold Fog
ID: 23267
Level: 1 Range: 0y EffectRange: 0y Cast: 2.0s Recast: 90.0s Kategorie:  Zauber Schaden
Grants Cold Fog to self.
Duration: 5s
Effect changes to Touch of Frost if damage is taken.
Touch of Frost Effect: Action changes from Cold Fog to White Death
Duration: 15s
White Death
Deals ice damage with a potency of 400.
Additional Effect: Deep Freeze
Duration: 10s
Can only be executed while under the effect of Touch of Frost.


A mist dragon will instinctively cloak itself in a chilling fog, which allows it to freeze any aggressor foolish enough to test its defenses. Practitioners of this spell have discovered that the trick to not freezing oneself in the process is to surround the body with a pocket of warm air.


Das Kargland (InGame Hinweis)
Das Kargland Nebeldrache
84. White Death
84. White Death
ID: 23268
Level: 84 Range: 25y EffectRange: 0y Cast: 0.0s Recast: 2.5s Kategorie:  Zauber Schaden
Deals ice damage with a potency of 400.
Additional Effect: Deep Freeze
Duration: 10s
Can only be executed while under the effect of Touch of Frost.


Das Kargland Nebeldrache
Eureka Pagos Iglu-König
Ktisis Hyperboreia Ktiseos-Chione
85. Stotram
85. Stotram
ID: 23269
Level: 1 Range: 0y EffectRange: 15y Cast: 2.0s Recast: 2.5s Kategorie:  Zauber SchadenHeilung
Deals unaspected damage with a potency of 140 to all nearby enemies.
Action effect changes, restoring own HP and the HP of all nearby party members when you are under the effect of Aetheric Mimicry: Healer.
Cure Potency: 300


A paean to love favored by Lakshmi, this spell produces an explosion of light, the effect of which varies depending on the caster's mindset─a heart intent on harm will scorch foes caught in the blast, whilst a heart filled with mercy will mend the wounds of those held dear.


Götterdämmerung - Lakshmi (InGame Hinweis)
Götterdämmerung - Lakshmi Lakshmi
Zenit der Götter - Lakshmi Lakshmi
85. Stotram
85. Stotram
ID: 23416
Level: 1 Range: 0y EffectRange: 15y Cast: 2.0s Recast: 2.5s Kategorie:  Zauber SchadenHeilung
Deals unaspected damage with a potency of 140 to all nearby enemies.
Action effect changes, restoring own HP and the HP of all nearby party members when you are under the effect of Aetheric Mimicry: Healer.
Cure Potency: 300


A paean to love favored by Lakshmi, this spell produces an explosion of light, the effect of which varies depending on the caster's mindset─a heart intent on harm will scorch foes caught in the blast, whilst a heart filled with mercy will mend the wounds of those held dear.


Götterdämmerung - Lakshmi (InGame Hinweis)
Götterdämmerung - Lakshmi Lakshmi
Zenit der Götter - Lakshmi Lakshmi
86. Saintly Beam
86. Saintly Beam
ID: 23270
Level: 1 Range: 25y EffectRange: 6y Cast: 2.0s Recast: 2.5s Kategorie:  Zauber Schaden
Deals unaspected damage with a potency of 100 to target and all enemies nearby it.
Potency increases to 500 when used against undead enemies.


Cast by, of all things, a phantom train, this purifying light burns away restless spirits and consumes tainted souls. In Garlemald, where travel by machina is commonplace, the tale is told of a spectral locomotive whose passengers are the spirits of the dead...


Sigmametrie 1.0 (InGame Hinweis)
Sigmametrie 1.0 Phantomzug
Sigmametrie 1.0 (episch) Phantomzug
87. Feculent Flood
87. Feculent Flood
ID: 23271
Level: 1 Range: 20y EffectRange: 20y Cast: 2.0s Recast: 2.5s Kategorie:  Zauber Schaden
Deals earth damage to all enemies in a straight line before you with a potency of 220 for the first enemy, and 50% less for all remaining enemies.


The signature technique of Tokkapchi, this ability draws on earth-aspected aether to generate a stinging geyser of mud. Widely believed to deal additional psychological damage against opponents dressed in white.


Il Mheg Matschklops
Sankt Mocianne-Arboretum (schwer) (InGame Hinweis)
Sankt Mocianne-Arboretum (schwer) Tokkapchi
88. Angel's Snack
88. Angel's Snack
ID: 23272
Level: 1 Range: 0y EffectRange: 20y Cast: 2.0s Recast: 120.0s Kategorie:  Zauber Heilung
Restores own HP and the HP of all nearby party members.
Cure Potency: 400
Additional Effect: Grants healing over time effect when you are under the effect of Aetheric Mimicry: Healer
Cure Potency: 200
Duration: 15s
Shares a recast timer with Dragon Force and Matra Magic.


A spell attributed to the guardian statues of the New World wherein the caster manifests a spread of aetherial treats with panacean properties. Those nourished by the feast find their wounds quickly closing─an effect which lingers when provided by a practitioner with knowledge of healing.


Ul'dah - Thal-Kreuzgang (X:12.5 Y:12.9) Wayward Gaheel Ja (Totem der Blaumagie: Engelspeise) Level 70 mit dem Blaumagier erreicht
89. Chelonian Gate
89. Chelonian Gate
ID: 23273
Level: 1 Range: 0y EffectRange: 0y Cast: 2.0s Recast: 30.0s Kategorie:  Zauber Schaden
Summons a chelonian gate, reducing damage taken by 20%.
Duration: 10s
Additional Effect: Grants Auspicious Trance after taking damage equal to 30% of maximum HP
Auspicious Trance Effect: Action changes from Chelonian Gate to Divine Cataract
Chelonian Gate effect ends upon using another action or moving (including facing a different direction).
Auspicious Trance ends upon losing the effect of Chelonian Gate.
Cancels auto-attack upon execution.
Shares a recast timer with The Rose of Destruction and Ruby Dynamics.
Divine Cataract
Deals water damage to all nearby enemies with a potency of 500 for the first enemy, and 50% less for all remaining enemies.
Potency increases to 1,000 when you are under the effect of Aetheric Mimicry: Tank.
Can only be executed when under the effect of Auspicious Trance.


A versatile technique utilized and perfected by Genbu, this magical barrier is formed of water-aspected aether. It works to soften incoming blows, storing energy that can later be unleashed in an explosive torrent.


Höllenspund (InGame Hinweis)
89. Divine Cataract
89. Divine Cataract
ID: 23274
Level: 89 Range: 0y EffectRange: 10y Cast: 0.0s Recast: 2.5s Kategorie:  Zauber Schaden
Deals water damage to all nearby enemies with a potency of 500 for the first enemy, and 50% less for all remaining enemies.
Potency increases to 1,000 when you are under the effect of Aetheric Mimicry: Tank.
Can only be executed when under the effect of Auspicious Trance.


Höllenspund Genbu
90. The Rose of Destruction
90. The Rose of Destruction
ID: 23275
Level: 1 Range: 25y EffectRange: 0y Cast: 2.0s Recast: 30.0s Kategorie:  Zauber Schaden
Deals unaspected damage with a potency of 400.
Additional Effect: 10-yalm knockback
Shares a recast timer with Chelonian Gate and Ruby Dynamics.


This spell imitates the martial technique devised by Ivon Coeurlfist, which in turn mimics the “blaster” attack employed by wild coeurls. Upon casting, a ball of concentrated aether is propelled forward with sufficient force to knock back all but the most implacable opponents.


Tempel der Faust (InGame Hinweis)
Tempel der Faust Ivon Coeurlfaust
91. Basic Instinct
91. Basic Instinct
ID: 23276
Level: 1 Range: 0y EffectRange: 0y Cast: 2.0s Recast: 2.5s Kategorie:  Zauber
Increases movement speed by 30%, and healing potency and damage dealt by 100%. Also ignores the damage penalty inflicted by Mighty Guard.
Can only be used in duties intended for two or more players while playing alone, while no other party members are in the instance, or when all party members are incapacitated. Effect ends when joined by one or more party members.


A behavior learned from certain species of coeurl, the caster rises to the challenge of losing comrades by tapping into a feral survival instinct. When all seems lost, or when simply treading where a lone mage was not meant to tread, unrestrained ferocity is sometimes the only way to win through.


Oberes La Noscea (InGame Hinweis)
Tempel der Faust Coeurl Smriti
92. Ultravibration
92. Ultravibration
ID: 23277
Level: 1 Range: 0y EffectRange: 6y Cast: 2.0s Recast: 120.0s Kategorie:  Zauber
KOs all nearby enemies afflicted with Deep Freeze or Petrification. Has no effect on enemies whose level is higher than your own, and certain others.
Shares a recast timer with Level 5 Death.


By manipulating aether to imitate the minute wingbeats of a kongamato, a caster generates an ultrasonic wave which ripples visibly through the surrounding air. The vibrations are lethal to frozen or petrified targets, causing them to shatter with dramatic force.


Die Zinnen (InGame Hinweis)
Die Zinnen Balzender Kongamato
Die Zinnen Kongamato
Eureka Pyros Pyros-Kongamato
Kanäle von Uznair Kanal-Kongamato
Vergessene Kanäle von Uznair Kanal-Kongamato
93. Blaze
93. Blaze
ID: 23278
Level: 1 Range: 25y EffectRange: 6y Cast: 2.0s Recast: 2.5s Kategorie:  Zauber Schaden
Deals ice damage to target and all enemies nearby it with a potency of 220 for the first enemy, and 50% less for all remaining enemies.


Contrary to expectation, the Blaze attack employed by Alte Roite manifests a swirling storm of ice. Some dismiss the spell's name as an odd jest made by the author of the novel in which the winged serpent was first referenced, while others claim the freezing lesions it causes resemble terrible burns.


Deltametrie 1.0 (InGame Hinweis)
Deltametrie 1.0 Alte Roite
Deltametrie 1.0 (episch) Alte Roite
94. Mustard Bomb
94. Mustard Bomb
ID: 23279
Level: 1 Range: 25y EffectRange: 6y Cast: 2.0s Recast: 2.5s Kategorie:  Zauber Schaden
Deals fire damage to target and all enemies nearby it with a potency of 220 for the first enemy, and 50% less for all remaining enemies.
Additional Effect: Enemies affected by Lightheaded suffer damage over time
Potency: 50
Duration: 15s


A recreation of the terrible chemical explosive employed by Omega, this spell fires a bomb on an arcing trajectory which detonates on impact with the target. The attack is known to leave behind a pungent odor, not unlike mustard.


Alphametrie 3.0 (InGame Hinweis)
Alphametrie 3.0 Omega
Alphametrie 3.0 (episch) Omega
Arkadion - Halbschwergewicht R4 (episch) Tosender Donner
Arkadion - Halbschwergewicht R4 (episch) Tosender Donner I
Arkadion - Halbschwergewicht R4 (episch) Tosender Donner II
Stigma-Holometrie Proto-Omega
95. Dragon Force
95. Dragon Force
ID: 23280
Level: 1 Range: 0y EffectRange: 0y Cast: 2.0s Recast: 120.0s Kategorie:  Zauber P-Mitigation ({'magic': '20%', 'physical': '20%'})
Reduces damage taken by 20%.
Duration: 15s
Increases damage reduction to 40% when you are under the effect of Aetheric Mimicry: Tank.
Shares a recast timer with Angel's Snack and Matra Magic.


A technique said to originate from the dragons of the New World, this ability cocoons the caster in a sphere of aetherial force which serves to blunt incoming attacks. There is some debate on whether the aforementioned “dragons” are truly of dragonkind, or merely a species of “dragon-like” scalekin.


Ul'dah - Thal-Kreuzgang (X:12.5 Y:12.9) Wayward Gaheel Ja (Totem der Blaumagie: Drachenkraft) 100 Zauber gelernt
96. Aetherial Spark
96. Aetherial Spark
ID: 23281
Level: 1 Range: 20y EffectRange: 20y Cast: 2.0s Recast: 2.5s Kategorie:  Zauber Schaden
Deals unaspected damage with a potency of 50 to all enemies in a straight line before you.
Additional Effect: Unaspected damage over time
Potency: 50
Duration: 15s


This spell, learned from the dhruva, summons forth a cluster of luminous projectiles which inflict multiple pinpoint wounds to all in their path. The jagged edges of these tiny lacerations bleed profusely, weakening the target and causing considerable pain.


Bozja-Südfront Wasser-Familiar
Das Fenn (InGame Hinweis)
Das Fenn Luminare
Euphoratron Euphoratron-Luminare
Eureka Pagos Anapo
Eureka Pagos Schneesturm-Exergon
Himmelssäule (Ebenen 21-30) Himmelssäulen-Dhruva
Kanäle von Uznair Kanal-Dhruva
Labyrinthos Kristall-Dhruva
Tempest Rusalka
Vergessene Kanäle von Uznair Kanal-Dhruva
Ätherborn Haam-Verlorener
97. Hydro Pull
97. Hydro Pull
ID: 23282
Level: 1 Range: 0y EffectRange: 15y Cast: 2.0s Recast: 2.5s Kategorie:  Zauber Schaden
Deals water damage to all nearby enemies with a potency of 220 for the first enemy, and 50% less for all remaining enemies.
Additional Effect: Draw-in


Commonly used amongst Kelpies, this spell generates a powerful current of water which draws in surrounding targets, with even low-flying cloudkin falling victim to its inexorable pull.


Die versunkene Stadt Skalla (InGame Hinweis)
Die versunkene Stadt Skalla Kelpie
98. Malediction of Water
98. Malediction of Water
ID: 23283
Level: 1 Range: 0y EffectRange: 15y Cast: 2.0s Recast: 2.5s Kategorie:  Zauber Schaden
Deals water damage to all enemies in a straight line before you with a potency of 200 for the first enemy, and 50% less for all remaining enemies.
Additional Effect: 10-yalm knockback to all enemies and party members in range
Cannot be used outside of combat or when target is suffering from certain enfeeblements.


This example of sai taisui geomancy sends forth a surging wall of water which sweeps along all in its path─friend or foe. One cannot be too careful when toying with maledictions.


Himmelssäule (Ebenen 21-30) Himmelssäulen-Sai-Taisui
Kompass der Schwalbe (InGame Hinweis)
Kompass der Schwalbe Sai Taisui
99. Choco Meteor
99. Choco Meteor
ID: 23284
Level: 1 Range: 25y EffectRange: 8y Cast: 2.0s Recast: 2.5s Kategorie:  Zauber Schaden
Deals unaspected damage to target and all enemies nearby it with a potency of 200 for the first enemy, and 50% less for all remaining enemies.
Potency increases to 300 when partied with your personal chocobo.


A destructive ability employed by red chocobos wherein the dust and dirt in the area is drawn up into one solid mass, heated until it glows, then dropped on a target from on high. It is unsurprising, then, that these feathery fiends─also known as courser chocobos─are greeted with near-universal terror.


Bozja-Südfront Roter Meteor
Dravanisches Vorland (InGame Hinweis)
Rabanastre Roter Chocobo
100. Matra Magic
100. Matra Magic
ID: 23285
Level: 1 Range: 25y EffectRange: 0y Cast: 2.0s Recast: 120.0s Kategorie:  Zauber Schaden
Deals an unaspected eightfold attack, each hit with a potency of 50.
Potency is increased to 100 when you are under the effect of Aetheric Mimicry: DPS.
Shares a recast timer with Angel's Snack and Dragon Force.


A variety of magic employed by New World voidsent, this spell pummels the target with a barrage of incandescent orbs. Its name, likely familiar to scholars of the arcane, is said to have once encompassed the Whalaqee arts of near-death curses and converting life force into mana.


Ul'dah - Thal-Kreuzgang (X:12.5 Y:12.9) Wayward Gaheel Ja (Totem der Blaumagie: Matra-Magie) 100 Zauber gelernt
101. Peripheral Synthesis
101. Peripheral Synthesis
ID: 23286
Level: 1 Range: 20y EffectRange: 20y Cast: 2.0s Recast: 2.5s Kategorie:  Zauber Schaden
Deals physical damage to all enemies in a straight line before you with a potency of 220 for the first enemy, and 50% less for all remaining enemies.
Potency increased to 400 when target becomes afflicted with Lightheaded.
Additional Effect: Inflicts Lightheaded
Duration: 5s
Repeated use of this action in a short period will reduce the additional effect's duration, eventually rendering targets immune to Lightheaded.


Omega's power reigned supreme within the interdimensional rift, allowing it to access a store of collected data and synthesize all manner of entities and objects─including giant, rocket-propelled fists of unyielding metal.


Alphametrie 3.0 (InGame Hinweis)
Alphametrie 3.0 Omega
Alphametrie 3.0 (episch) Omega
102. Both Ends
102. Both Ends
ID: 23287
Level: 1 Range: 0y EffectRange: 20y Cast: 0.0s Recast: 120.0s Kategorie:  Talent Schaden
Deals physical damage with a potency of 600 to all nearby enemies.
Shares a recast timer with Nightbloom.


This incantation seeks to emulate the supernatural might of the auspice Qitian Dasheng, with the caster leaping into the air, and spinning an elongated staff of pure aether in a whirlwind of brutal force.


Kompass der Schwalbe (InGame Hinweis)
Kompass der Schwalbe Qitian Dasheng
Kompass der Schwalbe Schatten Des Weisen
103. Phantom Flurry
103. Phantom Flurry
ID: 23288
Level: 1 Range: 0y EffectRange: 8y Cast: 0.0s Recast: 120.0s Kategorie:  Talent Schaden
Deals physical damage over time with a potency of 200 to all enemies in a cone before you.
Duration: 5s
Executing Phantom Flurry again before its effect expires deals physical damage to all enemies in a cone before you with a potency of 600 for the first enemy, and 50% less for all remaining enemies.
Effect ends upon using an action other than Phantom Flurry or moving (including facing a different direction).
Cancels auto-attack upon execution.


A technique employed by Suzaku, wherein the auspice unleashes a swift series of blurring kicks. The “phantom” half of the name is a somewhat nebulous reference to a constellation in Far Eastern astrology, the sign of which is said to bring good fortune in all matters...except that of matrimony.


Seelensturm - Suzaku Suzaku
Seelentanz - Suzaku (InGame Hinweis)
Seelentanz - Suzaku Suzaku
103. Phantom Flurry
103. Phantom Flurry
ID: 23289
Level: 1 Range: 0y EffectRange: 16y Cast: 0.0s Recast: 2.5s Kategorie:  Talent Schaden
Deals physical damage over time with a potency of 200 to all enemies in a cone before you.
Duration: 5s
Executing Phantom Flurry again before its effect expires deals physical damage to all enemies in a cone before you with a potency of 600 for the first enemy, and 50% less for all remaining enemies.
Effect ends upon using an action other than Phantom Flurry or moving (including facing a different direction).
Cancels auto-attack upon execution.


A technique employed by Suzaku, wherein the auspice unleashes a swift series of blurring kicks. The “phantom” half of the name is a somewhat nebulous reference to a constellation in Far Eastern astrology, the sign of which is said to bring good fortune in all matters...except that of matrimony.


Seelensturm - Suzaku Suzaku
Seelentanz - Suzaku (InGame Hinweis)
Seelentanz - Suzaku Suzaku
104. Nightbloom
104. Nightbloom
ID: 23290
Level: 1 Range: 0y EffectRange: 10y Cast: 0.0s Recast: 120.0s Kategorie:  Talent Schaden
Deals unaspected damage to all nearby enemies with a potency of 400 for the first enemy, and 50% less for all remaining enemies.
Additional Effect: Unaspected damage over time
Potency: 75
Duration: 60s
Shares a recast timer with Both Ends.


This extravagant technique belongs to Tsukuyomi, Lady of the Moon, whose malignant ire manifests as a field of flowers which then burst apart in a hail of deadly petals. Accept the inevitability of the grave, and the power of the nightbloom is yours to wield...


Götterdämmerung - Tsukuyomi (InGame Hinweis)
Götterdämmerung - Tsukuyomi Tsukuyomi
Götterdämmerung - Tsukuyomi Yotsuyu
Zenit der Götter - Tsukuyomi Tsukuyomi
Zenit der Götter - Tsukuyomi Yotsuyu
105. Goblin Punch
105. Goblin Punch
ID: 34563
Level: 1 Range: 3y EffectRange: 0y Cast: 0.0s Recast: 2.5s Kategorie:  Zauber Schaden
Deals physical damage with a potency of 120.
220 when executed in front of a target.
Potency is increased to 220 when you are under the effect of Mighty Guard.
320 when executed in front of a target while you are under the effect of Mighty Guard.


Favored by hobgoblins, this time-honored technique operates on the premise of “beating 'em senseless.” Blue mages strengthen the attack by channeling magic into their fists, which come to harbor even greater pummeling potential when coupled with the stones to face one's foe head-on.


Kholusia (InGame Hinweis)
Kholusia Diebischer Hobgoblin
Kholusia Hinterhältiger Hobgoblin
Kholusia Hobgoblin
Kholusia Hobgoblin-Boss
Kholusia Hobgoblin-Flitzer
Kholusia Hobgoblin-Marodeur
Kholusia Hobgoblin-Räuber
Kholusia Kleiner Mörder
106. Right Round
106. Right Round
ID: 34564
Level: 1 Range: 0y EffectRange: 8y Cast: 2.0s Recast: 2.5s Kategorie:  Zauber Schaden
Deals physical damage with a potency of 110 to all nearby enemies.
Additional Effect: 10-yalm knockback to all enemies and party members in range
Cannot be used outside of combat or when target is suffering from certain enfeeblements.


This spell recreates the devastating way in which the greater armadillo swings an enormous boulder in its clawed tail as if wielding a flail. A boulder is conjured from aether and similarly swung at great speed, sending nearby foes flying.


Malikahs Brunnen (InGame Hinweis)
Malikahs Brunnen Riesengürteltier
107. Schiltron
107. Schiltron
ID: 34565
Level: 1 Range: 0y EffectRange: 0y Cast: 2.0s Recast: 2.5s Kategorie:  Zauber
Counters enemies with unaspected damage every time you suffer physical damage.
Counter Potency: 50
Duration: 15s
Potency is increased to 100 when you are under the effect of Aetheric Mimicry: Tank.
Effect cannot be stacked with Veil of the Whorl or Ice Spikes.


Certain species of armadillo have learned to channel aether into their shells, thus granting them the hardness of metal. A similar stratagem allows the blue mage to reflect physical blows back upon an attacker─though unfortunately, both armadillo and man still feel the intial, teeth-rattling impact.


Amh Araeng (InGame Hinweis)
Amh Araeng Geschupptes Gürteltier
Amh Araeng Panzerschwanz-Gürteltier
Thavnair Vajrakumara
108. Rehydration
108. Rehydration
ID: 34566
Level: 1 Range: 0y EffectRange: 0y Cast: 5.0s Recast: 2.5s Kategorie:  Zauber Heilung
Restores own HP.
Cure Potency: 600


Particularly savvy armadillos are capable of healing themselves by drawing upon the moisture in the air, and by imitating this behavior, mages can enjoy the selfsame benefits─including flawless skin.


Amh Araeng (InGame Hinweis)
Amh Araeng Flutschiges Gürteltier
Götterdämmerung - Bismarck Bismarck
Malikahs Brunnen Rudel-Gürteltier
109. Breath of Magic
109. Breath of Magic
ID: 34567
Level: 1 Range: 0y EffectRange: 10y Cast: 2.0s Recast: 2.5s Kategorie:  Zauber Schaden
Deals unaspected damage over time with a potency of 120 to all enemies in a cone before you.
Duration: 60s
Only one effect inflicted by this action can be active at a time.


Acquired from a species of crustacean native to the New World, this spell is executed by blending aether of multiple aspects and unleashing it in one fell blast. This has the effect of disrupting the target's aetheric balance, thereby gradually robbing them of vigor.


Ul'dah - Thal-Kreuzgang (X:12.5 Y:12.9) Wayward Gaheel Ja (Totem der Blaumagie: Zauberatem) Level 80 mit dem Blaumagier erreicht
110. Wild Rage
110. Wild Rage
ID: 34568
Level: 1 Range: 0y EffectRange: 10y Cast: 5.0s Recast: 2.5s Kategorie:  Zauber Schaden
Deals physical damage to all nearby enemies with a potency of 500 for the first enemy, and 50% less for all remaining enemies.
Consumes 50% of your maximum HP when executed.


Embracing rage in the fashion of the spectral berserker allows one to unleash an unbridled wave of destruction. As many a parable will attest, however, anger is a double-edged sword; the spell consumes a great deal of energy, and the caster is advised to be wary of untimely exhaustion.


Schlacht um Norvrandt (InGame Hinweis)
Schlacht um Norvrandt Phantom-Berserker
111. Peat Pelt
111. Peat Pelt
ID: 34569
Level: 1 Range: 25y EffectRange: 6y Cast: 2.0s Recast: 2.5s Kategorie:  Zauber Schaden
Deals earth damage to target and all enemies nearby it with a potency of 100 for the first enemy, and 50% less for all remaining enemies.
Additional Effect: Afflicts target with Begrimed
Begrimed Effect: Earth damage over time
Potency: 10
Duration: 9s


Taking a filthy page from the mudman, this spell coalesces earth-aspected aether into a clump of mud, which is hurled at enemies. Those who are struck bear stubborn mud stains that diminish their self-worth, causing a lingering enervation.


Matoyas Atelier (InGame Hinweis)
Matoyas Atelier Matschmann
112. Deep Clean
112. Deep Clean
ID: 34570
Level: 1 Range: 25y EffectRange: 6y Cast: 2.0s Recast: 2.5s Kategorie:  Zauber SchadenHeilung
Deals physical damage to all nearby enemies with a potency of 220 for the first enemy, and 50% less for all remaining enemies.
Additional Effect: Grants one stack of Spick-and-span for each enemy afflicted with Begrimed. The Begrimed effect is also removed.
Maximum Stacks: 6
Spick-and-span Effect: Regen
Cure Potency: 50
Cure potency increases up to 300 based on your accumulated stacks of Spick-and-span.
Duration: 15s
Additional stacks of Spick-and-span accumulated while the effect is active will not affect duration.


Taking a spotless page from the Seeker of Solitude, this spell summons forth a magicked broom to sweep the area clean. Each mud stain it removes serves to affirm its self-worth, and it imparts that sense of well-being to the caster.


Chateau Cosmea (InGame Hinweis)
Chateau Cosmea Zauberbesen
113. Ruby Dynamics
113. Ruby Dynamics
ID: 34571
Level: 1 Range: 0y EffectRange: 12y Cast: 2.0s Recast: 30.0s Kategorie:  Zauber Schaden
Deals physical damage with a potency of 220 to all enemies before you.
Shares a recast timer with Chelonian Gate and The Rose of Destruction.


In order to extend its claws for a near-inescapable strike, the Ruby Weapon transforms energy generated by its advanced dynamo unit. Albeit on a smaller scale, the mage recreates this technique by channeling aether into numerous razor-sharp aetherial blades.


Rubinfeuer - Entfesselung (InGame Hinweis)
Rubinfeuer - Entfesselung Rubin-Waffe
Rubinfeuer - Trauma Rubin-Waffe
114. Divination Rune
114. Divination Rune
ID: 34572
Level: 1 Range: 0y EffectRange: 15y Cast: 2.0s Recast: 2.5s Kategorie:  Zauber Schaden
Deals unaspected damage with a potency of 100 to all enemies in a cone before you.
Additional Effect: Restores MP


The language of the fae folk is composed of runes, symbols that harbor magic, and the faerie king Titania was partial to this one. When invoked, it emits an aetheric wave that resonates with the target's magical energies, making them surpassingly easy to extract.


Letzte Läuterung - Titania Titania
Offenbarung - Titania (InGame Hinweis)
Offenbarung - Titania Titania
115. Dimensional Shift
115. Dimensional Shift
ID: 34573
Level: 1 Range: 0y EffectRange: 10y Cast: 5.0s Recast: 2.5s Kategorie:  Zauber
Delivers an attack to all nearby enemies dealing damage equal to 30% of their current HP.
Has no effect on enemies whose level is higher than your own.


Employed by Eden Prime, this technique shifts the fabric of reality to trigger a powerful aetheric surge. While it inflicts considerable damage, it demands an extended casting period so as to allow mages to raise a protective barrier over themselves.


Edens Erwachen - Auferstehung (InGame Hinweis)
Edens Erwachen - Auferstehung Prim-Eden
Edens Erwachen - Auferstehung (episch) Prim-Eden
116. Conviction Marcato
116. Conviction Marcato
ID: 34574
Level: 1 Range: 25y EffectRange: 25y Cast: 2.0s Recast: 2.5s Kategorie:  Zauber Schaden
Deals unaspected damage to all enemies in a straight line before you with a potency of 220 for the first enemy, and 50% less for all remaining enemies.
Potency is increased to 440 when you are under the effect of Winged Redemption.


Learned from the forgiven obscenity, this technique unleashes a beam of Light-aligned aether at opponents. Lest the responsible mage worry, being a scaled-down recreation, the spell does not possess the potency to transform living beings into sin eaters.


Der Gulg (InGame Hinweis)
Der Gulg Geläuterte Unzucht
117. Force Field
117. Force Field
ID: 34575
Level: 1 Range: 0y EffectRange: 0y Cast: 2.0s Recast: 120.0s Kategorie:  Zauber
Grants either Physical Vulnerability Down or Magic Vulnerability Down.
Duration: 10s
Physical Vulnerability Down Effect: Reduces physical damage taken by 50%
Magic Vulnerability Down Effect: Reduces magic damage taken by 50%
This action does not share a recast timer with any other actions.


Originally employed by Sephirot, the Fiend, to render foes vulnerable to attacks, this spell has been adapted for the mage's own protection. Due to the field's intrinsic instability, however, it cannot simultaneously grant both physical and magical benefits, only one or the other.


Ul'dah - Thal-Kreuzgang (X:12.5 Y:12.9) Wayward Gaheel Ja (Totem der Blaumagie: Kraftfeld) 120 Zauber gelernt
118. Winged Reprobation
118. Winged Reprobation
ID: 34576
Level: 1 Range: 25y EffectRange: 25y Cast: 1.0s Recast: 90.0s Kategorie:  Zauber Schaden
Deals physical damage to all enemies in a straight line before you with a potency of 300 for the first enemy, and 50% less for all remaining enemies.
Additional Effect: Grants one stack of Winged Reprobation and resets this action's recast timer
Maximum Stacks: 4
Execution at 3 stacks increases potency to 400 and grants one stack of Winged Reprobation, but recast timer will not be reset.
At maximum stacks, Winged Reprobation changes to Winged Redemption.
Winged Redemption Effect: Increases the potency of Conviction Marcato
Duration: 10s
This action does not share a recast timer with any other actions.


This imitation of the Lightwarden Innocence's technique conjures up swords of Light that rain down from the heavens. Rumor has it Lord Vauthry used the technique to turn sin eaters into meol, which may explain why it appears to bring the caster closer to his perfection.


Letzte Läuterung - Innozenz Innozenz
Offenbarung - Innozenz (InGame Hinweis)
Offenbarung - Innozenz Innozenz
119. Laser Eye
119. Laser Eye
ID: 34577
Level: 1 Range: 25y EffectRange: 8y Cast: 2.0s Recast: 2.5s Kategorie:  Zauber Schaden
Deals unaspected damage to target and all enemies nearby it with a potency of 220 for the first enemy, and 50% less for all remaining enemies.
Additional Effect: 5-yalm knockback to all enemies within 8 yalms of target


Inspired by Eden's Promise, this spell uses the eyes as arcane circles through which aether is channeled─a principle also seen in techniques such as Glower. So concentrated in energy is the beam, it explodes upon contact. Chirurgeon's warning: excessive use may lead to chronic dry eyes.


Edens Verheißung - Ewigkeit (InGame Hinweis)
Edens Verheißung - Ewigkeit Edens Verheißung
Edens Verheißung - Ewigkeit (episch) Edens Verheißung
Edens Verheißung - Ewigkeit (episch) Wächter Von Eden
120. Candy Cane
120. Candy Cane
ID: 34578
Level: 1 Range: 25y EffectRange: 5y Cast: 1.0s Recast: 90.0s Kategorie:  Zauber Schaden
Deals unaspected damage to target and all enemies nearby it with a potency of 250 for the first enemy, and 50% less for all remaining enemies.
Additional Effect: Lowers strength and dexterity attributes of target by 10%
Duration: 10s
Additional Effect: Restores 10% of maximum MP
Shares a recast timer with Magic Hammer.


Loosely based upon Aenc Thon's technique, which saw him wallop foes with a candy cane, this spell sweetens any duel with a rain of confections. The Fuath leader, for one, would not be averse to mages thus spreading the love.


Dohn Mheg (InGame Hinweis)
Dohn Mheg Aenc Thon Der Glupschäugige
121. Mortal Flame
121. Mortal Flame
ID: 34579
Level: 1 Range: 25y EffectRange: 0y Cast: 2.0s Recast: 2.5s Kategorie:  Zauber Schaden
Deals fire damage over time with a potency of 40.
Only one effect inflicted by this action can be active at a time.
Has no effect on targets outside of combat.
Effect ends upon target leaving combat.


In battle, the familiar Lugus used this technique to create a veritable conflagration. That power is now yours to wield...albeit at a greatly diminished strength. Not wishing to be responsible for burning entire cities down, the Blue Mages' Guild opted to limit the flame's intensity to a gentle sear.


Chateau Cosmea (InGame Hinweis)
Chateau Cosmea Lugus
122. Sea Shanty
122. Sea Shanty
ID: 34580
Level: 1 Range: 0y EffectRange: 10y Cast: 0.0s Recast: 120.0s Kategorie:  Talent Schaden
Deals water damage with a potency of 500 to all nearby enemies.
Additional Effect: Potency increases to 1,000 during rain, showers, and thunderstorms


Part of the nixie's watery repertoire, this technique sends a swirling deluge crashing over enemies─rather too rough for its original purpose of delighting children, but it makes a fine addition to the blue mage's arsenal.


Matoyas Atelier (InGame Hinweis)
Matoyas Atelier Nixchen
123. Apokalypsis
123. Apokalypsis
ID: 34581
Level: 1 Range: 0y EffectRange: 25y Cast: 0.0s Recast: 120.0s Kategorie:  Talent Schaden
Delivers damage over time with a potency of 140 to all enemies in a straight line before you.
Duration: 10s
Effect ends upon using another action or moving (including facing a different direction).
Cancels auto-attack upon execution.
Shares a recast timer with Being Mortal.


While magic is ordinarily woven with words and symbols, this spell employed by the dread creation Therion harnesses the power of emotion to beget destruction. It is said that, if one can cling to the desire for oblivion, it is possible to sustain the ruinous effect indefinitely.


Amaurot (InGame Hinweis)
Amaurot Therion
124. Being Mortal
124. Being Mortal
ID: 34582
Level: 1 Range: 0y EffectRange: 10y Cast: 0.0s Recast: 120.0s Kategorie:  Talent Schaden
Deals unaspected damage to all nearby enemies with a potency of 800 for the first enemy, and 50% less for all remaining enemies.
Shares a recast timer with Apokalypsis.


The faerie king Titania's signature move, this spell embodies the disdain, pity, and delight that men's fleeting lives inspire in the fae folk. By weaving layers upon layers of runes to create a deadly maelstrom of magic, you too can remind others of their mortality...until you inevitably meet your own demise.


Letzte Läuterung - Titania Bohnenblüte
Letzte Läuterung - Titania Puck
Letzte Läuterung - Titania Titania
Offenbarung - Titania (InGame Hinweis)
Offenbarung - Titania Bohnenblüte
Offenbarung - Titania Puck
Offenbarung - Titania Titania
ID: 7560
Level: 8 Range: 25y EffectRange: 0y Cast: 0.0s Recast: 90.0s Kategorie:  Talent G-Mitigation ({'magic': '10%', 'physical': '5%'})
Lowers target's physical damage dealt by 5% and magic damage dealt by 10%.
Duration: 15s


Von Schuld und Sühne Krile
ID: 25880
Level: 10 Range: 30y EffectRange: 5y Cast: 2.5s Recast: 2.5s Kategorie:  Zauber
Puts target and all nearby enemies to sleep.
Duration: 30s
Cancels auto-attack upon execution.


Miss Bombastic Rotes Marshmallow
Lucid Dreaming
Lucid Dreaming
ID: 7562
Level: 14 Range: 0y EffectRange: 0y Cast: 0.0s Recast: 60.0s Kategorie:  Talent
Gradually restores own MP.
Potency: 55
Duration: 21s


Die Fraktal-Kontinuum Liliba
ID: 7561
Level: 18 Range: 0y EffectRange: 0y Cast: 0.0s Recast: 60.0s Kategorie:  Talent
Next spell is cast immediately.
Duration: 10s


Die Fraktal-Kontinuum Liliba
ID: 7559
Level: 44 Range: 0y EffectRange: 0y Cast: 0.0s Recast: 120.0s Kategorie:  Talent
Spells can be cast without interruption.
Additional Effect: Nullifies most knockback and draw-in effects
Duration: 6s


Die Fraktal-Kontinuum Liliba



Lucid Dreaming
Lucid Dreaming
ID: 4B4
Statustyp:  buff
Restoring MP over time.
ID: A0
Statustyp:  buff
Spells cannot be interrupted by taking damage.
ID: A7
Statustyp:  buff
Next spell will require no time to cast.
ID: 7C3
Statustyp:  buff
The next spell will be cast immediately.
ID: 7C4
Statustyp:  debuff
Damage dealt is reduced.



ID: 219
Level: 1
Infrequently grants the ability to discern the secrets of enemy actions wielded in battle and make them your own.
Maim and Mend
Maim and Mend
ID: 220
Level: 10
Increases base action damage and HP restoration by 10%.
Maim and Mend II
Maim and Mend II
ID: 221
Level: 20
Increases base action damage and HP restoration by 20%.
Maim and Mend III
Maim and Mend III
ID: 222
Level: 30
Increases base action damage and HP restoration by 30%.
Maim and Mend IV
Maim and Mend IV
ID: 223
Level: 40
Increases base action damage and HP restoration by 40%.
Maim and Mend V
Maim and Mend V
ID: 224
Level: 50
Increases base action damage and HP restoration by 50%.





Blue Leading the Blue
Blue Leading the Blue
ID: 68729
Level: 1 Expansion:  A Realm Reborn Kategorie:  Blaumagier-Jobaufträge NPC:  Martyn Ort: La Noscea > Unteres La Noscea Position: X: 19.3 / Y: 36.5
Blue Collar Work
Blue Collar Work
ID: 68730
Level: 10 Expansion:  A Realm Reborn Kategorie:  Blaumagier-Jobaufträge NPC:  Martyn Ort: Thanalan > Ul'dah Position: X: 12.5 / Y: 13.0
Why They Call It the Blues
Why They Call It the Blues
ID: 68731
Level: 20 Expansion:  A Realm Reborn Kategorie:  Blaumagier-Jobaufträge NPC:  Martyn Ort: Thanalan > Ul'dah Position: X: 12.5 / Y: 13.0
Scream Blue Murder
Scream Blue Murder
ID: 68732
Level: 30 Expansion:  A Realm Reborn Kategorie:  Blaumagier-Jobaufträge NPC:  Martyn Ort: Thanalan > Ul'dah Position: X: 12.5 / Y: 13.0
Blue Gold
Blue Gold
ID: 68733
Level: 40 Expansion:  A Realm Reborn Kategorie:  Blaumagier-Jobaufträge NPC:  Latool Ja Ort: Thanalan > Ul'dah Position: X: 12.5 / Y: 13.0
The Real Folk Blues
The Real Folk Blues
ID: 68734
Level: 50 Expansion:  A Realm Reborn Kategorie:  Blaumagier-Jobaufträge NPC:  Latool Ja Ort: Thanalan > Ul'dah Position: X: 12.5 / Y: 13.0
Into the Blue Again
Into the Blue Again
ID: 69268
Level: 50 Expansion:  Heavensward Kategorie:  Blaumagier-Jobaufträge NPC:  Martyn Ort: Thanalan > Ul'dah Position: X: 12.5 / Y: 13.0
Something Borrowed, Something Blue
Something Borrowed, Something Blue
ID: 69269
Level: 53 Expansion:  Heavensward Kategorie:  Blaumagier-Jobaufträge NPC:  Martyn Ort: Thanalan > Ul'dah Position: X: 12.5 / Y: 13.0
Bolt from the Blue
Bolt from the Blue
ID: 69270
Level: 55 Expansion:  Heavensward Kategorie:  Blaumagier-Jobaufträge NPC:  Martyn Ort: Thanalan > Ul'dah Position: X: 12.5 / Y: 13.0
Blue in the Face
Blue in the Face
ID: 69271
Level: 58 Expansion:  Heavensward Kategorie:  Blaumagier-Jobaufträge NPC:  Martyn Ort: Thanalan > Ul'dah Position: X: 12.5 / Y: 13.0
Blue Scream of Death
Blue Scream of Death
ID: 69272
Level: 60 Expansion:  Heavensward Kategorie:  Blaumagier-Jobaufträge NPC:  Martyn Ort: Thanalan > Ul'dah Position: X: 12.5 / Y: 13.0
Second-rate Entertainment
Second-rate Entertainment
ID: 69525
Level: 60 Expansion:  Stormblood Kategorie:  Blaumagier-Jobaufträge NPC:  Martyn Ort: Thanalan > Ul'dah Position: X: 12.5 / Y: 13.0
Everybody Was Fukumen Fighting
Everybody Was Fukumen Fighting
ID: 69526
Level: 63 Expansion:  Stormblood Kategorie:  Blaumagier-Jobaufträge NPC:  P'yandih Ort: Thanalan > Ul'dah Position: X: 12.5 / Y: 13.0
Azuro and Goliath
Azuro and Goliath
ID: 69527
Level: 65 Expansion:  Stormblood Kategorie:  Blaumagier-Jobaufträge NPC:  Martyn Ort: Hingashi > Kugane Position: X: 13.8 / Y: 9.6
Where the Gold Goes
Where the Gold Goes
ID: 69528
Level: 68 Expansion:  Stormblood Kategorie:  Blaumagier-Jobaufträge NPC:  Martyn Ort: Hingashi > Kugane Position: X: 13.8 / Y: 9.6
Master of Mimicry
Master of Mimicry
ID: 69529
Level: 70 Expansion:  Stormblood Kategorie:  Blaumagier-Jobaufträge NPC:  Martyn Ort: Hingashi > Kugane Position: X: 13.8 / Y: 9.6
And the Crowd Goes Mild
And the Crowd Goes Mild
ID: 70309
Level: 70 Expansion:  Shadowbringers Kategorie:  Blaumagier-Jobaufträge NPC:  Martyn Ort: Thanalan > Ul'dah Position: X: 12.5 / Y: 13.0
The Beard, the Myth, the Legend
The Beard, the Myth, the Legend
ID: 70310
Level: 73 Expansion:  Shadowbringers Kategorie:  Blaumagier-Jobaufträge NPC:  P'yandih Ort: Thanalan > Ul'dah Position: X: 12.5 / Y: 13.0
Gridania's Most Wanted
Gridania's Most Wanted
ID: 70311
Level: 75 Expansion:  Shadowbringers Kategorie:  Blaumagier-Jobaufträge NPC:  P'yandih Ort: Thanalan > Ul'dah Position: X: 12.5 / Y: 13.0
No Butts About It
No Butts About It
ID: 70312
Level: 78 Expansion:  Shadowbringers Kategorie:  Blaumagier-Jobaufträge NPC:  P'yandih Ort: Thanalan > Ul'dah Position: X: 12.5 / Y: 13.0
A New Gold Standard
A New Gold Standard
ID: 70313
Level: 80 Expansion:  Shadowbringers Kategorie:  Blaumagier-Jobaufträge NPC:  Martyn Ort: Thanalan > Ul'dah Position: X: 12.5 / Y: 13.0
The Brave and the Blue
The Brave and the Blue
ID: 70314
Level: 80 Expansion:  Shadowbringers Kategorie:  Blaumagier-Jobaufträge NPC:  Martyn Ort: Thanalan > Ul'dah Position: X: 12.5 / Y: 13.0