Bard (Archer)Barde (Waldläufer)Barde (Archer)吟遊詩人 (弓術士)吟游诗人 (弓箭手)음유시인 (궁술사)

Bard (Archer)

Bard Bard



Heavy Shot
Heavy Shot
ID: 97
Level: 1 Kosten: 0 Range: -1y EffectRange: 0y Cast: 0.0s Recast: 2.5s Type:  GCD Kategorie:  Waffenfertigkeit Schaden
Delivers an attack with a potency of 160.
Additional Effect: 20% chance of granting Hawk's Eye
Duration: 30s
Additional Effect: 20% chance of granting Hawk's Eye
Duration: 30s
Straight Shot
Straight Shot
ID: 98
Level: 2 Kosten: 0 Range: -1y EffectRange: 0y Cast: 0.0s Recast: 2.5s Type:  GCD Kategorie:  Waffenfertigkeit Schaden
Delivers an attack with a potency of 200.
Can only be executed when under the effect of Hawk's Eye.
Raging Strikes
Raging Strikes
ID: 101
Level: 4 Kosten: 0 Range: 0y EffectRange: 0y Cast: 0.0s Recast: 120.0s Type:  oGCD Kategorie:  Talent
Increases damage dealt by 15%.
Duration: 20s
Venomous Bite
Venomous Bite
ID: 100
Level: 6 Kosten: 0 Range: -1y EffectRange: 0y Cast: 0.0s Recast: 2.5s Type:  GCD Kategorie:  Waffenfertigkeit Schaden
Delivers an attack with a potency of 100.
Additional Effect: Venom
Potency: 15
Duration: 45s
Leg Graze
Leg Graze
ID: 7554
Level: 6 Kosten: 0 Range: -1y EffectRange: 0y Cast: 0.0s Recast: 30.0s Type:  oGCD Kategorie:  Talent
Afflicts target with Heavy +40%.
Duration: 10s
Second Wind
Second Wind
ID: 7541
Level: 8 Kosten: 0 Range: 0y EffectRange: 0y Cast: 0.0s Recast: 120.0s Type:  oGCD Kategorie:  Talent Heilung
Instantly restores own HP.
Cure Potency: 800
Foot Graze
Foot Graze
ID: 7553
Level: 10 Kosten: 0 Range: -1y EffectRange: 0y Cast: 0.0s Recast: 30.0s Type:  oGCD Kategorie:  Talent
Binds target.
Duration: 10s
Cancels auto-attack upon execution.
Target unbound if damage taken.
ID: 110
Level: 12 Kosten: 0 Range: -1y EffectRange: 0y Cast: 0.0s Recast: 15.0s Type:  oGCD Kategorie:  Talent Schaden
Delivers an attack with a potency of 130.
Maximum Charges: 3
Shares a recast timer with Rain of Death.
Repelling Shot
Repelling Shot
ID: 112
Level: 15 Kosten: 0 Range: 15y EffectRange: 0y Cast: 0.0s Recast: 30.0s Type:  oGCD Kategorie:  Talent
Jump 10 yalms away from current target.
Cannot be executed while bound.
Quick Nock
Quick Nock
ID: 106
Level: 18 Kosten: 0 Range: 12y EffectRange: 12y Cast: 0.0s Recast: 2.5s Type:  GCD Kategorie:  Waffenfertigkeit Schaden
Delivers an attack with a potency of 110 to all enemies in a cone before you.
Additional Effect: 20% chance of granting Hawk's Eye
Duration: 30s
Additional Effect: 20% chance of granting Hawk's Eye
Duration: 30s
ID: 7557
Level: 20 Kosten: 0 Range: 0y EffectRange: 30y Cast: 0.0s Recast: 5.0s Type:  oGCD Kategorie:  Talent
Increases movement speed of self and nearby party members.
Duration: 30s
Effect ends when enmity is generated. Has no effect in battle.
Head Graze
Head Graze
ID: 7551
Level: 24 Kosten: 0 Range: -1y EffectRange: 0y Cast: 0.0s Recast: 30.0s Type:  oGCD Kategorie:  Talent
Interrupts the use of a target's action.
Wide Volley
Wide Volley
ID: 36974
Level: 25 Kosten: 0 Range: -1y EffectRange: 5y Cast: 0.0s Recast: 2.5s Type:  GCD Kategorie:  Waffenfertigkeit Schaden
Delivers an attack with a potency of 140 to target and all enemies nearby it.
Barrage Potency: 220
Can only be executed while under the effect of Hawk's Eye.
ID: 113
Level: 30 Kosten: 0 Range: -1y EffectRange: 0y Cast: 0.0s Recast: 2.5s Type:  GCD Kategorie:  Waffenfertigkeit Schaden
Deals wind damage with a potency of 60.
Additional Effect: Wind damage over time
Potency: 20
Duration: 45s
Mage's Ballad
Mage's Ballad
ID: 114
Level: 30 Kosten: 0 Range: 0y EffectRange: 0y Cast: 0.0s Recast: 120.0s Type:  oGCD Kategorie:  Talent
Grants Mage's Ballad to self and all party members within 50 yalms, increasing damage dealt by 1%.
Duration: 45s
Additional Effect: 80% chance to grant Repertoire
This effect can trigger repeatedly while singing the Mage's Ballad.
Repertoire Effect: Reduces the recast time of Heartbreak ShotBloodletter and Rain of Death by 7.5s
Additional Effect: Grants Mage's Coda
Can only be executed while in combat.
Arm's Length
Arm's Length
ID: 7548
Level: 32 Kosten: 0 Range: 0y EffectRange: 0y Cast: 0.0s Recast: 120.0s Type:  oGCD Kategorie:  Talent
Nullifies most knockback and draw-in effects.
Duration: 6s
Additional Effect: When you are struck by a physical attack, the striker will be afflicted with Slow +20%
Duration: 15s
the Warden's Paean
the Warden's Paean
ID: 3561
Level: 35 Kosten: 0 Range: 30y EffectRange: 0y Cast: 0.0s Recast: 45.0s Type:  oGCD Kategorie:  Talent Schild
Removes one select detrimental effect from self or target party member. If the target is not enfeebled, a barrier is created nullifying the target's next detrimental effect suffered.
Duration: 30s
ID: 107
Level: 38 Kosten: 0 Range: 0y EffectRange: 0y Cast: 0.0s Recast: 120.0s Type:  oGCD Kategorie:  Talent
Grants Barrage, allowing the use of Refulgent ArrowStraight Shot and ShadowbiteWide Volley. Upon execution, Refulgent ArrowStraight Shot will strike the selected target three times, while ShadowbiteWide Volley's potency will be increased to 270.
Duration: 10s
Additional Effect: Grants Resonant Arrow Ready
Duration: 30s
Army's Paeon
Army's Paeon
ID: 116
Level: 40 Kosten: 0 Range: 0y EffectRange: 0y Cast: 0.0s Recast: 120.0s Type:  oGCD Kategorie:  Talent
Grants Army's Paeon to self and all party members within 50 yalms, increasing direct hit rate by 3%.
Duration: 45s
Additional Effect: 80% chance to grant Repertoire
This effect can trigger repeatedly while singing the Army's Paeon.
Repertoire Effect: Reduces weaponskill cast time and recast time, spell cast time and recast time, and auto-attack delay by 4%
Can be stacked up to 4 times.
Additional Effect: Grants Army's Coda
Can only be executed while in combat.
Rain of Death
Rain of Death
ID: 117
Level: 45 Kosten: 0 Range: -1y EffectRange: 8y Cast: 0.0s Recast: 15.0s Type:  oGCD Kategorie:  Talent Schaden
Delivers an attack with a potency of 100 to target and all enemies nearby it.
Maximum Charges: 3
Shares a recast timer with Heartbreak ShotBloodletter.
Battle Voice
Battle Voice
ID: 118
Level: 50 Kosten: 0 Range: 0y EffectRange: 30y Cast: 0.0s Recast: 120.0s Type:  oGCD Kategorie:  Talent
Increases direct hit rate of self and all nearby party members by 20%.
Duration: 20s
the Wanderer's Minuet
the Wanderer's Minuet
ID: 3559
Level: 52 Kosten: 0 Range: 0y EffectRange: 0y Cast: 0.0s Recast: 120.0s Type:  oGCD Kategorie:  Talent
Grants the Wanderer's Minuet to self and all party members within 50 yalms, increasing critical hit rate by 2%.
Duration: 45s
Additional Effect: 80% chance to grant Repertoire
This effect can trigger repeatedly while singing the Wanderer's Minuet.
Repertoire Effect: Allows execution of Pitch Perfect
Can be stacked up to 3 times.
Additional Effect: Grants Wanderer's Coda
Can only be executed while in combat.
Pitch Perfect
Pitch Perfect
ID: 7404
Level: 52 Kosten: 1 Range: -1y EffectRange: 5y Cast: 0.0s Recast: 1.0s Type:  oGCD Kategorie:  Talent
Delivers an attack to the target and all enemies nearby it. Potency varies with number of Repertoire stacks, dealing full damage for the first enemy, and 50% less for all remaining enemies.
1 Repertoire Stack: 100
2 Repertoire Stacks: 220
3 Repertoire Stacks: 360
Can only be executed when the Wanderer's Minuet is active and you have at least one stack of Repertoire.
Empyreal Arrow
Empyreal Arrow
ID: 3558
Level: 54 Kosten: 0 Range: -1y EffectRange: 0y Cast: 0.0s Recast: 15.0s Type:  oGCD Kategorie:  Talent Schaden
Delivers an attack with a potency of 260.
Iron Jaws
Iron Jaws
ID: 3560
Level: 56 Kosten: 0 Range: -1y EffectRange: 0y Cast: 0.0s Recast: 2.5s Type:  GCD Kategorie:  Waffenfertigkeit Schaden
Delivers an attack with a potency of 100.
Additional Effect: If the target is suffering from a Caustic Bite or StormbiteVenomous Bite or Windbite effect inflicted by you, the effect timer is reset
Additional Effect: 35% chance of granting Hawk's Eye
Duration: 30s
ID: 3562
Level: 60 Kosten: 0 Range: -1y EffectRange: 0y Cast: 0.0s Recast: 60.0s Type:  oGCD Kategorie:  Talent Schaden
Delivers an attack with a potency of 400.
ID: 7405
Level: 62 Kosten: 0 Range: 0y EffectRange: 30y Cast: 0.0s Recast: 120.0s Type:  oGCD Kategorie:  Talent G-Mitigation (M:15%/P:15%)
Reduces damage taken by self and nearby party members by 15%.
Duration: 15s
Effect cannot be stacked with machinist's Tactician or dancer's Shield Samba.
Caustic Bite
Caustic Bite
ID: 7406
Level: 64 Kosten: 0 Range: -1y EffectRange: 0y Cast: 0.0s Recast: 2.5s Type:  GCD Kategorie:  Waffenfertigkeit Schaden
Delivers an attack with a potency of 150.
Additional Effect: Poison
Potency: 20
Duration: 45s
Additional Effect: 35% chance of granting Hawk's Eye
Duration: 30s
ID: 7407
Level: 64 Kosten: 0 Range: -1y EffectRange: 0y Cast: 0.0s Recast: 2.5s Type:  GCD Kategorie:  Waffenfertigkeit Schaden
Deals wind damage with a potency of 100.
Additional Effect: Wind damage over time
Potency: 25
Duration: 45s
Additional Effect: 35% chance of granting Hawk's Eye
Duration: 30s
Nature's Minne
Nature's Minne
ID: 7408
Level: 66 Kosten: 0 Range: 0y EffectRange: 30y Cast: 0.0s Recast: 120.0s Type:  oGCD Kategorie:  Talent
Increases HP recovery via healing actions by 15% for self and nearby party members.
Duration: 15s
Refulgent Arrow
Refulgent Arrow
ID: 7409
Level: 70 Kosten: 0 Range: -1y EffectRange: 0y Cast: 0.0s Recast: 2.5s Type:  GCD Kategorie:  Waffenfertigkeit Schaden
Delivers an attack with a potency of 280.
Can only be executed when under the effect of Hawk's Eye.
ID: 16494
Level: 72 Kosten: 0 Range: -1y EffectRange: 5y Cast: 0.0s Recast: 2.5s Type:  GCD Kategorie:  Waffenfertigkeit Schaden
Delivers an attack with a potency of 170 to target and all enemies nearby it.
Barrage Potency: 270
Can only be executed when under the effect of Hawk's Eye.
Burst Shot
Burst Shot
ID: 16495
Level: 76 Kosten: 0 Range: -1y EffectRange: 0y Cast: 0.0s Recast: 2.5s Type:  GCD Kategorie:  Waffenfertigkeit Schaden
Delivers an attack with a potency of 220.
Additional Effect: 35% chance of granting Hawk's Eye
Duration: 30s
Apex Arrow
Apex Arrow
ID: 16496
Level: 80 Kosten: 20 Range: 25y EffectRange: 25y Cast: 0.0s Recast: 2.5s Type:  GCD Kategorie:  Waffenfertigkeit Schaden
Delivers an attack with a potency of 120 to all enemies in a straight line before you.
Soul Voice Gauge Cost: 20
Potency increases up to 600 as Soul Voice Gauge exceeds minimum cost.
Additional Effect: Grants Blast Arrow Ready upon execution while Soul Voice Gauge is 80 or higher
Duration: 10s
Consumes Soul Voice Gauge upon execution.
ID: 25783
Level: 82 Kosten: 0 Range: 12y EffectRange: 12y Cast: 0.0s Recast: 2.5s Type:  GCD Kategorie:  Waffenfertigkeit Schaden
Delivers an attack with a potency of 130 to all enemies in a cone before you.
Additional Effect: 35% chance of granting Hawk's Eye
Duration: 30s
Blast Arrow
Blast Arrow
ID: 25784
Level: 86 Kosten: 2692 Range: 25y EffectRange: 25y Cast: 0.0s Recast: 2.5s Type:  GCD Kategorie:  Waffenfertigkeit Schaden
Delivers an attack to all enemies in a straight line before you with a potency of 600 for the first enemy, and 60% less for all remaining enemies.
Can only be executed while under the effect of Blast Arrow Ready.
※This action cannot be assigned to a hotbar.
※Apex Arrow changes to Blast Arrow when requirements for execution are met.
Radiant Finale
Radiant Finale
ID: 25785
Level: 90 Kosten: 0 Range: 0y EffectRange: 30y Cast: 0.0s Recast: 110.0s Type:  oGCD Kategorie:  Talent
Increases damage dealt by self and nearby party members.
Duration: 20s
Effectiveness is determined by the number of different Coda active in the Song Gauge.
1 Coda: 2%
2 Coda: 4%
3 Coda: 6%
Additional Effect: Grants Radiant Encore Ready
Duration: 30s
Can only be executed when at least 1 coda is active.
Heartbreak Shot
Heartbreak Shot
ID: 36975
Level: 92 Kosten: 0 Range: -1y EffectRange: 0y Cast: 0.0s Recast: 15.0s Type:  oGCD Kategorie:  Talent Schaden
Delivers an attack with a potency of 180.
Maximum Charges: 3
Shares a recast timer with Rain of Death.
Resonant Arrow
Resonant Arrow
ID: 36976
Level: 96 Kosten: 3862 Range: -1y EffectRange: 5y Cast: 0.0s Recast: 2.5s Type:  GCD Kategorie:  Waffenfertigkeit Schaden
Delivers an attack to target and all enemies nearby it with a potency of 600 for the first enemy, and 50% less for all remaining enemies.
Can only be executed while under the effect of Resonant Arrow Ready.
Radiant Encore
Radiant Encore
ID: 36977
Level: 100 Kosten: 3863 Range: -1y EffectRange: 5y Cast: 0.0s Recast: 2.5s Type:  GCD Kategorie:  Waffenfertigkeit
Delivers an attack to target and all enemies nearby it.
Potency is determined by the number of different Coda consumed in the Radiant Finale executed prior, dealing full damage for the first enemy, and 50% less for all remaining enemies.
1 Coda: 500
2 Coda: 600
3 Coda: 900
Can only be executed while under the effect of Radiant Encore Ready.
Big Shot
Big Shot
ID: 4238
Level: 0 Kosten: 0 Range: 30y EffectRange: 30y Cast: 2.0s Recast: 0.0s Type:  oGCD Kategorie:  Limitrausch
ID: 4239
Level: 0 Kosten: 0 Range: 30y EffectRange: 30y Cast: 3.0s Recast: 0.0s Type:  oGCD Kategorie:  Limitrausch
Sagittarius Arrow
Sagittarius Arrow
ID: 4244
Level: 0 Kosten: 0 Range: 30y EffectRange: 30y Cast: 4.5s Recast: 0.0s Type:  oGCD Kategorie:  Limitrausch



Statustyp:  buff
Movement speed is increased. Effect ends upon entering battle.
Nature's Minne
Nature's Minne
ID: 4B2
Statustyp:  buff
HP recovery via healing actions is increased.
Caustic Bite
Caustic Bite
ID: 529
Statustyp:  debuff
Toxins are causing damage over time.
ID: 52A
Statustyp:  debuff
Wounds are exposed to the elements, causing damage over time.
ID: 57F
Statustyp:  buff
Striking multiple times per weaponskill.
Battle Voice
Battle Voice
ID: 8D
Statustyp:  buff
Direct hit rate is increased.
ID: 78E
Statustyp:  buff
Damage taken is reduced.
Arm's Length
Arm's Length
ID: 7C0
Statustyp:  buff
Damage taken is reduced. Impervious to the next stun, sleep, bind, heavy, silence, knockback, or draw-in effect.
ID: 7C1
Statustyp:  buff
Movement speed is increased.
Wanderer's Minuet
Wanderer's Minuet
ID: 7D9
Statustyp:  buff
Damage dealt is increased.
Repelling Shot
Repelling Shot
ID: 7E1
Statustyp:  buff
Damage dealt by weaponskills is increased.
Army's Paeon
Army's Paeon
ID: 8A6
Statustyp:  buff
Weaponskill and spell cast and recast time are reduced.
The Wanderer's Minuet
The Wanderer's Minuet
ID: 8A7
Statustyp:  buff
Damage dealt is increased.
The Wanderer's Minuet
The Wanderer's Minuet
ID: 8A8
Statustyp:  buff
Critical hit rate is increased.
Mage's Ballad
Mage's Ballad
ID: 8A9
Statustyp:  buff
Damage dealt is increased.
Army's Paeon
Army's Paeon
Statustyp:  buff
Direct hit rate is increased.
Radiant Finale
Radiant Finale
Statustyp:  buff
Playing a most radiant finale.
Radiant Finale
Radiant Finale
ID: B94
Statustyp:  buff
Damage dealt is increased.
The Warden's Paean
The Warden's Paean
ID: C47
Statustyp:  buff
Nullifying status afflictions that can be removed by Purify.
Final Fantasia
Final Fantasia
ID: C48
Statustyp:  buff
Weaponskill cast and recast times are reduced. Increasing damage dealt by self and nearby party members while also increasing movement speed and gradually filling the limit gauge.
Radiant Encore Ready
Radiant Encore Ready
ID: F17
Statustyp:  buff
Able to execute Radiant Encore.
Encore of Light Ready
Encore of Light Ready
ID: 10D8
Statustyp:  buff
Able to execute Encore of Light.
The Warden's Paean
The Warden's Paean
ID: 362
Statustyp:  buff
Impervious to the next enfeeblement.



Heavier Shot
Heavier Shot
ID: 17
Level: 2
Adds to Heavy Shot a 20% chance to grant Hawk's Eye.
Duration: 30s
Increased Action Damage
Increased Action Damage
ID: 18
Level: 20
Increases base action damage by 10%.
Enhanced Quick Nock
Enhanced Quick Nock
ID: 283
Level: 25
Adds to Quick Nock a 20% chance to grant Hawk's Eye.
Duration: 30s
Increased Action Damage II
Increased Action Damage II
ID: 20
Level: 40
Increases base action damage by 20%.
Bite Mastery
Bite Mastery
ID: 168
Level: 64
Upgrades Venomous Bite and Windbite to Caustic Bite and Stormbite respectively.
Enhanced Empyreal Arrow
Enhanced Empyreal Arrow
ID: 169
Level: 68
Guarantees the trigger of the additional effects for current Mage's Ballad, Army's Paeon, and the Wanderer's Minuet when Empyreal Arrow hits a target.
Straight Shot Mastery
Straight Shot Mastery
ID: 282
Level: 70
Upgrades Straight Shot to Refulgent Arrow.
Wide Volley Mastery
Wide Volley Mastery
ID: 598
Level: 72
Upgrades Wide Volley to Shadowbite.
Bite Mastery II
Bite Mastery II
ID: 284
Level: 76
Adds to Stormbite, Caustic Bite, and Iron Jaws a 35% chance to grant Hawk's Eye.
Duration: 30s
Heavy Shot Mastery
Heavy Shot Mastery
ID: 285
Level: 76
Upgrades Heavy Shot to Burst Shot.
Enhanced Army's Paeon
Enhanced Army's Paeon
ID: 286
Level: 78
While under the effect of Army's Paeon with at least one stack of Repertoire, singing Mage's Ballad or the Wanderer's Minuet will grant Army's Muse, reducing weaponskill cast time and recast time, spell cast time and recast time, and auto-attack delay.
Duration: 10s
Allowing the effect of Army's Paeon and accumulated stacks of Repertoire to expire without singing Mage's Ballad or the Wanderer's Minuet will grant Army's Ethos.
Duration: 30s
While under the effect of Army's Ethos, singing Mage's Ballad or the Wanderer's Minuet will grant Army's Muse. Both Army's Ethos and Army's Muse require stacks of Repertoire, the number of which will determine the potency of the latter.
1 Repertoire: 1%
2 Repertoire: 2%
3 Repertoire: 4%
4 Repertoire: 12%
Soul Voice
Soul Voice
ID: 287
Level: 80
Increases Soul Voice Gauge by 5 each time Repertoire is granted.
Quick Nock Mastery
Quick Nock Mastery
ID: 444
Level: 82
Upgrades Quick Nock to Ladonsbite.
Enhanced Bloodletter
Enhanced Bloodletter
ID: 445
Level: 84
Allows a third charge of Bloodletter and Rain of Death.
Enhanced Apex Arrow
Enhanced Apex Arrow
ID: 446
Level: 86
Grants Blast Arrow Ready upon executing Apex Arrow after the Soul Voice Gauge has reached 80 or higher.
Duration: 10s
Apex Arrow becomes Blast Arrow while under this effect.
Enhanced Troubadour
Enhanced Troubadour
ID: 447
Level: 88
Reduces Troubadour recast time to 90 seconds.
Minstrel's Coda
Minstrel's Coda
ID: 448
Level: 90
Grants Mage's Coda, Army's Coda, or Wanderer's Coda upon singing Mage's Ballad, Army's Paeon, or the Wanderer's Minuet respectively.
Bloodletter Mastery
Bloodletter Mastery
ID: 599
Level: 92
Upgrades Bloodletter to Heartbreak Shot.
Ranged Mastery
Ranged Mastery
ID: 668
Level: 94
Increases the potency of Empyreal Arrow to 260, Sidewinder to 400, Refulgent Arrow to 280, Burst Shot to 220, and Apex Arrow to 120 up to 600.
Enhanced Barrage
Enhanced Barrage
ID: 600
Level: 96
Grants Resonant Arrow Ready upon executing Barrage.
Duration: 30s
Enhanced Troubadour II
Enhanced Troubadour II
ID: 601
Level: 98
Improves Troubadour's damage reduction effect to 15%.
Enhanced Radiant Finale
Enhanced Radiant Finale
ID: 602
Level: 100
Grants Radiant Encore Ready upon executing Radiant Finale.
Duration: 30s



Powerful Shot
Powerful Shot
ID: 29391
Level: 0 Kosten: 0 Range: 25y EffectRange: 0y Cast: 1.5s Recast: 2.5s Type:  GCD Kategorie:  Waffenfertigkeit Schaden
Delivers a ranged attack with a potency of 6,000.
Additional Effect: Reduces the recast time of Harmonic Arrow by 4s
Requires casting time to execute. However, it is possible to walk while casting.
Pitch Perfect
Pitch Perfect
ID: 29392
Level: 0 Kosten: 0 Range: 25y EffectRange: 5y Cast: 0.0s Recast: 2.5s Type:  GCD Kategorie:  Waffenfertigkeit Schaden
Delivers an attack to target and all enemies nearby it with a potency of 9,000 for the first enemy, and 4,500 for all remaining enemies.
Additional Effect: Reduces the recast time of Harmonic Arrow by 4s
Can only be executed while under the effect of Repertoire.
※This action cannot be assigned to a hotbar.
Apex Arrow
Apex Arrow
ID: 29393
Level: 0 Kosten: 0 Range: 25y EffectRange: 25y Cast: 0.0s Recast: 20.0s Type:  GCD Kategorie:  Waffenfertigkeit Schaden
Delivers an attack with a potency of 8,000 to all enemies in a straight line before you.
Additional Effect: Grants Frontliner's March
Frontliner's March Effect: Reduces your weaponskill cast time and recast time by 10%, and increases damage dealt by self and all party members within a radius of 30 yalms by 5%
Duration: 30s
Additional Effect: Grants Blast Arrow Ready
Duration: 20s
This weaponskill does not share a recast timer with any other actions.
※Action changes to Blast Arrow while under the effect of Blast Arrow Ready.
Blast Arrow
Blast Arrow
ID: 29394
Level: 0 Kosten: 0 Range: 25y EffectRange: 25y Cast: 0.0s Recast: 2.5s Type:  GCD Kategorie:  Waffenfertigkeit Schaden
Delivers an attack with a potency of 10,000 to all enemies in a straight line before you.
Additional Effect: 10-yalm knockback
Can only be executed while under the effect of Blast Arrow Ready.
※This action cannot be assigned to a hotbar.
Silent Nocturne
Silent Nocturne
ID: 29395
Level: 0 Kosten: 0 Range: 20y EffectRange: 0y Cast: 0.0s Recast: 20.0s Type:  oGCD Kategorie:  Talent
Silences target.
Duration: 2s
Additional Effect: Grants Repertoire
Duration: 10s
※Powerful Shot changes to Pitch Perfect while under the effect of Repertoire.
Repelling Shot
Repelling Shot
ID: 29399
Level: 0 Kosten: 0 Range: 10y EffectRange: 0y Cast: 0.0s Recast: 12.0s Type:  oGCD Kategorie:  Talent Schaden
Delivers an attack with a potency of 4,500.
Additional Effect: 10-yalm backstep
Additional Effect: Bind
Duration: 3s
Additional Effect: Grants Repertoire
Duration: 10s
Cannot be executed while bound.
※Powerful Shot changes to Pitch Perfect while under the effect of Repertoire.
the Warden's Paean
the Warden's Paean
ID: 29400
Level: 0 Kosten: 0 Range: 30y EffectRange: 0y Cast: 0.0s Recast: 24.0s Type:  oGCD Kategorie:  Talent Schild P-Mitigation (M:25%/P:25%)
Removes one status affliction from self or target party member that can be removed by Purify. If a status affliction cannot be removed, creates a barrier that will nullify the next status affliction that can be removed by Purify.
Duration: 8s
Grants Warden's Grace upon successfully removing or nullifying a status affliction.
Warden's Grace Effect: Reduces damage taken by 25% while increasing HP recovered by healing actions by 25%
Duration: 4s
Final Fantasia
Final Fantasia
ID: 29401
Level: 0 Kosten: 1 Range: 0y EffectRange: 0y Cast: 0.0s Recast: 10.0s Type:  oGCD Kategorie:  Limitrausch
Grants Final Fantasia.
Final Fantasia Effect: Reduces your weaponskill cast time and recast time by 10%, while also increasing damage dealt by self and all party members within 30 yalms by 10%, and movement speed by 25%
Effect also gradually fills the limit gauge when targets are in combat.
Duration: 30s
Additional Effect: Grants Encore of Light Ready
Duration: 30s
Can only be executed when the limit gauge is full.
Gauge Charge Time: 120s
※Action changes to Heroes' Encore upon execution.
Harmonic Arrow
Harmonic Arrow
ID: 41464
Level: 0 Kosten: 0 Range: 25y EffectRange: 0y Cast: 0.0s Recast: 16.0s Type:  GCD Kategorie:  Waffenfertigkeit Schaden
Delivers a ranged attack with a potency of 8,000.
Consumes all charges upon execution, each charge adding an additional strike to the attack while lowering potency.
2 Charge Potency: 6,000 per strike
3 Charge Potency: 5,000 per strike
4 Charge Potency: 4,250 per strike
Maximum Charges: 4
Harmonic Arrow
Harmonic Arrow
ID: 41465
Level: 0 Kosten: 0 Range: 25y EffectRange: 0y Cast: 0.0s Recast: 16.0s Type:  GCD Kategorie:  Waffenfertigkeit Schaden
Delivers a ranged attack with a potency of 8,000.
Consumes all charges upon execution, each charge adding an additional strike to the attack while lowering potency.
2 Charge Potency: 6,000 per strike
3 Charge Potency: 5,000 per strike
4 Charge Potency: 4,250 per strike
Maximum Charges: 4
Harmonic Arrow
Harmonic Arrow
ID: 41466
Level: 0 Kosten: 0 Range: 25y EffectRange: 0y Cast: 0.0s Recast: 16.0s Type:  GCD Kategorie:  Waffenfertigkeit Schaden
Delivers a ranged attack with a potency of 8,000.
Consumes all charges upon execution, each charge adding an additional strike to the attack while lowering potency.
2 Charge Potency: 6,000 per strike
3 Charge Potency: 5,000 per strike
4 Charge Potency: 4,250 per strike
Maximum Charges: 4
Encore of Light
Encore of Light
ID: 41467
Level: 0 Kosten: 4312 Range: 25y EffectRange: 5y Cast: 0.0s Recast: 1.0s Type:  oGCD Kategorie:  Talent Schaden
Delivers a ranged attack with a potency of 10,000 to target and all enemies nearby it.
Additional Effect: Reduces target's MP by 5,000
Effect cannot be applied to players riding machina or non-player combatants.
Can only be executed while under the effect of Encore of Light Ready.
※This action cannot be assigned to a hotbar.
Harmonic Arrow
Harmonic Arrow
ID: 41964
Level: 0 Kosten: 0 Range: 25y EffectRange: 0y Cast: 0.0s Recast: 16.0s Type:  GCD Kategorie:  Waffenfertigkeit Schaden
Delivers a ranged attack with a potency of 8,000.
Consumes all charges upon execution, each charge adding an additional strike to the attack while lowering potency.
2 Charge Potency: 6,000 per strike
3 Charge Potency: 5,000 per strike
4 Charge Potency: 4,250 per strike
Maximum Charges: 4



Way of the Archer
Way of the Archer
ID: 65557
Level: 1 Expansion:  A Realm Reborn Kategorie:  Gildenaufträge der Waldläufer NPC:  Athelyna Ort: Finsterwald > Gridania Position: X: 15.2 / Y: 12.1
My First Bow
My First Bow
ID: 65755
Level: 1 Expansion:  A Realm Reborn Kategorie:  Gildenaufträge der Waldläufer NPC:  Luciane Ort: Finsterwald > Gridania Position: X: 15.4 / Y: 11.9
A Matter of Perspective
A Matter of Perspective
ID: 65582
Level: 5 Expansion:  A Realm Reborn Kategorie:  Gildenaufträge der Waldläufer NPC:  Luciane Ort: Finsterwald > Gridania Position: X: 15.4 / Y: 11.9
School of Hard Nocks
School of Hard Nocks
ID: 65603
Level: 10 Expansion:  A Realm Reborn Kategorie:  Gildenaufträge der Waldläufer NPC:  Luciane Ort: Finsterwald > Gridania Position: X: 15.4 / Y: 11.9
Training with Leih
Training with Leih
ID: 65670
Level: 10 Expansion:  A Realm Reborn Kategorie:  Gildenaufträge der Waldläufer NPC:  Luciane Ort: Finsterwald > Gridania Position: X: 15.4 / Y: 11.9
Violators Will Be Shot
Violators Will Be Shot
ID: 65604
Level: 15 Expansion:  A Realm Reborn Kategorie:  Gildenaufträge der Waldläufer NPC:  Luciane Ort: Finsterwald > Gridania Position: X: 15.4 / Y: 11.9
To Catch a Poacher
To Catch a Poacher
ID: 65606
Level: 20 Expansion:  A Realm Reborn Kategorie:  Gildenaufträge der Waldläufer NPC:  Luciane Ort: Finsterwald > Gridania Position: X: 15.4 / Y: 11.9
ID: 65607
Level: 25 Expansion:  A Realm Reborn Kategorie:  Gildenaufträge der Waldläufer NPC:  Luciane Ort: Finsterwald > Gridania Position: X: 15.4 / Y: 11.9
The One That Got Away
The One That Got Away
ID: 65612
Level: 30 Expansion:  A Realm Reborn Kategorie:  Gildenaufträge der Waldläufer NPC:  Luciane Ort: Finsterwald > Gridania Position: X: 15.4 / Y: 11.9
Plucking the Heartstrings
Plucking the Heartstrings
ID: 68555
Level: 30 Expansion:  A Realm Reborn Kategorie:  NPC:  Simpkin Ort: Finsterwald > Position: X: 10.4 / Y: 8.4
The Archer's Anthem
The Archer's Anthem
ID: 66622
Level: 35 Expansion:  A Realm Reborn Kategorie:  Barden-Jobaufträge NPC:  Jehantel Ort: Finsterwald > Südwald Position: X: 21.8 / Y: 21.3
Bard's-eye View
Bard's-eye View
ID: 66623
Level: 40 Expansion:  A Realm Reborn Kategorie:  Barden-Jobaufträge NPC:  Jehantel Ort: Finsterwald > Südwald Position: X: 21.8 / Y: 21.3
Doing It the Bard Way
Doing It the Bard Way
ID: 66624
Level: 45 Expansion:  A Realm Reborn Kategorie:  Barden-Jobaufträge NPC:  Jehantel Ort: Finsterwald > Südwald Position: X: 21.8 / Y: 21.3
Pieces of the Past
Pieces of the Past
ID: 66625
Level: 45 Expansion:  A Realm Reborn Kategorie:  Barden-Jobaufträge NPC:  Jehantel Ort: Finsterwald > Südwald Position: X: 21.8 / Y: 21.3
Requiem for the Fallen
Requiem for the Fallen
ID: 66626
Level: 50 Expansion:  A Realm Reborn Kategorie:  Barden-Jobaufträge NPC:  Jehantel Ort: Finsterwald > Südwald Position: X: 21.8 / Y: 21.3
On the Road Again
On the Road Again
ID: 67249
Level: 50 Expansion:  Heavensward Kategorie:  Barden-Jobaufträge NPC:  Jehantel Ort: Finsterwald > Südwald Position: X: 21.8 / Y: 21.3
The Stiff and the Spent
The Stiff and the Spent
ID: 67250
Level: 52 Expansion:  Heavensward Kategorie:  Barden-Jobaufträge NPC:  Sanson Ort: Coerthas > Ishgard Position: X: 10.2 / Y: 11.8
Requiem on Ice
Requiem on Ice
ID: 67251
Level: 54 Expansion:  Heavensward Kategorie:  Barden-Jobaufträge NPC:  Sanson Ort: Coerthas > Westliches Hochland von Coerthas Position: X: 31.5 / Y: 36.5
When Gnaths Cry
When Gnaths Cry
ID: 67252
Level: 56 Expansion:  Heavensward Kategorie:  Barden-Jobaufträge NPC:  Sanson Ort: Dravania > Dravanisches Vorland Position: X: 33.4 / Y: 23.8
A Saint of Song
A Saint of Song
ID: 67253
Level: 58 Expansion:  Heavensward Kategorie:  Barden-Jobaufträge NPC:  Sanson Ort: Dravania > Dravanisches Vorland Position: X: 33.4 / Y: 23.8
The Ballad of Oblivion
The Ballad of Oblivion
ID: 67254
Level: 60 Expansion:  Heavensward Kategorie:  Barden-Jobaufträge NPC:  Sanson Ort: Dravania > Wallende Nebel Position: X: 30.1 / Y: 36.5
Three's a Company
Three's a Company
ID: 68426
Level: 60 Expansion:  Stormblood Kategorie:  Barden-Jobaufträge NPC:  Jehantel Ort: Finsterwald > Südwald Position: X: 21.8 / Y: 21.3
Masked Motives
Masked Motives
ID: 68427
Level: 63 Expansion:  Stormblood Kategorie:  Barden-Jobaufträge NPC:  Sanson Ort: Gyr Abania > Abanisches Grenzland Position: X: 8.4 / Y: 11.0
One Autumn's Secret
One Autumn's Secret
ID: 68428
Level: 65 Expansion:  Stormblood Kategorie:  Barden-Jobaufträge NPC:  Sanson Ort: Gyr Abania > Abanisches Grenzland Position: X: 8.4 / Y: 11.0
Sleeping Truths Lie
Sleeping Truths Lie
ID: 68429
Level: 68 Expansion:  Stormblood Kategorie:  Barden-Jobaufträge NPC:  Sanson Ort: Gyr Abania > Abanisches Grenzland Position: X: 8.4 / Y: 11.0
Sweet Dreams Are Made of Peace
Sweet Dreams Are Made of Peace
ID: 68430
Level: 70 Expansion:  Stormblood Kategorie:  Barden-Jobaufträge NPC:  Guydelot Ort: Finsterwald > Gridania Position: X: 10.2 / Y: 11.6
A Harmony from the Heavens
A Harmony from the Heavens
ID: 68750
Level: 80 Expansion:  Shadowbringers Kategorie:  Barden-Jobaufträge NPC:  Jehantel Ort: Finsterwald > Südwald Position: X: 21.8 / Y: 21.3


Eureka Skills

Wisdom of the Platebearer
Wisdom of the Platebearer
ID: 12960
Level: 70 Type:  Zauber
Reduces damage taken by 80% while increasing maximum HP by 50%.
Cannot be used with other Wisdom abilities.
Effect ends upon reuse or upon replacement of duty action.

Status: Vermächtnis des Ritters

Wisdom of the Skirmisher
Wisdom of the Skirmisher
ID: 12963
Level: 70 Type:  Zauber
Increases damage dealt by 20%.
Cannot be used with other Wisdom abilities.
Effect ends upon reuse or upon replacement of duty action.

Status: Vermächtnis des Kampfkünstlers

Wisdom of the Irregular
Wisdom of the Irregular
ID: 12966
Level: 70 Type:  Zauber
Increases damage dealt by 30% while reducing magic defense by 60%.
Cannot be used with other Wisdom abilities.
Effect ends upon reuse or upon replacement of duty action.

Status: Vermächtnis des Berserkers

Wisdom of the Breathtaker
Wisdom of the Breathtaker
ID: 12967
Level: 70 Type:  Zauber
Increases poison resistance and movement speed, including mount speed, and increases evasion by 10%.
Cannot be used with other Wisdom abilities.
Effect ends upon reuse or upon replacement of duty action.

Status: Vermächtnis des Diebes

Spirit of the Remembered
Spirit of the Remembered
ID: 12968
Level: 70 Type:  Talent
Increases maximum HP by 10% and accuracy by 30%.
Additional Effect: Grants a 70% chance of automatic revival upon KO
Duration: 180m
Protect L
Protect L
ID: 12969
Level: 70 Type:  Zauber
Reduces physical damage taken by 22%.
Duration: 30m
Shell L
Shell L
ID: 12970
Level: 70 Type:  Zauber
Reduces magic damage taken by 22%.
Duration: 30m
Death L
Death L
ID: 12971
Level: 70 Type:  Zauber
KOs target. The less the target's HP, the greater the chance of success.
Focus L
Focus L
ID: 12972
Level: 70 Type:  Talent
Grants a stack of Boost, up to a maximum of 16.
Boost Bonus: Increases potency of next weaponskill by 30% per stack
Duration: 30s
Shares a recast timer with all other weaponskills and spells.
Paralyze L
Paralyze L
ID: 12973
Level: 70 Type:  Zauber
Afflicts target with Paralysis.
Duration: 60s
Paralyze L III
Paralyze L III
ID: 12974
Level: 70 Type:  Zauber
Afflicts target and all neaby enemies with Paralysis.
Duration: 60s
Swift L
Swift L
ID: 12975
Level: 70 Type:  Talent
Greatly increases movement speed.
Duration: 10s
Featherfoot L
Featherfoot L
ID: 12976
Level: 70 Type:  Talent
Increases evasion by 15%.
Duration: 45s
Spirit Dart L
Spirit Dart L
ID: 12977
Level: 70 Type:  Waffenfertigkeit
Delivers a ranged attack with a potency of 100.
Additional Effect: Afflicts target with Spirit Dart L, increasing damage taken by 8%
Duration: 60s
Catastrophe L
Catastrophe L
ID: 12978
Level: 70 Type:  Talent
Deals unaspected damage to all nearby enemies with a potency of 4,000, while dealing damage with a potency of 999,999 to self.
Dispel L
Dispel L
ID: 12979
Level: 70 Type:  Zauber
Removes one beneficial status from target.
Stealth L
Stealth L
ID: 12981
Level: 70 Type:  Talent
Blend in with your surroundings, making it impossible for most enemies to detect you, but reducing movement speed by 50%. Has no effect on certain enemies with special sight.
Cannot be executed while in combat.
Effect ends upon use of any action other than Sprint, or upon reuse.

Status: Logos-Tarnung

Aetherial Manipulation L
Aetherial Manipulation L
ID: 12982
Level: 70 Type:  Talent
Rush to a target's side.
Unable to cast if bound.
Backstep L
Backstep L
ID: 12983
Level: 70 Type:  Talent
Jump 10 yalms back from current position. Cannot be executed while bound.
Tranquilizer L
Tranquilizer L
ID: 12984
Level: 70 Type:  Talent
Stuns target.
Duration: 8s
Bloodbath L
Bloodbath L
ID: 12985
Level: 70 Type:  Talent
Converts a portion of damage dealt into HP.
Duration: 45s
Rejuvenate L
Rejuvenate L
ID: 12986
Level: 70 Type:  Talent
Instantly restores 50% of maximum HP and MP.
Rapid Recast L
Rapid Recast L
ID: 12988
Level: 70 Type:  Talent
Shortens recast time for next ability used by 50%.
Duration: 15s
Cure L
Cure L
ID: 12989
Level: 70 Type:  Zauber
Restores target's HP.
Cure Potency: 9,000
Cure L II
Cure L II
ID: 12990
Level: 70 Type:  Talent
Restores target's HP.
Cure Potency: 12,000
Stoneskin L
Stoneskin L
ID: 12991
Level: 70 Type:  Zauber
Creates a barrier around target that absorbs damage totaling 10% of target's maximum HP.
Duration: 30s
Cure L III
Cure L III
ID: 12992
Level: 70 Type:  Zauber
Restores own or target party member's HP and all party members nearby target.
Cure Potency: 9,000
Regen L
Regen L
ID: 12993
Level: 70 Type:  Zauber
Grants Regen to target.
Cure Potency: 2,500
Duration: 21s
Esuna L
Esuna L
ID: 12994
Level: 70 Type:  Zauber
Removes a single detrimental effect from target.
Incense L
Incense L
ID: 12995
Level: 70 Type:  Talent
Gesture threateningly, placing yourself at the top of a target's enmity list and increasing enmity generation.
Duration: 15s
Raise L
Raise L
ID: 12996
Level: 70 Type:  Zauber
Resurrects target to a weakened state.
Solid Shield L
Solid Shield L
ID: 12998
Level: 70 Type:  Talent
Reduces physical damage taken by 99%.
Duration: 8s
Spell Shield L
Spell Shield L
ID: 12999
Level: 70 Type:  Talent
Reduces magic damage taken by 99%.
Duration: 8s
Reflect L
Reflect L
ID: 13000
Level: 70 Type:  Zauber
Creates a magic-reflecting barrier around self or party member.
Duration: 10s
Eagle Eye Shot L
Eagle Eye Shot L
ID: 13007
Level: 70 Type:  Waffenfertigkeit
Delivers a ranged attack with a potency of 80. Potency increases up to 1,000% the lower the target's HP.
Generates significant enmity upon use.
Perception L
Perception L
ID: 14476
Level: 70 Type:  Talent
Reveals all traps within a 15-yalm radius. If no traps exist within 15 yalms, detects whether any traps are present within a 36-yalm radius.
Only effective within dungeons.
Wisdom of the Fiendhunter
Wisdom of the Fiendhunter
ID: 14479
Level: 70 Type:  Zauber
Increases physical damage dealt by 25% and evasion by 25%.
Cannot be used with other Wisdom abilities.
Effect ends upon reuse or upon replacement of duty action.

Status: Vermächtnis des Bogengeweihten



Bozja Skills

Lost Focus
Lost Focus
ID: 20714
Level: 80 Frontsplitter:  Verschollene Ladung
Grants a stack of Boost, up to a maximum of 16.
Boost Bonus: Increases potency of next weaponskill by 15% per stack
Duration: 30s
Effect ends upon using another lost action.
Shares a recast timer with all other weaponskills and spells.
Lost Font of Power
Lost Font of Power
ID: 20717
Level: 80 Frontsplitter:  Verschollene Machtfontäne
Increases damage dealt by 30% and critical hit rate by 40%.
Duration: 30s
Spirit of the Irregular Effect: Damage bonus effect is increased to 40%
Spirit of the Platebearer Effect: Grants Solid Shield to self
Solid Shield Effect: Reduces physical damage taken by 50%
Duration: 15s
Can only be executed while in combat.
Lost Slash
Lost Slash
ID: 20718
Level: 80 Frontsplitter:  Verschollener Schlitzer
Delivers an attack with a potency of 800 to all enemies in a cone before you. When critical damage is dealt, potency is tripled.
This action does not share a recast timer with any other actions. Furthermore, the recast timer cannot be affected by other actions.
Lost Death
Lost Death
ID: 20719
Level: 80 Frontsplitter:  Verschollener Tod
KOs target. The less the target's HP, the greater the chance of success.
Spirit of the Ordained Effect: Chance of success is increased
This action does not share a recast timer with any other actions. Furthermore, the recast timer cannot be affected by other actions.
Banner of Noble Ends
Banner of Noble Ends
ID: 20720
Level: 80 Frontsplitter:  Gemüt der Verdrossenheit
Storm the field under the Banner of Noble Ends, increasing damage dealt by 50% while reducing own HP recovery via most healing actions by 100%.
Duration: 15s
Can only be executed while in combat.
Effect cannot be stacked with other Banner actions.
Banner of Honored Sacrifice
Banner of Honored Sacrifice
ID: 20721
Level: 80 Frontsplitter:  Gemüt der Ungehaltenheit
Storm the field under the Banner of Honored Sacrifice, increasing damage dealt by 55% while draining your HP.
Duration: 15s
Can only be executed while in combat.
Effect cannot be stacked with other Banner actions.
Banner of Honed Acuity
Banner of Honed Acuity
ID: 20725
Level: 80 Frontsplitter:  Gemüt der Empfindsamkeit
Storm the field under the Banner of Honed Acuity, gaining additional stacks each time an attack is evaded, up to a maximum of 3.
Banner of Honed Acuity Effect: Increases damage taken by 10% per stack
Duration: 120s
At maximum stacks, take up the Banner of Transcendent Finesse.
Banner of Transcendent Finesse Effect: Increases critical hit rate by 30% and reduces weaponskill cast time and recast time, spell cast time and recast time, and auto-attack delay by 20%
Duration: 180s
Can only be executed while in combat.
Effect cannot be stacked with other Banner actions.
Lost Fair Trade
Lost Fair Trade
ID: 20732
Level: 80 Frontsplitter:  Verschollener Handel
Through sheer force of will, restore a random technique of the lost to physical form and throw it at a single target, dealing damage with a potency of 50.
Potency increases up to 1,000 based on the weight of the lost action.
The lost action thrown will be lost upon execution.
This action does not share a recast timer with any other actions. Furthermore, the recast timer cannot be affected by other actions.
Lost Assassination
Lost Assassination
ID: 23914
Level: 80 Frontsplitter:  Verschollener Meuchelmord
Delivers a close-quarter attack with a potency of 350. Chance of instant KO when attacking from the rear, which increases the lower the target's HP.
Spirit of the Beast Effect: Grants the effect of Lost Font of Power to self
Lost Font of Power Effect: Increases damage dealt by 30% and critical hit rate by 40%
Duration: 18s
This action does not share a recast timer with any other actions. Furthermore, the recast timer cannot be affected by other actions.
Banner of Solemn Clarity
Banner of Solemn Clarity
ID: 20724
Level: 80 Frontsplitter:  Gemüt der Besinnlichkeit
Storm the field under the Banner of Solemn Clarity, periodically gaining additional stacks, up to a maximum of 4.
Duration: 30s
Effect ends upon using another action or moving (including facing a different direction).
Cancels auto-attack upon execution.
At maximum stacks, take up the Banner of Limitless Grace.
Banner of Limitless Grace Effect: Increases healing potency by 50% while reducing MP cost
Duration: 120s
Can only be executed while in combat.
Effect cannot be stacked with other Banner actions.
Lost Cure
Lost Cure
ID: 20726
Level: 80 Frontsplitter:  Verschollene Vita
Restores target's HP.
Cure Potency: 15,000
Lost Cure II
Lost Cure II
ID: 20727
Level: 80 Frontsplitter:  Verschollene Vitra
Restores target's HP.
Cure Potency: 21,700
Spirit of the Savior Effect: Regen
Cure Potency: 6,000
Duration: 21s
Lost Cure III
Lost Cure III
ID: 20728
Level: 80 Frontsplitter:  Verschollene Vitaga
Restores own or target party member's HP and all party members nearby target.
Cure Potency: 15,000
Lost Cure IV
Lost Cure IV
ID: 20729
Level: 80 Frontsplitter:  Verschollene Vitaka
Restores own or target party member's HP and all party members nearby target.
Cure Potency: 21,700
Spirit of the Savior Effect: Regen
Cure Potency: 6,000
Duration: 21s
Lost Sacrifice
Lost Sacrifice
ID: 22345
Level: 80 Frontsplitter:  Verschollene Aufopferung
Restores all of a KO'd target's HP.
Cannot be executed if currently afflicted with Sacrifice.
Additional Effect: Inflicts Sacrifice on self
Sacrifice Effect: When effect expires, you will be KO'd
Duration: 10s
Lost Reraise
Lost Reraise
ID: 23912
Level: 80 Frontsplitter:  Verschollene Rückkehr aus dem Jenseits
Grants the effect of Reraise to self or target player.
Reraise Effect: Grants an 80% chance of automatic revival upon KO
Duration: 180m
Lost Paralyze III
Lost Paralyze III
ID: 20701
Level: 80 Frontsplitter:  Verschollenes Paralyga
Afflicts target and all nearby enemies with Paralysis.
Duration: 60s
Lost Dispel
Lost Dispel
ID: 20704
Level: 80 Frontsplitter:  Verschollenes Entzaubern
Removes one beneficial status from target.
Cancels auto-attack upon execution.
Lost Rampage
Lost Rampage
ID: 23910
Level: 80 Frontsplitter:  Verschollener Amok
Delivers an attack with a potency of 300 to all nearby enemies.
Additional Effect: Interrupts all nearby enemies
Additional Effect: Increases damage taken by enemies with Physical Aversion by 10%
Duration: 60s
Lost Stealth
Lost Stealth
ID: 20705
Level: 80 Frontsplitter:  Verschollene Coeurl-Pfoten
Blend in with your surroundings, making it impossible for most enemies to detect you, but reducing movement speed by 25%. Has no effect on certain enemies with special sight.
Cannot be executed while in combat.
Effect ends upon use of any action other than Sprint, or upon reuse.
Lost Swift
Lost Swift
ID: 20708
Level: 80 Frontsplitter:  Verschollene Eile
Greatly increases movement speed.
Effect cannot be stacked with other movement speed enhancing abilities.
Duration: 10s
Spirit of the Breathtaker Effect: Increases evasion by 30%
Duration: 60s
Spirit of the Watcher Effect: Grants Rapid Recast to self
Rapid Recast Effect: Shortens recast time for next ability used by 60%
Effect only applies to certain abilities.
Duration: 30s
Lost Font of Skill
Lost Font of Skill
ID: 20716
Level: 80 Frontsplitter:  Verschollene Technikfontäne
Resets the recast timer for most actions and role actions.
ID: 20733
Level: 80 Frontsplitter:  Nachahmung
Study the lost techniques used by a targeted ally and make them your own.
Cannot be executed while in combat.
Lost Perception
Lost Perception
ID: 22344
Level: 80 Frontsplitter:  Verschollene Tigeraugen
Detect traps within a radius of 15 yalms.
If there are no traps within 15 yalms, alerts you to the presence of traps with a radius of 36 yalms.
※This action can only be used in Delubrum Reginae.
Lost Impetus
Lost Impetus
ID: 23918
Level: 80 Frontsplitter:  Verschollener Impuls
Quickly dash 10 yalms forward.
Additional Effect: Applies Lost Swift to self and nearby party members
Lost Swift Effect: Greatly increases movement speed
Effect cannot be stacked with other movement speed enhancing abilities.
Duration: 10s
Spirit of the Breathtaker Effect: Increases evasion of self and nearby party members by 15%
Duration: 60s
Spirit of the Watcher Effect: Grants Rapid Recast to self and nearby party members
Rapid Recast Effect: Shortens recast time for next ability used by 25%
Effect only applies to certain abilities.
Duration: 15s
Cannot be executed while bound.
Lost Spellforge
Lost Spellforge
ID: 20706
Level: 80 Frontsplitter:  Verschollene Zauberschmiede
Grants the effect of Lost Spellforge to self or target ally.
Lost Spellforge Effect: All attacks deal magic damage. However, all bonuses to damage dealt are determined by the attack's base damage type.
Duration: 300s
Effect cannot be stacked with Lost Steelsting.
Lost Steelsting
Lost Steelsting
ID: 20707
Level: 80 Frontsplitter:  Verschollener Stahlstachel
Grants the effect of Lost Steelsting to self or target ally.
Lost Steelsting Effect: All attacks deal physical damage. However, all bonuses to damage dealt are determined by the attack's base damage type.
Duration: 300s
Effect cannot be stacked with Lost Spellforge.
Lost Protect
Lost Protect
ID: 20709
Level: 80 Frontsplitter:  Verschollenes Protes
Applies a barrier to self or target player reducing physical damage taken by 10%.
Duration: 30m
Lost Shell
Lost Shell
ID: 20710
Level: 80 Frontsplitter:  Verschollenes Vallum
Applies a barrier to self or target player reducing magic damage taken by 10%.
Duration: 30m
Lost Reflect
Lost Reflect
ID: 20711
Level: 80 Frontsplitter:  Verschollene Reflexion
Creates a barrier around self or party member that reflects most magic attacks.
Duration: 10s
Spirit of the Guardian Effect: Duration is increased to 30s
Lost Stoneskin
Lost Stoneskin
ID: 20712
Level: 80 Frontsplitter:  Verschollene Steinhaut
Applies a barrier to self or target player that absorbs damage totaling 15% of target's maximum HP.
Duration: 60s
Lost Bravery
Lost Bravery
ID: 20713
Level: 80 Frontsplitter:  Verschollene Courage
Increases damage dealt by an ally or self by 5%.
Duration: 600s
Lost Dervish
Lost Dervish
ID: 22356
Level: 80 Frontsplitter:  Verschollener Rapidus
Increases critical hit rate of self and nearby party members by 10%, increases damage dealt by 7%, and reduces weaponskill cast time and recast time, spell cast time and recast time, and auto-attack delay by 1%.
Duration: 60s
Lost Stoneskin II
Lost Stoneskin II
ID: 23908
Level: 80 Frontsplitter:  Verschollene Steinrahaut
Creates a barrier around self and all party members near you that absorbs damage totaling 10% of maximum HP.
Duration: 30s
Lost Protect II
Lost Protect II
ID: 23915
Level: 80 Frontsplitter:  Verschollenes Protes II
Applies a barrier to self or target player reducing physical damage taken by 15%.
Duration: 30m
Lost Shell II
Lost Shell II
ID: 23916
Level: 80 Frontsplitter:  Verschollenes Vallum II
Applies a barrier to self or target player reducing magic damage taken by 15%.
Duration: 30m
Lost Bubble
Lost Bubble
ID: 23917
Level: 80 Frontsplitter:  Verschollene Blase
Increases maximum HP of self or target player by 30%.
Duration: 600s
Lost Manawall
Lost Manawall
ID: 20703
Level: 80 Frontsplitter:  Verschollene Mana-Wand
Temporarily applies Heavy to self, while reducing damage taken by 90% and nullifying most knockback and draw-in effects.
Duration: 6s
Banner of Firm Resolve
Banner of Firm Resolve
ID: 20723
Level: 80 Frontsplitter:  Gemüt der Folgsamkeit
Storm the field under the Banner of Firm Resolve, gaining additional stacks each time damage is taken, up to a maximum of 5.
Banner of Firm Resolve Effect: Reduces damage dealt by 15% per stack
Duration: 30s
At maximum stacks, take up the Banner of Unyielding Defense.
Banner of Unyielding Defense Effect: Reduces damage taken by 30%
Duration: 180s
Effect cannot be stacked with other Banner actions.
Lost Incense
Lost Incense
ID: 20731
Level: 80 Frontsplitter:  Verschollener Hohn
Gesture threateningly, placing yourself at the top of a target's enmity list.
Additional Effect: Enmity generation is increased and damage taken is reduced by 20%
Duration: 20s
Lost Excellence
Lost Excellence
ID: 23919
Level: 80 Frontsplitter:  Verschollene Exzellenz
Instantly cures Weakness and temporarily nullifies most attacks, while increasing damage dealt by 65%. Memorable will be applied when effect ends.
Duration: 10s
Memorable Effect: Increases damage dealt by 65% while decreasing damage taken by 10%
Duration: 50s
Can only be executed while in combat.
Dynamis Dice
Dynamis Dice
ID: 20692
Level: 80 Frontsplitter:  Würfel des Schicksals
Resistance Phoenix
Resistance Phoenix
ID: 20735
Level: 80 Frontsplitter:  Phönixfeder des Widerstands
Resurrects target to a weakened state.
Resistance Reraiser
Resistance Reraiser
ID: 20736
Level: 80 Frontsplitter:  Lebensfeder des Widerstands
Grants a 70% chance of automatic revival upon KO.
Duration: 180m
Resistance Potion Kit
Resistance Potion Kit
ID: 20737
Level: 80 Frontsplitter:  Tränkesammlung des Widerstands
Grants Auto-potion to self.
Auto-potion Effect: Restores HP automatically when HP falls below 50%
Duration: 600s
When triggered, there is a 50% chance the effect will end.
Spirit of the Breathtaker Effect: Chance for Auto-potion effect to end is reduced to 10%
Shares a recast timer with Resistance Ether Kit and Resistance Medikit.
Resistance Ether Kit
Resistance Ether Kit
ID: 20738
Level: 80 Frontsplitter:  Äthersammlung des Widerstands
Grants Auto-ether to self.
Auto-ether Effect: Restores MP automatically when MP falls below 20%
Duration: 600s
When triggered, there is a 50% chance the effect will end.
Spirit of the Breathtaker Effect: Chance for Auto-ether effect to end is reduced to 10%
Shares a recast timer with Resistance Potion Kit and Resistance Medikit.
Resistance Medikit
Resistance Medikit
ID: 20739
Level: 80 Frontsplitter:  Kräutersammlung des Widerstands
Removes a single detrimental effect from self. When not suffering from detrimental effects, creates a barrier that protects against most status ailments. The barrier is removed after curing the next status ailment suffered.
Effect cannot be stacked with similar barrier actions.
Duration: 30m
Shares a recast timer with Resistance Potion Kit and Resistance Ether Kit.
Resistance Potion
Resistance Potion
ID: 20740
Level: 80 Frontsplitter:  Heiltrank des Widerstands
Gradually restores HP.
Cure Potency: 1,600
Duration: 40s
Shares a recast timer with Dynamis Dice and Resistance Elixir.
Essence of the Savior
Essence of the Savior
ID: 20743
Level: 80 Frontsplitter:  Zaubertrank des Heilers
Increases healing potency by 60%.
Effect ends upon reuse.
Cannot be used with other Essence or Deep Essence actions.
Essence of the Platebearer
Essence of the Platebearer
ID: 20745
Level: 80 Frontsplitter:  Zaubertrank des Ritters
Increases defense by 80% and maximum HP by 45%.
Effect ends upon reuse.
Cannot be used with other Essence or Deep Essence actions.
Essence of the Skirmisher
Essence of the Skirmisher
ID: 20748
Level: 80 Frontsplitter:  Zaubertrank des Kriegers
Increases damage dealt by 20% and critical hit rate by 15%.
Effect ends upon reuse.
Cannot be used with other Essence or Deep Essence actions.
Essence of the Watcher
Essence of the Watcher
ID: 20749
Level: 80 Frontsplitter:  Zaubertrank des Spähers
Reduces maximum HP by 5% while increasing evasion by 40%.
Effect ends upon reuse.
Cannot be used with other Essence or Deep Essence actions.
Essence of the Breathtaker
Essence of the Breathtaker
ID: 20752
Level: 80 Frontsplitter:  Zaubertrank des Diebes
Increases poison resistance and movement speed, including mount speed, and increases evasion by 10%.
Effect ends upon reuse.
Cannot be used with other Essence or Deep Essence actions.
Essence of the Beast
Essence of the Beast
ID: 20754
Level: 80 Frontsplitter:  Zaubertrank der Wolfsleute
Increases defense by 50% and maximum HP by 45%.
Additional Effect: Absorb a portion of damage dealt as HP
Effect ends upon reuse.
Cannot be used with other Essence or Deep Essence actions.
Deep Essence of the Savior
Deep Essence of the Savior
ID: 20758
Level: 80 Frontsplitter:  Wundertrank des Heilers
Increases healing potency by 72%.
Effect ends upon reuse.
Cannot be used with other Essence or Deep Essence actions.
Deep Essence of the Platebearer
Deep Essence of the Platebearer
ID: 20760
Level: 80 Frontsplitter:  Wundertrank des Ritters
Increases defense by 96% and maximum HP by 54%.
Effect ends upon reuse.
Cannot be used with other Essence or Deep Essence actions.
Deep Essence of the Skirmisher
Deep Essence of the Skirmisher
ID: 20763
Level: 80 Frontsplitter:  Wundertrank des Kriegers
Increases damage dealt by 24% and critical hit rate by 18%.
Effect ends upon reuse.
Cannot be used with other Essence or Deep Essence actions.
Deep Essence of the Watcher
Deep Essence of the Watcher
ID: 20764
Level: 80 Frontsplitter:  Wundertrank des Spähers
Reduces maximum HP by 3% while increasing evasion by 48%.
Effect ends upon reuse.
Cannot be used with other Essence or Deep Essence actions.
Deep Essence of the Breathtaker
Deep Essence of the Breathtaker
ID: 20767
Level: 80 Frontsplitter:  Wundertrank des Diebes
Increases poison resistance and movement speed, including mount speed, and increases evasion by 20%.
Effect ends upon reuse.
Cannot be used with other Essence or Deep Essence actions.
Deep Essence of the Beast
Deep Essence of the Beast
ID: 20769
Level: 80 Frontsplitter:  Wundertrank der Wolfsleute
Increases defense by 60% and maximum HP by 54%.
Additional Effect: Absorb a portion of damage dealt as HP
Effect ends upon reuse.
Cannot be used with other Essence or Deep Essence actions.
Pure Essence of the Gambler
Pure Essence of the Gambler
ID: 22346
Level: 80 Frontsplitter:  Maxtrank des Draufgängers
Increases evasion by 11%, critical hit rate by 77%, and direct hit rate by 77%.
Effect ends upon reuse.
Cannot be used with other Essence, Deep Essence, or Pure Essence actions.
It is said that Pure Essences may grant unexpected effects...
※This action can only be used in Delubrum Reginae.
Pure Essence of the Fiendhunter
Pure Essence of the Fiendhunter
ID: 22349
Level: 80 Frontsplitter:  Maxtrank des Bogengeweihten
Increases defense by 60%, damage dealt by 50%, and maximum HP by 81%.
Effect ends upon reuse.
Cannot be used with other Essence, Deep Essence, or Pure Essence actions.
It is said that Pure Essences may grant unexpected effects...
※This action can only be used in Delubrum Reginae.
ID: 23907
Level: 80 Frontsplitter:  Stein der Rückführung
Instantly return to the starting point of the area.
Cannot be executed while in combat.
Shares a recast timer with all other weaponskills and spells.
Light Curtain
Light Curtain
ID: 23911
Level: 80 Frontsplitter:  Lichtvorhang
Grants the effect of Lost Reflect to self.
Lost Reflect Effect: Reflects most magic attacks
Duration: 10s
Shares a recast timer with all other weaponskills and spells.
Resistance Elixir
Resistance Elixir
ID: 23922
Level: 80 Frontsplitter:  Elixier des Widerstands
Restores own HP and MP to maximum.
Shares a recast timer with Resistance Potion and Dynamis Dice.