

Astrologian Astrologian



ID: 3596
Level: 1 Kosten: 400 Range: 25y EffectRange: 0y Cast: 1.5s Recast: 2.5s Type:  GCD Kategorie:  Zauber Schaden
Deals unaspected damage with a potency of 150.
ID: 3594
Level: 2 Kosten: 400 Range: 30y EffectRange: 0y Cast: 1.5s Recast: 2.5s Type:  GCD Kategorie:  Zauber Heilung
Restores target's HP.
Cure Potency: 500
Additional Effect: 15% chance next Benefic II will restore critical HP
Duration: 15s
ID: 3599
Level: 4 Kosten: 400 Range: 25y EffectRange: 0y Cast: 0.0s Recast: 2.5s Type:  GCD Kategorie:  Zauber Schaden
Deals unaspected damage over time.
Potency: 50
Duration: 30s
ID: 3606
Level: 6 Kosten: 0 Range: 0y EffectRange: 0y Cast: 0.0s Recast: 90.0s Type:  oGCD Kategorie:  Talent
Reduces cast times for spells by 2.5 seconds.
Duration: 15s
Maximum Charges: 2
ID: 16560
Level: 8 Kosten: 600 Range: 30y EffectRange: 0y Cast: 2.5s Recast: 2.5s Type:  GCD Kategorie:  Zauber
Afflicts target with Sleep.
Duration: 30s
Cancels auto-attack upon execution.
ID: 3600
Level: 10 Kosten: 700 Range: 0y EffectRange: 15y Cast: 1.5s Recast: 2.5s Type:  GCD Kategorie:  Zauber Heilung
Restores own HP and the HP of all nearby party members.
Cure Potency: 400
ID: 7568
Level: 10 Kosten: 400 Range: 30y EffectRange: 0y Cast: 0.0s Recast: 2.5s Type:  GCD Kategorie:  Zauber
Removes a single detrimental effect from target.
ID: 3603
Level: 12 Kosten: 2400 Range: 30y EffectRange: 0y Cast: 8.0s Recast: 2.5s Type:  GCD Kategorie:  Zauber
Resurrects target to a weakened state.
Lucid Dreaming
Lucid Dreaming
ID: 7562
Level: 14 Kosten: 0 Range: 0y EffectRange: 0y Cast: 0.0s Recast: 60.0s Type:  oGCD Kategorie:  Talent
Gradually restores own MP.
Potency: 55
Duration: 21s
Essential Dignity
Essential Dignity
ID: 3614
Level: 15 Kosten: 0 Range: 30y EffectRange: 0y Cast: 0.0s Recast: 40.0s Type:  oGCD Kategorie:  Talent Heilung
Restores target's HP.
Cure Potency: 400
Potency increases up to 900 as the target's HP decreases, reaching its maximum value when the target has 30% HP or less.
Maximum Charges: 3
ID: 7561
Level: 18 Kosten: 0 Range: 0y EffectRange: 0y Cast: 0.0s Recast: 60.0s Type:  oGCD Kategorie:  Talent
Next spell is cast immediately.
Duration: 10s
Benefic II
Benefic II
ID: 3610
Level: 26 Kosten: 700 Range: 30y EffectRange: 0y Cast: 1.5s Recast: 2.5s Type:  GCD Kategorie:  Zauber Heilung
Restores target's HP.
Cure Potency: 800
Astral Draw
Astral Draw
ID: 37017
Level: 30 Kosten: 0 Range: 0y EffectRange: 0y Cast: 0.0s Recast: 55.0s Type:  oGCD Kategorie:  Talent
Draws the Balance, the Arrow, the Spire, and the Lord of Crownsand the Spire from your divining deck.
Additional Effect: Restores 20% of maximum MP
Upon execution, Play I changes to The Balance, Play II changes to The Arrow, Play III changes to The Spire, Minor Arcana changes to Lord of Crowns, and Astral Draw changes to Umbral Draw.
Shares a recast timer with Umbral Draw.
Umbral Draw
Umbral Draw
ID: 37018
Level: 30 Kosten: 0 Range: 0y EffectRange: 0y Cast: 0.0s Recast: 55.0s Type:  oGCD Kategorie:  Talent
Draws the Spear, the Bole, the Ewer, and the Lady of Crownsand the Ewer from your divining deck.
Additional Effect: Restores 20% of maximum MP
Upon execution, Play I changes to The Spear, Play II changes to The Bole, Play III changes to The Ewer, Minor Arcana changes to Lady of Crowns, and Umbral Draw changes to Astral Draw.
Shares a recast timer with Astral Draw.
※This action cannot be assigned to a hotbar.
※Astral Draw changes to Umbral Draw when requirements for execution are met.
Play I
Play I
ID: 37019
Level: 30 Kosten: 0 Range: 0y EffectRange: 0y Cast: 0.0s Recast: 1.0s Type:  oGCD Kategorie:  Talent
Plays the drawn arcanum after executing Astral Draw or Umbral Draw.
Astral Draw Effect: Action changes to The Balance
Umbral Draw Effect: Action changes to The Spear
Play II
Play II
ID: 37020
Level: 30 Kosten: 0 Range: 0y EffectRange: 0y Cast: 0.0s Recast: 1.0s Type:  oGCD Kategorie:  Talent
Plays the drawn arcanum after executing Astral Draw or Umbral Draw.
Astral Draw Effect: Action changes to The Arrow
Umbral Draw Effect: Action changes to The Bole
Play III
Play III
ID: 37021
Level: 30 Kosten: 0 Range: 0y EffectRange: 0y Cast: 0.0s Recast: 1.0s Type:  oGCD Kategorie:  Talent
Plays the drawn arcanum after executing Astral Draw or Umbral Draw.
Astral Draw Effect: Action changes to The Spire
Umbral Draw Effect: Action changes to The Ewer
the Balance
the Balance
ID: 37023
Level: 30 Kosten: 1 Range: 30y EffectRange: 0y Cast: 0.0s Recast: 1.0s Type:  oGCD Kategorie:  Talent
Increases damage dealt by a party member or self by 6% if target is melee DPS or tank, or 3% for all other roles.
Duration: 15s
※This action cannot be assigned to a hotbar.
※Play I changes to The Balance when requirements for execution are met.
the Arrow
the Arrow
ID: 37024
Level: 30 Kosten: 3 Range: 30y EffectRange: 0y Cast: 0.0s Recast: 1.0s Type:  oGCD Kategorie:  Talent
Increases HP recovery via healing actions for a party member or self by 10%.
Duration: 15s
※This action cannot be assigned to a hotbar.
※Play II changes to The Arrow when requirements for execution are met.
the Spire
the Spire
ID: 37025
Level: 30 Kosten: 6 Range: 30y EffectRange: 0y Cast: 0.0s Recast: 1.0s Type:  oGCD Kategorie:  Talent Schild
Creates a barrier around self or target party member that absorbs damage equivalent to a heal of 400 potency.
Duration: 30s
※This action cannot be assigned to a hotbar.
※Play III changes to The Spire when requirements for execution are met.
the Spear
the Spear
ID: 37026
Level: 30 Kosten: 4 Range: 30y EffectRange: 0y Cast: 0.0s Recast: 1.0s Type:  oGCD Kategorie:  Talent
Increases damage dealt by a party member or self by 6% if target is ranged DPS or healer, or 3% for all other roles.
Duration: 15s
※This action cannot be assigned to a hotbar.
※Play I changes to The Spear when requirements for execution are met.
the Bole
the Bole
ID: 37027
Level: 30 Kosten: 2 Range: 30y EffectRange: 0y Cast: 0.0s Recast: 1.0s Type:  oGCD Kategorie:  Talent P-Mitigation (M:10%/P:10%)
Reduces damage taken by a party member or self by 10%.
Duration: 15s
※This action cannot be assigned to a hotbar.
※Play II changes to The Bole when requirements for execution are met.
the Ewer
the Ewer
ID: 37028
Level: 30 Kosten: 5 Range: 30y EffectRange: 0y Cast: 0.0s Recast: 1.0s Type:  oGCD Kategorie:  Talent Heilung
Grants healing over time effect to a party member or self.
Cure Potency: 200
Duration: 15s
※This action cannot be assigned to a hotbar.
※Play III changes to The Ewer when requirements for execution are met.
Aspected Benefic
Aspected Benefic
ID: 3595
Level: 34 Kosten: 400 Range: 30y EffectRange: 0y Cast: 0.0s Recast: 2.5s Type:  GCD Kategorie:  Zauber Heilung
Restores target's HP.
Cure Potency: 250
Additional Effect: Regen
Cure Potency: 250
Duration: 15s
Aspected Helios
Aspected Helios
ID: 3601
Level: 40 Kosten: 800 Range: 0y EffectRange: 15y Cast: 1.5s Recast: 2.5s Type:  GCD Kategorie:  Zauber Heilung
Restores own HP and the HP of all nearby party members.
Cure Potency: 250
Additional Effect: Regen
Cure Potency: 150
Duration: 15s
ID: 7559
Level: 44 Kosten: 0 Range: 0y EffectRange: 0y Cast: 0.0s Recast: 120.0s Type:  oGCD Kategorie:  Talent
Spells can be cast without interruption.
Additional Effect: Nullifies most knockback and draw-in effects
Duration: 6s
ID: 3615
Level: 45 Kosten: 400 Range: 25y EffectRange: 8y Cast: 1.5s Recast: 2.5s Type:  GCD Kategorie:  Zauber Schaden
Deals unaspected damage with a potency of 120 to target and all enemies nearby it.
Combust II
Combust II
ID: 3608
Level: 46 Kosten: 400 Range: 25y EffectRange: 0y Cast: 0.0s Recast: 2.5s Type:  GCD Kategorie:  Zauber Schaden
Deals unaspected damage over time.
Potency: 60
Duration: 30s
ID: 7571
Level: 48 Kosten: 0 Range: 30y EffectRange: 0y Cast: 0.0s Recast: 120.0s Type:  oGCD Kategorie:  Talent
Instantly draws target party member to your side. Cannot be used outside of combat or when target is suffering from certain enfeeblements.
ID: 16552
Level: 50 Kosten: 0 Range: 0y EffectRange: 30y Cast: 0.0s Recast: 120.0s Type:  oGCD Kategorie:  Talent
Increases damage dealt by self and nearby party members by 6%.
Duration: 20s
Additional Effect: Grants Divining
Duration: 30s
ID: 3612
Level: 50 Kosten: 0 Range: 30y EffectRange: 0y Cast: 0.0s Recast: 120.0s Type:  oGCD Kategorie:  Talent
Generate an aetheric bond with target party member. Each time you cast a single-target healing spell on yourself or a party member, the party member with whom you have the bond will also recover HP equaling 40% of the original spell.
Duration: 20s
Malefic II
Malefic II
ID: 3598
Level: 54 Kosten: 400 Range: 25y EffectRange: 0y Cast: 1.5s Recast: 2.5s Type:  GCD Kategorie:  Zauber Schaden
Deals unaspected damage with a potency of 160.
Collective Unconscious
Collective Unconscious
ID: 3613
Level: 58 Kosten: 0 Range: 0y EffectRange: 30y Cast: 0.0s Recast: 60.0s Type:  oGCD Kategorie:  Talent Heilung P-Mitigation (M:10%/P:10%)
Creates a celestial ring 8 yalms around the caster.
Duration: 18s
Additional Effect: Reduces damage taken by 10% for self and any party members within 30 yalms and applies Wheel of Fortune to self and any party members within 8 yalms
Duration: 5s
Wheel of Fortune Effect: Regen
Cure Potency: 100
Duration: 15s
Effects will be applied continuously to self and all party members standing within the celestial ring.
Collective Unconscious effect ends upon using another action or moving (including facing a different direction).
Cancels auto-attack upon execution.
Celestial Opposition
Celestial Opposition
ID: 16553
Level: 60 Kosten: 0 Range: 0y EffectRange: 15y Cast: 0.0s Recast: 60.0s Type:  oGCD Kategorie:  Talent Heilung
Restores own HP and the HP of all nearby party members.
Cure Potency: 200
Additional Effect: Regen
Cure Potency: 100
Duration: 15s
Earthly Star
Earthly Star
ID: 7439
Level: 62 Kosten: 0 Range: 30y EffectRange: 20y Cast: 0.0s Recast: 60.0s Type:  oGCD Kategorie:  Talent Heilung
Deploys an Earthly Star in the designated area and grants the effect of Earthly Dominance.
Duration: 10s
Executing Stellar Detonation while under the effect of Earthly Dominance creates a Stellar Burst dealing unaspected damage with a potency of 205 to all nearby enemies. Also restores own HP and the HP of all nearby party members.
Cure Potency: 540
After 10s, Earthly Dominance effect is changed to Giant Dominance.
Duration: 10s
Waiting 10s or executing Stellar Detonation while under the effect of Giant Dominance creates a Stellar Explosion dealing unaspected damage with a potency of 310 to all nearby enemies. Also restores own HP and the HP of all nearby party members.
Cure Potency: 720
Stellar Detonation
Stellar Detonation
ID: 8324
Level: 62 Kosten: 0 Range: 0y EffectRange: 20y Cast: 0.0s Recast: 3.0s Type:  oGCD Kategorie:  Talent Heilung
While under the effect of Earthly Dominance, detonates the currently deployed Earthly Star, creating a Stellar Burst that deals unaspected damage with a potency of 205 to all nearby enemies.
Additional Effect: Restores own HP and the HP of all nearby party members
Cure Potency: 540
While under the effect of Giant Dominance, detonates the currently deployed Earthly Star, creating a Stellar Explosion that deals unaspected damage with a potency of 310 to all nearby enemies.
Additional Effect: Restores own HP and the HP of all nearby party members
Cure Potency: 720
Malefic III
Malefic III
ID: 7442
Level: 64 Kosten: 400 Range: 25y EffectRange: 0y Cast: 1.5s Recast: 2.5s Type:  GCD Kategorie:  Zauber Schaden
Deals unaspected damage with a potency of 190.
Minor Arcana
Minor Arcana
ID: 37022
Level: 70 Kosten: 0 Range: 0y EffectRange: 0y Cast: 0.0s Recast: 1.0s Type:  oGCD Kategorie:  Talent
Plays the drawn arcanum after executing Astral Draw or Umbral Draw.
Astral Draw Effect: Action changes to Lord of Crowns
Umbral Draw Effect: Action changes to Lady of Crowns
Lord of Crowns
Lord of Crowns
ID: 7444
Level: 70 Kosten: 7 Range: 0y EffectRange: 20y Cast: 0.0s Recast: 1.0s Type:  oGCD Kategorie:  Talent Schaden
Deals unaspected damage with a potency of 400 to all nearby enemies.
※This action cannot be assigned to a hotbar.
※Minor Arcana changes to Lord of Crowns when requirements for execution are met.
Lady of Crowns
Lady of Crowns
ID: 7445
Level: 70 Kosten: 8 Range: 0y EffectRange: 20y Cast: 0.0s Recast: 1.0s Type:  oGCD Kategorie:  Talent Heilung
Restores own HP and the HP of all nearby party members.
Cure Potency: 400
※This action cannot be assigned to a hotbar.
※Minor Arcana changes to Lady of Crowns when requirements for execution are met.
Combust III
Combust III
ID: 16554
Level: 72 Kosten: 400 Range: 25y EffectRange: 0y Cast: 0.0s Recast: 2.5s Type:  GCD Kategorie:  Zauber Schaden
Deals unaspected damage over time.
Potency: 70
Duration: 30s
Malefic IV
Malefic IV
ID: 16555
Level: 72 Kosten: 400 Range: 25y EffectRange: 0y Cast: 1.5s Recast: 2.5s Type:  GCD Kategorie:  Zauber Schaden
Deals unaspected damage with a potency of 230.
Celestial Intersection
Celestial Intersection
ID: 16556
Level: 74 Kosten: 0 Range: 30y EffectRange: 0y Cast: 0.0s Recast: 30.0s Type:  oGCD Kategorie:  Talent HeilungSchild
Restores own or target party member's HP.
Cure Potency: 200
Additional Sect Effect: Erects a magicked barrier which nullifies damage equaling 200% of the amount of HP restored
Duration: 30s
Maximum Charges: 2
ID: 16557
Level: 76 Kosten: 0 Range: 0y EffectRange: 20y Cast: 0.0s Recast: 60.0s Type:  oGCD Kategorie:  Talent
Reads your fortune and those of nearby party members, granting them Horoscope.
Duration: 10s
Effect upgraded to Horoscope Helios upon receiving the effects of Helios or Helios ConjunctionAspected Helios.
Duration: 30s
Restores the HP of those under either effect when the cards are read a second time or the effect expires.
Horoscope Cure Potency: 200
Horoscope Helios Cure Potency: 400
ID: 16558
Level: 76 Kosten: 0 Range: 0y EffectRange: 20y Cast: 0.0s Recast: 1.0s Type:  oGCD Kategorie:  Talent
Restores own HP and the HP of all nearby party members.
Potency is determined by the Horoscope effect of party members. Effect expires upon execution.
Horoscope Potency: 200
Horoscope Helios Potency: 400
Neutral Sect
Neutral Sect
ID: 16559
Level: 80 Kosten: 0 Range: 0y EffectRange: 0y Cast: 0.0s Recast: 120.0s Type:  oGCD Kategorie:  Talent Schild
Increases healing magic potency by 20%.
Duration: 20s
Additional Effect: When casting Aspected Benefic or Helios ConjunctionAspected Helios, erects a magicked barrier which nullifies damage
Aspected Benefic Effect: Nullifies damage equaling 250% of the amount of HP restored
Helios ConjunctionAspected Helios Effect: Nullifies damage equaling 125% of the amount of HP restored
Duration: 30s
Additional Effect: Grants Suntouched
Duration: 30s
Fall Malefic
Fall Malefic
ID: 25871
Level: 82 Kosten: 400 Range: 25y EffectRange: 0y Cast: 1.5s Recast: 2.5s Type:  GCD Kategorie:  Zauber Schaden
Deals unaspected damage with a potency of 270.
Gravity II
Gravity II
ID: 25872
Level: 82 Kosten: 400 Range: 25y EffectRange: 8y Cast: 1.5s Recast: 2.5s Type:  GCD Kategorie:  Zauber Schaden
Deals unaspected damage with a potency of 130 to target and all enemies nearby it.
ID: 25873
Level: 86 Kosten: 0 Range: 30y EffectRange: 0y Cast: 0.0s Recast: 60.0s Type:  oGCD Kategorie:  Talent Heilung P-Mitigation (M:10%/P:10%)
Reduces damage taken by self or target party member by 10%.
Duration: 8s
Additional Effect: Restores HP at the end of the effect's duration
Cure Potency: 500
ID: 25874
Level: 90 Kosten: 600 Range: 0y EffectRange: 20y Cast: 0.0s Recast: 180.0s Type:  GCD Kategorie:  Zauber Schaden
Deals unaspected damage to all nearby enemies with a potency of 270 for the first enemy, and 40% less for all remaining enemies.
Additional Effect: Grants Macrocosmos to self and all nearby party members
Duration: 15s
For the effect's duration, 50% of damage taken is compiled.
Restores HP equal to a cure of 200 potency plus compiled damage when the effect expires or upon execution of Microcosmos.
Amount restored cannot exceed the target's maximum HP.
Recast timer cannot be affected by status effects or gear attributes.
ID: 25875
Level: 90 Kosten: 0 Range: 0y EffectRange: 20y Cast: 0.0s Recast: 1.0s Type:  oGCD Kategorie:  Talent Heilung
Triggers the healing effect of Macrocosmos, restoring HP equal to a cure of 200 potency plus 50% of compiled damage.
Amount restored cannot exceed the target's maximum HP.
ID: 37029
Level: 92 Kosten: 3893 Range: 25y EffectRange: 5y Cast: 0.0s Recast: 1.0s Type:  oGCD Kategorie:  Talent Schaden
Deals unaspected damage with a potency of 860 to target and all enemies nearby it.
Can only be executed while Divining.
Helios Conjunction
Helios Conjunction
ID: 37030
Level: 96 Kosten: 800 Range: 0y EffectRange: 15y Cast: 1.5s Recast: 2.5s Type:  GCD Kategorie:  Zauber Heilung
Restores own HP and the HP of all nearby party members.
Cure Potency: 250
Additional Effect: Regen
Cure Potency: 175
Duration: 15s
Sun Sign
Sun Sign
ID: 37031
Level: 100 Kosten: 3895 Range: 0y EffectRange: 30y Cast: 0.0s Recast: 1.0s Type:  oGCD Kategorie:  Talent G-Mitigation (M:10%/P:10%)
Reduces damage taken by self and nearby party members by 10%.
Duration: 15s
Can only be executed while Suntouched.
Healing Wind
Healing Wind
ID: 206
Level: 0 Kosten: 0 Range: 0y EffectRange: 50y Cast: 2.0s Recast: 0.0s Type:  oGCD Kategorie:  Limitrausch
Restores 25% of own HP and the HP of all nearby party members.
Breath of the Earth
Breath of the Earth
ID: 207
Level: 0 Kosten: 0 Range: 0y EffectRange: 50y Cast: 2.0s Recast: 0.0s Type:  oGCD Kategorie:  Limitrausch
Restores 60% of own HP and the HP of all nearby party members.
Astral Stasis
Astral Stasis
ID: 25529
Level: 0 Kosten: 3 Range: 0y EffectRange: 50y Cast: 2.0s Recast: 0.0s Type:  oGCD Kategorie:  Limitrausch



Lucid Dreaming
Lucid Dreaming
ID: 4B4
Statustyp:  buff
Restoring MP over time.
Wheel of Fortune
Wheel of Fortune
ID: 4B6
Statustyp:  buff
Damage taken is reduced.
Lord of Crowns
Lord of Crowns
Statustyp:  debuff
Damage taken is increased.
Lady of Crowns
Lady of Crowns
Statustyp:  buff
Damage taken is reduced.
ID: A0
Statustyp:  buff
Spells cannot be interrupted by taking damage.
ID: A7
Statustyp:  buff
Next spell will require no time to cast.
Lord of Crowns
Lord of Crowns
ID: 754
Statustyp:  buff
Damage dealt is increased.
Lady of Crowns
Lady of Crowns
ID: 755
Statustyp:  buff
Damage dealt is increased.
ID: 756
Statustyp:  buff
Damage dealt is increased.
ID: 757
Statustyp:  buff
Regenerating HP over time.
Combust III
Combust III
ID: 759
Statustyp:  debuff
Sustaining damage over time.
ID: 761
Statustyp:  buff
A magicked barrier is nullifying damage.
ID: 762
Statustyp:  buff
Primed to receive the healing effects of Horoscope.
Neutral Sect
Neutral Sect
ID: 764
Statustyp:  buff
Healing magic potency is increased.
Neutral Sect
Neutral Sect
ID: 781
Statustyp:  buff
A magicked barrier is nullifying damage.
ID: 7F2
Statustyp:  buff
Damage dealt is increased while damage taken is reduced.
Combust III
Combust III
ID: 7F9
Statustyp:  debuff
Damage dealt and potency of all HP restoration actions are reduced.
Neutral Sect
Neutral Sect
Statustyp:  buff
Spell cast and recast times are reduced.
Helios is upgraded to Aspected Helios, while Benefic is upgraded to Aspected Benefic.
Statustyp:  buff
Damage taken is reduced.
Statustyp:  buff
Restores HP when effect duration expires or the astrologian who granted this effect executes Microcosmos. Healing potency is based on damage taken and compiled over the duration of the effect.
ID: C20
Statustyp:  buff
Restores HP when effect duration expires or the astrologian who granted this effect executes Microcosmos. Healing potency is based on damage taken and compiled over the duration of the effect.
Celestial River
Celestial River
ID: C21
Statustyp:  buff
Damage dealt and potency of HP restoration actions are increased.
The Balance
The Balance
Statustyp:  buff
Damage dealt is increased.
The Arrow
The Arrow
ID: F30
Statustyp:  buff
HP recovery via healing actions is increased.
The Spear
The Spear
ID: F31
Statustyp:  buff
Damage dealt is increased.
The Bole
The Bole
ID: F32
Statustyp:  buff
Damage taken is reduced.
The Ewer
The Ewer
ID: F33
Statustyp:  buff
Regenerating HP over time.
The Spire
The Spire
ID: F34
Statustyp:  buff
A magicked barrier is nullifying damage.
Helios Conjunction
Helios Conjunction
ID: F36
Statustyp:  buff
Regenerating HP over time.
Sun Sign
Sun Sign
ID: F38
Statustyp:  buff
Damage taken is reduced.
Lady of Crowns
Lady of Crowns
ID: 10E8
Statustyp:  buff
The Lady of Crowns card is drawn.
Lord of Crowns
Lord of Crowns
ID: 10E9
Statustyp:  buff
The Lord of Crowns card is drawn.
ID: 10EA
Statustyp:  buff
A magicked barrier is nullifying damage.
Aspected Benefic
Aspected Benefic
ID: 343
Statustyp:  buff
Regenerating HP over time.
Aspected Helios
Aspected Helios
ID: 344
Statustyp:  buff
Regenerating HP over time.
ID: 34D
Statustyp:  buff
An aetheric bond is created with a party member. Each time a single-target healing spell is cast, that member will recover partial HP.
ID: 34E
Statustyp:  buff
An aetheric bond is created with a party astrologian. Each time a single-target healing spell is cast by the astrologian, you will recover partial HP.
Collective Unconscious
Collective Unconscious
ID: 351
Statustyp:  buff
Damage taken is reduced.
Wheel of Fortune
Wheel of Fortune
Statustyp:  buff
Regenerating HP over time.



Maim and Mend
Maim and Mend
ID: 122
Level: 20
Increases base action damage and HP restoration by 10%.
Enhanced Benefic
Enhanced Benefic
ID: 124
Level: 36
Grants a 15% chance that your next Benefic II will restore critical HP.
Duration: 15s
Maim and Mend II
Maim and Mend II
ID: 125
Level: 40
Increases base action damage and HP restoration by 30%.
Combust Mastery
Combust Mastery
ID: 186
Level: 46
Upgrades Combust to Combust II.
Malefic Mastery
Malefic Mastery
ID: 187
Level: 54
Upgrades Malefic to Malefic II.
Malefic Mastery II
Malefic Mastery II
ID: 188
Level: 64
Upgrades Malefic II to Malefic III.
Hyper Lightspeed
Hyper Lightspeed
ID: 189
Level: 68
Reduces Lightspeed recast time to 60 seconds.
Minor Arcana Mastery
Minor Arcana Mastery
ID: 631
Level: 70
Lord of Crowns can be drawn when executing Astral Draw, and Lady of Crowns can be drawn when executing Umbral Draw.
Combust Mastery II
Combust Mastery II
ID: 314
Level: 72
Upgrades Combust II to Combust III.
Malefic Mastery III
Malefic Mastery III
ID: 315
Level: 72
Upgrades Malefic III to Malefic IV.
Enhanced Essential Dignity
Enhanced Essential Dignity
ID: 316
Level: 78
Allows the accumulation of charges for consecutive uses of Essential Dignity.
Maximum Charges: 2
Malefic Mastery IV
Malefic Mastery IV
ID: 497
Level: 82
Upgrades Malefic IV to Fall Malefic.
Gravity Mastery
Gravity Mastery
ID: 498
Level: 82
Upgrades Gravity to Gravity II.
Enhanced Healing Magic
Enhanced Healing Magic
ID: 499
Level: 85
Increases the healing potency of Benefic to 500, Helios to 400, Benefic II to 800, Aspected Benefic to 250, Aspected Benefic's Regen effect to 250, Aspected Helios to 250, and Aspected Helios's Regen effect to 150.
Enhanced Celestial Intersection
Enhanced Celestial Intersection
ID: 500
Level: 88
Allows the accumulation of charges for consecutive uses of Celestial Intersection.
Maximum Charges: 2
Enhanced Divination
Enhanced Divination
ID: 632
Level: 92
Grants Divining upon executing Divination.
Duration: 30s
Magick Mastery
Magick Mastery
ID: 673
Level: 94
Increases the potency of Combust III's damage over time to 70, Fall Malefic to 270, and Macrocosmos to 270.
Aspected Helios Mastery
Aspected Helios Mastery
ID: 633
Level: 96
Upgrades Aspected Helios to Helios Conjunction.
Enhanced Essential Dignity II
Enhanced Essential Dignity II
ID: 634
Level: 98
Allows a third charge of Essential Dignity.
Enhanced Neutral Sect
Enhanced Neutral Sect
ID: 635
Level: 100
Grants Suntouched upon executing Neutral Sect.
Duration: 30s



Fall Malefic
Fall Malefic
ID: 29242
Level: 0 Kosten: 0 Range: 25y EffectRange: 0y Cast: 1.5s Recast: 2.5s Type:  GCD Kategorie:  Zauber Schaden
Deals unaspected damage with a potency of 6,000.
When cast via Double Cast, reduces the recast time of Double Cast by 6 seconds.
Aspected Benefic
Aspected Benefic
ID: 29243
Level: 0 Kosten: 0 Range: 30y EffectRange: 0y Cast: 0.0s Recast: 12.0s Type:  GCD Kategorie:  Zauber HeilungSchild
Restores target's HP.
Cure Potency: 6,000
Potency increases up to 9,000 as the target's HP decreases, reaching its maximum value when the target has 50% HP or less.
Additional Effect: Grants Diurnal Benefic to target
Diurnal Benefic Effect: Gradually restores HP
Cure Potency: 3,000
Duration: 6s
When cast via Double Cast, grants Nocturnal Benefic.
Nocturnal Benefic Effect: Creates a barrier around target that absorbs damage equivalent to a heal of 4,000 potency
Duration: 12s
Maximum Charges: 2
This action does not share a recast timer with any other actions.
Gravity II
Gravity II
ID: 29244
Level: 0 Kosten: 0 Range: 25y EffectRange: 8y Cast: 0.0s Recast: 20.0s Type:  GCD Kategorie:  Zauber Schaden
Deals unaspected damage with a potency of 7,500 to target and all enemies nearby it.
Additional Effect: Afflicts first target with Heavy +75%
Duration: 3s
When cast via Double Cast, Binds first target.
Duration: 3s
This action does not share a recast timer with any other actions.
Double Cast
Double Cast
ID: 29245
Level: 0 Kosten: 0 Range: 0y EffectRange: 0y Cast: 0.0s Recast: 12.0s Type:  oGCD Kategorie:  Talent
Repeats the Fall Malefic, Aspected Benefic, or Gravity II you previously cast.
Maximum Charges: 2
Can only be executed following Fall Malefic, Aspected Benefic, or Gravity II.
Fall Malefic
Fall Malefic
ID: 29246
Level: 0 Kosten: 0 Range: 25y EffectRange: 0y Cast: 0.0s Recast: 12.0s Type:  oGCD Kategorie:  Talent Schaden
Deals unaspected damage with a potency of 6,000.
When cast via Double Cast, reduces the recast time of Double Cast by 6 seconds.
Aspected Benefic
Aspected Benefic
ID: 29247
Level: 0 Kosten: 0 Range: 30y EffectRange: 0y Cast: 0.0s Recast: 12.0s Type:  oGCD Kategorie:  Talent HeilungSchild
Restores target's HP.
Cure Potency: 6,000
Potency increases up to 9,000 as the target's HP decreases, reaching its maximum value when the target has 50% HP or less.
Additional Effect: Grants Diurnal Benefic to target
Diurnal Benefic Effect: Gradually restores HP
Cure Potency: 3,000
Duration: 6s
When cast via Double Cast, grants Nocturnal Benefic.
Nocturnal Benefic Effect: Creates a barrier around target that absorbs damage equivalent to a heal of 4,000 potency
Duration: 12s
Maximum Charges: 2
This action does not share a recast timer with any other actions.
Gravity II
Gravity II
ID: 29248
Level: 0 Kosten: 0 Range: 25y EffectRange: 8y Cast: 0.0s Recast: 12.0s Type:  oGCD Kategorie:  Talent Schaden
Deals unaspected damage with a potency of 7,500 to target and all enemies nearby it.
Additional Effect: Afflicts first target with Heavy +75%
Duration: 3s
When cast via Double Cast, Binds first target.
Duration: 3s
This action does not share a recast timer with any other actions.
ID: 29253
Level: 0 Kosten: 0 Range: 0y EffectRange: 20y Cast: 0.0s Recast: 30.0s Type:  GCD Kategorie:  Zauber Schaden
Deals unaspected damage with a potency of 10,000 to all nearby enemies.
Additional Effect: Grants Macrocosmos to self and all nearby party members
Duration: 10s
Action changes to Microcosmos upon execution.
For the effect's duration, 25% of damage taken is compiled.
Restores HP equal to a cure of 5,000 potency plus compiled damage when the effect expires or upon execution of Microcosmos.
This action does not share a recast timer with any other actions.
ID: 29254
Level: 0 Kosten: 0 Range: 0y EffectRange: 20y Cast: 0.0s Recast: 1.0s Type:  oGCD Kategorie:  Talent Heilung
Triggers the healing effect of Macrocosmos, restoring HP equal to a cure of 5,000 potency plus 25% of compiled damage.
※This action cannot be assigned to a hotbar.
Celestial River
Celestial River
ID: 29255
Level: 0 Kosten: 1 Range: 0y EffectRange: 15y Cast: 0.0s Recast: 10.0s Type:  oGCD Kategorie:  Limitrausch
Increases damage dealt and healing potency of self and nearby party members by 30%, while reducing damage dealt and healing potency of nearby enemies by 30%.
Effect is reduced by 10% every 5 seconds.
Duration: 15s
Additional Effect: Grants Divining to self
Duration: 15s
Can only be executed when the limit gauge is full.
Gauge Charge Time: 105s
※Action changes to Oracle upon execution.
Minor Arcana
Minor Arcana
ID: 41503
Level: 0 Kosten: 0 Range: 0y EffectRange: 0y Cast: 0.0s Recast: 20.0s Type:  oGCD Kategorie:  Talent
Draws either the Lord of Crowns or the Lady of Crowns from your divining deck.
Action changes to the drawn arcanum.
Duration: 10s
Lady of Crowns
Lady of Crowns
ID: 41504
Level: 0 Kosten: 4328 Range: 0y EffectRange: 20y Cast: 0.0s Recast: 1.0s Type:  oGCD Kategorie:  Talent Heilung
Restores own HP and the HP of all nearby party members.
Cure Potency: 6,000
Additional Effect: Reduces target's damage taken by 10%
Duration: 10s
Can only be executed while the Lady of Crowns is drawn.
※This action cannot be assigned to a hotbar.
Lord of Crowns
Lord of Crowns
ID: 41505
Level: 0 Kosten: 4329 Range: 0y EffectRange: 20y Cast: 0.0s Recast: 1.0s Type:  oGCD Kategorie:  Talent Schaden
Deals unaspected damage with a potency of 6,000 to all nearby enemies.
Additional Effect: Increases target's damage taken by 10%
Duration: 10s
Can only be executed while the Lord of Crowns is drawn.
※This action cannot be assigned to a hotbar.
ID: 41506
Level: 0 Kosten: 0 Range: 0y EffectRange: 0y Cast: 0.0s Recast: 20.0s Type:  oGCD Kategorie:  Talent Schild
Quickly dash 15 yalms forward.
Additional Effect: Leaves behind a Pole Star at point of origin, and grants Retrograde Ready to self
Duration: 10s
Additional Effect: Creates a barrier around self that absorbs damage equivalent to a heal of 6,000 potency
Duration: 5s
Cannot be executed while bound.
※Action changes to Retrograde upon execution.
ID: 41507
Level: 0 Kosten: 4331 Range: 30y EffectRange: 0y Cast: 0.0s Recast: 1.0s Type:  oGCD Kategorie:  Talent
Move instantly to the Pole Star left behind by you.
Can only be executed while under the effect of Retrograde Ready.
Cannot be executed while bound.
※This action cannot be assigned to a hotbar.
ID: 41508
Level: 0 Kosten: 4332 Range: 25y EffectRange: 5y Cast: 0.0s Recast: 1.0s Type:  oGCD Kategorie:  Talent Schaden
Deals unaspected damage with a potency of 6,000 to target and all enemies nearby it.
Additional Effect: Stun
Duration: 2s
Can only be executed while Divining.
※This action cannot be assigned to a hotbar.



Fortune Favors the Bole
Fortune Favors the Bole
ID: 67549
Level: 30 Expansion:  Heavensward Kategorie:  Astrologen-Jobaufträge NPC:  Leveva Ort: Finsterwald > Südwald Position: X: 25.2 / Y: 22.5
Hanging in the Balance
Hanging in the Balance
ID: 67550
Level: 35 Expansion:  Heavensward Kategorie:  Astrologen-Jobaufträge NPC:  Jannequinard Ort: Coerthas > Ishgard Position: X: 15.3 / Y: 10.0
A Lesson in Patience
A Lesson in Patience
ID: 67551
Level: 40 Expansion:  Heavensward Kategorie:  Astrologen-Jobaufträge NPC:  Jannequinard Ort: Coerthas > Ishgard Position: X: 15.3 / Y: 10.0
Slings and Arrows
Slings and Arrows
ID: 67552
Level: 40 Expansion:  Heavensward Kategorie:  Astrologen-Jobaufträge NPC:  Leveva Ort: Coerthas > Ishgard Position: X: 15.2 / Y: 10.2
Ewer Right
Ewer Right
ID: 67553
Level: 45 Expansion:  Heavensward Kategorie:  Astrologen-Jobaufträge NPC:  Jannequinard Ort: Coerthas > Ishgard Position: X: 15.3 / Y: 10.0
Loved by the Sun
Loved by the Sun
ID: 67554
Level: 50 Expansion:  Heavensward Kategorie:  Astrologen-Jobaufträge NPC:  Jannequinard Ort: Coerthas > Ishgard Position: X: 15.3 / Y: 10.0
Sharlayan Ascending
Sharlayan Ascending
ID: 67556
Level: 50 Expansion:  Heavensward Kategorie:  Astrologen-Jobaufträge NPC:  Jannequinard Ort: Coerthas > Zentrales Hochland von Coerthas Position: X: 25.6 / Y: 29.8
Empty Nest
Empty Nest
ID: 67557
Level: 52 Expansion:  Heavensward Kategorie:  Astrologen-Jobaufträge NPC:  Jannequinard Ort: Coerthas > Ishgard Position: X: 15.3 / Y: 10.0
ID: 67558
Level: 54 Expansion:  Heavensward Kategorie:  Astrologen-Jobaufträge NPC:  Jannequinard Ort: Coerthas > Ishgard Position: X: 15.3 / Y: 10.0
Feather in the Cap
Feather in the Cap
ID: 67559
Level: 56 Expansion:  Heavensward Kategorie:  Astrologen-Jobaufträge NPC:  Jannequinard Ort: Coerthas > Ishgard Position: X: 15.3 / Y: 10.0
ID: 67560
Level: 58 Expansion:  Heavensward Kategorie:  Astrologen-Jobaufträge NPC:  Jannequinard Ort: Coerthas > Ishgard Position: X: 15.3 / Y: 10.0
The Hands of Fate
The Hands of Fate
ID: 67561
Level: 60 Expansion:  Heavensward Kategorie:  Astrologen-Jobaufträge NPC:  Jannequinard Ort: Coerthas > Ishgard Position: X: 15.3 / Y: 10.0
East Meets West
East Meets West
ID: 67945
Level: 60 Expansion:  Stormblood Kategorie:  Astrologen-Jobaufträge NPC:  Jannequinard Ort: Coerthas > Ishgard Position: X: 15.3 / Y: 10.0
Ride Like the Wind
Ride Like the Wind
ID: 67946
Level: 63 Expansion:  Stormblood Kategorie:  Astrologen-Jobaufträge NPC:  Leveva Ort: Coerthas > Ishgard Position: X: 15.1 / Y: 9.9
Come Rain or Shrine
Come Rain or Shrine
ID: 67947
Level: 65 Expansion:  Stormblood Kategorie:  Astrologen-Jobaufträge NPC:  Jannequinard Ort: Coerthas > Ishgard Position: X: 15.3 / Y: 10.0
Behind Door Number Two
Behind Door Number Two
ID: 67948
Level: 68 Expansion:  Stormblood Kategorie:  Astrologen-Jobaufträge NPC:  Kyokuho Ort: Hingashi > Kugane Position: X: 13.2 / Y: 13.0
ID: 67949
Level: 70 Expansion:  Stormblood Kategorie:  Astrologen-Jobaufträge NPC:  Kyokuho Ort: Hingashi > Kugane Position: X: 13.2 / Y: 13.0
Love, Astrologically
Love, Astrologically
ID: 68758
Level: 80 Expansion:  Shadowbringers Kategorie:  Astrologen-Jobaufträge NPC:  Jannequinard Ort: Coerthas > Ishgard Position: X: 15.3 / Y: 10.0


Eureka Skills

Wisdom of the Aetherweaver
Wisdom of the Aetherweaver
ID: 12958
Level: 70 Type:  Zauber
Increases magic damage dealt by 60%.
Cannot be used with other Wisdom abilities.
Effect ends upon reuse or upon replacement of duty action.

Status: Vermächtnis des Zauberers

Wisdom of the Platebearer
Wisdom of the Platebearer
ID: 12960
Level: 70 Type:  Zauber
Reduces damage taken by 80% while increasing maximum HP by 50%.
Cannot be used with other Wisdom abilities.
Effect ends upon reuse or upon replacement of duty action.

Status: Vermächtnis des Ritters

Wisdom of the Ordained
Wisdom of the Ordained
ID: 12962
Level: 70 Type:  Zauber
Increases maximum MP by 50% and healing magic potency by 25%.
Cannot be used with other Wisdom abilities.
Effect ends upon reuse or upon replacement of duty action.

Status: Vermächtnis des Priesters

Wisdom of the Templar
Wisdom of the Templar
ID: 12965
Level: 70 Type:  Zauber
Increases healing magic potency by 50% and maximum HP by 30%, while reducing damage dealt by 5%.
Cannot be used with other Wisdom abilities.
Effect ends upon reuse or upon replacement of duty action.

Status: Vermächtnis des heiligen Ritters

Wisdom of the Breathtaker
Wisdom of the Breathtaker
ID: 12967
Level: 70 Type:  Zauber
Increases poison resistance and movement speed, including mount speed, and increases evasion by 10%.
Cannot be used with other Wisdom abilities.
Effect ends upon reuse or upon replacement of duty action.

Status: Vermächtnis des Diebes

Spirit of the Remembered
Spirit of the Remembered
ID: 12968
Level: 70 Type:  Talent
Increases maximum HP by 10% and accuracy by 30%.
Additional Effect: Grants a 70% chance of automatic revival upon KO
Duration: 180m
Protect L
Protect L
ID: 12969
Level: 70 Type:  Zauber
Reduces physical damage taken by 22%.
Duration: 30m
Shell L
Shell L
ID: 12970
Level: 70 Type:  Zauber
Reduces magic damage taken by 22%.
Duration: 30m
Death L
Death L
ID: 12971
Level: 70 Type:  Zauber
KOs target. The less the target's HP, the greater the chance of success.
Focus L
Focus L
ID: 12972
Level: 70 Type:  Talent
Grants a stack of Boost, up to a maximum of 16.
Boost Bonus: Increases potency of next weaponskill by 30% per stack
Duration: 30s
Shares a recast timer with all other weaponskills and spells.
Paralyze L
Paralyze L
ID: 12973
Level: 70 Type:  Zauber
Afflicts target with Paralysis.
Duration: 60s
Paralyze L III
Paralyze L III
ID: 12974
Level: 70 Type:  Zauber
Afflicts target and all neaby enemies with Paralysis.
Duration: 60s
Swift L
Swift L
ID: 12975
Level: 70 Type:  Talent
Greatly increases movement speed.
Duration: 10s
Featherfoot L
Featherfoot L
ID: 12976
Level: 70 Type:  Talent
Increases evasion by 15%.
Duration: 45s
Dispel L
Dispel L
ID: 12979
Level: 70 Type:  Zauber
Removes one beneficial status from target.
Feint L
Feint L
ID: 12980
Level: 70 Type:  Waffenfertigkeit
Delivers an attack with a potency of 100.
Additional Effect: Reduces target's evasion
Duration: 60s
Stealth L
Stealth L
ID: 12981
Level: 70 Type:  Talent
Blend in with your surroundings, making it impossible for most enemies to detect you, but reducing movement speed by 50%. Has no effect on certain enemies with special sight.
Cannot be executed while in combat.
Effect ends upon use of any action other than Sprint, or upon reuse.

Status: Logos-Tarnung

Aetherial Manipulation L
Aetherial Manipulation L
ID: 12982
Level: 70 Type:  Talent
Rush to a target's side.
Unable to cast if bound.
Backstep L
Backstep L
ID: 12983
Level: 70 Type:  Talent
Jump 10 yalms back from current position. Cannot be executed while bound.
Tranquilizer L
Tranquilizer L
ID: 12984
Level: 70 Type:  Talent
Stuns target.
Duration: 8s
Bloodbath L
Bloodbath L
ID: 12985
Level: 70 Type:  Talent
Converts a portion of damage dealt into HP.
Duration: 45s
Rejuvenate L
Rejuvenate L
ID: 12986
Level: 70 Type:  Talent
Instantly restores 50% of maximum HP and MP.
Stoneskin L
Stoneskin L
ID: 12991
Level: 70 Type:  Zauber
Creates a barrier around target that absorbs damage totaling 10% of target's maximum HP.
Duration: 30s
Incense L
Incense L
ID: 12995
Level: 70 Type:  Talent
Gesture threateningly, placing yourself at the top of a target's enmity list and increasing enmity generation.
Duration: 15s
Bravery L
Bravery L
ID: 12997
Level: 70 Type:  Zauber
Increases target's damage dealt by 10%.
Duration: 300s
Solid Shield L
Solid Shield L
ID: 12998
Level: 70 Type:  Talent
Reduces physical damage taken by 99%.
Duration: 8s
Spell Shield L
Spell Shield L
ID: 12999
Level: 70 Type:  Talent
Reduces magic damage taken by 99%.
Duration: 8s
Reflect L
Reflect L
ID: 13000
Level: 70 Type:  Zauber
Creates a magic-reflecting barrier around self or party member.
Duration: 10s
Refresh L
Refresh L
ID: 13002
Level: 70 Type:  Zauber
Increases the amount of magia aether regenerated over time by self and nearby party members.
Duration: 30s
Banish L
Banish L
ID: 13003
Level: 70 Type:  Zauber
Deals unaspected damage with a potency of 200.
Additional Effect: Afflicts undead targets with Banish L, increasing damage taken by 25%
Duration: 60s
Banish L III
Banish L III
ID: 13004
Level: 70 Type:  Zauber
Deals unaspected damage with a potency of 150 to target and all enemies nearby it.
Additional Effect: Afflicts undead targets with Banish L, increasing damage taken by 25%
Duration: 60s
Magic Burst L
Magic Burst L
ID: 13005
Level: 70 Type:  Talent
Increases spell damage by 100% while increasing MP cost.
Duration: 20s
Sacrifice L
Sacrifice L
ID: 14481
Level: 70 Type:  Zauber
Restores all of a KO'd target's HP.
Cannot be executed if currently afflicted with Sacrifice.
Additional Effect: Inflicts Sacrifice on self
Sacrifice Effect: When effect expires, you will be KO'd
Duration: 10s


Bozja Skills

Lost Focus
Lost Focus
ID: 20714
Level: 80 Frontsplitter:  Verschollene Ladung
Grants a stack of Boost, up to a maximum of 16.
Boost Bonus: Increases potency of next weaponskill by 15% per stack
Duration: 30s
Effect ends upon using another lost action.
Shares a recast timer with all other weaponskills and spells.
Lost Font of Magic
Lost Font of Magic
ID: 20715
Level: 80 Frontsplitter:  Verschollene Magiefontäne
Increases damage dealt by 70%, draining MP while in use.
Duration: 30s
Spirit of the Veteran Effect: Grants Spell Shield to self
Spell Shield Effect: Reduces magic damage taken by 50%
Duration: 15s
Can only be executed while in combat.
Lost Death
Lost Death
ID: 20719
Level: 80 Frontsplitter:  Verschollener Tod
KOs target. The less the target's HP, the greater the chance of success.
Spirit of the Ordained Effect: Chance of success is increased
This action does not share a recast timer with any other actions. Furthermore, the recast timer cannot be affected by other actions.
Banner of Noble Ends
Banner of Noble Ends
ID: 20720
Level: 80 Frontsplitter:  Gemüt der Verdrossenheit
Storm the field under the Banner of Noble Ends, increasing damage dealt by 50% while reducing own HP recovery via most healing actions by 100%.
Duration: 15s
Can only be executed while in combat.
Effect cannot be stacked with other Banner actions.
Banner of Honored Sacrifice
Banner of Honored Sacrifice
ID: 20721
Level: 80 Frontsplitter:  Gemüt der Ungehaltenheit
Storm the field under the Banner of Honored Sacrifice, increasing damage dealt by 55% while draining your HP.
Duration: 15s
Can only be executed while in combat.
Effect cannot be stacked with other Banner actions.
Banner of Honed Acuity
Banner of Honed Acuity
ID: 20725
Level: 80 Frontsplitter:  Gemüt der Empfindsamkeit
Storm the field under the Banner of Honed Acuity, gaining additional stacks each time an attack is evaded, up to a maximum of 3.
Banner of Honed Acuity Effect: Increases damage taken by 10% per stack
Duration: 120s
At maximum stacks, take up the Banner of Transcendent Finesse.
Banner of Transcendent Finesse Effect: Increases critical hit rate by 30% and reduces weaponskill cast time and recast time, spell cast time and recast time, and auto-attack delay by 20%
Duration: 180s
Can only be executed while in combat.
Effect cannot be stacked with other Banner actions.
Lost Fair Trade
Lost Fair Trade
ID: 20732
Level: 80 Frontsplitter:  Verschollener Handel
Through sheer force of will, restore a random technique of the lost to physical form and throw it at a single target, dealing damage with a potency of 50.
Potency increases up to 1,000 based on the weight of the lost action.
The lost action thrown will be lost upon execution.
This action does not share a recast timer with any other actions. Furthermore, the recast timer cannot be affected by other actions.
Lost Chainspell
Lost Chainspell
ID: 23913
Level: 80 Frontsplitter:  Verschollene Zauberkette
Temporarily eliminates cast time for all spells.
Duration: 30s
Additional Effect: Magic Burst
Magic Burst Effect: Increases spell damage by 45% while increasing MP cost
Duration: 30s
Spirit of the Ordained Effect: Raises Magic Burst spell damage increase to 100% and nullifies additional MP cost
Spirit of the Watcher Effect: Lost Chainspell duration is extended to 90s
Can only be executed while in combat.
Banner of Solemn Clarity
Banner of Solemn Clarity
ID: 20724
Level: 80 Frontsplitter:  Gemüt der Besinnlichkeit
Storm the field under the Banner of Solemn Clarity, periodically gaining additional stacks, up to a maximum of 4.
Duration: 30s
Effect ends upon using another action or moving (including facing a different direction).
Cancels auto-attack upon execution.
At maximum stacks, take up the Banner of Limitless Grace.
Banner of Limitless Grace Effect: Increases healing potency by 50% while reducing MP cost
Duration: 120s
Can only be executed while in combat.
Effect cannot be stacked with other Banner actions.
Lost Arise
Lost Arise
ID: 20730
Level: 80 Frontsplitter:  Verschollener Erzengel
Restores all of a KO'd target's HP.
If the target was weakened at the time of Raise, the weakness effect will be removed.
Lost Sacrifice
Lost Sacrifice
ID: 22345
Level: 80 Frontsplitter:  Verschollene Aufopferung
Restores all of a KO'd target's HP.
Cannot be executed if currently afflicted with Sacrifice.
Additional Effect: Inflicts Sacrifice on self
Sacrifice Effect: When effect expires, you will be KO'd
Duration: 10s
Lost Reraise
Lost Reraise
ID: 23912
Level: 80 Frontsplitter:  Verschollene Rückkehr aus dem Jenseits
Grants the effect of Reraise to self or target player.
Reraise Effect: Grants an 80% chance of automatic revival upon KO
Duration: 180m
Lost Full Cure
Lost Full Cure
ID: 23920
Level: 80 Frontsplitter:  Verschollene Erneuerung
Fully restores HP and MP while granting Auto-potion and Auto-ether to self and nearby party members.
Auto-potion Effect: Restores HP automatically when HP falls below 50%
Duration: 600s
When triggered, there is a 50% chance the effect will end.
Auto-ether Effect: Restores MP automatically when MP falls below 20%
Duration: 600s
When triggered, there is a 50% chance the effect will end.
Spirit of the Breathtaker Effect: Chance for Auto-potion and Auto-ether effect to end is reduced to 10%
Lost Banish III
Lost Banish III
ID: 20702
Level: 80 Frontsplitter:  Verschollenes Verbannga
Deals unaspected damage with a potency of 200 to target and all enemies nearby it.
Additional Effect: Increases damage undead enemies take by 25%
Duration: 60s
Lost Dispel
Lost Dispel
ID: 20704
Level: 80 Frontsplitter:  Verschollenes Entzaubern
Removes one beneficial status from target.
Cancels auto-attack upon execution.
Lost Seraph Strike
Lost Seraph Strike
ID: 22354
Level: 80 Frontsplitter:  Verschollener Seraphenschlag
Consumes MP to deliver a jumping attack that deals unaspected damage with a potency of 500.
Additional Effect: Reduces target's accuracy by 10%.
Duration: 15s
Additional Effect: Grants Cleric Stance to self.
Cleric Stance Bonus: Reduces healing potency by 60% while increasing damage dealt by 60%.
Duration: 15s
Cannot be executed while bound.
Lost Burst
Lost Burst
ID: 23909
Level: 80 Frontsplitter:  Verschollener Knall
Deals lightning damage with a potency of 300 to all nearby enemies.
Additional Effect: Interrupts all nearby enemies
Additional Effect: Increases damage taken by enemies with Magical Aversion by 10%
Duration: 60s
Lost Stealth
Lost Stealth
ID: 20705
Level: 80 Frontsplitter:  Verschollene Coeurl-Pfoten
Blend in with your surroundings, making it impossible for most enemies to detect you, but reducing movement speed by 25%. Has no effect on certain enemies with special sight.
Cannot be executed while in combat.
Effect ends upon use of any action other than Sprint, or upon reuse.
Lost Swift
Lost Swift
ID: 20708
Level: 80 Frontsplitter:  Verschollene Eile
Greatly increases movement speed.
Effect cannot be stacked with other movement speed enhancing abilities.
Duration: 10s
Spirit of the Breathtaker Effect: Increases evasion by 30%
Duration: 60s
Spirit of the Watcher Effect: Grants Rapid Recast to self
Rapid Recast Effect: Shortens recast time for next ability used by 60%
Effect only applies to certain abilities.
Duration: 30s
Lost Font of Skill
Lost Font of Skill
ID: 20716
Level: 80 Frontsplitter:  Verschollene Technikfontäne
Resets the recast timer for most actions and role actions.
ID: 20733
Level: 80 Frontsplitter:  Nachahmung
Study the lost techniques used by a targeted ally and make them your own.
Cannot be executed while in combat.
Lost Perception
Lost Perception
ID: 22344
Level: 80 Frontsplitter:  Verschollene Tigeraugen
Detect traps within a radius of 15 yalms.
If there are no traps within 15 yalms, alerts you to the presence of traps with a radius of 36 yalms.
※This action can only be used in Delubrum Reginae.
Lost Impetus
Lost Impetus
ID: 23918
Level: 80 Frontsplitter:  Verschollener Impuls
Quickly dash 10 yalms forward.
Additional Effect: Applies Lost Swift to self and nearby party members
Lost Swift Effect: Greatly increases movement speed
Effect cannot be stacked with other movement speed enhancing abilities.
Duration: 10s
Spirit of the Breathtaker Effect: Increases evasion of self and nearby party members by 15%
Duration: 60s
Spirit of the Watcher Effect: Grants Rapid Recast to self and nearby party members
Rapid Recast Effect: Shortens recast time for next ability used by 25%
Effect only applies to certain abilities.
Duration: 15s
Cannot be executed while bound.
Lost Spellforge
Lost Spellforge
ID: 20706
Level: 80 Frontsplitter:  Verschollene Zauberschmiede
Grants the effect of Lost Spellforge to self or target ally.
Lost Spellforge Effect: All attacks deal magic damage. However, all bonuses to damage dealt are determined by the attack's base damage type.
Duration: 300s
Effect cannot be stacked with Lost Steelsting.
Lost Steelsting
Lost Steelsting
ID: 20707
Level: 80 Frontsplitter:  Verschollener Stahlstachel
Grants the effect of Lost Steelsting to self or target ally.
Lost Steelsting Effect: All attacks deal physical damage. However, all bonuses to damage dealt are determined by the attack's base damage type.
Duration: 300s
Effect cannot be stacked with Lost Spellforge.
Lost Protect
Lost Protect
ID: 20709
Level: 80 Frontsplitter:  Verschollenes Protes
Applies a barrier to self or target player reducing physical damage taken by 10%.
Duration: 30m
Lost Shell
Lost Shell
ID: 20710
Level: 80 Frontsplitter:  Verschollenes Vallum
Applies a barrier to self or target player reducing magic damage taken by 10%.
Duration: 30m
Lost Reflect
Lost Reflect
ID: 20711
Level: 80 Frontsplitter:  Verschollene Reflexion
Creates a barrier around self or party member that reflects most magic attacks.
Duration: 10s
Spirit of the Guardian Effect: Duration is increased to 30s
Lost Stoneskin
Lost Stoneskin
ID: 20712
Level: 80 Frontsplitter:  Verschollene Steinhaut
Applies a barrier to self or target player that absorbs damage totaling 15% of target's maximum HP.
Duration: 60s
Lost Bravery
Lost Bravery
ID: 20713
Level: 80 Frontsplitter:  Verschollene Courage
Increases damage dealt by an ally or self by 5%.
Duration: 600s
Lost Stoneskin II
Lost Stoneskin II
ID: 23908
Level: 80 Frontsplitter:  Verschollene Steinrahaut
Creates a barrier around self and all party members near you that absorbs damage totaling 10% of maximum HP.
Duration: 30s
Lost Protect II
Lost Protect II
ID: 23915
Level: 80 Frontsplitter:  Verschollenes Protes II
Applies a barrier to self or target player reducing physical damage taken by 15%.
Duration: 30m
Lost Shell II
Lost Shell II
ID: 23916
Level: 80 Frontsplitter:  Verschollenes Vallum II
Applies a barrier to self or target player reducing magic damage taken by 15%.
Duration: 30m
Lost Bubble
Lost Bubble
ID: 23917
Level: 80 Frontsplitter:  Verschollene Blase
Increases maximum HP of self or target player by 30%.
Duration: 600s
Lost Manawall
Lost Manawall
ID: 20703
Level: 80 Frontsplitter:  Verschollene Mana-Wand
Temporarily applies Heavy to self, while reducing damage taken by 90% and nullifying most knockback and draw-in effects.
Duration: 6s
Banner of Firm Resolve
Banner of Firm Resolve
ID: 20723
Level: 80 Frontsplitter:  Gemüt der Folgsamkeit
Storm the field under the Banner of Firm Resolve, gaining additional stacks each time damage is taken, up to a maximum of 5.
Banner of Firm Resolve Effect: Reduces damage dealt by 15% per stack
Duration: 30s
At maximum stacks, take up the Banner of Unyielding Defense.
Banner of Unyielding Defense Effect: Reduces damage taken by 30%
Duration: 180s
Effect cannot be stacked with other Banner actions.
Lost Incense
Lost Incense
ID: 20731
Level: 80 Frontsplitter:  Verschollener Hohn
Gesture threateningly, placing yourself at the top of a target's enmity list.
Additional Effect: Enmity generation is increased and damage taken is reduced by 20%
Duration: 20s
Dynamis Dice
Dynamis Dice
ID: 20692
Level: 80 Frontsplitter:  Würfel des Schicksals
Resistance Phoenix
Resistance Phoenix
ID: 20735
Level: 80 Frontsplitter:  Phönixfeder des Widerstands
Resurrects target to a weakened state.
Resistance Reraiser
Resistance Reraiser
ID: 20736
Level: 80 Frontsplitter:  Lebensfeder des Widerstands
Grants a 70% chance of automatic revival upon KO.
Duration: 180m
Resistance Potion Kit
Resistance Potion Kit
ID: 20737
Level: 80 Frontsplitter:  Tränkesammlung des Widerstands
Grants Auto-potion to self.
Auto-potion Effect: Restores HP automatically when HP falls below 50%
Duration: 600s
When triggered, there is a 50% chance the effect will end.
Spirit of the Breathtaker Effect: Chance for Auto-potion effect to end is reduced to 10%
Shares a recast timer with Resistance Ether Kit and Resistance Medikit.
Resistance Ether Kit
Resistance Ether Kit
ID: 20738
Level: 80 Frontsplitter:  Äthersammlung des Widerstands
Grants Auto-ether to self.
Auto-ether Effect: Restores MP automatically when MP falls below 20%
Duration: 600s
When triggered, there is a 50% chance the effect will end.
Spirit of the Breathtaker Effect: Chance for Auto-ether effect to end is reduced to 10%
Shares a recast timer with Resistance Potion Kit and Resistance Medikit.
Resistance Medikit
Resistance Medikit
ID: 20739
Level: 80 Frontsplitter:  Kräutersammlung des Widerstands
Removes a single detrimental effect from self. When not suffering from detrimental effects, creates a barrier that protects against most status ailments. The barrier is removed after curing the next status ailment suffered.
Effect cannot be stacked with similar barrier actions.
Duration: 30m
Shares a recast timer with Resistance Potion Kit and Resistance Ether Kit.
Resistance Potion
Resistance Potion
ID: 20740
Level: 80 Frontsplitter:  Heiltrank des Widerstands
Gradually restores HP.
Cure Potency: 1,600
Duration: 40s
Shares a recast timer with Dynamis Dice and Resistance Elixir.
Essence of the Aetherweaver
Essence of the Aetherweaver
ID: 20741
Level: 80 Frontsplitter:  Zaubertrank des Veteranen
Increases damage dealt by 80%.
Effect ends upon reuse.
Cannot be used with other Essence or Deep Essence actions.
Essence of the Veteran
Essence of the Veteran
ID: 20744
Level: 80 Frontsplitter:  Zaubertrank des Kampfmagiers
Increases physical defense by 150%, magic defense by 45%, and maximum HP by 60%.
Effect ends upon reuse.
Cannot be used with other Essence or Deep Essence actions.
Essence of the Ordained
Essence of the Ordained
ID: 20747
Level: 80 Frontsplitter:  Zaubertrank des Priesters
Increases damage dealt by 20%, healing potency by 25%, and maximum MP by 50%.
Effect ends upon reuse.
Cannot be used with other Essence or Deep Essence actions.
Essence of the Profane
Essence of the Profane
ID: 20750
Level: 80 Frontsplitter:  Zaubertrank des Mönchs
Reduces healing potency by 70% while increasing damage dealt by 100%.
Effect ends upon reuse.
Cannot be used with other Essence or Deep Essence actions.
Essence of the Breathtaker
Essence of the Breathtaker
ID: 20752
Level: 80 Frontsplitter:  Zaubertrank des Diebes
Increases poison resistance and movement speed, including mount speed, and increases evasion by 10%.
Effect ends upon reuse.
Cannot be used with other Essence or Deep Essence actions.
Essence of the Templar
Essence of the Templar
ID: 20755
Level: 80 Frontsplitter:  Zaubertrank des Paladins
Increases defense by 50%, maximum HP by 45%, and damage dealt by 60%.
Effect ends upon reuse.
Cannot be used with other Essence or Deep Essence actions.
Deep Essence of the Aetherweaver
Deep Essence of the Aetherweaver
ID: 20756
Level: 80 Frontsplitter:  Wundertrank des Veteranen
Increases damage dealt by 96%.
Effect ends upon reuse.
Cannot be used with other Essence or Deep Essence actions.
Deep Essence of the Veteran
Deep Essence of the Veteran
ID: 20759
Level: 80 Frontsplitter:  Wundertrank des Kampfmagiers
Increases physical defense by 180%, magic defense by 54%, and maximum HP by 72%.
Effect ends upon reuse.
Cannot be used with other Essence or Deep Essence actions.
Deep Essence of the Ordained
Deep Essence of the Ordained
ID: 20762
Level: 80 Frontsplitter:  Wundertrank des Priesters
Increases damage dealt by 24%, healing potency by 30%, and maximum MP by 60%.
Effect ends upon reuse.
Cannot be used with other Essence or Deep Essence actions.
Deep Essence of the Profane
Deep Essence of the Profane
ID: 20765
Level: 80 Frontsplitter:  Wundertrank des Mönchs
Reduces healing potency by 70% while increasing damage dealt by 120%.
Effect ends upon reuse.
Cannot be used with other Essence or Deep Essence actions.
Deep Essence of the Breathtaker
Deep Essence of the Breathtaker
ID: 20767
Level: 80 Frontsplitter:  Wundertrank des Diebes
Increases poison resistance and movement speed, including mount speed, and increases evasion by 20%.
Effect ends upon reuse.
Cannot be used with other Essence or Deep Essence actions.
Deep Essence of the Templar
Deep Essence of the Templar
ID: 20770
Level: 80 Frontsplitter:  Wundertrank des Paladins
Increases defense by 60%, maximum HP by 54%, and damage dealt by 72%.
Effect ends upon reuse.
Cannot be used with other Essence or Deep Essence actions.
Pure Essence of the Divine
Pure Essence of the Divine
ID: 22351
Level: 80 Frontsplitter:  Maxtrank des Heiligen
Increases defense by 25%, damage dealt by 35%, and maximum HP by 100%.
Effect ends upon reuse.
Cannot be used with other Essence, Deep Essence, or Pure Essence actions.
It is said that Pure Essences may grant unexpected effects...
※This action can only be used in Delubrum Reginae.
ID: 23907
Level: 80 Frontsplitter:  Stein der Rückführung
Instantly return to the starting point of the area.
Cannot be executed while in combat.
Shares a recast timer with all other weaponskills and spells.
Light Curtain
Light Curtain
ID: 23911
Level: 80 Frontsplitter:  Lichtvorhang
Grants the effect of Lost Reflect to self.
Lost Reflect Effect: Reflects most magic attacks
Duration: 10s
Shares a recast timer with all other weaponskills and spells.
Resistance Elixir
Resistance Elixir
ID: 23922
Level: 80 Frontsplitter:  Elixier des Widerstands
Restores own HP and MP to maximum.
Shares a recast timer with Resistance Potion and Dynamis Dice.