The FirmamentHimmelsstadtAzurée蒼天街天穹街창천 거리

The Firmament



Mechanic-Title 1

Mechanic-Title 1

Mechanic-Title 1

Mechanic-Title 1

Mechanic-Title 1

Mechanic-Title 1

Schritt 09

  • Mechanics-note 1
  • Mechanics-note 1
  • Mechanics-note 1
  • Mechanics-note 1
  • Mechanics-note 1
  • Mechanics-note 1

Unknown Source

Unknown Source
roletag Single
ID: 3C7
roletag Single
ID: 19B
roletag Single
Stellar Explosion
Stellar Explosion
roletag Single
ID: 1D11
ID: 21E4
Angler's Art
Angler's Art
Status-ID: ADA
Able to execute certain actions.
Folgende Zeiten wurden für diesen Debuff gefunden (kann Rundungsfehler enthalten):
9999 sek
Status-ID: 3510
Folgende Zeiten wurden für diesen Debuff gefunden (kann Rundungsfehler enthalten):
9999 sek
Status-ID: 3570
Folgende Zeiten wurden für diesen Debuff gefunden (kann Rundungsfehler enthalten):
9999 sek

Solitary Swineling

Solitary Swineling

Firmament Foreman

Firmament Foreman

Sprightly Swineling

Sprightly Swineling

Celebration Guide

Celebration Guide
"The fête “Toy Hunter” is underway on the Abacus. It isn't too late to participate and receive prizes!" - (11957)"Artisans of all persuasions can join in the fun and win fabulous prizes!" - (11881)"Hear ye, hear ye! Fêtes are about to commence!" - (11414)"If you still have a toy, please hurry and deliver it to the wain!" - (11946)"The Skyrise Celebration is our way of honoring our esteemed builders while welcoming folk from near and far to our new home." - (11896)"Remember these mascots well, for they will be your guides throughout the revelry. On which note, let us dive into the fête!" - (11422)"The rules are simple: open the right present box to find the lucky toy, and see it to Perky Piggy's hands." - (11956)"If you find yourself turned into a cute little piggy, fret not. The magick swiftly wears off." - (11958)"The fête “Presents of Mind” is currently taking place on the Mattock." - (11965)"This is the final call for fêtes! If you wish to participate, please hasten to Bright Ballad's Passage." - (11883)"To assist us in distributing rewards, please remain in your artisan's attire until you have received yours." - (11962)"If you wish to participate─and surely you do─please follow them to Bright Ballad's Passage!" - (11889)"If you wish to participate in these light-hearted games, please gather at Bright Ballad's Passage." - (11880)"We hope that we have been able to give back some of the joy we have received, and wish you much and more happiness!" - (11897)"To assist us in distributing rewards, please remain in your artisan's attire until you have received yours." - (11947)"Upon delivering two presents, the mascot issuing the instructions will change, so be sure to pay attention. Let the gifting begin!" - (11372)"The fête “Made of Softer Stuff” is currently underway on the Mattock." - (11940)"This being the rousing conclusion, we hope to see every one of you there with bells on!" - (11894)"Don't miss this chance to craft adorably large stuffed toys!" - (11941)"The fête “Shear-a-Yak” is currently being held at Bright Ballad's Passage. Join us in the fun and reap─or should I say, shear─the rewards!" - (11949)"Greetings, friends, and thank you for joining in the Skyrise Celebration!" - (11415)"If you still have fleece, please hurry and deliver it to Chirpy Chocobo!" - (11953)"Follow our mascots to the Mattock, where the fête “Made of Softer Stuff” will be held." - (11885)"To assist us in distributing rewards, please remain in your artisan's attire until you have received yours." - (11954)"Loath though I am to disappoint, you can't take the lucky toys home with you. Please deliver them to Perky Piggy." - (11961)"The fête “Presents of Mind” will soon conclude." - (11968)"The final fête is upon us. Are you ready, my dear mascots?" - (11397)"Today, we will be hosting a variety of fêtes─the first of which serves as an introduction to our friendly team of mascots." - (11418)"Lest you worry for your safety, I assure you our wooly friend has been rendered docile with a feast of his favorite fodder." - (11951)"Our mascots are making their way to the venue as we speak." - (11888)"There, the fifth and final fête awaits: “Presents of Mind.”" - (11893)"The fête “Toy Hunter” is underway on the Abacus. Seek and you will find, participate and you will receive─prizes, that is!" - (11955)"The fête “Shear-a-Yak” will soon conclude." - (11952)"The fête “Made of Softer Stuff” will soon conclude." - (11945)"Hurry, friends! Not long now until the gift giving must come to an end!" - (11967)"Quickly, now. As the saying goes, “Good things come to those who don't wait”!" - (11890)"It's farewell for now, but we look forward to seeing you again! Till next time!" - (11373)"This time, Perky Piggy and his lovable litter of swinelings will be in charge of the proceedings." - (11891)"I trust your clippers are firing well─our mascots are meticulous with their maintenance!" - (11950)"I bid you welcome to the final fête: “Presents of Mind”!" - (11370)"Let us finish on a high note!" - (11401)"Hereon, the order will be random." - (11434)"Mighty Moogle, whose big muscles are equaled only by his big heart, awaits you on the Mattock for “Made of Softer Stuff”!" - (11439)"The fun and excitement have only just begun!" - (11886)"Including the soon-to-commence “Toy Hunter,” but two fêtes remain." - (11892)"We eagerly look forward to your participation!" - (11882)"The mascots will take turns striking their favorite poses, and we ask that you show your celebratory spirit by posing in kind." - (11423)"Time is almost up, friends. Please deliver your last presents." - (11969)"Take the presents the mascots have prepared, and see them delivered to the right people!" - (11964)"I trust you are now acquainted with our friendly mascots. With that, let us move right along to the next fête." - (11438)"Great hunting, everyone. Now, please make your way to the central plaza on the Mattock!" - (11369)"Come, friends, pray do not dally!" - (11884)"The hunt is drawing to a close. How many lucky toys have you found thus far?" - (11959)"The fête “Toy Hunter” will soon conclude." - (11960)"And that concludes all the fêtes. On behalf of all the residents of the Firmament, we thank you for joining us in the revelry." - (11895)"Such delight writ upon the faces of the recipients! Come, let's keep up the gift giving!" - (11966)"As today's excitement draws to a close, may we say what wonderful participants you have all been!" - (11970)"In this fête, you must deliver presents to various folk on the Mattock according to the mascots' instructions." - (11371)"We hope you enjoyed that veritable parade of oversized stuffed toys. The next fête is “Shear-a-Yak,” and it will be held at Bright Ballad's Passage!" - (11361)"In charge of this fête is Chirpy Chocobo, who loves all things fluffy and downy." - (11887)"That's all for “Shear-a-Yak.” Now, please take yourselves to the Abacus for the next fête: “Toy Hunter”!" - (11365)"The fête “Presents of Mind” is currently taking place on the Mattock." - (11963)"Hurry, friends! Time is almost up!" - (11944)

Skysteel Engineer

Skysteel Engineer

Ishgardian Merchant

Ishgardian Merchant

Firmament Boy

Firmament Boy

Perky Piggy

Perky Piggy
"When searching for treasure, keep your eyes peeled with the perky peeler!" - (11436)"It's time to hide the toy." - (11387)"You must open the right box to find the toy, and then bring it to me." - (11367)"And last but definitely not least, I am Perky Piggy. My swinelings and I look forward to making a “Toy Hunter” out of you!" - (11421)"Are you ready, my swinelings?" - (11388)"When searching for treasure, one must keep one's eyes peeled." - (11431)"To help you practice, I bid you do the perky peeler with me!" - (11432)"My swinelings have hidden a lucky toy in one of three present boxes." - (11366)"Happy toy hunting!" - (11368)

Mighty Moogle

Mighty Moogle
"Your task is to make stuffed toys using the materials laid out on the Mattock, kupo." - (11358)"Mighty Moogle, at your service, kupo. Made of sterner stuff though I am, I'm in charge of the fête “Made of Softer Stuff”!" - (11419)"Make lots of stuffed toys and deliver them all, kupo!" - (11360)"Do the mighty maximizer, and show the fine specimen that you are, kupo!" - (11426)"Show the fine specimen that you are with the mighty maximizer, kupo!" - (11437)"Once you've finished sewing together a toy, take it to a wain at the central plaza." - (11359)"Here is a pose that maximizes your muscular appeal." - (11425)

Firmament Girl

Firmament Girl

Somber Swineling

Somber Swineling

Chirpy Chocobo

Chirpy Chocobo
"Tuned to operate with normal concentrations of aether, it shoots blasts of magicked wind that effortlessly removes fleece from their owners!" - (11363)"To that end, we do the chirpy checker!" - (11429)"Though you'll be shearing a yak in this fête, instead of shears, you'll be using an enhanced version of the aetheromatic auger: the aetheromatic clipper!" - (11362)"Thank you for your patience! The fête will now begin!" - (11383)"Before using the aetheromatic clipper, it is important to point and acknowledge." - (11428)"Chirpy Chocobo is my name, and “Shear-a-Yak” is my game. Under my fluffy wing, you will shear as you've never shorn before!" - (11420)"Before using the aetheromatic clipper, point and acknowledge with the chirpy checker!" - (11435)"So get firing at the yak, and bring the fleece it sheds to me, three sacks full at a time!" - (11364)

Foreign Merchant

Foreign Merchant

House Dzemael Stonemason

House Dzemael Stonemason

Wooly Yak

Wooly Yak

Concerted works

Concerted works
The Mendicant's Court, 1st Stage: First Shift
The Mendicant's Court, 1st Stage: First Shift
Lvl: 1Lvl-Sync: 255Location: X:11.45 Y:14.66
Fate-ID: 1538
Facilities are being built for the restoration effort. Obtain material from a supply pile, process it into a component at a work station, and see it assembled.
The Mattock, 1st Stage
The Mattock, 1st Stage
Lvl: 1Lvl-Sync: 255Location: X:12.96 Y:12.58
Fate-ID: 1550
Debris must be cleared away for the upcoming construction. Break down large pieces of debris, gather up the fragments, and transport them for disposal.
Featherfall, 1st Stage
Featherfall, 1st Stage
Lvl: 1Lvl-Sync: 255Location: X:12.25 Y:11.25
Fate-ID: 1629
Debris must be cleared away for the upcoming construction. Break down large pieces of debris, gather up the fragments, and transport them for disposal.


A Twist of Fête
A Twist of Fête
Lvl: 1Lvl-Sync: 255Location: X:12.25 Y:11.25
Fate-ID: 1712
Indicate your participation in the fêtes by performing the mascots' poses back at them. [You must be a Disciple of the Hand or the Land to play.]
Made of Softer Stuff
Made of Softer Stuff
Lvl: 1Lvl-Sync: 255Location: X:12.25 Y:11.25
Fate-ID: 1713
Craft stuffed toys using the materials provided, and load them up in the wains at the plaza. [You must be a Disciple of the Hand or the Land to play.]
Lvl: 1Lvl-Sync: 255Location: X:11.49 Y:11.25
Fate-ID: 1714
Fire the aetheromatic clipper at the wooly yak, and gather up and deliver three sacks of fleece to Chirpy Chocobo. [You must be a Disciple of the Hand or the Land to play.]
Toy Hunter
Toy Hunter
Lvl: 1Lvl-Sync: 255Location: X:12.25 Y:11.25
Fate-ID: 1715
Open present boxes to find the lucky toy, and deliver it to Perky Piggy. [You must be a Disciple of the Hand or the Land to play.]
Presents of Mind
Presents of Mind
Lvl: 1Lvl-Sync: 255Location: X:12.25 Y:11.25
Fate-ID: 1716
Distribute presents according to the mascots' instructions. [You must be a Disciple of the Hand or the Land to play.]