The Sil'dihn SubterraneDie Unterstadt von Sil'dihLes canalisations sildiennes - Donjon à embranchementsヴァリアントダンジョン シラディハ水道多变迷宫 希拉狄哈水道변형 던전: 실디하 지하수도

The Sil'dihn Subterrane


Gewölbesuche Notizen

Mechanic-Title 1

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Mechanic-Title 1

Mechanic-Title 1

Mechanic-Title 1

Schritt 09

  • Mechanics-note 1
  • Mechanics-note 1
  • Mechanics-note 1
  • Mechanics-note 1
  • Mechanics-note 1
  • Mechanics-note 1

1. Whom the Silkie Serves

1. Das säubernde Silkie der Sultana

1. C'est du propre!

1. 使い魔の主

1. 使魔的主人

1. 사역마의 주인

Schritt 09

  • What a surprise to learn that the old palace silkie was a creation of Mother's! The discovery impelled me to pursue the topic with Papashan, who, of anyone besides Father, knew my mother best of all. Naturally, I was circumspect in my inquiries, lest he become aware of my subterranean explorations.

    With fond remembrance, Papashan spoke of Mother's penchant for cleaning─a habit she refused to surrender even after taking up residence in the royal chambers. Her ladies-in-waiting were positively scandalized, and hid away every brush and broom that the sultana's hands not be sullied by common grime. Denied the usual tools of sanitation, Mother retaliated by employing a Sharlayan tutor, whereby she acquired the arts necessary to manifest a massive, mouselike familiar. Ingrained with an obsessive dislike of dirt, this arcane entity would even corner the palace guards to scrub spots from their armor─to the great amusement of the household staff. Then one day, without fanfare, the silkie was simply gone.

    I suspect the cause of its disappearance lay in the deepening conflict with the Monetarists; with less and less time to slip away from the palace, Mother likely set her familiar to protect and maintain the secret garden in her absence. Yet what a stubborn and willful soul she was! To create a servant for cleaning is one thing, but to imbue it with such unbridled power is quite another!
  • Ich war wahrlich überrascht davon, dass das Silkie des alten Palastes das Werk meiner Mutter war! Diese Entdeckung ließ mich Papashan aufsuchen, denn er kannte meine Mutter am besten. Abgesehen von meinem Vater, natürlich. Selbstverständlich formulierte ich meine Fragen sehr delikat, auf dass er mir und meinen unterirdischen Expeditionen nicht auf die Schliche kommt.

    Und so sprach er liebevoll von ihrer Vorliebe fürs Putzen- eine Angewohnheit, die sie auch in den königlichen Gemächern nicht abzulegen gedachte. Ihre Zofen waren davon regelrecht empört und mühten sich, noch jeden Besen und jede Bürste vor ihr zu verbergen, damit die Hände der Sultana nicht mit Schmutz besudelt werden mögen. Ihres Werkzeuges derart beraubt, übte sie Rache, indem sie sich einen sharlayanischen Hauslehrer kommen ließ, der sie die Beschwörung eines gigantischen, mäuseartigen Familiars lehrte. Es war von einem so ausgeprägten Reinheitsfimmel, dass es sogar die Wachen mit bestimmter Regelmäßigkeit in die Enge trieb, um ihre Rüstungen blitzblank zu polieren- zur großen Belustigung des restlichen Palastes. Doch eines Tages war das Silkie plötzlich verschwunden.

    Ich kann nur vermuten, dass sein Verschwinden auf dem sich zuspitzenden Konflikt mit den Republikanern beruht. Meine Mutter hatte wohl immer weniger Gelegenheit, sich in ihren geheimen Garten davonzustehlen und beauftragte stattdessen ihr Familiar, ihn in ihrer Abweisenheit zu pflegen. Welch sture, eigensinnige Seele sie doch war! Ein Putzfamiliar zu erschaffen, das ist eine Sache. Es mit derartigen Kräften auszustatten, ist wiederum eine ganz andere...
  • Quelle surprise de découvrir que Silkie, l'ancien familier de ménage du palais sacré d'Ul'dah, appartenait en réalité à Mère! Papashan l'ayant bien connue de son vivant, nous sommes allée l'interroger à ce sujet (évidemment de façon détournée, sans rien lui révéler de nos virées souterraines).

    Selon ses dires, Mère était très à cheval sur la propreté, au point que dès son arrivée au palais, elle s'était mise à en éponger les coins et recoins elle-même. Catastrophées à l'idée que l'épouse du sultan se salisse les mains, ses servantes n'avaient eu d'autre choix que de soustraire à sa vue tout le nécessaire de nettoyage. Cependant, cela n'arrêta pas leur maîtresse, qui engagea alors un mage sharlayanais pour lui apprendre à créer un familier de ménage géant : Silkie. Dès qu'il apercevait la moindre trace de crasse, le rongeur se ruait aussitôt dessus, quitte à bousculer au passage quelques casques d'argent... Il était apparemment devenu une attraction locale lorsqu'un beau jour, on ne sait trop quand, il disparut du palais. Le conflit avec les monétaristes s'intensifiant, on peut imaginer que Mère lui ait confié la garde de son jardin secret, sachant qu'elle aurait moins le temps d'y flâner.

    Quelle hardiesse tout de même! C'était déjà osé de sa part de créer un tel familier, mais qu'elle l'ait en plus doté d'une force prodigieuse... C'est le pompon, pourrait-on dire!
  • かつて王宮の掃除役を務めていた「シルキー」が、まさか母上の使い魔であったとはな。生前の母上をよく知るパパシャンなら、どういう経緯があったのか知っているやもしれぬと、少し話を聞いてみることにした。むろん探索については気づかれないよう、それとなく、な。


  • 母后的使魔羽衣精过去曾负责王宫的保洁工作。考虑到帕帕夏恩对母后在世时的经历十分了解,朕认为他或许会知道羽衣精出现在那扇门后的原因,因此朕试着与他谈及了这件事。当然了,朕没有向他透露这次的秘密探索,朕只是旁敲侧击地向他打听了这件事。
  • 예전에 왕궁 청소를 맡았던 '실키'가 어머님의 사역마였을 줄이야. 생전의 어머님을 잘 아는 파파샨이라면 어떻게 된 일인지 알 수도 있으니, 그 이야기를 좀 물어보기로 했다. 물론 탐색에 대해선 알아채지 못하도록 은근슬쩍 말이다.
    파파샨이 말하기를, 어머님은 워낙에 깔끔한 분이셔서 입궁하신 후에도 몸소 청소를 하셨다고 한다. 이를 본 시녀들은 적잖이 당황했고, 왕비의 손을 더럽힐 수는 없다며 청소 도구를 숨기기까지 했다지. 당신 손으로 청소를 할 수 없게 된 어머님은 지식의 도시에서 온 마도사를 초빙해 술법을 배웠고, 거대한 청소 사역마를 함께 만들어 냈다는구나. 더러운 곳을 발견하면 은갑옷단의 근위기사들마저 쫓아내고 청소를 시작하는 모습이 제법 볼만했지만, 어느새 왕궁에서 보이지 않게 되었다고 한다.
    아마도 공화파와 심각하게 대립하던 무렵, 추억의 장소를 찾아갈 시간이 좀체 나지 않아 관리를 맡기신 게 아닐까. 하여튼, 어머님도 참 대담하시지. 청소용 사역마를 만드신 것도 그렇고, 강력한 힘을 주시기까지…… 정말 분방하시기 이를 데 없구나!

2. Pride and Acceptance

2. Von Stolz und Akzeptanz

2. Une question de fierté

2. 誇り高き戦士の流儀

2. 高洁战士的行事作为

2. 긍지 높은 전사의 법칙

Schritt 09

  • With a mind to prepare for future explorations, I began trawling through the palace archives in search of documents with even a tangential mention of Sil'dih. For the most part, however, the shelves held little in the way of new information. The only account to snare my attention was that of an Ul'dahn soldier, who had written of his experiences fighting alongside the Amalj'aa during the zombie purge. His report touched upon the different approach his new allies took to warfare, and how those differences impeded their cooperative efforts.

    It was said that the undead which flooded the waterways were beyond counting, and varied wildly in individual strength. The most effective strategy, or so this soldier believed, was to focus their efforts on the weaker zombies, and thus whittle the horde down to a more manageable size. Not so the Amalj'aa. When presented with the choice, the proud warriors would always seek to slay the mightiest enemies first. This display of superiority, they explained to the exasperated Ul'dahn, was the best way to wage war. To do otherwise─to begin an engagement with the lesser foe─would cast doubt upon one's martial prowess.

    'Twould seem they learned to respect each other's reasoning, yet ultimately fought their battles as their peoples preferred. The Ul'dahn soldier returned to his former tactic, targeting the weakest undead for his initial assaults. An interesting point of culture, mayhap, but a helpful one? That remains to be seen.
  • Mit dem Blick auf zukünftige Expeditionen gerichtet, begann ich, die Palastarchive zu durchforsten. Meine Suche galt allen Dokumenten, die Sil'dih auch nur am Rande erwähnten. Auf sonderlich viel neue Information stieß ich dabei allerdings nicht. Nur ein Bericht erregte meine Aufmerksamkeit: Der eines Soldaten aus Ul'dah, der über seine Erfahrungen im Kampf gegen die Untoten geschrieben hatte, Seite an Seite mit den Amalj'aa. Er befasste sich mit der gänzlich unterschiedlichen Kriegsführung jener neuen Verbündeten und welchen Einfluss diese Unterschiede auf die gemeinsamen Bemühungen hatten.

    Die untoten Horden, die die Kanäle von Sil'dih überrannten, waren so zahllos wie unterschiedlich begabt, was ihr Kampfgeschick betraf. Der Autor war der Ansicht, dass man sich auf die schwächeren Exemplare konzentrieren sollte, um ihre Zahl auf ein überschaubares Maß zu schrumpfen. Nicht jedoch die Amalj'aa. Das Volk von stolzen Kriegern wollte sich stets dem mächtigsten Feind stellen, um diesen zuerst außer Gefecht zu setzen. Diese Zurschaustellung der eigenen Stärke, so erklärten sie dem verärgerten Soldaten, wäre die beste Art der Kriegsführung. Jede andere Strategie, darunter auch die, sich den weniger gefährlichen Feinden zuzuwenden, würde Zweifel an den eigenen Fähigkeiten aufkommen lassen.

    Es schien, als hätte man zwar gegenseitigen Respekt gelernt und ausgeübt, doch letzten Endes kämpfte jedes Volk so, wie man es selbst für richtig hielt. So hielt auch unser Soldat an seiner eigenen Vorgehensweise fest und fokussierte sich auf die Schwächsten der Untoten. Zweifelsohne ein interessanter kultureller Aspekt, aber wird es auch ein hilfreicher sein? Das wird wohl die Zeit zeigen.
  • Dans l'espoir de trouver quelque renseignement utile, nous avons épluché les documents d'archives du palais concernant l'histoire de Sil'dih. Hélas, les rapports officiels contiennent, sans surprise, très peu d'informations nouvelles. Notre seule découverte intéressante est le témoignage d'un soldat uldien ayant combattu avec les Amalj'aa durant la grande chasse aux zombis. Il y décrit une coopération loin d'être évidente, la faute à des divergences majeures dans la façon d'approcher le combat.

    À l'époque, les canalisations sildiennes étaient envahies par d'innombrables zombis de taille et de force variables. Du point de vue du soldat, il était logique de s'attaquer en priorité aux plus faibles afin d'élaguer rapidement les rangs ennemis. Or, les Amalj'aa ne l'entendaient pas de cette oreille, et allaient systématiquement vers l'adversaire le plus coriace du lot en premier. Il leur demanda pourquoi; ils répondirent qu'il s'agissait pour eux d'une manière d'afficher leur force, et que l'approche inverse ne pouvait que trahir un manque de confiance en soi.

    Chacun aurait finalement respecté l'opinion de l'autre, et combattu selon sa préférence; autrement dit, les Uldiens ont d'abord attaqué les zombis les plus faibles. Nous ne savons pas si cette information s'avérera utile, mais nous tenions tout de même à la noter, à tout hasard...
  • 今後の探索に役立つかと思い、わらわは王宮の書庫でシラディハに関する記録を紐解いてみることにした。だが、王宮で保管されている記録ゆえ、すでに承知している情報が出てくるばかり。しいて目についたものといえば、ゾンビー掃討の折、アマルジャ族と共闘したウルダハの兵が記した報告書ぐらいか。そこには、アマルジャの勇士とウルダハの兵とでは、戦い方に相違があり、連携をとることに難儀している旨が書かれておった。


  • 出于对今后探险进行上的考虑,朕在王宫的藏书库中查找了一番关于希拉狄哈的记录,想要找到解开谜团的线索。然而,可能正因为是王宫的藏书库吧,朕找到的资料大都是早已经知道了的内容。但也不能说全无值得瞩目的情报。朕发现了一份狩猎僵尸时期的报告。内容提到了蜥蜴人族与乌尔达哈士兵共同参与的一场战斗。报告者认为蜥蜴人勇士的战斗方式与乌尔达哈士兵的差异太大,双方很难配合。
  • 향후 탐색에 도움이 될까 싶어, 짐은 왕궁 서고에서 실디하에 관련된 기록을 훑어보기로 했다. 그러나 왕궁에 보관된 기록이기에, 이미 알고 있는 정보만 나올 뿐이었다. 그나마 눈에 띈 것이라면, 좀비 소탕 때 아말쟈족과 함께 싸운 울다하 병사가 기록한 보고서 정도일까. 거기에는 아말쟈 용사와 울다하 병사는 전투 방식이 달라 연계에 난항을 겪고 있다는 내용이 기록되어 있었다.
    당시, 실디하 지하수도에 득시글대던 수많은 좀비들은, 강한 정도가 들쭉날쭉했다고 한다. 보고서를 작성한 병사는 쉬운 개체부터 상대하여 먼저 전체 숫자를 줄이는 데에 집중해야 한다고 생각했으나, 아말쟈족은 딱 보기에 강해 보이는 개체에게 도전했다는구나. 그래서 왜 그렇게 싸우는지 물었더니 아말쟈족이 말하길, 강한 적부터 상대하는 것이 자신의 힘을 보이는 가장 좋은 전법이며, 약한 적부터 쓰러뜨리는 것은 자신감 부족이 드러난 것으로 간주한다고.
    결국 그들은 서로의 사상을 존중하며, 각자 선호하는 전법을 채용했다고 한다. 즉, 울다하 병사는 약한 개체부터 노렸다는 말이다. 과연 이 정보가 쓰일 곳이 있을지는 모르겠지만, 일단 기억해 두기로 하자.

3. A Spot in the Sunlight

3. Ein Fleckchen in der Sonne

3. À deux, au soleil

3. 陽だまりの中で

3. 暖阳之中

3. 햇볕 속에서

Schritt 09

  • He, a member of the royal family. She, the daughter of a modest merchant house. They met at a palace banquet─an opportunity to mix with the notables of commerce─and it was love at first sight. Ah, I adore that story─'tis so very romantic. Mother would go on to tell me of the secluded place her and Father would visit ere they were bound in marriage; of a sun-dappled garden at the end of a secret tunnel, where they could enjoy each other's company away from prying eyes and judgmental stares. In other words, a perfect description of the sanctuary we discovered on our recent foray.

    When they did at last announce the details of their engagement, the location of this magical place where Father proposed to Mother became the subject of much rumor and debate. I am told that the city's merchants, being the same incorrigible creatures then as they are now, seized upon this furor to turn a tidy profit. They never did come close to the truth of it, but after visiting the spot myself, 'tis easy to see why it has remained undisturbed.

    I imagine the two of them in their younger years, whiling away an idle morning amidst the dawn-kissed petals, their haven protected beneath a barrier of Thanalan's scorching sand, and I cannot help but smile. Never until now have I managed to think of them without a pang of sadness. Have I been captive to grief for so very long...?
  • Er war ein Mitglied einer königlichen Dynastie. Sie war die Tochter eines schlichten Handelshauses. Getroffen haben sie sich bei einem Bankett im Palast, das Kontakte zwischen Adel und Handel stärken sollte. Und es war Liebe auf den ersten Blick. Eine Geschichte, die ich immer wieder gerne hörte- sie ist so unglaublich romantisch! Mutter erzählte mir auch von dem abgelegenen Ort, an dem sie sich immer mit Vater traf, ehe sie verheiratet waren. Ein sonnendurchfluteter Garten am Ende eines geheimen Tunnels, in dem sie sich aneinander erfreuen konnten, gänzlich abseits von neugierigen Blicken. Eben jener Zufluchtsort, den wir auf unserer Expedition entdeckt haben, da bin ich mir sicher!

    Als sie schließlich ihre Verlobung bekanntgaben, wurde in der ganzen Stadt darüber diskutiert, an welch traumhaften Ort er ihr wohl den Antrag gemacht hat. Unverbesserlich, wie unsere Händler nun einmal sind, schlugen die natürlich enorme Profite aus dieser brodelnden Gerüchteküche. Die Wahrheit kam dennoch nie ans Licht, und nachdem ich besagten Ort nun mit eigenen Augen gesehen habe, verstehe ich auch, wieso.

    So stelle ich mir die beiden in jungen Jahren vor, wie sie sich zwischen taubedeckten Blütenblättern einem müßigen Morgen hingeben. Ganz für sich, in ihrem geheimen Garten, der sie vor Thanalans heißem Sand bewahrt. Dieser Gedanke zaubert mir ein Lächeln auf die Lippen und ich muss zugeben, dass meine Erinnerungen bislang immer von Trauer getrübt waren. Hielt der Kummer wahrlich so lange an mir fest...?
  • Lui était le sultan d'Ul'dah. Elle, la fille d'une modeste famille de marchands. Leur rencontre eut lieu lors d'un banquet d'affaires organisé au palais; d'après eux, ce fut aussitôt le coup de foudre. Romantique, n'est-ce pas? Et ce n'est pas tout : avant de s'unir, nos parents avaient, semble-t-il, pris l'habitude de se retrouver en privé dans leur “jardin secret”; un lieu profondément enfoui sous la terre, mais pourtant ensoleillé, et même fleuri... exactement comme le coin de verdure que nous avons découvert au fond des canalisations sildiennes.

    Par la suite, leurs fiançailles furent annoncées, et beaucoup d'Uldiens s'interrogèrent sur le lieu de demande en mariage du sultan... Des petits malins en auraient même profité pour prendre les paris, preuve s'il en est que nos concitoyens ont toujours eu le commerce dans le sang! Malgré tout, personne ne découvrit jamais l'endroit en question, et on comprend facilement pourquoi.

    Pour notre part, nous retiendrons cette image : celle de Père et de Mère passant un moment privilégié, dans leur petit coin de paradis caché sous le sable ardent du Thanalan... Rien que d'y penser, nous en avons le sourire aux lèvres. Après tant d'années, il était temps que leur souvenir nous évoque enfin des sentiments joyeux...
  • 王族である父上と、小さな商家の生まれである母上が出会われたのは、商人たちとの交流を目的とした、王宮主催の晩餐会だったという。たちどころに恋に落ちてしまわれたというのだから、なんともロマンティックな話よ。そんなふたりが婚前に逢瀬を重ねた場所は、人目を気にせずにすむ「秘密の花園」であったと聞いたことがある。そこは、地下深くに埋没しながらも、陽の光が差し込む花園であったと……そう、まさに此度の探索で訪れた場所のことであろう。


  • 多年以前,王宫曾为了增进与商人之间的交流举办了一场晚宴,贵为王族的父王与出生在小商人家庭的母后在这场晚宴中偶遇相识。一见钟情的两位由此开始了他们的浪漫故事。据说两人在婚前经常会在一个不为众人所知的秘密花园中约会。那是一个深埋于大地深处,却有暖阳照耀的美丽花园……不会错了,定是这次冒险者和朕在探索中找到的地方。
  • 왕족인 아버님과 소상인 집안에서 태어난 어머님이 처음 만난 곳은, 상인들과의 교류를 목적으로 왕궁에서 주최한 만찬회였다고 한다. 보자마자 사랑에 빠지셨다고 하니, 이 얼마나 낭만적인 이야기인가. 두 분은 결혼 전에 남의 이목을 신경 쓰지 않아도 되는 '비밀의 화원'에서 여러 번 밀회를 가지셨다고 들은 적이 있다. 그곳은 지하 깊숙한 곳에 묻혀 있는데도 햇살이 비치는 화원이었다고 했지……. 그래, 필시 이번 탐색에서 찾아낸 그곳일 것이다.
    두 분의 혼약이 발표되었을 때, 아버님이 어머님께 청혼한 장소가 어딘지에 관해 이런저런 소문이 퍼졌다고 한다. 그 소문을 장사에 이용하는 불경한 자들도 끊이지 않았다고 전해지는데, 울다하 상인들의 지독한 상인 정신은 지금이나 옛날이나 별반 다르지 않았다는 게지. 진상은 끝내 밝혀지지 않았지만, 이번에 그곳을 방문해 보니 찾아내지 못하는 게 당연하다 싶었다.
    다날란의 메마른 모래 아래 묻혔으면서도 햇볕을 받아 꽃들이 피어나는 곳에서, 젊은 아버님과 어머님이 오손도손 이야기를 나누는 모습. 그 모습을 떠올리니 절로 미소가 지어진다. 웃으며 두 분을 추억할 수 있게 되기까지, 꽤 오랜 시간이 걸리고 말았구나…….

4. A Key Memory

4. Der Schlüssel zur Erinnerung

4. La clef des souvenirs

4. 鍵と約束

4. 钥匙与约定

4. 열쇠와 약속

Schritt 09

  • On my fifth nameday, my parents gifted me with a key wrought in silver─but not the knowledge of what it opened. “When you are a woman grown, we will take you to the precious place this key protects,” Mother had explained. Father had nodded, saying it was “where slumbers the memories which neither we, nor Ul'dah, should ever forget.” I, a child of five, understood only that I was being forced to wait for my true present. Oh, how I had sulked and fumed back then! Yet now I cling to that fading recollection with desperate fingers, like a failed merchant to her dwindling coinpurse.

    'Twas too soon after when Mother and Father were called away to Thal's eternal halls. Their sudden absence left me hollow and dazed; my ascension to the throne followed by torturous days of uncertainty steeped in sorrow. It seemed I stumbled across the desert, the sands burning one moment, freezing the next. All thoughts of keys and secret places were cast aside, forgotten.

    Why had they entrusted such a portentous gift to a daughter so young? Had they foreseen the “accident” which would befall them? Or had some other factor influenced their actions? Their true intentions are lost to time. There is only one thing I can know for certain: that the key was left in my hands for good reason.
  • Zu meinem fünften Namenstag schenkten mir meine Eltern einen silbergeschmiedeten Schlüssel, sagten mir jedoch nicht, zu welchem Schloss er gehört. „Wenn du groß bist, dann zeigen wir dir den wunderbaren Ort, den dieser Schlüssel schützt.“, erklärte mir meine Mutter. Vater nickte zustimmend und fügte an: „Dort schlummern jene Erinnerungen, die weder wir noch Ul'dah jemals vergessen dürfen.“ Für mich und meinen fünfjährigen Verstand bedeutete das damals nur eines: Sie ließen mich auf mein Geschenk warten! Ach, wie war ich damals zornig und beleidigt! Und jetzt klammere ich mich so verzweifelt an diese blasse Erinnerung, als wäre sie die letzte Münze im Beutel einer vom Glück verlassenen Händlerin.

    Viel zu früh wurden meine Eltern in Thals ewige Hallen gerufen. Ihr plötzliches Fehlen riss ein klaffendes Loch in meine Seele und schien mich regelrecht zu betäuben. Meiner Thronbesteigung folgten bittere Tage des Kummers und der Ungewissheit. Es kam mir vor, als stolperte ich ziellos durch die Wüste, gefangen zwischen glutheißem wie bitterkaltem Sand. Jegliche Gedanken an Schlüssel und geheime Orte wurden beiseite geschoben und vergessen.

    Weshalb nur hatten sie ihrer so jungen Tochter ein derart schickalsschwangeres Geschenk gemacht? Hatten sie den „Unfall“ gar kommen sehen, der sie dahinraffte? Oder verfolgten sie doch ein gänzlich anderes Ziel? Ich werde sie nie nach ihren wahren Motiven fragen können. Sicher bin ich mir nur einer Sache: Sie vertrauten mir den Schlüssel aus gutem Grund an.
  • Pour notre cinquième anniversaire, nos parents nous offrirent une clef en argent, sans toutefois nous en préciser l'utilité exacte. “Lorsque tu seras devenue une grande et gente dame, nous t'emmènerons découvrir un lieu qui nous est cher”, disait Mère. “Un lieu chargé d'histoire uldienne”, renchérissait Père. Pour l'enfant que nous étions, c'était comme recevoir un cadeau sans être autorisée à l'ouvrir – assez frustrant, il faut bien le dire... Néanmoins, nous gardons, avec le recul, un souvenir ému de ce moment.

    Quelque temps plus tard, nos parents rejoignaient tous deux le royaume de Thal; une séparation brutale, qui nous laissait seule et désemparée face aux responsabilités de sultane qui nous incombaient désormais. Nous avancions, pleine de tristesse et de doutes, comme à travers un désert au sable tantôt brûlant, tantôt glacial. La clef? La promesse de nos parents? Ce lieu si cher à leurs yeux? Oubliés, perdus dans un coin de notre mémoire.

    Pourquoi nous avoir fait un tel cadeau, et si précocement? Pressentaient-ils le malheur qui allait s'abattre sur eux? Ou y avait-il une autre raison que nous ignorons? Nos parents ne sont plus là pour nous répondre, mais nous avons malgré tout une certitude : cette clef n'est pas entre nos mains par hasard.
  • 銀細工の鍵は、5歳の誕生日に父上と母上からいただいたのだが、どこで使うのかは教えてくださらなかった。貴方が素敵なレディに成長したら、この鍵に守られている「思い出の場所」へ連れていってあげるとだけ、母上はおっしゃっていた。そして父上は、ウルダハにとっての「思い出」もまた、そこに眠っているのだと語られていたが、幼いわらわにとっては、「すぐに開けぬ贈り物」で焦らされているように感じられてな。当時はふてくされもしたが、今となっては、それもまた大切な思い出となっている。


  • 这把用白银制作的精致钥匙是朕5岁生日时,父王和母后赠送给朕的礼物,二位并没告诉朕这钥匙的使用方法。母后只对朕说,等朕长大成为一位淑女时,她将会带着朕去这把钥匙守护着的回忆之地。随后父王也对朕说起,那里除了是他们二位的回忆之地以外,也保存了乌尔达哈这个国家的无数回忆。对于尚且年幼的朕来说不能立刻到手的礼物着实恼人,一时还和父王母后闹起了别扭。现在回想起来,这一切竟成了如此珍贵的回忆。
  • 은세공 열쇠는 다섯 살 생일날에 아버님과 어머님께 받은 것인데, 어디에 쓰는 물건인지는 알려주지 않으셨다. 어머님은 내가 훌륭한 숙녀로 성장하면 이 열쇠가 지키는 '추억의 장소'에 데려가 주시겠다고만 하셨지. 그리고 아버님은 '울다하의 추억' 또한 그곳에 잠들어 있다고 말씀하셨지만, 어린 나로서는 '당장에 열어볼 수 없는 선물'이기에 안달이 났을 뿐이었어. 당시에는 투정도 부렸지만 이제는 그것 또한 소중한 추억이다.
    그 후 얼마 지나지 않아, 아버님과 어머님은 달 신 곁으로 떠나셨다. 예고도 없이 부모님과 헤어져야 했던 짐은, 여러 의견이 엇갈리는 와중에 왕위를 계승하고 슬픔과 불안에 몸부림치는 나날을 보내게 되었지. 때로는 뜨겁고, 때로는 차가운 모래에 발이 빠지며 걸어가다 보니, 약속도, 열쇠도, 추억의 장소에 대해서도 새까맣게 잊고 있었구나.
    막 다섯 살이 된 미숙한 딸에게 왜 이 열쇠를 선물하신 것일까. 머지않아 찾아올 '사고'를 예감했기 때문일까, 아니면……. 이제 두 분의 의중을 알 방법은 없지만, 지금 이 손에 열쇠가 남아 있는 데에는 분명 어떤 의미가 있을 것이다.

5. In Father's Stead

5. Auf Vaters Pfaden

5. Un combat politique

5. 父上の悲願

5. 父王的夙愿

5. 아버님의 염원

Schritt 09

  • The Amalj'aa constructed Zahar'ak when they came to join Ul'dah in purging the undead infestation from the subterrane. And if Zahar'ak was their main war camp, then the old fortifications we passed through would have served as a forward base. The question, then, is why did my parents gift me the means to visit these rusted defenses? In my late father's possessions was a diary which made reference to “irrefutable evidence of the alliance”─mayhap there is more to the place we have yet to discover.

    In life, Father was a staunch opponent of the edict to banish the so-called “beast tribes.” Arrayed against him were the Monetarists, who sought to preserve their special concessions and privileges by ousting their competitors. 'Twas with the backing of the Syndicate that they overruled the sultan's will, and forced their proposal into law. Unwilling to concede defeat, Father intended to take the battle to the court of public consensus. His weapons would not be easily forged documents or records, but physical proof of the Amalj'aa contribution to Ul'dah's continued prosperity. Then the “accident” happened, ending his plans to appeal for harmony ere they could truly begin.

    Which brings us back to this mention of evidence. I know not what form it might take, or indeed, if it yet even exists, but should a thorough search of that forgotten base provide us with clues... We are on the cusp of brokering a lasting peace with the Amalj'aa─if I can but discover this elusive proof, then the aspirations Father had for our nation may finally become a reality.
  • Die Amalj'aa errichteten Zahar'ak, als sie sich Ul'dahs Kampf gegen die untote Plage in den Aquädukten anschlossen. Wenn Zahar'ak als ihr Hauptlager diente, dürften die alten Festungsanlagen, durch die wir gekommen sind, eine Art Vor- oder Außenposten gewesen sein. Weshalb aber hinterließen mir meine Eltern einen Schlüssel, der mich in diese Anlagen führt? Nach dem Tod meines Vaters fand man sein Tagebuch, in dem er von „unwiderlegbaren Beweisen der Allianz“ geschrieben hatte. Vielleicht gibt es an diesem Ort doch noch mehr, das es zu entdecken gilt.

    Zu seinen Lebzeiten war mein Vater stets ein eiserner Gegner des Ediktes zur Verbannung der Stammesvölker. Ihm entgegen standen die Republikaner, die vor allem Konkurrenz verdrängen wollten, um ihre besonderen Konzessionen und Privilegien zu bewahren. Letztlich war es die Unterstützung des Scorpio-Kreises, welche sie ihren Willen über den des Sultans stellen ließ, und sie erzwangen ein Gesetz aus ihrem Vorschlag. Vater gab sich jedoch nicht geschlagen und plante, diese Geschichte an die Öffentlichkeit zu bringen. Seine Waffen sollten nicht Dokumente und Schriften sein, die viel zu leicht zu fälschen waren- nein, mit handfesten Beweisen würde er seinem Volk zeigen, was die Amalj'aa zu Ul'dahs Wohlstand beigetragen hatten. Doch dann geschah jener „Unfall“ und brachte sein Bestreben nach Harmonie und Verständnis zu einem jähen Ende, ehe es richtig begonnen hatte.

    Dies führt mich zurück zu besagten Beweisen, die er in seinem Tagebuch erwähnte. Ich weiß weder, wie sie aussehen sollen oder ob sie überhaupt existieren. Aber sollten wir beim Durchsuchen der vergessenen Festungsanlage auf Hinweise stoßen, wäre das ein Durchbruch auf dem Weg zu einem beständigen Frieden mit den Amalj'aa. Wenn ich den Traum meines Vaters verwirklichen will, muss ich jene Beweise finden.
  • Si l'on admet que le camp de Zahar'ak, construit par les Amalj'aa à l'époque de la grande chasse aux zombis, était leur fief principal, alors ce que nous avons découvert dans les canalisations sildiennes était sans doute un avant-poste. Une découverte loin d'être anodine, puisque c'est la clef de nos parents qui permet d'y accéder; et que le journal laissé par Père après son décès mentionnait l'existence d'une “preuve formelle de notre alliance passée avec les Amalj'aa”.

    Tout au long de sa vie, Père a été un fervent opposant à la loi bannissant les hommes-bêtes de la cité. Ce sont les monétaristes qui, dans leur propre intérêt, en avaient forcé la promulgation, contre sa volonté de sultan et avec l'appui du Cartel des Scorpions. À ce que l'on raconte, Père avait tenté de mobiliser l'opinion publique contre ladite loi, s'engageant à présenter non pas des écrits ou des rapports facilement falsifiables, mais une preuve tangible et incontestable d'un combat mené aux côtés des Amalj'aa, censée faire pencher la balance en faveur de la réconciliation. Hélas, un “accident” l'emporta avant qu'il n'achève sa lutte.

    Quelle était cette “preuve formelle” et où se trouve-t-elle? Aujourd'hui encore, nous sommes incapable de répondre à ces questions. Peut-être découvrirons-nous des indices au sein de ce fameux avant-poste...

    À y repenser, nous n'avons jamais vraiment pu aider nos parents... Mais à présent que la paix avec les Amalj'aa semble plus que jamais à portée de main, nous aimerions pouvoir accomplir l'idéal de Père à sa place. Encore faut-il mettre la main sur cette “preuve”...
  • シラディハ水道でのゾンビー掃討の折、共闘に応じたアマルジャ族によってザハラク戦陣が設営された。あれが本営ならば、此度の探索で発見した拠点跡は前哨基地といったところか。父上と母上からいただいた鍵で秘匿されていたとなると、父上の遺された日記にあった「アマルジャとの共闘の証」と、何か関係がありそうだ。


  • 在与乌尔达哈共同讨伐希拉狄哈水道僵尸的过程里,参战的蜥蜴人族设立了不悔战阵。假设不悔战阵是蜥蜴人族当时的大本营,那么朕和冒险者这次找到的据点遗迹想来就是蜥蜴人族的前哨基地了。考虑到这个位置藏在父王和母后交给朕的钥匙之后,父王留给朕的日记里又提到了“与蜥蜴人族携手共斗的证据”,朕坚信这二者之间一定有什么联系。
  • 실디하 지하수도에서 좀비를 소탕하던 때, 함께 싸워준 아말쟈족은 자하라크 진영을 설치했다. 그곳이 본부라면 이번 탐색에서 발견한 거점의 옛터는 전초기지라 할 수 있겠지. 아버님과 어머님께 받은 열쇠로 감춰져 있었으니, 아버님이 남기신 일기에 나온 '아말쟈족과 함께 싸운 증거'와 무언가 관계가 있을 듯하다.
    아버님은 생전에 '수인 배척령'을 공포하는 데에 반대하셨다고 한다. 한편 수인을 배척하고 이권을 확보하려 했던 공화파는, 모래전갈회의 지원을 받아 왕의 뜻에 반하는 새로운 법을 공포하고야 말았지. 이에 아버님은 여론을 움직여 대항하려 하셨던 듯하다. 쉽게 날조할 수 있는 문헌이나 기록이 아니라, 물질적인 '아말쟈와 함께 싸운 증거'를 보여줌으로써 사람들에게 화합을 호소하고자 하신 것이다. 그러나 그 계획은 아버님께서 '사고사'하시는 바람에 실현되지 못한 채 끝나고 말았다.
    그 '증거'가 무엇인지, 지금도 어딘가에 존재하는지는 짐도 모르느니라. 하지만 그 거점 옛터에 만약 단서가 있다면……. 부모님께 효도 한번 못 해봤지만, 아말쟈족과 화합하자는 분위기가 무르익은 지금, 아버님을 대신해 염원을 이룰 수 있지 않을까. 그곳에서 '증거'의 행방을 알게 되면 좋으련만.

6. Ul'dah's Sin to Bear

6. Die Sünden Ul'dahs

6. Le poids du péché

6. ウルダハが負うべき罪

6. 乌尔达哈之罪

6. 울다하가 짊어져야 할 죄

Schritt 09

  • When that Amalj'aa champion burst forth from his casket, the blood nigh froze within my veins. He must have suffered injury during the purge, the zombie corruption finding its way into his flesh...

    The Traders' Spurn was concocted by Ul'dahn thaumaturges, and employed by the reigning sultan during our war with Sil'dih. Sasagan III even knowingly propagated the fiction that it was the Sil'dihns who devised this abhorrent alchemy in an effort to turn their own citizens into undying soldiers. An accusation from the House of Thorne saw Sasagan III later punished for his heinous acts, and thus ended the first Ul Dynasty. His lies, however, would live on to become accepted history.

    This deceit was upheld by a desire to preserve not only the Ul Dynasty's authority, but also the standing of the Order of Nald'thal─an institution deeply entwined with thaumaturgical practices. And it can be said that few Ul'dahns would wish to accept that their home was built upon the corpse of a city so brutally slain by their forebears. Yet without a clear view of the past, we cannot be sure of our course for the future. The sight of that rotting Amalj'aa hero was all too stark a reminder: as a sultana of the House of Ul, I bear responsibility for my ancestor's atrocities. And though we suffer for the truth, even as Ishgard did for hers, the time has come to set the records aright.
  • Als der Held der Amalj'aa seinem Sarkophag entstieg, gefror mir glatt das Blut in den Adern. Er muss sich während der Kämpfe gegen die Untoten eine Verletzung zugezogen haben, sodass jener Fluch letztlich einen Weg in sein Fleisch fand...

    Das Zombie-Pulver wurde von den Thaumaturgen Ul'dahs entwickelt und auf Befehl des Sultans im Krieg gegen Sil'dih eingesetzt. Sasagan der Dritte verbreitete noch die Unwahrheit, dass es Sil'dih selbst war, die diese grausige Alchemie ins Leben gerufen hatte, um das eigene Heer in unsterbliche Soldaten zu verwandeln. Eine Anklage der Thorne zog Sasagan den Dritten später zur Rechenschaft und führte damit die erste Ul-Dynastie zu ihrem Ende. Seine Lügen überdauerten ihn allerdings und gelten heute als historischer Fakt.

    Diese Täuschung entsprang nicht bloß dem Wunsch, die Autorität der Ul-Dynastie zu wahren, sondern vor allem das Ansehen des Nald'thal-Ordens- eine Institution, die untrennbar mit der Thaumaturgie verwoben ist. Zumal man sich nur schwerlich vorstellen kann, dass das Volk die bittere Wahrheit bereitwillig akzeptieren würde, dass ihre Stadt auf dem gemeuchelten Leichnam einer anderen erbaut wurde. Doch ohne einen klaren Blick auf die Vergangenheit werden wir keinen sicheren Pfad gen Zukunft finden können. Der Anblick des verwesenden Amalj'aa war eine gar scharfe Mahnung: Als Sultana des Hauses Ul ist es meine unumstößliche Pflicht, die Verantwortung für die Sünden meiner Vorfahren zu tragen. Und auch wenn wir für die Wahrheit bluten müssen, so wie Ishgard für die ihre blutete, ist es nun an der Zeit, unsere Geschichte ins rechte Licht zu rücken.
  • Quelle macabre découverte que ce guerrier amalj'aa enfermé dans son sarcophage... Sans doute a-t-il subi, durant la chasse aux zombis, une blessure par laquelle le mal s'est insinué dans sa chair...

    La poudre putréfactrice, préparation interdite permettant de ranimer les morts, fut mise au point jadis par des occultistes uldiens. Notre Cité l'employa contre sa rivale Sil'dih; comble de la perfidie, le sultan Sasagan III accusa l'état-major sildien d'avoir concocté la poudre pour transformer ses propres citoyens en soldats serviles. En fin de compte, il fut traduit en justice par les Thorne, lors d'un procès qui signa la fin de la première dynastie des Ul. Cependant, le mensonge d'État lui survécut, et perdure encore aujourd'hui.

    Cette histoire falsifiée est la résultante de volontés multiples : celle des Ul, qui se seraient accrochés au pouvoir par tous les moyens, et celle de l'ordre de Nald'thal, qui entretenait des liens étroits avec les occultistes. Évidemment, un grand nombre d'Uldiens auraient également refusé d'admettre que leur cité s'est construite sur les ruines d'une autre, au prix d'un ignoble crime de guerre.

    Pourtant, nous avons la conviction que l'avenir ne s'envisage qu'en raccord avec le passé. L'image de cet Amalj'aa déchu nous rappelle à nous, descendante des Ul, la responsabilité qui pèse sur nos épaules. À l'instar d'Ishgard, le moment est peut-être venu pour Ul'dah de renouer avec toute son histoire, aussi douloureuse soit-elle.
  • 棺に納められていたアマルジャの勇士が、ゾンビーと化しておるとは。おそらく、ゾンビーとの戦いで受けた傷により、肉体を蝕まれたのであろう。


  • 那位安眠于棺椁之中的蜥蜴人勇士也是一具僵尸。恐怕他是在与僵尸战斗的过程中受了伤,不幸感染,最终被侵蚀成了僵尸吧。
  • 관에 들어간 아말쟈족 용사가 좀비가 되었을 줄이야. 아마도 좀비와 싸우다가 입은 부상에 육체가 좀먹힌 탓이겠지.
    인간을 사령으로 만드는 금기의 비약 '좀비 파우더'. 과거 울다하는 자국의 주술사가 만든 이 비인도적인 비약을, 실디하와의 전쟁에 이용했다. 게다가 당시 왕이었던 사사간 3세는 실디하 측이 자국민을 불사의 병사로 만들기 위해 개발한 것이라는 헛소문을 퍼뜨리기까지 했지. 사사간 3세는 후에 그 죄 때문에 손씨 가문에 고발당했고, 제1기 울씨 왕조는 종언을 맞이하였으나…… 그 헛소문은 지금까지도 통설로 여겨진다.
    울씨 왕조의 권위를 유지하고 싶었던 왕족의 계략, 주술사와 유착한 날달 교단의 음모, 여러 야심들이 거짓 역사를 굳히고 말았다. 자기가 사는 나라가, 비인도적 행위로 인해 파괴된 나라 위에 세워졌다는 사실을, 대다수의 울다하 백성들은 인정하기 어렵겠지. 하지만 과거를 돌아보지 않으면 올바른 미래로 나아갈 수 없다. 그 아말쟈족의 모습을 떠올리니 '울'이라는 이름을 이어받은 여왕으로서 책임을 느끼지 않을 수 없구나. 이슈가르드처럼, 설령 괴로움을 겪게 되더라도, 역사를 다시 써야 할 때가 온 것이 아닐까.

7. To Learn More of Myrrh

7. Von Myrrhe und Gebeten

7. Des prières au parfum de myrrhe

7. 祈りとミルラ

7. 焚香祈祷

7. 기도와 몰약

Schritt 09

  • I wished to consult with the Amalj'aa over a certain facet of our expedition, yet I could hardly bring up the subject during one of our regular councils. Should it become known that the royal person had been slipping out of the palace to conduct secret investigations, then my trusted escort would be caught up in an unpleasant storm of repercussions. Nay, I must be discreet.

    As such, I approached the Amalj'aa war chief at meeting's end, and engaged him with the usual empty pleasantries─eventually steering the conversation to tribal custom. I explained that the coffin of a zombie-cursed warrior had been discovered within Ul'dahn territory, and wondered at the traditional rites one might perform to send his kin's unfortunate soul on to the afterlife.

    Somewhat taken aback, the war chief advised that it was of paramount importance to avoid disturbing the warrior's undead slumber. “Leave the coffin untouched,” he warned. “Stand facing the valorous spirit, and perform a single bow. Offer your respects for a life well lived, celebrate the warrior's greatest victory, and then kneel in a moment of reflection.”

    Thus did the Amalj'aa mourn comrades fallen on the field of battle, burning myrrh incense at the culmination of the ritual to guide their sanctified souls unto the everlasting flame.

    In receiving his answer, I was suddenly struck by a cavalcade of questions I had never thought to ask. I felt ashamed at my ignorance, and am now resolved to learn more of this proud people's culture.
  • Ich wollte mich mit den Amalj'aa zu einer bestimmten Facette unserer Expedition beratschlagen, doch es ist mir nicht gelungen, das Thema in einer unserer regelmäßigen Sitzungen anzubringen. Sollte bekannt werden, dass sich die Sultana aus dem Palast davonstahl, um geheimen Nachforschungen nachzugehen, zöge dies einen regelrechten Sturm aus Konsequenzen für meine geschätzte Begleitung nach sich. Nein, hier ist Diskretion gefragt.

    Daher wandte ich mich nach einer solchen Sitzung direkt an den Stammesführer der Amalj'aa, und nach den üblichen Höflichkeitsfloskeln lenkte ich das Gespräch auf die Bräuche seines Stammes. Ich erklärte ihm, dass der Sarg eines Amalj'aa-Kriegers gefunden wurde, der dem Untod anheimgefallen war und bat ihn, mir zu erläutern, mit welchen traditionellen Riten seiner Seele die ewige Ruhe beschert werden könne.

    Natürlich war er von derlei Kunde überrascht und betonte als Erstes, wie wichtig es sei, den untoten Schlummer des Kriegers nicht zu stören. „Vergeht euch nicht an seinem Sarg“, warnte er zunächst. „Stellt euch lediglich davor und ehrt die tapfere Seele darin mit einer Verbeugung. Dann erweist ihm den angemessenen Respekt und zelebriert schließlich seinen Triumph als großer Krieger. Zuletzt kniet ihr euch vor ihn, auf ein letztes Gebet.“

    So ehrten die Amalj'aa ihre Gefallenen und entzündeten Myrrhe, um die geehrten Seelen noch einmal zu reinigen und auf ihre letzte Reise zu schicken.

    Als ich ihm zuhörte, schossen mir plötzlich Abertausend Fragen in den Kopf, die ich bislang nie zu stellen gedacht hätte. Und so wurde ich von Scham übermannt, wie wenig ich über unsere Verbündeten weiß, und fühle mich nun entschlossener denn je, mehr über die reiche Kultur dieses stolzen Volkes zu lernen.
  • Nous voulions nous enquérir auprès des Amalj'aa d'un sujet précis concernant les canalisations sildiennes, mais nous ne sommes pas parvenue à l'aborder durant la dernière réunion générale. S'il venait à s'ébruiter que la sultane d'Ul'dah s'échappe en secret de ses appartements pour mener une enquête à l'abri des regards, cela aurait des répercussions fâcheuses sur notre garde du corps. Nous devons rester aussi discrète que possible.

    Ainsi, après la fin de la réunion, nous avons opté pour une conversation privée avec le chef amalj'aa, que nous avons habilement fait dévier des banalités d'usage à la question des rites funéraires pratiqués par sa tribu. Nous lui avons appris qu'un sarcophage renfermant un guerrier amalj'aa zombifié avait été découvert, puis nous lui avons demandé de bien vouloir nous enseigner la manière adéquate d'accompagner son esprit dans l'au-delà. Visiblement interloqué, le chef nous a répondu qu'il ne fallait surtout pas toucher directement le cercueil, car cela perturberait le sommeil du guerrier. Voici la procédure à suivre durant la prière telle qu'il nous l'a décrite avec ses propres mots : “Tout d'abord, devant le sarcophage inclinez-vous. Ensuite, avec respect recueillez-vous, puis des grandes victoires du héros trépassé réjouissez-vous. Enfin, pour lui dire adieu agenouillez-vous.” En guise de conclusion à ce rite traditionnel créé pour faire honneur aux victimes des champs de bataille, le chef a précisé qu'il fallait brûler de la résine de myrrhe afin de purifier l'âme du défunt.

    En l'écoutant attentivement, nous avons réalisé que notre ignorance des Amalj'aa et de leur culture était malheureusement bien plus grande que nous ne le pensions. Nous tâcherons de combler ce manquement de notre part dès que l'occasion se présentera.
  • シラディハ水道での一件に関して、アマルジャ族に尋ねたいことがあったのだが、彼らとの定例会議の折に、議題として提示するわけにはいかなかった。わらわがこっそりと王宮を抜け出して調査を行っていたことが露見すれば、協力してくれたあの者にも迷惑がかかってしまう。


  • 朕就希拉狄哈水道中发现的种种征询了蜥蜴人方面的意见。不过,此事到底是无法作为议题在乌尔达哈与蜥蜴人一族的定期会议中讨论的。朕总不能将偷偷离宫调查一事透露出去嘛,不然就是在为难那些为朕提供帮助的众人了。
  • 실디하 지하수도에서 있었던 일로 아말쟈족에게 묻고 싶은 게 있었다만, 그들과 여는 정기 회의 의제로 올릴 수는 없었다. 짐이 몰래 왕궁을 빠져나가 조사했다는 사실이 알려지면, 도와준 자들도 곤란해질 터이니.
    그래서 회의가 끝난 후 잠시 동안, 회의에 참석한 추장과 사소한 '잡담'을 나누기로 했다. 울다하 영내에서 발견된 관에서 좀비가 된 아말쟈 용사가 나타났다고 설명하고, 그 자의 장례를 어떻게 치러야 하는지 아말쟈족의 예법에 대해 알고 싶다고 가르침을 구했다. 그랬더니 추장은 그 무엇보다 용사의 잠을 방해하지 않는 것이 중요하다고 말해주었다. 뚜껑을 열어 안을 확인하지 말고, 우선 관을 향해 기도를 올리는 것이 핵심이라면서. '용맹한 영혼에게 공손하게 인사하고, 묵념을 올린 다음, 그의 무훈이 가져다 준 승리를 기뻐하며, 경의를 담아 무릎을 꿇는다'…… 이것이 전장에서 스러진 동포를 기리는 장례 순서라고 한다. 그리고 마지막에 몰약 향을 피우면 영혼이 정화된다는 듯하다.
    이렇게 이야기를 나눌 때마다, 아말쟈족에 대해 알아야 할 점이 아직도 많다는 것을 통감하게 된다. 그들의 문화와 관습을 접하고, 더 깊게 이해해 나가야겠지.

8. Ul'dah and Sil'dih

8. Ul'dah und Sil'dih

8. Ul'dah et Sil'dih

8. ウルダハとシラディハ

8. 乌尔达哈与希拉狄哈

8. 울다하와 실디하

Schritt 09

  • When Belah'dia splintered into Ul'dah and Sil'dih, the division only deepened with time. The history books tell the tale of escalating hostilities; of how the advent of the Traders' Spurn devastated the Sil'dihns, and brought the conflict to a horrific end. Ul'dah would later migrate to the site of the fallen metropolis, where even now the ruins of the past dot the landscape, or lie hidden from view deep underground. Such remnants proved useful when routing the municipal waterways, and so did they refer to this section of the subterrane as the “Sil'dihn aqueducts.” Given that the war turned savage over water sources, it seems to me a designation of particularly ghoulish sensibilities.

    Distasteful naming aside, it should have come as no surprise that these old tunnels fed into other vestiges of Sil'dih. And yet I was wholly unprepared to set foot in the royal palace itself! Had the structure been exposed above ground, the wind-driven sand coupled with the heat of the Thanalan sun would have led to extensive erosion. But cocooned beneath the earth as it was, its chambers have been perfectly preserved.

    How rare it must be to encounter ruins in such an unspoiled state. It will provide our historians with a wealth of material to study...assuming they can navigate the intervening passages. We must clear the way, first and foremost, and secure a safe path through.
  • Nachdem Belah'dia in Ul'dah und Sil'dih zerbrochen war, wurde die Kluft mit der Zeit nur tiefer. Die Geschichtsbücher sprechen von mehr und mehr eskalierenden Feindseligkeiten, wie schwer Sil'dih unter dem Zombie-Pulver litt und diese Alchemie den Konflikt letztlich zu einem grausamen Ende brachte. Ul'dah sollte sich später auf der gefallenen Metropole niederlassen, nach wie vor gespickt von den Ruinen des einstigen Widersachers- manche als Narben in der Landschaft, andere ungesehen tief unter der Erde. Jene Ruinen erwiesen sich bei der Verlegung der städtischen Wasserwege von unschätzbarem Wert und so wurde dieses unterirdische System als die Kanäle von Sil'dih bekannt. In Anbetracht der Tatsache, dass sich der Konflikt vor allem wegen Wasserquellen verschärfte, hinterlässt dieser Name doch einen besonders bitteren Geschmack in meinem Mund.

    Abgesehen davon hätte es mich auch nicht überraschen sollen, dass uns eben jene Tunnel in andere Teile Sil'dihs führten. Dennoch war ich richtiggehend geschockt, mich plötzlich im Palast wiederzufinden! Wäre das Bauwerk nicht unter die Erde gesunken, hätten Thanalans Sand, Sonne und Wind es zweifelsohne zerfressen. Doch in ihrem kühlen, unterirdischen Kokon sind die Gemächer nahezu perfekt erhalten geblieben.

    Wie selten es vorkommen mag, Ruinen in derlei gutem Zustand zu finden. Dieser Fund wird unsere Historiker noch jahrelang beschäftigen, sofern sie ihren Weg durch die verschlungenen Tunnel finden. Einen sicheren Weg zu schaffen, soll der erste Schritt sein.
  • Jadis, la scission de l'antique cité de Belah'dia donna naissance à deux nouvelles entités : Ul'dah et Sil'dih. D'après les recueils d'histoire, au bout d'un rude conflit, les Sildiens connurent une fin atroce sous l'emprise d'une poudre putréfactrice qui les décima au complet. La nouvelle capitale, notre belle Ul'dah, fut ensuite fondée sur les décombres de sa jumelle, mais ces derniers peuvent encore être aperçus çà et là autour de la cité, et plus particulièrement dans ses souterrains. Les installations qui y avaient été construites prouvèrent qu'elles pouvaient encore être très utiles pour faire circuler l'eau dans les environs; elles furent naturellement baptisées les “canalisations sildiennes”. L'ironie de ce nom ne manqua pas de frapper les esprits les plus aiguisés, puisque l'antagonisme entre Uldiens et Sildiens avait émergé en raison de disputes autour des sources d'eau.

    Il n'y a rien de foncièrement surprenant à ce que ces canalisations mènent à d'autres vestiges de Sil'dih, mais en les parcourant, nous ne nous imaginions pas mettre soudainement les pieds dans le palais abandonné! S'il avait été situé à la surface, les vents brûlants du Thanalan auraient depuis longtemps provoqué son érosion, mais grâce à l'atmosphère plus clémente des profondeurs, il est en quelque sorte resté figé dans un passé révolu.

    Voilà le genre de découverte que nous ne ferons certainement qu'une fois dans notre vie! Un palais aussi bien conservé fera à coup sûr le bonheur de nos archéologues, pour autant qu'ils puissent parvenir jusqu'à lui sans encombre. Aménager une voie d'accès aussi sûre et rapide que possible doit désormais faire partie de nos priorités.
  • ベラフディアから分裂し、対立を深めていったウルダハとシラディハ。その結末は歴史に語られる通り、ゾンビパウダーによるシラディハの滅亡によって幕を閉じた。のちに、ウルダハはシラディハの都があった場所へと遷都したゆえ、現在の都周辺や地下深くには、かの国の遺構が残されておる。上下水道を整備した折にも遺構を利用したため「シラディハ水道」と名付けられたそうだが……両国の対立が水源を巡る争いで激化したことを思えば、なんとも皮肉めいたものを感じずにはいられぬ。


  • 贝拉哈迪亚一分为二,成了对立中的两国乌尔达哈与希拉狄哈。正如历史所述,来生神之泪毁灭了希拉狄哈为两国之争画上了永远的句号。不久之后乌尔达哈就迁都至希拉狄哈旧日都城所在的地方,因此,如今在乌尔达哈王都的周边和地下深处还有大量的希拉狄哈遗迹。建造上下水道时,借用了当时的遗迹,因此得名“希拉狄哈水道”……多么讽刺啊,要知道当年两国大规模战争的导火索正是水源地之争。
  • 벨라흐디아에서 분열한 후 대립이 심해져 갔던 울다하와 실디하. 그 결말은 역사에 전해지는 대로 좀비 파우더로 인해 실디하가 멸망하며 막을 내렸다. 후에 울다하는 실디하의 수도가 있던 곳으로 천도하였기에, 현재 수도 주변이나 지하 깊숙한 곳에는 실디하의 유적이 남아 있다. 상하수도를 정비했을 때에도 유적을 이용했기에 '실디하 지하수도'라는 이름을 붙인 듯하나…… 수원을 둘러싼 분쟁으로 두 나라가 격하게 대립했던 것을 생각하면, 이 얼마나 얄궂은 일인가 싶다.
    유적을 이용한 수로이니 다른 유적으로 이어져 있다고 해도 이상할 것은 없지만, 설마 실디하 왕궁으로 추정되는 장소로 이어질 줄이야. 지상에 노출되어 있었다면 다날란의 뜨거운 햇빛과 모래 섞인 바람을 맞고 풍화가 진행되었으리라. 그러나 지하 깊숙이 매몰된 덕에, 마치 시간이 멈춘 듯이 보존되어 있었다.
    그 정도로 상태가 좋은 유적은 그리 쉽게 찾을 수 없을 것이다. 때문에 사학자들에게는 중요한 조사 대상이 될 터이다. 다만 그 복잡한 수로에서 헤맨다면 유적에 도착하기는 어렵겠지. 우선 가는 길을 정비해야겠다.

9. Raising the Flags

9. Die Fahnen gehisst

9. Drapeaux et symboles

9. 国旗に掲げるもの

9. 国旗飘扬

9. 국기에 내건 것

Schritt 09

  • When we came across the banner of Sil'dih, so alike to our Ul'dahn flag, I was reminded that the first sultans of those warring nations were twin brothers. Yet the reason behind the design's similarity has naught to do with sibling imitation. In Belah'dia's time, 'twas the Flame of Magic and the Fruit of Knowledge which sat the scales of judgment. Ul'dah took the Flame as its own, balancing the scales with the Gem of Affluence, whilst Sil'dih claimed the Fruit, and set it against the Helm of Might. Each thought himself the rightful heir, and thus did both raise flags depicting the bounties of Belah'dia.

    Both included a symbol of strength, but the difference lay in its interpretation: Ul'dah believed in the potency of its magicks; Sil'dih, in its military might. The gladiators who train in our Coliseum are mayhap the closest embodiment of Sil'dihn philosophy.

    In fact, reflecting on the encounter now, the fierce gladiator construct lurking in the palace depths could not have been a more apt incarnation of their beliefs: from the exquisite embossment of grapes upon its formidable helm, to the way its gleaming form─the same silvery hue as Sil'dih's scales─illuminated the subterranean gloom. Through all these years did it stand patient guard, faithfully serving a master centuries dead, and a nation long since fallen into ruin. 'Tis enough to turn one's mood melancholy.
  • Als wir auf das Banner von Sil'dih stießen, unserer eigenen Flagge so ähnlich, wurde ich daran erinnert, dass die ersten Sultane dieser verfeindeten Nationen Zwillingsbrüder waren. Doch die Wappen haben mit brüderlichem Einklang wenig zu tun. Zu Belah'dias Zeiten thronten die Flamme der Magie und die Frucht der Weisheit auf den Waagschalen. Ul'dah machte sich die Flamme zu eigen und glich sie mit dem Diamant des Reichtums aus. Sil'dih hingegen wählte die Frucht und balancierte sie mit dem Helm der Macht. Jedes Königreich wähnte sich als den rechtmäßigen Erben von Belah'dia und so zeigten ihre Banner jeweils ihr reiches Vermächtnis.

    Mit beiden Flaggen wurde ein Symbol der Stärke gehisst, doch der Unterschied liegt in ihrer jeweiligen Interpretation: Ul'dah glaubte an die Macht seiner Magie, während Sil'dih sich seinem Militär verschrieb. Die Gladiatoren in unserem Kolosseum könnten daher die direktesten Nachkommen von Sil'dihs Philosophie sein.

    Denke ich jetzt an unsere Begegnung mit dem künstlichen Gladiator in den Ruinen zurück, muss ich zugeben, dass es kaum einen besseren Ausdruck dieser Glaubenssätze gibt: von der perfekten Traubenprägung auf seinem Helm bis zu seiner glänzenden Gestalt, die ebenso silbern glänzt wie die Waagschalen von Sil'dih. All die langen Jahre stand er Wache, dem toten Meister und dem gefallenen Reich treu ergeben. Ich muss die Feder nun niederlegen, ehe mich die Melancholie übermannt.
  • Lorsque nous avons posé les yeux sur le drapeau national sildien, nous nous sommes rappelé à quel point Ul'dah et Sil'dih partageaient des racines communes, notamment en raison de la gémellité de leurs souverains. Toutefois, ce n'est pas la seule et unique raison pour laquelle leurs bannières se ressemblent autant. Du temps de Belah'dia, la balance de la justice portait sur ses plateaux le feu sacré et le raisin. C'est par la suite qu'Ul'dah hérita symboliquement du feu, signe de pouvoir, tandis que Sil'dih s'appropria le raisin, signe de sagesse; quant au joyau incarnant la richesse et au casque représentant la force, ils servaient à maintenir l'équilibre de leurs plateaux respectifs. Si les Uldiens et les Sildiens se sont autant inspirés de Belah'dia pour leurs drapeaux, c'était aussi parce que chacun des deux peuples successeurs voulait prouver à l'autre la supériorité de sa légitimité.

    En outre, malgré leur identique volonté de mettre en avant une représentation de l'idée de pouvoir sur leur étendard, celui envisagé par Ul'dah est principalement lié à la magie, tandis que celui de Sil'dih se rapporte en premier lieu à l'art de la guerre, ce qui indique une divergence de vues fondamentale. À ce propos, il nous paraît désormais évident que les gladiateurs qui s'affrontent dans notre Colisée sont davantage en symbiose avec la vision sildienne.

    En y réfléchissant de plus près, la statue géante que notre garde du corps a affrontée au fond du palais en affichait également tous les symboles. Son casque était décoré de raisin aux motifs subtils; quant à son armure, elle brillait du même éclat argenté que la balance sildienne, malgré le manque de luminosité des sous-sols. Quand nous pensons qu'elle devait errer là depuis une éternité, remplissant seule son devoir de gardienne malgré la disparition de ses maîtres, les larmes nous montent aux yeux...
  • シラディハの国旗を目にしたとき、ウルダハとシラディハの初代国王が双子であったことが改めて思い起こさせられた。しかし、両国の国旗が似通っているのは、なにもそれが理由というわけではない。ベラフディアの時代、審理の天秤には聖火と葡萄が並んでおった。のちに、ウルダハは力を象徴する聖火を、シラディハは知恵を象徴する葡萄を受け継ぎ、富を示す宝石と力を示す大兜によって、それぞれ天秤の均衡を図ったという。そうして、両国がベラフディアと類似した国旗を掲げたのは、自国こそが正当な後継者であると主張するためでもあったのだ。


  • 每当看到希拉狄哈的国旗,就不由得会想起乌尔达哈和希拉狄哈两国的初代国王是一对双胞胎。不过,两国的国旗之所以会如此相似,并不是因为这个原因。回到贝拉哈迪亚时代,国旗上的审理之天平两端安放着的还是圣火和葡萄。后来,乌尔达哈继承了象征力量的圣火,希拉狄哈则传承了象征智慧的葡萄,双方又各自选用了代表财富的宝石和代表力量的头盔平衡天平。两国均高举己方那面与贝拉哈迪亚已一脉相承的国旗,宣称本国作为天命所归的继承者的正当性。
  • 실디하 국기를 보았을 때, 울다하와 실디하의 초대 국왕이 쌍둥이였다는 사실이 새삼 떠올랐다. 그러나 두 나라의 국기가 비슷한 이유는 그 때문이 아니다. 벨라흐디아 시대, 심판의 저울에는 성화와 포도가 올려져 있었다. 후에 울다하는 힘을 상징하는 성화를, 실디하는 지혜를 상징하는 포도를 이어받아, 부를 나타내는 보석과 힘을 나타내는 투구로써 각각 저울의 균형을 맞추었다고 한다. 그렇게 두 나라가 벨라흐디아와 비슷한 국기를 내건 까닭은 자국이 정당한 후계자임을 주장하기 위해서이기도 했다.
    양쪽 다 '힘'을 국기에 내세웠지만, 울다하의 힘은 '마법'이며, 실디하의 힘은 '무술'로 그 성질이 크게 다르다. 우리나라 투기장에 모이는 검투사들의 존재는 실디하에서 내세운 '힘'에 가까울지도 모르지.
    이제 와서 생각해 보니, 마지막에 기다리고 있던 투박한 수호자는 참으로 그 나라다운 모습이었다. 머리를 보호하는 투구에는 섬세한 포도 장식이 새겨져 있었지. 그리고 실디하의 저울과 같은 은백색 몸은 어두컴컴한 지하에서 더욱 눈부시게 빛났다. 허나 실디하는 이미 오래전에 멸망했으니, 섬기는 주인을 잃고도 왕궁을 지켜왔다는 사실이 서글프기도 하구나.

10. My Mother's Eyes

10. Die Augen meiner Mutter

10. Les yeux de Mère

10. 母上の瞳

10. 母亲的眼瞳

10. 어머님의 눈동자

Schritt 09

  • How, in the name of the Nald'thal, did that burglar manage to creep into a treasure chamber sealed off from the outside world for generations? Aside from the gate only my key could open, I saw no other means of entering the ruins. Although considering the prevalence of secret doors and passages in its construction, the remnants may very well have other entrances of which I am simply not aware.

    Yet in spite of this mystery, I find myself lingering most on the scrawled note our thief left behind. The first item was an obvious reference to “Nashachite,” which must somehow relate to one of the ruins' many riddles. 'Tis how it relates to me, however, that truly has my thoughts in a jumble.

    Nashachite was the name Ul'dahn jewelers gave to the high-quality malachite excavated from the reopened Copperbell Mines. This was after the Calamity, of course, and thus I took umbrage at these merchants using my late mother's name as a means to promote their wares.

    And then I was presented with a sample. 'Twas as if the gentle sparkle of Mother's eyes was captured within the stone. Much to my chagrin, I found myself forced to agree that “Nashachite” was the perfect fit for this gem of exquisite green.
  • Bei den Göttern! Wie ist es diesem Dieb nur gelungen, in die gänzlich vor der Außenwelt verborgene Schatzkammer zu gelangen?! Außer der Pforte, die nur mein Schlüssel öffnen konnte, ist mir kein anderer Zugang in die Ruinen aufgefallen. Andererseits wimmelt es in ihnen derart von geheimen Gängen und Türen, dass es durchaus mehrere Eingänge als nur den mir bekannten geben muss.

    Weitaus mehr beschäftigt mich jedoch die hastig verfasste Notiz, die unser Dieb hinterließ. Zweifelsohne bezog er sich auf „Nanasha-Malachit“, was wiederum mit einem der vielen Rätsel der Ruinen selbst zu tun haben muss. Doch gelingt mir der geistige Brückenschlag nicht, inwieweit das nun mit mir zu tun haben soll.

    Nanasha-Malachit ist der Name, den Ul'dahs Juwelenschleifer eben jenem hochkarätigen Malachit verliehen, der in der wiedereröffneten Kupferglocken-Miene gefördert wurde. Das war natürlich nach der siebten Katastrophe, also nahm ich Anstoß an dem Fakt, dass sie den Namen meiner verstorbenen Mutter benutzten, um für ihre Waren zu werben.

    Bis man mir selbst einen solchen Malachit zeigte. Mir war, als wäre der sanfte Schein von Mutters Augen in dem Gestein bewahrt und mir fehlten jegliche Worte des Einspruchs. Es war wahrhaftig der angemessenste Name für das wundervolle Grün.
  • Comment diable un pilleur de tombes est-il parvenu à s'introduire dans une salle au trésor aussi profondément enfouie? Hormis la porte d'entrée principale, elle ne disposait pourtant d'aucune autre voie d'accès! Tout du moins pas d'après nos observations, mais l'honnêteté exige d'admettre que nous ne sommes pas au fait de toutes les spécificités de l'architecture sildienne, surtout lorsqu'il s'agit d'une construction telle que le palais du sultan.

    Quoi qu'il en soit, il nous est difficile d'effacer de notre mémoire le contenu du message laissé par ce mystérieux intrus. Il faisait assurément référence à la nashachite... Serait-ce un indice permettant d'accéder à une salle secrète? La simple mention de ce minerai précieux éveille en nous des souvenirs assez délicats...

    Lors des divers travaux de reconstruction qui ont suivi les dégâts causés par le septième fléau, les joailliers uldiens ont découvert une malachite de très haute qualité dans les Mines de Clochecuivre qui venaient de rouvrir. Ce sont eux qui l'ont baptisée “nashachite”. Nous ne leur en aurions pas tenu rigueur si Mère avait encore été en pleine santé, mais réutiliser son nom dans un but mercantile alors qu'elle n'était plus de ce monde nous parut être une faute de goût évidente, voire un manque de respect.

    Et puis un jour, on nous présenta les pierres précieuses en question. À notre grande surprise, leur douce lueur nous rappela immédiatement les beaux yeux verts de Mère, source de son regard si bienveillant. Nous fûmes alors bien obligée d'admettre que nos joailliers avaient été particulièrement inspirés...
  • 長年、地中深くに封じられていた遺構に、盗掘者が入り込んでおったとは驚いたものよ。入口の扉以外に、侵入できそうな場所など、見当たらなかったというのに。だが、あの複雑な構造を思えば、未だ把握できていない入口があっても不思議ではないか。



  • 可真没想到,连这种常年封闭的地下遗迹都能有盗墓的人闯进来。朕看遍了一路,愣是没找到除了入口以外能进去的地方。当然,考虑到遗迹的构造这么复杂,还有朕没能发现的入口也不算怪事。
  • 오랜 세월 땅속 깊숙이 봉인되어 있던 유적에 도굴꾼이 들어왔었다니 놀랍도다. 입구 문 이외에 침입할 수 있을 만한 곳은 보이지 않았는데. 그러나 그 복잡한 구조라면, 아직 파악하지 못한 입구가 있어도 이상할 것 없지.
    그건 그렇고, 도굴꾼이 남긴 듯한 휘갈긴 흔적…… 지금 생각해 보면 '나나샤 공작석'을 가리킨 듯도 하다. 그게 숨겨진 장소에 다다르는 열쇠일까. 그런데 하필 나나샤 공작석이라니, 기분이 복잡해지는구나.
    제7재해 후, 재건에 따른 특수로 재개발이 진행된 구리종 광산…… 울다하의 보석상들은 그곳에서 채굴되는 고품질 공작석에 '나나샤 공작석'이라는 이름을 붙였다. 어머님께서 건재하셨다면 몰라도, 돌아가신 후에 그 이름을 장사에 이용했으니 당연히 불쾌했지.
    그러나 나나샤 공작석이 헌상되었을 때, 문득 그 부드러운 빛이 어머님의 다정한 눈동자와 겹쳐 보였다. 그 아름다운 비취색을 실제로 보니, 분하지만 그 이름을 인정할 수밖에 없었다…….

11. The Thorne Legacy

11. Das Vermächtnis der Thorne

11. Le trésor des Thorne

11. ソーン朝の宝物庫

11. 索恩朝的宝库

11. 손 왕조의 보물고

Schritt 09

  • “Sil'dih aqueducts. Thorne. Vault.” I noticed these words scribbled on the back of the burglar's note we found, but was too preoccupied to give them much thought at the time. Did the intruder believe that a secret cache of Thorne riches was to be found somewhere in the waterways? An odd notion, given that the House of Thorne was well known for its honesty and integrity. After all, 'twas a sultan of their dynasty who willingly transferred power back to the House of Ul, and there was nary a peep to imply any wrongful withdrawals from the royal treasury. Assuming they had secreted wealth in some hidden location, it would have been done with the full cooperation of the Ul family─with the particulars passed down to successive sultans.

    Father would have known of the arrangement, and he did speak of slumbering memories which should not be forgotten. Was this one of those things my parents wished me to see when I came of age?

    I have considered a hundred potential scenarios for what they might have meant, each more fanciful than the last. And although the Sil'dihn palace was indeed an eye-opening discovery, I sense that Father alluded to a matter of even deeper import...
  • „Kanäle von Sil'dih. Thorne. Lager.“ Diese Worte waren auf der Rückseite des Zettels geschrieben, die der Einbrecher hinterlassen hatte. Als wir sie fanden, war ich allerdings zu sehr von anderen Dingen abgelenkt, um mich angemessen mit ihnen zu befassen. Glaubte der Eindringling, dass sich irgendwo in den Kanälen eine geheime Kammer voller Reichtümer der Thorne befand? Eine seltsame Hoffnung, war das Haus Thorne doch vor allem für Aufrichtigkeit und Rechtschaffenheit bekannt. Schließlich war es ein Sultan eben jener Dynastie, der die Regentschaft freiwillig wieder an das Haus Ul übertrug. Nichts in der Geschichte der Thornes deutet auf unrechtmäßigen Zugriff auf die königlichen Schatzkammern hin. Besäßen sie tatsächlich einen verborgenen Schatz, so wäre dieser dem Haus von Ul nicht nur bekannt, sondern auch genehmigt worden. Soll heißen, alle folgenden Sultane und Sultanas wären darüber informiert.

    Mein Vater hätte zweifelsohne davon gewusst- und sprach er nicht von schlummernden Erinnerungen, die wir nicht vergessen dürfen? Ist dies eines der Geheimnisse, in die er mich in erwachsenem Alter hätte einweihen wollen?

    In meinem Kopf schwirrten stets tausend Dinge, die meine Eltern damit gemeint haben könnten- eine Vorstellung bunter und wilder als die nächste. Und während Sil'dih zweifelsohne eine brisante Entdeckung war, so glaube ich doch, dass mein Vater noch eine gewichtigere Sache im Sinn hatte.
  • Les “canalisations sildiennes”, la “dynastie des Thorne”, leur “chambre forte”... Tous ces mots griffonnés au dos du bout de papier du pillard anonyme nous ont mis la puce à l'oreille. L'individu croyait-il vraiment que les Thorne avaient enseveli leurs trésors les plus précieux dans les entrailles de la terre? Cela contreviendrait pourtant à leur réputation d'honnêteté et de transparence. Lorsque leur dernier sultan a rendu le pouvoir à la dynastie des Ul, personne à notre connaissance ne s'est plaint de malversations financières ou de transferts illégaux d'objets précieux... De toute manière, une telle entreprise n'aurait jamais pu être menée à bien sans l'accord des Ul. Par conséquent, il est impensable que Père n'ait pas été au courant.

    Et en effet, en nous confiant la clef, Père nous a bien précisé qu'elle ouvrait le chemin vers “des souvenirs profondément enfouis dans la mémoire des Uldiens”... Peut-être était-ce cela qu'il voulait nous dévoiler une fois que nous serions devenue adulte?

    Malgré tout le temps passé à retourner cette question dans tous les sens, nous n'avons toujours pas franchi le domaine des conjectures. La découverte du palais sildien nous a déjà fait grande impression, mais les paroles de Père laissent à penser que nous sommes loin d'avoir percé tous les mystères de ces sous-sols...
  • 遺構で見つけた紙切れの裏面には、「シラディハ水道」「ソーン朝」「保管庫」という単語が走り書きされておった。盗掘者は、ソーン朝時代の保管庫がシラディハ水道にあるとでも考えていたのか。だが、ソーン朝は清廉潔白さで知られていた。現在の第二期ウル朝への移行ですら、ソーン朝の王の意向によるものであり、王家の財宝を不法に持ち出すようなこともなかったと伝え聞く……。仮に、ソーンの一族が財宝をいずこかへと隠したのだとしても、ウルの一族に同意を得ていたことだろう。だとすれば、歴代のウルの王たち、そして父上は何かご存じだったのやもしれぬ。


  • 在遗迹里找到的那张纸的背面,朕找到了“希拉狄哈水道”、“索恩朝”、“宝物库”这几个单词的涂鸦。那些盗墓者似乎认为索恩朝的宝库就藏在希拉狄哈水道的某处。然而索恩朝向来以他们清廉节俭的政风而闻名。若不是索恩朝的国王愿意禅位,现在的第二乌尔朝都不会存在。朕从未听说过索恩朝有任何将王室宝物擅自带走藏匿的传闻……假设索恩一族的人真的将财宝藏在了某个地方,他们也定然知会了乌尔一族。若这个设想成立,那就可以假定乌尔家的历代国王都对此知情,而朕的父王当然也对此有所了解。
  • 유적에서 발견된 종잇조각 뒷면에는 '실디하 지하수도', '손씨 왕조', '보물고'라는 단어가 휘갈겨져 있었다. 도굴꾼은 실디하 지하수도에 손씨 왕조 시대의 보관고가 있다고 생각했던 것일까. 그러나 손씨 왕조는 청렴결백한 것으로 널리 알려져 있다. 현재의 제2기 울 왕조로 이행한 것 또한 손씨 왕조 왕의 뜻이었으며, 왕가의 재산을 불법으로 반출한 적도 없었다고 전해지지……. 설령 손씨 일족이 어딘가에 재산을 숨겨 놓았다 해도, 울씨 일족의 동의하에 했을 것이다. 그렇다면, 역대 울씨 왕들과 아버님은 무언가 알고 계셨을지도 모른다.
    아버님은 그 열쇠를 주시면서 열쇠가 지키는 땅에 울다하의 중요한 '추억'이 잠들어 있다고 말씀하셨다. 그리고 성장한 나에게 그것을 보여주고 싶다고…… 어쩌면 그것을 뜻하는 것일까.
    이모저모 생각을 해보았지만, 모두 다 억측에 지나지 않는다. 적어도 이번에 방문한 실디하 왕궁으로 추정되는 유적에는 그럴듯한 장소가 없었지만, 아버님이 하신 말씀을 고려하면, 어딘가에 아직도 잠들어 있는 무언가가 있을지도 모르겠구나.

12. In Parchment We Trust

12. Ein letzter Brief

12. Le message du cœur

12. 父上と母上からの手紙

12. 父王和母后的信

12. 아버님과 어머님의 편지

Schritt 09

  • Deep beneath Ul'dah, beyond the twisting tunnels of the Sil'dihn aqueducts, we have discovered a vault in which slumbers a precious legacy. In its center, a catalog of evidence emblazoned with the words: “For coin, country, and comrades-in-arms, we bequeath this trust to the House of Ul.”

    This solemn declaration, signed by the last sultan of Thorne, was followed by several pages of florid signatures─a procession of Ul'dahn rulers which ends with the name of my own father. And wedged there, betwixt one page and the next, a faded missive penned in his distinctive hand.

    Addressed with the hope that the reader be “our darling Nanamo,” the letter describes the purpose of the vault. 'Tis a place known only to the royal heirs; a secure archive wherein evidence of Ul'dah's alliance with the Amalj'aa is preserved. And though tradition dictated this trust be passed on by word of mouth, Father felt that, should worse come to worst, 'twas safer to have an explanation committed to parchment.

    “Dearest Nanamo, we wonder what manner of woman you have become. We know the role of sultana will challenge you in myriad ways, but no matter how your rule unfolds, remember that you shall ever be our greatest achievement. Seize what happiness you may each day, for joy is worth more than all the gil in Ul'dah.”

    Mother. Father. Be assured that 'tis not sorrow which causes these tears to fall, but overwhelming pride. Now, in this moment, I am simply happy to be your daughter.
  • Tief unter Ul'dah, in den verschlungenen Kanälen von Sil'dih, fanden wir eine Kammer, in der ein gar kostbares Erbe schlummert. Und im Zentrum ein Register, auf dem die stolzen Worte prangten: „Für Münze, Land und Kameraden setzen wir dieses Vertrauen in das Haus Ul.“

    Diesem feierlichen Schwur, unterzeichnet vom letzten Sultan der Thorne, folgten viele Seiten eleganter Unterschriften, die allesamt aus der Feder der Herrschaftsfamilie Ul'dahs stammten. Der Name meines Vaters bildete den Abschluss. Es war auch diese Seite, in der ein gealterter Brief aus seiner Hand klemmte.

    Hoffnungsschwanger an seine „geliebte Tochter Nanamo“ adressiert, erklärte er den Zweck dieser Kammer. Ein geheimer Ort, um den lediglich die Erben des Königshauses wissen und ein geschütztes Archiv, in dem die Beweise für Ul'dahs Allianz mit den Amalj'aa verwahrt sind. Die Tradition diktiert, dass dieses Geheimnis lediglich mündlich weitergegeben werden darf, aber Vater spürte, dass es in meinem Fall einer zusätzlichen Erklärung per Brief bedürfen könnte.

    „Geliebte Nanamo! Als wir diese Zeilen schreiben, fragen wir uns, zu was für einer Frau du wohl herangereift sein magst. Die Rolle der Sultana konfrontiert dich zweifelsohne mit Abertausend Herausforderungen, aber ganz gleich, welchen Weg deine Regentschaft auch einschlägt: Nie sollst du vergessen, dass du unser größter Stolz bist. Greife nach dem Glück, das dir jeder Tag beschert, denn Freude und Lachen sind mehr wert als alle Gil in Ul'dah.“

    Meine lieben, lieben Eltern... Seid euch versichert, dass die Tränen, die nun auf diese Seite fallen, keine Tränen des Kummers sind. Es ist der Stolz, mich eure Tocher nennen zu dürfen, der sie mich vergießen lässt.
  • Par-delà les canalisations sildiennes qui serpentent dans les souterrains de notre cité, nous sommes parvenue jusqu'à une chambre forte contenant des trésors inestimables. En tête de leur inventaire figuraient les mots suivants : “À la famille royale uldienne, dans l'intérêt de son peuple et des peuples voisins.” Et juste en dessous, la signature du dernier sultan de la dynastie des Thorne... Les pages suivantes contenaient une liste des noms des souverains uldiens; le dernier d'entre eux était celui de Père. Calée entre les deux pages suivantes, nous découvrîmes une lettre manuscrite où nous reconnûmes immédiatement son écriture : “Puisse notre fille Nanamo être celle qui lira cette lettre...”

    La suite du texte expliquait la raison d'être de la salle au trésor : conserver les preuves de l'alliance passée entre les humains et les Amalj'aa. Son existence ne devait être connue que des membres de la famille du sultan, et son secret transmis de manière exclusivement orale. Cependant, en raison de circonstances indépendantes de sa volonté, Père avait jugé indispensable de prendre la plume et de coucher certains éléments sur le papier afin de parer à toute éventualité.

    “Nanamo, notre enfant... Comme tu dois être belle maintenant que tu as atteint la fleur de l'âge! Nous ne doutons pas que tu seras à la hauteur de ton rôle de sultane malgré les nombreuses difficultés qui se dresseront sur ton chemin. Quand leur poids sera trop lourd pour tes frêles épaules, n'oublie pas que pour ta mère et nous, tu seras toujours notre plus grande fierté. Puisses-tu garder toujours sur ton visage ce joli sourire et ces charmantes joues roses qui ne t'ont jamais quittée depuis le berceau.”

    Père, Mère... Merci pour tout votre amour et votre soutien. Ce sourire qui orne nos joues roses au moment où nous écrivons ces lignes, nous vous le dédions.
  • シラディハ水道で発見したのは、財宝が眠る保管庫だった。残されていた目録の冒頭には、「民と隣人のためにウル王家へと引き継ぐ」という宣言とともに、ソーン朝最後の王の名が記されている。続くページには歴代の王たちの名が連なり、その最後、父上の署名が記されたページには、色褪せた一通の手紙が挟まれていた。「この手紙を読む者が、愛しき娘ナナモであることを祈る」……それは、まごうことなき父上の筆跡であった。



  • 在希拉狄哈水道的深处发现了装满财宝的仓库。保存在其中的目录顶上写有“愿乌尔王室能为了民众与近邻继承这一切”的宣言,落款则是索恩朝末代国王的名字,后续的页面上还有历代国王的签字。这本目录的最后,由朕的父王签名的那一页夹着一张已然褪色的信件。“愿爱女娜娜莫能读到此信”……这封用父王的笔迹写就的信件上留下了如此的字眼。
  • 실디하 지하수도에서 보물이 잠들어 있는 보관고를 발견했다. 그곳에 남겨진 목록의 서두에는 '백성과 이웃을 위하여, 울 왕가에 인계하노라'라는 선언과 함께 손씨 왕조 마지막 왕의 이름이 기록되어 있었다. 다음 장에는 역대 왕들의 이름이 나열되었고, 마지막 장에는 아버님의 서명과 함께 빛바랜 편지 한 통이 끼워져 있었다. "이 편지를 읽는 자가 사랑하는 딸 나나모이기를 바란다"……. 그것은 틀림없는 아버님의 필적이었다.
    편지에는, 이 보관고는 왕위 계승자만 아는 곳이며 손씨 왕조 시대에 '아말쟈족과 함께 싸운 증거'를 보관해둔 곳이라고 쓰여 있었다. 원래는 왕이 다음 왕에게 말로써 전해야 하는 일이나, 만일의 사태에 대비해 편지를 남기신 것이다.
    "나나모는 어떤 어른으로 성장할까. 여왕의 길은 너를 적잖이 괴롭게 하겠지. 하지만 이것만은 명심해다오. 너는 여왕이기 이전에 우리의 소중하고 자랑스러운 딸이란다. 오늘도 네가 부드러운 뺨을 연분홍색으로 물들이며 수줍고도 사랑스럽게 미소짓기를. 우리가 무엇보다 바라는 일이란다."……. 아버님과 어머님의 서명으로 편지는 끝을 맺었다.
    아버님, 어머님…… 부디, 부디, 안심하세요. 저는 지금, 이 순간을, 웃으며 보내고 있사옵니다…….
Gewölbesuche Bosse

Geryon The Steer

Geryon The Steer

Allgemeine Hinweise

  • Die folgenden Angriffe haben sind entweder unbekannt oder haben keine klare Herkunft

Hinweise zu den Mechaniken

  • sequence-mechanic-note-01


  • sequence-attack-01
ID: 74C6
TankAuto-Angriff Single
ID: 1963
Exploding Catapult
Exploding Catapult
roletag AoE
ID: 74C7
Important Notes:
  • note
roletag AoE
ID: 74D9
Important Notes:
  • note
Runaway Runoff
Runaway Runoff
roletag AoE
ID: 74D7
Important Notes:
  • note
Runaway Sludge
Runaway Sludge
roletag Single
ID: 74D6
Important Notes:
  • note
Suddenly Sewage
Suddenly Sewage
roletag Single
ID: 74D8
Fügt Status hinzu.
Important Notes:
  • note
Colossal Charge
Colossal Charge
Important Notes:
  • Variation-note BIG
Skill-ID: 74CC
Variation-role 1Variation-tag 1AoE
Fügt Status hinzu.
Important Notes:
  • Variation-note 1
Skill-ID: 74CD
Variation-role 1Variation-tag 1AoE
Important Notes:
  • Variation-note 1
Colossal Slam
Colossal Slam
roletag Single
ID: 74D0
Important Notes:
  • note
Colossal Launch
Colossal Launch
roletag AoE
ID: 74C8
Important Notes:
  • note
Colossal Swing
Colossal Swing
roletag Single
ID: 74D1
Fügt Status hinzu.
Important Notes:
  • note
Colossal Strike
Colossal Strike
roletag Single
ID: 74CF
Important Notes:
  • note
Rolling Boulder
Rolling Boulder
roletag Single
ID: 74DA
Important Notes:
  • note
Subterranean Shudder
Subterranean Shudder
roletag AoE
ID: 74D2
Important Notes:
  • note
roletag AoE
ID: 74CE
Important Notes:
  • note
Important Notes:
  • Variation-note BIG
Skill-ID: 74C9
Variation-role 1Variation-tag 1Single
Important Notes:
  • Variation-note 1
Skill-ID: 74CA
Variation-role 1Variation-tag 1Single
Important Notes:
  • Variation-note 1
Skill-ID: 74CB
Variation-role 1Variation-tag 1AoE
Important Notes:
  • Variation-note 1
Vulnerability Up
Vulnerability Up
Status-ID: 6FD
Damage taken is increased.
Folgende Zeiten wurden für diesen Debuff gefunden (kann Rundungsfehler enthalten):
60 sek
Important Notes:
  • note



Allgemeine Hinweise

  • Die folgenden Angriffe haben sind entweder unbekannt oder haben keine klare Herkunft

Hinweise zu den Mechaniken

  • sequence-mechanic-note-01


  • sequence-attack-01
Wash Out
Wash Out
Important Notes:
  • Variation-note BIG
Skill-ID: 7745
Variation-role 1Variation-tag 1AoE
Important Notes:
  • Variation-note 1
Skill-ID: 7746
Variation-role 1Variation-tag 1AoE
Important Notes:
  • Variation-note 1
TankAuto-Angriff Single
ID: 1961
Squeaky Left
Squeaky Left
Fügt Status hinzu.
Important Notes:
  • Variation-note BIG
Skill-ID: 772E
Variation-role 1Variation-tag 1Single
Important Notes:
  • Variation-note 1
Skill-ID: 7732
Variation-role 1Variation-tag 1Single
Important Notes:
  • Variation-note 1
Skill-ID: 7733
Variation-role 1Variation-tag 1Single
Important Notes:
  • Variation-note 1
Skill-ID: 7734
Variation-role 1Variation-tag 1Single
Fügt Status hinzu.
Important Notes:
  • Variation-note 1
Squeaky Right
Squeaky Right
Fügt Status hinzu.
Important Notes:
  • Variation-note BIG
Skill-ID: 772D
Variation-role 1Variation-tag 1Single
Important Notes:
  • Variation-note 1
Skill-ID: 772F
Variation-role 1Variation-tag 1Single
Important Notes:
  • Variation-note 1
Skill-ID: 7730
Variation-role 1Variation-tag 1Single
Important Notes:
  • Variation-note 1
Skill-ID: 7731
Variation-role 1Variation-tag 1Single
Fügt Status hinzu.
Important Notes:
  • Variation-note 1
Soap's Up
Soap's Up
roletag Single
ID: 7737
Important Notes:
  • note
Spot Remover
Spot Remover
Important Notes:
  • Variation-note BIG
Skill-ID: 7742
Variation-role 1Variation-tag 1Single
Important Notes:
  • Variation-note 1
Skill-ID: 7743
Variation-role 1Variation-tag 1Single
Important Notes:
  • Variation-note 1
Fresh Puff
Fresh Puff
roletag Single
ID: 773D
Important Notes:
  • note
Chilling Suds
Chilling Suds
roletag Single
ID: 7736
Fügt Status hinzu.
Important Notes:
  • note
Chilling Duster
Chilling Duster
Fügt Status hinzu.
Important Notes:
  • Variation-note BIG
Skill-ID: 7738
Variation-role 1Variation-tag 1Single
Important Notes:
  • Variation-note 1
Skill-ID: 773B
Variation-role 1Variation-tag 1Single
Fügt Status hinzu.
Important Notes:
  • Variation-note 1
Skill-ID: 773F
Variation-role 1Variation-tag 1AoE
Fügt Status hinzu.
Important Notes:
  • Variation-note 1
Puff And Tumble
Puff And Tumble
Important Notes:
  • Variation-note BIG
Skill-ID: 774C
Variation-role 1Variation-tag 1Single
Important Notes:
  • Variation-note 1
Skill-ID: 77C0
Variation-role 1Variation-tag 1Single
Important Notes:
  • Variation-note 1
Slippery Soap
Slippery Soap
roletag Single
ID: 773A
Important Notes:
  • note
Soaping Spree
Soaping Spree
roletag Single
ID: 773E
Important Notes:
  • note
Bracing Suds
Bracing Suds
roletag Single
ID: 7735
Fügt Status hinzu.
Important Notes:
  • note
Bracing Duster
Bracing Duster
Fügt Status hinzu.
Important Notes:
  • Variation-note BIG
Skill-ID: 7739
Variation-role 1Variation-tag 1Single
Important Notes:
  • Variation-note 1
Skill-ID: 773C
Variation-role 1Variation-tag 1Single
Fügt Status hinzu.
Important Notes:
  • Variation-note 1
roletag Single
ID: 7749
Important Notes:
  • note
Dust Bluster
Dust Bluster
roletag AoE
ID: 7744
Important Notes:
  • note
Carpet Beater
Carpet Beater
roletag Single
ID: 772B
Important Notes:
  • note
Total Wash
Total Wash
roletag AoE
ID: 772C
Important Notes:
  • note
Eastern Ewers
Eastern Ewers
roletag Single
ID: 7747
Important Notes:
  • note
Vulnerability Up
Vulnerability Up
Status-ID: 6FD
Damage taken is increased.
Folgende Zeiten wurden für diesen Debuff gefunden (kann Rundungsfehler enthalten):
59 sek-60 sek
Important Notes:
  • note
Chilling Suds
Chilling Suds
Status-ID: CE2
Awash in ice-aspected soap suds.
Folgende Zeiten wurden für diesen Debuff gefunden (kann Rundungsfehler enthalten):
9999 sek
Important Notes:
  • note
Bracing Suds
Bracing Suds
Status-ID: CE1
Awash in wind-aspected soap suds.
Folgende Zeiten wurden für diesen Debuff gefunden (kann Rundungsfehler enthalten):
9999 sek
Important Notes:
  • note

Gladiator Of Sil'Dih

Gladiator Of Sil'Dih
"Slaughter...the foe..." - (34168)"Haaargh... Haaaaaargh!" - (34162)"Gather...the host..." - (34167)"Slay...the intruder..." - (34164)

Allgemeine Hinweise

  • Die folgenden Angriffe haben sind entweder unbekannt oder haben keine klare Herkunft

Hinweise zu den Mechaniken

  • sequence-mechanic-note-01


  • sequence-attack-01
ID: 7639
ID: 77BF
TankAuto-Angriff Single
ID: 1961
Sculptor's Passion
Sculptor's Passion
roletag AoE
ID: 764A
Fügt Status hinzu.
Important Notes:
  • note
Flash Of Steel
Flash Of Steel
Important Notes:
  • Variation-note BIG
Skill-ID: 764C
Variation-role 1Variation-tag 1AoE
Important Notes:
  • Variation-note 1
Skill-ID: 764F
Variation-role 1Variation-tag 1AoE
Important Notes:
  • Variation-note 1
Skill-ID: 7656
Variation-role 1Variation-tag 1AoE
Important Notes:
  • Variation-note 1
Wrath Of Ruin
Wrath Of Ruin
roletag Single
ID: 7645
Important Notes:
  • note
Hateful Visage
Hateful Visage
roletag Single
ID: 7651
Important Notes:
  • note
Biting Wind
Biting Wind
roletag Single
ID: 79F6
Important Notes:
  • note
Mighty Smite
Mighty Smite
roletag Single
ID: 7657
Important Notes:
  • note
Rush Of Might
Rush Of Might
Important Notes:
  • Variation-note BIG
Skill-ID: 763A
Variation-role 1Variation-tag 1AoE
Important Notes:
  • Variation-note 1
Skill-ID: 763B
Variation-role 1Variation-tag 1AoE
Important Notes:
  • Variation-note 1
Skill-ID: 763C
Variation-role 1Variation-tag 1AoE
Important Notes:
  • Variation-note 1
Skill-ID: 763D
Variation-role 1Variation-tag 1AoE
Fügt Status hinzu.
Important Notes:
  • Variation-note 1
Skill-ID: 763E
Variation-role 1Variation-tag 1Single
Fügt Status hinzu.
Important Notes:
  • Variation-note 1
Skill-ID: 763F
Variation-role 1Variation-tag 1Single
Fügt Status hinzu.
Important Notes:
  • Variation-note 1
Skill-ID: 7640
Variation-role 1Variation-tag 1Single
Fügt Status hinzu.
Important Notes:
  • Variation-note 1
Skill-ID: 7641
Variation-role 1Variation-tag 1Single
Important Notes:
  • Variation-note 1
Skill-ID: 7642
Variation-role 1Variation-tag 1Single
Important Notes:
  • Variation-note 1
Skill-ID: 7643
Variation-role 1Variation-tag 1AoE
Fügt Status hinzu.
Important Notes:
  • Variation-note 1
Skill-ID: 7644
Variation-role 1Variation-tag 1Single
Important Notes:
  • Variation-note 1
Shattering Steel
Shattering Steel
roletag AoE
ID: 764B
Important Notes:
  • note
Biting Wind
Biting Wind
Fügt Status hinzu.
Important Notes:
  • Variation-note BIG
Skill-ID: 764D
Variation-role 1Variation-tag 1Single
Important Notes:
  • Variation-note 1
Skill-ID: 764E
Variation-role 1Variation-tag 1Single
Fügt Status hinzu.
Important Notes:
  • Variation-note 1
Sundered Remains
Sundered Remains
Fügt Status hinzu.
Important Notes:
  • Variation-note BIG
Skill-ID: 7648
Variation-role 1Variation-tag 1Single
Important Notes:
  • Variation-note 1
Skill-ID: 7649
Variation-role 1Variation-tag 1Single
Fügt Status hinzu.
Important Notes:
  • Variation-note 1
Vulnerability Up
Vulnerability Up
Status-ID: 6FD
Damage taken is increased.
Folgende Zeiten wurden für diesen Debuff gefunden (kann Rundungsfehler enthalten):
59 sek-60 sek
Important Notes:
  • note
Status-ID: CBE
Cast into the air.
Folgende Zeiten wurden für diesen Debuff gefunden (kann Rundungsfehler enthalten):
5 sek
Important Notes:
  • note

Shadowcaster Zeless Gah

Shadowcaster Zeless Gah
"The flame will have its fuel!" - (34014)"Trespassers perish!" - (34011)"And still you shamble on! How hot must the fires burn to undo your foul animation!?" - (34015)"Rest eternal in my shadow!" - (34012)"I am vigilance unceasing... A final death unto the zombie horde!" - (34006)"Confuse, bemuse, and confound!" - (34010)"Winds carry you to fiery doom!" - (34013)"My wards will incinerate your undead flesh!" - (34008)
"Begone!" - (13735)"Begone!" - (7815)"Begone with you!" - (3466)

Allgemeine Hinweise

  • Die folgenden Angriffe haben sind entweder unbekannt oder haben keine klare Herkunft

Hinweise zu den Mechaniken

  • sequence-mechanic-note-01


  • sequence-attack-01
ID: 7495
ID: 7497
ID: 74A8
ID: 74BE
ID: 74C2
TankAuto-Angriff Single
ID: 1963
Firesteel Fracture
Firesteel Fracture
roletag Single
ID: 74AC
Important Notes:
  • note
Infern Ward
Infern Ward
roletag Single
ID: 7496
Important Notes:
  • note
Infern Well
Infern Well
Important Notes:
  • Variation-note BIG
Skill-ID: 74A7
Variation-role 1Variation-tag 1Single
Important Notes:
  • Variation-note 1
Skill-ID: 74AA
Variation-role 1Variation-tag 1Single
Important Notes:
  • Variation-note 1
Infern Gale
Infern Gale
Important Notes:
  • Variation-note BIG
Skill-ID: 74A2
Variation-role 1Variation-tag 1Single
Important Notes:
  • Variation-note 1
Skill-ID: 74A3
Variation-role 1Variation-tag 1Single
Important Notes:
  • Variation-note 1
Infern Brand
Infern Brand
roletag Single
ID: 7491
Important Notes:
  • note
Show Of Strength
Show Of Strength
roletag AoE
ID: 74AE
Important Notes:
  • note
Cryptic Portal
Cryptic Portal
Important Notes:
  • Variation-note BIG
Skill-ID: 7492
Variation-role 1Variation-tag 1Single
Important Notes:
  • Variation-note 1
Skill-ID: 7493
Variation-role 1Variation-tag 1Single
Important Notes:
  • Variation-note 1
Pure Fire
Pure Fire
Fügt Status hinzu.
Important Notes:
  • Variation-note BIG
Skill-ID: 749F
Variation-role 1Variation-tag 1AoE
Important Notes:
  • Variation-note 1
Skill-ID: 74A0
Variation-role 1Variation-tag 1AoE
Fügt Status hinzu.
Important Notes:
  • Variation-note 1
Cast Shadow
Cast Shadow
Fügt Status hinzu.
Important Notes:
  • Variation-note BIG
Skill-ID: 749A
Variation-role 1Variation-tag 1Single
Important Notes:
  • Variation-note 1
Skill-ID: 749B
Variation-role 1Variation-tag 1Single
Fügt Status hinzu.
Important Notes:
  • Variation-note 1
Skill-ID: 749D
Variation-role 1Variation-tag 1Single
Fügt Status hinzu.
Important Notes:
  • Variation-note 1
Trespasser's Pyre
Trespasser's Pyre
roletag Single
ID: 7498
Important Notes:
  • note
Vulnerability Up
Vulnerability Up
Status-ID: 6FD
Damage taken is increased.
Folgende Zeiten wurden für diesen Debuff gefunden (kann Rundungsfehler enthalten):
59 sek-60 sek
Important Notes:
  • note

Thorne Knight

Thorne Knight
"ThE iMpOsSiBlE cHoIcE... wIlL yOu TaStE sTeEl, Or WiThEr In FlAmE?" - (34003)"DrAw YoUr WeApOn Of ChOiCe, AnD fAcE mE fAiR aNd SqUaRe!" - (34000)"ThE dEvIoUs SwItCh... A cLeVeR wArRiOr FoOlS tHe FoE!" - (34004)

Allgemeine Hinweise

  • Die folgenden Angriffe haben sind entweder unbekannt oder haben keine klare Herkunft

Hinweise zu den Mechaniken

  • sequence-mechanic-note-01


  • sequence-attack-01
ID: 70FE
ID: 70FF
TankAuto-Angriff Single
ID: 1961
Important Notes:
  • Variation-note BIG
Skill-ID: 70EF
Variation-role 1Variation-tag 1Single
Important Notes:
  • Variation-note 1
Skill-ID: 70F0
Variation-role 1Variation-tag 1Single
Important Notes:
  • Variation-note 1
Skill-ID: 70F1
Variation-role 1Variation-tag 1Single
Important Notes:
  • Variation-note 1
Skill-ID: 7102
Variation-role 1Variation-tag 1Single
Important Notes:
  • Variation-note 1
roletag AoE
ID: 70EB
Important Notes:
  • note
Blazing Beacon
Blazing Beacon
Fügt Status hinzu.
Important Notes:
  • Variation-note BIG
Skill-ID: 70F9
Variation-role 1Variation-tag 1AoE
Important Notes:
  • Variation-note 1
Skill-ID: 7100
Variation-role 1Variation-tag 1AoE
Fügt Status hinzu.
Important Notes:
  • Variation-note 1
Blaze Of Glory
Blaze Of Glory
roletag Single
ID: 70F4
Important Notes:
  • note
Sacred Flay
Sacred Flay
Fügt Status hinzu.
Important Notes:
  • Variation-note BIG
Skill-ID: 70FA
Variation-role 1Variation-tag 1Single
Important Notes:
  • Variation-note 1
Skill-ID: 7101
Variation-role 1Variation-tag 1Single
Fügt Status hinzu.
Important Notes:
  • Variation-note 1
Blistering Blow
Blistering Blow
roletag Single
ID: 70EA
Important Notes:
  • note
Signal Flare
Signal Flare
Fügt Status hinzu.
Important Notes:
  • Variation-note BIG
Skill-ID: 70F5
Variation-role 1Variation-tag 1Single
Important Notes:
  • Variation-note 1
Skill-ID: 70FB
Variation-role 1Variation-tag 1Single
Fügt Status hinzu.
Important Notes:
  • Variation-note 1
Fore Honor
Fore Honor
roletag Single
ID: 70EC
Fügt Status hinzu.
Important Notes:
  • note
Spring To Life
Spring To Life
Important Notes:
  • Variation-note BIG
Skill-ID: 70ED
Variation-role 1Variation-tag 1Single
Important Notes:
  • Variation-note 1
Skill-ID: 70EE
Variation-role 1Variation-tag 1Single
Important Notes:
  • Variation-note 1
Vulnerability Up
Vulnerability Up
Status-ID: 6FD
Damage taken is increased.
Folgende Zeiten wurden für diesen Debuff gefunden (kann Rundungsfehler enthalten):
60 sek
Important Notes:
  • note

Unknown Source

Unknown Source
"ThE iMpOsSiBlE cHoIcE... wIlL yOu TaStE sTeEl, Or WiThEr In FlAmE?" - (34003)"DrAw YoUr WeApOn Of ChOiCe, AnD fAcE mE fAiR aNd SqUaRe!" - (34000)"ThE dEvIoUs SwItCh... A cLeVeR wArRiOr FoOlS tHe FoE!" - (34004)
Poison Breath
Poison Breath
roletag Single
Status-ID: A60
Unable to execute actions.
Folgende Zeiten wurden für diesen Debuff gefunden (kann Rundungsfehler enthalten):
3 sek
Status-ID: C05
Sustaining damage over time.
Folgende Zeiten wurden für diesen Debuff gefunden (kann Rundungsfehler enthalten):
9999 sek
Status-ID: C06
Sustaining damage over time.
Folgende Zeiten wurden für diesen Debuff gefunden (kann Rundungsfehler enthalten):
15 sek
Status-ID: C09
Toxins are causing damage over time.
Folgende Zeiten wurden für diesen Debuff gefunden (kann Rundungsfehler enthalten):
9999 sek
Status-ID: C0A
Toxins are causing damage over time.
Folgende Zeiten wurden für diesen Debuff gefunden (kann Rundungsfehler enthalten):
15 sek
Chilling Suds
Chilling Suds
Status-ID: CEA
Awash in ice-aspected soap suds.
Folgende Zeiten wurden für diesen Debuff gefunden (kann Rundungsfehler enthalten):
9999 sek
Status-ID: B84
Sustaining earth damage over time.
Folgende Zeiten wurden für diesen Debuff gefunden (kann Rundungsfehler enthalten):
15 sek
Forbidden Passage
Forbidden Passage
Status-ID: CCE
Cannot travel via portal.
Folgende Zeiten wurden für diesen Debuff gefunden (kann Rundungsfehler enthalten):
3 sek
Status-ID: 827
Sustaining water damage over time.
Folgende Zeiten wurden für diesen Debuff gefunden (kann Rundungsfehler enthalten):
15 sek
Status-ID: B69
Sustaining water damage over time.
Folgende Zeiten wurden für diesen Debuff gefunden (kann Rundungsfehler enthalten):
9999 sek
Gewölbesuche Adds

Amalj'Aa Artillery Carriage

Amalj'Aa Artillery Carriage
Amalj'Aa Artillery
Amalj'Aa Artillery
roletag Single
ID: 70F8
Fügt Status hinzu.
Vulnerability Up
Vulnerability Up
Status-ID: 6FD
Damage taken is increased.
Folgende Zeiten wurden für diesen Debuff gefunden (kann Rundungsfehler enthalten):
60 sek
Important Notes:
  • note

Aqueduct Adamantoise

Aqueduct Adamantoise
TankAuto-Angriff Single
ID: 1963
Tortoise Stomp
Tortoise Stomp
roletag Single
ID: 77C7

Aqueduct Ameretat

Aqueduct Ameretat
TankAuto-Angriff Single
ID: 1963
Bad Breath
Bad Breath
roletag Single
ID: 77CF
Fügt Status hinzu.
Status-ID: 0F
Encroaching darkness is lowering accuracy.
Folgende Zeiten wurden für diesen Debuff gefunden (kann Rundungsfehler enthalten):
30 sek
Important Notes:
  • note
Status-ID: 09
Weaponskill cast time and recast time, spell cast time and recast time, and auto-attack delay are increased.
Folgende Zeiten wurden für diesen Debuff gefunden (kann Rundungsfehler enthalten):
20 sek
Important Notes:
  • note
Status-ID: 0E
Movement speed is reduced.
Folgende Zeiten wurden für diesen Debuff gefunden (kann Rundungsfehler enthalten):
20 sek
Important Notes:
  • note
Status-ID: 12
Toxins are causing damage over time.
Status-ID: 954
Feeling as if you might vomit at any moment. Damage dealt and maximum HP are decreased.
Folgende Zeiten wurden für diesen Debuff gefunden (kann Rundungsfehler enthalten):
20 sek
Important Notes:
  • note
Status-ID: 11
Deadened nerves are sometimes preventing the execution of actions.
Status-ID: 07
A stifling magic is preventing casts.

Aqueduct Elbst

Aqueduct Elbst
Aqua Roar
Aqua Roar
roletag AoE
ID: 77DC
TankAuto-Angriff Single
ID: 1961

Aqueduct Bat

Aqueduct Bat
TankAuto-Angriff Single
ID: 1963

Aqueduct Snurble

Aqueduct Snurble
TankAuto-Angriff Single
ID: 368

Aqueduct Fluturini

Aqueduct Fluturini
TankAuto-Angriff Single
ID: 1963

Aqueduct Focalor

Aqueduct Focalor
TankAuto-Angriff Single
ID: 1963

Aqueduct Gelatin

Aqueduct Gelatin
TankAuto-Angriff Single
ID: 1963

Aqueduct Genomos

Aqueduct Genomos
TankAuto-Angriff Single
ID: 1963
roletag AoE
ID: 77C4

Aqueduct Golem

Aqueduct Golem
TankAuto-Angriff Single
ID: 1963
roletag Single
ID: 7A34

Aqueduct Goobbue

Aqueduct Goobbue
TankAuto-Angriff Single
ID: 1961
roletag Single
ID: 77C5
Heavy Toss
Heavy Toss
roletag Single
ID: 77C6

Aqueduct Hecteyes

Aqueduct Hecteyes
TankAuto-Angriff Single
ID: 1963

Aqueduct Gigantoad

Aqueduct Gigantoad
TankAuto-Angriff Single
ID: 1963
Labored Leap
Labored Leap
roletag Single
ID: 77CE
Sticky Tongue
Sticky Tongue
roletag Single
ID: 77CD

Aqueduct Leafkin

Aqueduct Leafkin
TankAuto-Angriff Single
ID: 1963

Aqueduct Leshy

Aqueduct Leshy
TankAuto-Angriff Single
ID: 1963
Creeping Ivy
Creeping Ivy
roletag Single
ID: 77C8

Aqueduct Eft

Aqueduct Eft
TankAuto-Angriff Single
ID: 1963
Bog Bomb
Bog Bomb
roletag AoE
ID: 77C3

Aqueduct Mossling

Aqueduct Mossling
TankAuto-Angriff Single
ID: 1963

Aqueduct Odqan

Aqueduct Odqan
TankAuto-Angriff Single
ID: 1963
Gelid Gale
Gelid Gale
roletag AoE
ID: 77C9

Aqueduct Pudding

Aqueduct Pudding
TankAuto-Angriff Single
ID: 1963

Aqueduct Sarcosuchus

Aqueduct Sarcosuchus
TankAuto-Angriff Single
ID: 1961
Critical Bite
Critical Bite
roletag Single
ID: 77DB

Aqueduct Slug

Aqueduct Slug
TankAuto-Angriff Single
ID: 1963

Aqueduct Goosefish

Aqueduct Goosefish
TankAuto-Angriff Single
ID: 1961

Aqueduct Uragnite

Aqueduct Uragnite
TankAuto-Angriff Single
ID: 1963
roletag Single
ID: 77C2

Aqueduct Wamoura

Aqueduct Wamoura
TankAuto-Angriff Single
ID: 1963
Poison Dust
Poison Dust
roletag Single
ID: 77CC

Arcane Font

Arcane Font
Blazing Benifice
Blazing Benifice
roletag AoE
ID: 74A5
Fügt Status hinzu.
Vulnerability Up
Vulnerability Up
Status-ID: 6FD
Damage taken is increased.
Folgende Zeiten wurden für diesen Debuff gefunden (kann Rundungsfehler enthalten):
60 sek
Important Notes:
  • note

Ball Of Fire

Ball Of Fire
roletag AoE
ID: 70FD
Fügt Status hinzu.
roletag Single
ID: 748F
Fügt Status hinzu.
Vulnerability Up
Vulnerability Up
Status-ID: 6FD
Damage taken is increased.
Folgende Zeiten wurden für diesen Debuff gefunden (kann Rundungsfehler enthalten):
60 sek
Important Notes:
  • note

Hateful Visage

Hateful Visage
Golden Flame
Golden Flame
roletag Single
ID: 7652
Silver Flame
Silver Flame
Fügt Status hinzu.
Skill-ID: 7653
Variation-role 1Variation-tag 1Single
Skill-ID: 7654
Variation-role 1Variation-tag 1Single
Fügt Status hinzu.
Skill-ID: 7655
Variation-role 1Variation-tag 1AoE
Fügt Status hinzu.
Vulnerability Up
Vulnerability Up
Status-ID: 6FD
Damage taken is increased.
Folgende Zeiten wurden für diesen Debuff gefunden (kann Rundungsfehler enthalten):
59 sek-60 sek
Important Notes:
  • note

Infern Brand

Infern Brand
ID: 7495
ID: 7497
ID: 74A8
ID: 74C2
Infern Well
Infern Well
roletag AoE
ID: 74AA
Fügt Status hinzu.
Infern Gale
Infern Gale
roletag Single
ID: 74A3
Cast Shadow
Cast Shadow
Skill-ID: 749B
Variation-role 1Variation-tag 1Single
Skill-ID: 749D
Variation-role 1Variation-tag 1Single
Trespasser's Pyre
Trespasser's Pyre
roletag Single
ID: 7498
Fügt Status hinzu.
Vulnerability Up
Vulnerability Up
Status-ID: 6FD
Damage taken is increased.
Folgende Zeiten wurden für diesen Debuff gefunden (kann Rundungsfehler enthalten):
59 sek-60 sek
Important Notes:
  • note

Antique Boulder

Antique Boulder
roletag AoE
ID: 7650

Magicked Puppet

Magicked Puppet
ID: 7126
ID: 7127
Magic Cannon
Magic Cannon
roletag Single
ID: 70F7
Fügt Status hinzu.
Vulnerability Up
Vulnerability Up
Status-ID: 6FD
Damage taken is increased.
Folgende Zeiten wurden für diesen Debuff gefunden (kann Rundungsfehler enthalten):
60 sek
Important Notes:
  • note

Nanamo Ul Namo

Nanamo Ul Namo
"'Tis so stately and subdued in here... I am reminded of Erralig's Burial Chamber." - (34061)"Is that a hecatoncheir!? And what are those in the walls? Windmills?" - (34176)"The silkie's aether... It had the exact same feel as Mother's." - (34231)"Thinking on it now, all these defenses were likely put in place to ensure an escape route for the royal family." - (34088)"If only that powder had never been concocted... Heavy do I feel the burden of my ancestors' sins this day." - (34048)"Who would have abandoned their cleaning gear in here?" - (34213)"To think that such a cavernous hollow yawns directly beneath Ul'dah!" - (34026)" Whilst I should like to linger still, I fear Papashan will soon note my absence. Let us be away." - (34253)"Disembodied voices, dimly lit staircases... It has the feel of a haunted crypt." - (34036)"Oh! This was no simple pattern on the floor! It was a teleportation portal!" - (34210)"Could this camp be from the time of the zombie purge? Was Father hoping I would see this one day...?" - (34030)"Its arms! They switched sides! What a dirty trick..." - (34005)"If you can best a hecatoncheir so handily, then it certainly bodes well for the remainder of our expedition!" - (34025)"Ah...I've seen such contrivances before. We must balance the scales ere we can proceed." - (34079)"A storage room for ceremonial objects suggests a ceremonial chamber is nearby..." - (34127)"Finding this place must have been the reason Father gave me the key. One reason, at least." - (34252)"If this message is for me, then why leave it here!? My parents had such faith that I would find it..." - (34137)"This book appears to be a catalog of some kind. Oh! These items are all proof of the past alliance!" - (34135)"Of course, this is the Sil'dihn royal palace! Look at this banner by the door here..." - (34077)"Some manner of rodent? Surely even I can best a couple of mice..." - (34148)"You see that bubble around its puff? That must be how it channels its cleaning magicks!" - (34159)"All those puffs in a row... You had best keep on your toes!" - (34264)"Who is speaking!? Well, I've not come this far to let a door turn me away. Break it down!" - (34034)"They told me of a private place to which they would slip away; a haven from the bustle of palace life." - (34249)"Nald preserve me from creepers and crawlers. Pray clear the path, ." - (34017)"I would not have believed anyone could topple that silver-skinned brute had I not seen it with mine own eyes!" - (34120)"A hecatoncheir!? Why would it make its lair in this muddy pit?" - (34170)"The royal treasury! A puzzle solved leading to riches untold... Just like in the stories!" - (34106)"Ugh, the reek of sewage is overpowering! Does this hecatoncheir have no sense of smell!?" - (34173)"Bother. My key was not made to open this gate. ...Hm? It says here, “Two eyes are needed to see.”" - (34208)"I would not have believed anyone could topple that silver-skinned brute had I not seen it with mine own eyes!" - (34112)"I specifically requested no rocking, bouncing, or jouncing! Gods above, I was almost pitched over the side..." - (34072)"Aha! That seemed to do the trick...though the riddle itself yet confounds me. A puzzle for another day." - (34242)"The barrier fades! 'Twould seem your prayers were answered." - (34110)"Of course, this is the Sil'dihn royal palace! Look at this banner by the door here..." - (34104)"A tragic end to a valiant warrior. He at least seemed unaware of his...affliction." - (34038)"What have we here...?" - (34232)"Judging by the sentinels we've encountered, 'tis clear Sil'dih's military was a force to be reckoned with." - (34096)"And assuming that giant mouse─the silkie─was hers, then I imagine it was here to protect their special spot." - (34251)"Watch your footing! 'Tis coming up through the floor!" - (34175)"The size of your opponent matters not, it seems! A reassuring thought as we delve further into the unknown!" - (34102)"My, what a beautiful garden! See how the sunlight falls upon the flowers just so." - (34256)"You've triggered some spell of opening! I wonder why they chose to conceal this passage..." - (34058)"'Tis doubtful some thief had a sudden fit of decorating...but we shall leave it for now. Other mysteries abound." - (34228)"Talk of jugs behind barred doors reminded me of the legend, is all. Shall we continue on?" - (34229)"Ware the deluge of water! You will be washed away for sure!" - (34263)"Drakes! Just like the ones the Amalj'aa tame! Is it me, or are some of these creatures awfully large...?" - (34057)"I am put in mind of mine own chambers, secret passageways and all. I wonder..." - (34076)"Oh, I see! This must be where they stored their ritual materials." - (34059)"We've uncovered much and more─plenty enough to occupy my thoughts for the time being. You have my thanks!" - (34068)"All this greenery makes for a nice change. And look: have you ever seen fruits like these!?" - (34241)"Ugh! Pfbt! Pfbt! Thome of id fell in by bouth... Is adventuring always this disgusting!?" - (34021)"'Twould seem you discovered the custodian's closet..." - (34215)"'Tis said that it could scoop up any amount of water at once, and was locked away after it drained an entire oasis." - (34217)"Such a beautiful garden! Not the sort of place one expects to find at the end of a grimy tunnel." - (34221)"That culvert at the back is positively clogged. Would more water flush out the mud, I wonder?" - (34151)"Have you heard the Ul'dahn folktale of the magicked ewer?" - (34216)"The decay is especially bad in this section. I fear the fungal growth is all which keeps it from collapsing." - (34023)"What do they feed on down here? Each other? And why must it smell so positively putrid?" - (34018)"Heavens forfend... Am I to trust in this wind to carry me over!?" - (34084)"Is he playing games...? Mind the barrel tops─there must be a reason for those markings." - (34179)"Though we worship different gods, I shall offer up a prayer for his peaceful repose all the same." - (34040)"Even empty of pests, this place is a dank, mold-ridden nightmare. How long has it lain untended?" - (34020)"Oh, that redirected the water flow! 'Tis the first I've seen such a mechanism at work!" - (34152)"That final burst of aether confirmed my suspicions: 'twas definitely Mother who created the silkie." - (34219)"My, what a picturesque scene! See how the sunlight falls upon the flowers just so." - (34247)"What is that noise? Something coming down the drainage pipes?" - (34172)"But look at these scattered coins... Has a burglar broken in before us, perchance?" - (34107)"Watch out! They had more boulders up there!" - (34166)"Where do you suppose that water went to...?" - (34153)"Nay, this rot cannot be allowed to continue. The tunnels need reinforcement, not to mention a thorough cleaning..." - (34051)"Oh, it opened! I worried it may have rusted shut." - (34101)"How undignified! I shall be seeking out an alternate route for the return trip!" - (34085)"I would not have believed anyone could topple that silver-skinned brute had I not seen it with mine own eyes!" - (34095)"You are performing the funerary rites? Then I should light the incense, and say a prayer for the fallen." - (34130)"I imagine her coming here with Father, to simply sit and enjoy the tranquility. " - (34258)" Whilst I should like to linger still, I fear Papashan will soon note my absence. Let us be away." - (34238)"This must have been their quiet little retreat; the familiar put in place to protect it." - (34224)"And in mere moments, the way is clear! Hardly an inconvenience for our mighty champion." - (34070)"Zombie horde? Could this warrior have endured since the Thorne Dynasty...? But that was centuries ago!" - (34007)"I should have liked to come here with them, but 'tis comforting to feel the echo of their presence, nonetheless." - (34225)"A tragic end to a valiant warrior. He at least seemed unaware of his...affliction." - (34046)"Oh, we've picked the same gate! That settles that, then!" - (34143)"And what is this wedged in its pages...? “May the reader of this letter be our darling Nanamo.”" - (34136)"Aha! That lit up the teleporter! Come along─nothing ventured, nothing gained." - (34105)"These are precious relics, every one. Think you they might be blessed or enchanted in some fashion?" - (34060)"The size of your opponent matters not, it seems! A reassuring thought as we delve further into the unknown!" - (34075)"Two eyes... Some manner of riddle, do you suppose?" - (34209)"Did you know that Ul'dahn and Amalj'aa once fought side by side? 'Tis not common knowledge." - (34031)"That gate looks awfully heavy. Let us try the handle, and hope these gears and chains do most of the lifting." - (34073)"Mother must have wanted to protect this place. Why else set the silkie to guard it?" - (34257)"Let's see where it leads, shall we?" - (34211)"This rug, too, seems a relatively recent addition. See how the stone beneath it is cracked and worn?" - (34227)"There are no other exits that I can spy... I suspect this chamber was a dead end for cornering thieves." - (34121)"Yes, most definitely Amalj'aa construction. Fortifications built for war, rather than habitation, I would say." - (34029)"Gah! Not mice, not mice, definitely not mice!" - (34149)"Who built this oversized mammet!? And why, oh why does it have those Amalj'aa limbs!?" - (34001)"'Tis so stately and subdued in here... I am reminded of Erralig's Burial Chamber." - (34044)"What cruel irony that a hero of the zombie purge would become the very thing he sought to vanquish." - (34064)"Mother always called it their “secret garden.”" - (34250)"He seems awfully...wrathful." - (34163)"Nay...'tis the vault itself they wished for me to discover. And these priceless truths preserved within." - (34138)"Have a care! Those gusts will blow you clear into the air!" - (34165)"Is that a hecatoncheir!? And those rollers... Some form of conveyance?" - (34177)"The silkie's aether... It had the exact same feel as Mother's." - (34246)"Impressive! A lifetime of adventure teaches one more than just battlecraft, I see." - (34043)"Ah, that breeze feels wonderful after the stuffy closeness of the tunnels." - (34207)"Interesting. The lift appears of Ul'dahn design, albeit an old one, but everything else screams “Amalj'aa.”" - (34055)"Yes, most definitely Amalj'aa construction. Fortifications built for war, rather than habitation, I would say." - (34056)"I should rather not traverse a fungal bridge, but I suppose if we hurry across..." - (34022)"That gap is rather wide... Barring some unlikely acrobatics on my part, I am afraid we are at an impasse." - (34082)"And yet so abhorrent was the zombie curse, even a hero of his obvious stature was sealed behind an iron door." - (34047)"The door is open, but not so the way. Mayhap salvation lies with Nald or Thal...?" - (34109)"Strange to think these giant pipes lie unseen, just yalms beneath the streets of Ul'dah..." - (34150)"The puffs are lathered with soap now... I fear they mean business!" - (34266)"Gah! You see!? Even the water is some ghastly shade of...wait. Is that ceruleum?" - (34024)"Golems! And blocking the path we mean to take, no less." - (34212)"We've wandered into some antique dining hall. A rich setting, indeed; one might even say “palatial.”" - (34103)"Barely a test of your mettle, I see. Well done!" - (34147)"Interesting. The lift appears of Ul'dahn design, albeit an old one, but everything else screams “Amalj'aa.”" - (34028)"How is this fair!? It has an entire bank of artillery at its command!" - (34002)"Impressive! 'Tis akin to having my own personal battering ram!" - (34035)"Oho! 'Twould seem your prayers were answered." - (34118)"Why would a hecatoncheir be down here!? It seems disinclined to let us pass peacefully..." - (34171)"Oh, but what of these levers? Their position seems highly suggestive of their relation to yon yawning pit." - (34083)"These things belonged to Mother and Father!" - (34223)"Ul'dahn and Amalj'aa banners, hanging side by side... What have we stumbled into this time?" - (34134)"My heart weeps that we must fell such a fierce ally of Ul'dah..." - (34016)"...And why do I feel I've seen these particular brushes before?" - (34214)"I wonder, could this be the sanctuary of which my parents spoke?" - (34248)"Simply a matter of selecting the correct weights! Surely you recognize one or two of these symbols, yes?" - (34080)"Raising one of these lifts should provide us passage across. Assuming, of course, that the winch yet functions..." - (34027)"These waterways are in dire need of maintenance. I must arrange something with the palace custodians." - (34155)"A tragic end to a valiant warrior. He at least seemed unaware of his...affliction." - (34063)"That bluish film atop the water is ceruleum! But that hardly explains the hecatoncheir in the room..." - (34174)"Hm, why that one...? Very well. The adventurer knows best!" - (34144)"I would not have believed anyone could topple that silver-skinned brute had I not seen it with mine own eyes!" - (34087)"Three more gates...? 'Twould seem we have a choice to make." - (34141)"That jug... 'Tis not possible!" - (34262)"These creatures look distinctly unfriendly. If you would be so kind...?" - (34146)"We've uncovered much and more─plenty enough to occupy my thoughts for the time being. You have my thanks!" - (34042)"That grape-embossed helm... 'Tis the mark of a Sil'dihn-forged gladiator!" - (34161)" Whilst I should like to linger still, I fear Papashan will soon note my absence. Let us be away." - (34260)"Oh, it opened! I worried it may have rusted shut." - (34074)"Come, let us return to Ul'dah, where I can thank you properly for your most invaluable escort!" - (34139)"A dreadful sentry and a dead end chamber... I suspect this was a trap for overly ambitious thieves." - (34113)"Ah... An Amalj'aa coffin, if I am not mistaken." - (34128)"And this tableware..." - (34222)"Still, I must wonder how long this fallen hero slumbered here in cursed undeath. Trapped alone in this forgotten tomb..." - (34039)"Such a beautiful garden! Not the sort of place one expects to find at the end of a grimy tunnel." - (34233)"Surely you do not expect me to cross that rickety thing! Slowly, then...and no rocking the bridge!" - (34071)"We've uncovered much and more─plenty enough to occupy my thoughts for the time being. You have my thanks!" - (34050)" Whilst I should like to linger still, I fear Papashan will soon note my absence. Let us be away." - (34226)"A door of solid iron─and no sign my key will open it. Do you see any handy levers or the like...?" - (34032)"Gracious! Would they haul the boulder up the ramp every time...? Still, I must say it makes for a stable bridge!" - (34093)"The silkie's aether... It had the exact same feel as Mother's." - (34255)"Another secret passage!? This place certainly is full of surprises." - (34131)"Such fluffy, puffy flowers..." - (34244)"Strange. Its aether feels awfully, well, familiar, if you would pardon the pun." - (34158)"What have we here...?" - (34220)"And victory is yours! I am blessed to keep company with such a formidable ally." - (34204)"And victory is yours! I am blessed to keep company with such a formidable ally." - (34239)
"Ah, so there are guards..." - (14201)"We must be deep in the heart of the aqueducts..." - (14183)"S-Steady now..." - (14177)"Now to see what it was guarding..." - (14207)"Wraiths and revenants, oh my!" - (14174)"They'll not let us pass without a fight..." - (14220)"Still more? Every ilm of this place is infested!" - (14228)"We must be deep in the heart of the aqueducts..." - (14195)"Not that way. The debris is impassable." - (14196)"The sentinels still guard their post..." - (14186)"This has the look of a stage or arena..." - (14205)"Not that way. The debris is impassable." - (14184)"The path leads on..." - (14216)"Waaah!" - (14179)"Let us take a peek, shall we?" - (14206)"Snakes!? Why must it be snakes...?" - (14197)"Is there no end to this foul menagerie!?" - (14166)"Is this...a tomb?" - (14171)"Our respite was short-lived, I see." - (14224)"Onward we go!" - (14210)"We can walk through this pipe, I think." - (14211)"For coin and countr─eeeeee!" - (14191)"A challenge around every corner!" - (14217)"Quite an expansive abode. Shall we try upstairs?" - (14199)"'Tis all in such a sorry state of disrepair." - (14168)"Whatever shall we find next?" - (14204)"The path leads on..." - (14223)"I find myself drawn to this one..." - (14209)"“Two eyes.” Is it...metaphorical?" - (14218)"Where have we come to...?" - (14219)"Have we reached a dead end?" - (14176)"Well, right or wrong, the door lies open!" - (14198)"Best give that a wide berth..." - (14167)"Remarkable. 'Tis still in pristine condition..." - (14187)"Who knows what we shall find!" - (14175)"More pests to deal with!" - (14180)"This has the look of a stage or arena..." - (14203)"Do not bounce or jounce!" - (14178)"The fruit must have drawn them here..." - (14225)"Is this a lair or a holding pen?" - (14173)"Whatever shall we find next?" - (14202)"After you. I've an aversion to needles." - (14170)"What did I do!? Did we trip the defenses!?" - (14185)"What a stench... I shall have to burn these clothes." - (14163)"Aaah! W-Was that not the right answer!?" - (14188)"Courage, Nanamo! Quick steps!" - (14181)"Gods. My poor heart." - (14212)"Careful! That big one looks nasty!" - (14164)"Let the expedition begin!" - (14162)

Powder Keg

Powder Keg
ID: 74D3
ID: 7A1C
Fügt Status hinzu.
Skill-ID: 74D4
Variation-role 1Variation-tag 1Single
Fügt Status hinzu.
Skill-ID: 74D5
Variation-role 1Variation-tag 1Single
Fügt Status hinzu.
Vulnerability Up
Vulnerability Up
Status-ID: 6FD
Damage taken is increased.
Folgende Zeiten wurden für diesen Debuff gefunden (kann Rundungsfehler enthalten):
59 sek-60 sek
Important Notes:
  • note


Rack And Ruin
Rack And Ruin
roletag AoE
ID: 7646
Fügt Status hinzu.
Vulnerability Up
Vulnerability Up
Status-ID: 6FD
Damage taken is increased.
Folgende Zeiten wurden für diesen Debuff gefunden (kann Rundungsfehler enthalten):
60 sek
Important Notes:
  • note

Cryptic Portal

Cryptic Portal

Sil'Dihn Dhruva

Sil'Dihn Dhruva
ID: 77DD
Water II
Water II
roletag Single
ID: 77DE

Sil'Dihn Dullahan

Sil'Dihn Dullahan
TankAuto-Angriff Single
ID: 1961
Blighted Gloom
Blighted Gloom
roletag Single
ID: 77E0
roletag AoE
ID: 77DF

Sil'Dihn Hollow

Sil'Dihn Hollow
TankAuto-Angriff Single
ID: 1961
Dominion Slash
Dominion Slash
roletag Single
ID: 77E2

Sil'Dihn Golem

Sil'Dihn Golem
TankAuto-Angriff Single
ID: 1963
roletag Single
ID: 77E1

Sil'Dihn Visage

Sil'Dihn Visage
TankAuto-Angriff Single
ID: 1963
Dark Fire III
Dark Fire III
roletag Single
ID: 77E3

Sil'Dihn Python

Sil'Dihn Python
TankAuto-Angriff Single
ID: 1963
roletag Single
ID: 77EF
Whip Back
Whip Back
roletag Single
ID: 77E4

Sil'Dihn Urolith

Sil'Dihn Urolith
TankAuto-Angriff Single
ID: 1963

Forgotten Spider

Forgotten Spider
TankAuto-Angriff Single
ID: 1963

Forgotten Drakebrother

Forgotten Drakebrother
TankAuto-Angriff Single
ID: 1961
Burning Cyclone
Burning Cyclone
roletag Single
ID: 77D6

Forgotten Dhara

Forgotten Dhara
TankAuto-Angriff Single
ID: 1963
Plain Pound
Plain Pound
roletag AoE
ID: 77D5

Forgotten Wraith

Forgotten Wraith
TankAuto-Angriff Single
ID: 1962
roletag AoE
ID: 77D7

Forgotten Drakeling

Forgotten Drakeling
TankAuto-Angriff Single
ID: 1961
Burning Cyclone
Burning Cyclone
roletag Single
ID: 77D6

Forgotten Cliffmole

Forgotten Cliffmole
TankAuto-Angriff Single
ID: 1963
Head Butt
Head Butt
roletag Single
ID: 77D0

Forgotten Campeador

Forgotten Campeador
TankAuto-Angriff Single
ID: 1963
Several Thousand Needles
Several Thousand Needles
roletag AoE
ID: 77D1

Forgotten Drakemother

Forgotten Drakemother
TankAuto-Angriff Single
ID: 1961
Burning Cyclone
Burning Cyclone
roletag Single
ID: 77D6

Forgotten Phoebad

Forgotten Phoebad
TankAuto-Angriff Single
ID: 1963
Boulder Toss
Boulder Toss
roletag Single
ID: 77D4
roletag Single
ID: 77D3

Forgotten Sabotender

Forgotten Sabotender
TankAuto-Angriff Single
ID: 1963
Head Butt
Head Butt
roletag AoE
ID: 77D0

Forgotten Drakesister

Forgotten Drakesister
TankAuto-Angriff Single
ID: 1961
Burning Cyclone
Burning Cyclone
roletag Single
ID: 77D6

Forgotten Drakefather

Forgotten Drakefather
TankAuto-Angriff Single
ID: 1961
Burning Cyclone
Burning Cyclone
roletag Single
ID: 77D6

Forgotten Revenant

Forgotten Revenant
TankAuto-Angriff Single
ID: 1963
Unending Woe
Unending Woe
roletag Single
ID: 77D8

Eastern Ewer

Eastern Ewer
Brim Over
Brim Over
roletag Single
ID: 7748
roletag Single
ID: 7749

Water Sprite

Water Sprite
roletag Single
ID: 77D9
Aqua Globe
Aqua Globe
roletag AoE
ID: 77DA

Silken Puff

Silken Puff
Squeaky Left
Squeaky Left
Skill-ID: 7732
Variation-role 1Variation-tag 1Single
Skill-ID: 7733
Variation-role 1Variation-tag 1Single
Skill-ID: 7734
Variation-role 1Variation-tag 1Single
Chilling Duster
Chilling Duster
roletag Single
ID: 773F
Fügt Status hinzu.
Puff And Tumble
Puff And Tumble
Skill-ID: 774A
Variation-role 1Variation-tag 1Single
Skill-ID: 774B
Variation-role 1Variation-tag 1Single
Skill-ID: 774C
Variation-role 1Variation-tag 1Single
Skill-ID: 77C0
Variation-role 1Variation-tag 1Single
Soaping Spree
Soaping Spree
roletag Single
ID: 7741
Bracing Duster
Bracing Duster
roletag Single
ID: 773C
Vulnerability Up
Vulnerability Up
Status-ID: 6FD
Damage taken is increased.
Folgende Zeiten wurden für diesen Debuff gefunden (kann Rundungsfehler enthalten):
60 sek
Important Notes:
  • note



Geryon The Steer

Geryon The Steer