Wealthy noble Teledji Adeledji has had his prized pet, a rare gil turtle, kidnapped by ruthless bandits who seek a sizable ransom for the gentle wavekin's return. Always a man of principle, Teledji Adeledji has decided that instead of caving to the bandit's demands, he will offer the ransom to anyone who can safely retrieve his pet from the clutches of evil.
After weakening the gil turtle, slay fire sprites and use their cores to light a special herb on fire. The smoke released should be powerful enough to put the creature to sleep, but only if the turtle is close enough to the flames.
Folgende Zeiten wurden für diesen Debuff gefunden (kann Rundungsfehler enthalten):
9999 sek
Amateur Raider
Amateur Raider
"Thal's bloody balls!" - (941)"Seven hells!" - (15114)"Ye can have the ruddy turtle!" - (940)"Get yer heads out of yer arses and heal me wounds!" - (939)